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Good conversation between Sasha and Matt, with Matt telling her his true life ambitions. She'll have a job talking him round to her way of thinking. Is there a future for them? Is love enough? Liked the bit about "what keps you awake at night?" "You snoring". They must do that regularly!

Sasha's like a dog with a bone, she just wont let the situation go. She just kept on having the same conversation 3 times and this is the period where she gets really annoying. She was like this when she for school captain against Tamara.

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I was so impressed by Heath realising that Nate was just doing his job and one day he'll do it and truly help a child like someone should have done for them. I think Heath is possibly my favourite character on the show at the moment because he's developed and consistently written.

Agreed. Heath's one of the few characters I have any time for ATM. Whilst I don't actively dislike the vast majority of them, there are too many I feel indifferent towards.

Good to see Connie at last (has she been on before?). She'll pile it on even more for Heath.

I'm the opposite Brian. When I saw Connie in Tuesday's preview, my head dropped. I mentioned her in my last couple of posts but didn't think she would be coming back so soon. As much as I thoroughly dislike her though, have to agree with you about Heath. Which is why he needs Bianca. Also if they're together it provides better stability for his kids and he would be far more likely to win any custody case.

Nate seemed genuinely concerned for Sophie and even referred to her as his wife. I'm still not buying that he feels any love towards her though.

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Casey really isn't getting any less selfish:He was bad enough when he was going after Denny when she had a boyfriend, but now that he's got her he's still only thinking of himself and expecting her to be there for him when he wants her and get lost when he doesn't want her.If their relationship can only work if it's in a bubble away from his family, and can't survive her witnessing Heath's angry outbursts, then it's not really worth anything, and the only way things could ever work between them is if they both got away from his family.And if he doesn't want her to end up as a Braxton girlfriend, he shouldn't have gone there in the first place.I really didn't like Ricky, who really is rivalling Roo in the "dishing out patronising advice" stakes, mouthing a load of meaningless platitudes about how much they mean to each other, or Alf forcing her to talk to Casey when she didn't want to.

Heath was out of line taking his temper out on Phoebe, if he didn't want her saying anything he should have told her it was a secret.Still, I'm glad she seemed to make an effort to make up for things and a glimpse at the conflicting approaches taken by Kyle and Casey:Kyle wants to make Phoebe feel as at home as possible with his family, whereas Casey doesn't want Denny anywhere near them.I was kind of glad Heath said what he did to Brax, there are things he doesn't understand and can't solve.I'm glad Heath got a hope spot with the case being dropped, shame it got smothered by Connie reverting to keeping Darcy with her no matter who it hurts.Really, it's reached the point where she can't stop her seeing Heath unless she tries taking her interstate again.Heath should go ahead with the custody, it's not like he's got anything to lose.

I feel like I should care about Sophie but her and Nate continue to fall a bit flat for me.Still, having her stay with Leah rather than being stuck out in that motel might help her feel less detached.I think I've lost track:It's just Leah, Nate and Invisible VJ staying there at the moment, right?

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I see that the writers have decided for today's episode not to continue on with the Sasha and Matt storyline, I do wonder what they are doing? Why have them appear for 1 episode and then possibly return later in the week. It just doesn't make sense. This is what they exactly did with the whole Andy storyline, came on Monday but didn't see him again until later in the week.

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Darcy kept quiet about the real reason she was worried about getting Heath into trouble was the custody thing, perhaps she thought Nate would tell people and it would get back to Connie? Heath was wrong about asking Darcy to keep quiet, but Connie went way over the top with Heath, she would have found out at sometime when whatever agency is involved contacted her. Heath hadn't built up Darcy's hopes, he did tell her it may not work out. Connie has tried keeping Darcy away from Heath before and all that happened was Darcy kept running away to see him (and yes Brian Connie has been in it before).I can understand Connie is scared of losing Darcy, her last connection with her daughter, but her constant fighting against Heath is more likely that she will lose Darcy's love and respect than any physical contact. Heath wouldn't keep Darcy away from her. I was thinking wouldn't Darcy's opinion be taken into consideration see as she is 12/13 and therefore old enough to decide for herself? While not understanding Heath's position Brax did well to persuade him not to go on the run, Heath was harsh in saying Brax didn't have kids so wouldn't understand, but apologised later as in a kind of way he and Casey were his kids. He was right when he said if there had been a Nate (or the same kind of system in place when they were young) who knows how they may have turned out. It was all a misunderstanding with Phoebe telling Darcy about the custody but she didn't know it was a secret and just how many people do you tell a 'secret' to? I did like she admitted she was partly to blame and cooked a breakfast for Heath and he likewise apologised to her for snapping her head off. Good news that he won't have Harley taken off him so Brax did right to dissuade him running off.

Lovely scene of Kyle, Phoebe, Casey and Harley when Harley was sick down Kyle's back! :lol: Shame Denny chose that moment to walk in after being told by Casey he didn't want her involved in the Braxton troubles. I can see his logic look what has happened to all the other Braxton girlfriends, Charlie, Bianca, Nat, Tamara and Phoebe (I won't count Ricky as she comes from the same background so knew what she was getting herself into). If anyone should talk to Denny it should be Phoebe though she didn't want to get involved with the Braxton's. He should credit her with more nous though, this whole keeping your love life separate from your family life doesn't work. But we have heard the old 'I can look after myself' line before. :wink: Casey needs to sit her down and properly explain the Braxton set up.

Haven't we seen this girlfriend trying to persuade boyfriend to go to uni thing before? Accept it Sasha Matt hasn't got the same outlook on life like you have. He is bright, just not into studying for years to come. If you're not careful you'll push him away.

Much kudos to Sophie for refusing to use any type of painkiller in case it got her hooked again. Funny she voiced exactly what Nate had told Leah about her maybe getting pregnant deliberately to trap him. Will be interesting to see how it works with Leah, Nate and Leah sharing a house, along with the lesser spotted VJ. You do realise that while Sophie is recovering SBH will be without a principal again! :rolleyes: The role isn't cursed is it? Will Zac be called on to step in to the breach?

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Well, I guess it was inevitable that Casey and Denny would fall into each other's arms with all troubles sorted, and there's no point me repeating my dislike of the pairing.Interesting that Casey is forced to recognise that for all her reluctance (and I think he's wrong to say that she's just fallen in line with the Braxtons) Phoebe has accepted the set-up with her boyfriend's family, and Denny deserves the right to make the same choice.Phoebe ringing Mark for help was a bit daft though.

I'm glad Maddy's trying to fight the decision to make her repeat and I think Evelyn was out of line with what she said.Sure, Maddy mucked up an exam and it was her fault, I don't think Maddy's even arguing with that anymore.And yes, asking to do it again is a bit rich.But Sophie's response is disproportionate and inconsistent with the way other students are allowed to pick up where they would have been at school after longer absences.It's almost like Maddy's being penalised for being bright, because Sophie thinks she can do better.At least when Sasha repeated Gina gave her the option, Maddy's being forced into this and I think Sophie's out of line doing so.It's good to see Spencer having Maddy's back, although it's reached the point where Maddy just doesn't want to see that things are less than perfect between her and Josh.I'm a bit puzzled at the show and Denny acting as though there's something Josh doesn't know:He's fully aware of Evelyn's feelings and last time we checked he suggested they stay apart (as Evelyn sort of suggests here) not try and be friends...although admittedly he's having a hard time sticking to it, as his once again going to her when he's in trouble demonstrates.

I was disappointed with the outcome of the John/Marilyn story and the fact it was portrayed as John being in the wrong;Marilyn still hasn't given any real reason for not moving in with him, although at least there's a definitive timetable now, with her saying she'll move in after they get married.Sasha was just plain annoying here, playing Matt's song in public when he'd made it abundantly clear he didn't want her to was a massive invasion of privacy and she got forgiven a bit too easily.

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Now that Leah's past the jealousy phase it's good to see her offering to help Sophie.

Maddie was comedy gold once again. The scenes with Josh and Evelyn were really funny. I loved the way they ganged up about it being her own fault for bombing her exam (which was quite correct IMO) then she stormed off in a childish strop. Spencer is obviously trying to be a good friend to Maddie but there's still the element of the green eyed monster. And he's frustrated at the fact that Josh has succeeded where he failed i.e. winning Evelyn's affections. I think it's inevitable something is going to happen with Josh and Evelyn again so Josh should just to the right thing and finish with Maddie. He should have done it last week at the peer and should do it now.

haaf14, it didn't occur to me how persistent Sasha was with Matt until I read your post but now that you've mentioned it, I am starting to find her quite annoying again. I remember what she was like during the hit and run and she was particularly annoying today when Matt repeatedly told her he didn't want anyone to hear his music but she played it to the whole school anyway.

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What were you doing up at 2.26 this morning, haaf 14?

Brian it normally takes me a couple of hours to wind down before going to sleep. I work this really weird shift pattern which means returning home quite late. So I watch the days H&A episode, then read upon people's comments on here and then make mine if I think it is pertinent.

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I don't get Denise, she's just come out a relationship and breakup with Chris, surely she'd want to keep things light with Casey to begin with and not want to get totally involved straight from the off. Are all Australian girls so intense? Even Sasha won't give it a rest with Matt and his music, poor guy. Then there's Sophie who moved state to get to Nate. The Braxtons house must be a haven for brow beaten males, when Phoebe isn't doing strange Australian dancing in the living room :-)

I would feel sorry for Maddy but she's turned into such a diva (+1 intense) since seeing Josh that I can't. I liked her when she was with Spencer.

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