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We haven't heard otherwise but it's been three years since that's been mentioned and comments last year when they arranged for the flat to be cleared out and used again suggested the Braxtons were now dealing directly with the landlord(whoever that is), so I imagine someone, probably Brax, has taken it over.

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Who would have thought that when Heath first fetched up in the bay we'd be so sad to see him leave. If I remember correctly, we all wanted rid of him as soon as possible, but as already been said he's evolved from a thug into a decent, caring human being. Wouldn't you know it Darcy did do a runner from Connie (or tried to) to be with her dad. Ricky nearly scuppered it by telling Connie a few home truths, but I think it was Connie seeing Heath, Darcy and Harley on the beach that maybe changed her mind. It only hit me with that scene but through everything Connie has said about him and done, Heath has never bad mouthed Connie to Darcy. Whenever she has run away from her to him he's always insisted she ring her nan to let her know where she is, always told her Connie loves her. He won't stop Connie visiting them in the city as indicated by his invitation, she us going to feel pretty lonely without her.

I did like Heath teasing Brax about whether he wanted a tissue. :P

Was it just the fact Heath wouldn't just leave the gym he is co-manager of made Casey think Heath wasn't serious? That didn't get resolved so is Casey now sole manager? Lovely impromptu goodbye lunch and a spotting of the lesser spotted Cheryl!!! Nice to include Irene who wasn't always Heath's no. 1 fan, guess Bianca made that call whilst on her way, did seem a bit odd for her to pop up for all of five minutes, how far is the drive to the city anyway? Go Phoeb's standing up to Chezza that way, telling her in no uncertain terms Kyke was as much as Braxton as the others, something Cheryl actually appreciates.

I loved the fact Brax invited Kyle along for the boys last surf, the look on his face said it all. Very short potted history of why Brax, Heath and Casey came to the bay, skipped over how Brax bought Angelo's and Heath's admission of how he'd probably be in prison or dead if he hadn't changed, Kyle saying he'd probably be somewhere hating them all. Very moving shots of them in the surf and Heath putting his arms round their shoulders. :cryingsmiley: What was that music playing it was very appropriate to the scene? Going to miss Harley and his little hats.

Why would Brax want him and Ricky to move into the flat when he has decided they should try for a family, wouldn't the same problem arise that Heath and Bianca had, he/she would always be in the same room as them. I would have thought the house would be a much better option. I hope I'm not putting a dampner on the future but we don't know if Ricky can carry a baby full term. I know last time was kind of special circumstances, she was under a lot of stress and there was the bomb, I hope I'm wrong but..............

Same here Red, Id' forgotten Matt was living with Leah. :blush: He did look horrified when told Sophie would be staying there for a while(?) that is until Jett put him wise :wink:, though Jett and Gina did have a different relationship. Sorry I'm with Leah about Sophie and her motives regards Nate, at least she is keeping her opinions to herself, for now.

It's no use John or Marilyn facing up to Roo, the wedding planner from hell, by themselves they need to present a united front. So doves are out and butterflies are in who knew!!!! Yes Marilyn had know Roo longer but most of that time Roo has been out of the bay, good choice I thought of having Irene as her maid of honour. Has Marilyn decided who is going to give her away, if not I'd say there can only be one person - Alf. John comparing himself to Brax yeah right! :rolleyes:

Perhaps Brax even bought the place.

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I'm sorry to see Heath go. He was one of the few characters I actually liked and he's come a long way since he first arrived. I was worried that we wouldn't see Bianca one last time but I'm glad they left together with Darcy. Didn't really buy Connie having a change of heart but who's arguing.

I do quite like the way Leah does the suspicious hang-on-wait-a-minute look. So why did she invite Sophie to stay with her exactly? So that she could keep an eye on her and Nate. Seemed that the jealousy streak was present and even though I'm not convinced with Nate and Sophie, I did like the way he stuck up for her and told Leah to mind her own business. Is Sophie manipulating Nate? Perhaps but it's his life and his marriage. I'm sure when Sophie fully recovers and moves out Leah can go back to having Nate all to herself.

Even though I don't like Andy, I couldn't help but take a disliking to how Denny was trying to give Casey an ultimatum with regards to supporting him. Don't get me wrong I do think Andy's getting exactly what he deserves but I didn't like the way she was trying to get Casey to fire him. In a way I think it's admirable the way Casey tries to look out for family. Andy isn't directly related but he's still doing it to help Josh. I do think that Casey made a very valid point to Denny in that it is possible for him to change. Whether it will happen remains to be seen.

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Where to start?Well, might as well start with Andy.I can't say I've got a lot of sympathy for him, although I wondered where he was staying and now we've got the answer:He went for the quick, easy and illegal fix to his money worries and has made things worse for himself.Casey's insistence on giving him infinite chances no matter how many times he lets him down continues to grate.I can understand him wanting to look out for Josh but I wish we actually saw them spending time together and Casey taking an interest in his life rather than it being at arms length like this.But then, character interaction isn't the show's strength these days, as indicated by the fact that despite their apparent epiphany last week Casey and Denny are still stuck in a bubble, away from both her family and his, and when the real world intrudes the relationship collapses.I'd actually be glad if Denny did just walk away from it all because she really is turning into a Braxton girlfriend, getting dragged into his dramas, and it's slightly frustrating when the character once showed promise.

Marilyn can be too soft for her own good at times.And everyone else's.Roo was way too full on and realised it herself, but by making her bridesmaid Marilyn's pretty much given her a green light to carry on.With Alf the ideal choice to give Marilyn away, John's going to have a hard time finding two groomsmen:Jett's an obvious choice for best man but who else is he close to?Casey?(Actually, I'd love if Xavier came back to do it but I'm not holding my breath.)

I loved Sophie turning the tables on Matt like that, but it felt like her cold and abrupt side resurfaced with the way she shut Leah down and then went to Nate about her.Part of me feels it won't be as simple as her leaving when she's better, she's got her foot in the door and her and Nate living together is a logical next step.But it kind of is Nate's lookout and maybe Leah should just leave them to it.

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Back to the Maddy/Josh/Evie triangle. I said that Josh and Evie are kindrid spirits,Red, because they both take their school work seriously and want to have chances later, although they haven't said what they would like to progress onto. I would not call Evie "eye candy" for Josh, Maddy is much more atractive and has more personality. What Josh sees in Evie is not physical. I would still like to see Josh and Maddy stay together, but it won't happen until Maddy gets over herself and stops regarding Josh as her project. She will eat Oscar alive if she goes there. Only Spencer would be able to rein her in.

Sorry to see Heath go and break up the Braxton trio. He has been a good and changed character. Feel sorry for Phoebe not being able to get the flat - will she give up on that, as Kyle asked her to? What happened to the other place that she had the deposit for and where has that money gone? Back in the till? Talking of mnoney, please don't give any out of the gym till to Andy, Casey. he's had enough chances!!!!

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On the subject of Heath Ben Ewing has played him so well, and his character was changed over time not a sudden switch from dark to light making it more believable. Guess that could be why Casey wants to keep giving Andy a chance he remembers what Heath was like and how long it took people to trust him! Andy hasn't had any good reason to believe people can believe in him until now and has to do things by himself, he hasn't got a Brax for backup. If he would only open up and let Casey, or anyone, help. He and Casey may not be brothers but Josh is their brother so naturally Casey would be worried about him. Had an awful feeling Casey was going to catch Andy stealing from the safe, but he was just kipping in the office. Nice to 'hear' from Indy via the phone call by Casey, so he is sole manager.

I can see Denny's reasoning from her side but she shouldn't expect Casey just to fire Andy, that job is the only thing keeping him a relative straight line.

Leah's instinct about Sophie was right, though she made a mistake fronting her about it, of course Sophie would put her spin on it to Nate and he would tackle Leah and tell her to back off. So do just that Leah and let her and him get on with it. Sophie did go up in my estimation though when she put the mockers on Matt's idea about the time off for Head Boy/Girl business, she may not be 100% but she still had her principals head on.

Finally Roo got the message but only after Marilyn and John kept avoiding her, OK my little coconut! :wink::D Then Alf with his allegory about to stop revving the engine. Does this mean Marilyn has two Maids of Honour or has Irene going to be 'sacked'?

I think Casey told Brax she gave up the lease on the flat, whether she/they got the money back wasn't mentioned.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three. Roo was in four.

So, yeah, as predicted John wasn't happy, Roo's now back getting over involved with the wedding and everyone wants coconut.John asking Jett to be his best man was a rather sweet moment, along with him telling Jett that Irene's going to be his partner.But as I suspected, aside from Alf who'll probably be busy elsewhere and Xavier who we're probably meant to have forgotten about, there's no easy choice for John's groomsman.He may as well give it to Chris, he could do worse.

Wow, it looks like someone felt the same as me about Casey needing to get more involved with Josh.They probably had more screentime together here than in all the time since they found out they were brothers.Josh moving into Braxton Central is an interesting idea, although I can't imagine Phoebe being pleased when she was just looking forward to having more space.With regards Evelyn giving Hannah a hard time, I'm torn between thinking Hannah deserves it, thinking Evelyn's being a bit of a brat and not being too keen on taking Evelyn's side after she's just stabbed Maddy in the back.(The break-up "just happened"?No, Evie, as I recall you did have something to do with it...)It is good to see Zac and Evelyn getting on better though.And any sympathy I had for Hannah evaporated when she dashed to Andy's side.I mean, really, does she not care about Oscar and Evelyn at all?Because Evelyn will hate her when she finds out, Oscar probably won't be best pleased either and most importantly she's potentially putting them in danger by getting herself involved in this whole mess.

Ah, Maddy.As ever, my fondness for her covers up many ills.Staying off school so she didn't see Josh and Evelyn wasn't the best idea she's had and I'm glad Spencer was the one to make her see sense.The loaded debate in class wasn't the best way to address things but I was cheering her on anyway.And I actually agree that there's no point her staying in school if Sophie's going to make her do it all again next year, she might as well take the rest of the year off and recharge her batteries so she can approach it again fresh.Despite the promo trying to make out otherwise, I don't think Maddy turning to Oscar had anything to do with him being Evelyn's sister, I think she just wants to be around someone who won't give her a hard time and get a bit of sympathy.

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Although as Denny said it was harsh, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction when Evelyn told Hannah she wasn't invited to the dinner she was making for Zak and when she blanked her at the start of the episode. I don't normally like Evelyn when she's like this and I remember how she behaved towards Zak before and Denny when she first turned up but in this case I'll make an exception because it's no more than Hannah deserves. I suspected Hannah was still into Andy during her conversation with Leah earlier on in the week but wasn't expecting her to cave this quickly. Although I'd imagine loneliness plays a huge part in it. If she's doing shift work as a nurse and has to juggle that with looking after Oscar and Evelyn, I would imagine she doesn't have too much time for a social life. And with Zak moving out I can see why she doesn't want to let Andy go. However given what he's done I can only conclude she's either in love or desperate. It's frustrating that Andy would rather turn to crime to help Josh than swallow his pride and accept Casey's help.

The scenes with Maddie/Josh/Evelyn were fun. I loved the awkwardness on the beach particularly with Josh when he couldn't even look at her. And then the indirect digs towards each other in the classroom when they were discussing the play with Zak. And once again Maddie puts on the self-pitying act and storms off in a childish strop. Poor me, everybody hates me yarda, yarda yarda. Although I thought Spencer was jealous before, to be fair to him, he's seems to be trying to be there as a friend and he doesn't appear to have displayed any animosity towards Josh and Evelyn. I wonder what Maddie said to Oscar to make him ditch the family dinner like that. He's always seemed to value family as being important and I wouldn't have thought he would want to miss out on an opportunity to spend time with Zak, given that Zak no longer lives there.

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My guess is that Maddy is trying to get back at Evelyn by seducing her twin brother - genetic warfare! I'm sure Oscar will see through her but play along all the same lol.

Not sure about Denny, she seems to sulk if she doesn't get her own way, but of a player like Hannah. Glad Hannah is still besotted with Andy as neither one will spoil another couple as my west country friend used to say.

I have feeling that Sophie will soon revert to type and her real scally personality will begin to show through. Hmmm, maybe this would throw Nate and Leah together but I see her more with Zak, I think they would be a good couple.

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