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Oops first off it's Dan not Ben. :blush:

Hannah and her not being able to stay away from Andy, Charlie and Brax anyone! How many times did she break up with him?

While it may have come across as a tad childish with Evelyn ignoring Hannah it was deserved with poor Oscar caught in the middle. Hannah getting back with Andy will just confirm her behaviour was justified. Did seem odd Oscar ducking out of the family (sans Hannah) meal, did he really just jump when Maddy clicked her fingers? Talking of whom she wants to not retake year 11 then takes three days off because of Josh dumping her, that's a good way to go persuading Zac (and Sophie) to let her carry on as normal. Now she has stormed off again!

Can't a total coincidence Oscar is Evelyn's brother and why Maddy is making up to him, even if not, careful there Oscar she is on the rebound and definitely not as into you as you are into her.

Despite his initial reluctance I'm glad Casey is playing big brother to Josh, he was right Josh shouldn't be alone at the caravan park and he will have Brax and Kyle as back up should it be needed and if they can be convinced to help.

Roo has indeed reverted back to wedding planner monster, I don't think she can help herself. Chris may not be John's first or second or third choice but if he has to have one, I think Chris would surprise everyone and do a good job. Lovely moment when John asked Jett to be his best man, though Jett's delight was rather deflated by finding out the Maid of Honour is Irene. Nina, who we haven't heard anything about for months, is back next week.

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I'm not entirely surprised that Hannah has gone back to Andy because on Monday when she was talking to Leah there was doubt whether that would be the end of the relationship. Clearly Evie won't be happy nor do I think Denny will be but the question is how Oscar is going to react to the news?

Maddy throws another tantrum. Things are not her way and she can't bare to see Josh and Evie at school and also she doesn't want repeat the year down to her own fault, she wants to quit. She was like this when Roo was away and was acting up but also when Josh did better than her in the exam it was all about her and how she failed. If she isn't certain of attention then she can't take it.

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Although she had a point about being kept in the dark re Josh I seriously wanted to strangle Phoebe today. She was so annoying. Just doesn't shut up and the tone in which she talks to people as well. I wonder how they all manage to live and work with her. I was almost cheering Casey when he pointed out their hypocrisy with regards to Josh staying. Still at least she apologised afterwards although I her take her point about having another person moving in. Interesting how Kyle was quite vocal about Josh staying at first referring to him as a Barrett but as soon as Phoebe was OK with everything his attitude changed. Although I don't like Ricky normally being involved in everything she was right about Phoebe acting like a brat. I'm still waiting for Brax to explode and it feels like he has to suppress a lot of anger whenever Phoebe goes into one.

Well Hannah didn't waste any time before jumping back into bed with Andy. This is all down to loneliness. Has to be. If she was living in a city I don't think Andy would have got a look-in as she could have just gone to a bar and picked someone up. Looking at her she just doesn't seem very happy at the moment. Even in the scenes with Andy. Disappointing seeing him steal from her despite the fact that she offered to loan him some cash.

So confirmation that Maddie has definitely set out to use Oscar as payback for Evelyn stealing Josh. I think it's one thing getting revenge on someone but another to drag an innocent person into it. Especially one that holds her in such high regard as Oscar does. Even if that is misguided. Even Spencer can see a problem with it. I think the worst thing for Evelyn is the way Maddie seems to be blatantly rubbing it in her face, kissing Oscar in front of her having never done that before and then her admission by the peer. Almost if it's going to happen but Evelyn is powerless to stop it. Notice how Maddie asked if anyone else was at home when Oscar took her back to his. Obviously doesn't want anybody else to spoil it. Although I guess we'll have to wait till tomorrow to be absolutely sure if anything has happened.

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I was actually very annoyed with Casey here:Not with the fact that he let Josh move in, but with the way he treated Kyle and Phoebe.Okay, maybe they were a bit confrontational, but all he needed to do was explain to them why he'd invited Josh to stay.And indeed, when he did do that they both instantly understand and accepted Josh.But no, instead he hurls petty insults at them, dismissing Phoebe as a "guest"(I'd have loved to have seen the reaction if he'd tried that one on Ricky or Bianca)and claiming that Kyle's only there because he's got nowhere else to go(nope, he had a good life in Melbourne and Brax dragged him to Summer Bay to help get your behind out of the fire, albeit after he'd helped put it there).In short, it felt like Casey was trying to be Brax, acting as though he's head of the household now Brax and Heath have moved out and everyone else just has to fall in line.Except Kyle and Phoebe wouldn't obey Brax without question and they're certainly not going to obey Casey.

Yep, Hannah's pathetic, back hiding with Andy.Who's now stealing from her.Yep, she's got a great catch there.Oscar really is backing the wrong horse, arguably with Maddy and certainly with Hannah, giving Evelyn the whole "She's finished with Andy so you should be nice to her."Hannah is definitely going to have a lot of explaining to do when this inevitably comes out.

While I think it's Maddy's choice whether or not she quits school, I think she should have treated Roo with more respect here and at least listened to her, rather than dismissing it as "none of your business":Maybe not to start with, when Roo was being too confrontational, but certainly when she approached her the next day.I actually don't think Maddy's motivated by revenge here, at least not primarily, although she's obviously happy to let Evie think she is.I think Spencer's got it right:She's latching onto someone to make herself feel better, she knows Oscar likes her and she wants to feel wanted, the fact that he's Evelyn's brother is pretty much irrelevant or at worst an added bonus.And I personally loved Oscar telling Evelyn to get knotted when she tries to have everything her own way.Maddy's expression at the end was telling:She knows she's doing the wrong thing and isn't being fair on Oscar, but the need to prove that she's still attractive to someone overrides it.

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So Maddy is stringing Oscar along, not all that surprising as she clearly wants to get back Evie. Red if I was Roo I would have told her fine it isn't my business but if you are not going to school then find a job and start paying rent.

Casey should have told both Phoebe and Kyle at the start so it could have stopped all that argumentative behaviour. At least Phoebe accepted the situation and did apologise for her behaviour. I am starting to dislike Casey's recent attitude and behaviour.

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Agree, Casey did handle that badly, but at least it's all sorted now. We'll see how it plays out in that house with Casey, Kyle, Josh and their girlfriends.

What a bitch Maddy is. I think you are right, haaf 14 (even at 3.26am) and you're too kind to her Red.

Can anyone please tell me what episode number we watching now and how many weeks behind Australia TV we are?

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Brian we're at episode 6021 (last night) and we are eight weeks behind.

Yes Casey should have checked with Kyle and Phoebe before moving Josh in, pretty sure they wouldn't have had a problem with that, Kyle (and to a lesser degree does Phoebe) know about being homeless. Like you Slade I wanted to strangle Phoebe but after her 'talk' with Ricky, loved Ricky calling her a brat :P, and she realised this kind of thing happens when you live with the Braxtons, she did have the decency to apologise which give her her due she does when she realises she has been over the top, like with Heath the other week. I'm thinking it's because most of her adult life she's lived alone and anyone staying with her had to live by her rules, but now she is living in someone else's home with another person and she has to think of others. Did like her roping Josh in to do the BBQ as a way of making it up to him, I had to smile at the look of bemusement on his face! :D Did have to smile at Brax's attempt to stay out of the bickering, part of him wanted to get involved, old habits die hard.

On the subject of Casey wanting to help Josh he is only doing what Brax has instilled in him (and Heath) over the years - look after your family.

I wasn't sure if Andy had taken that money from Hannah's purse at first, but it seemed he did. If he wants to help Josh with rent for staying at the Braxtons, he could have just asked Hannah for a loan. I know we are all giving Andy a hard time and most of the time he doesn't do himself any favours, but didn't we all think the same about Heath when he first arrived in the bay? He was just as much trouble even with Brax to keep him under control. If people hadn't started believing in him and given him to chance to prove he could be a better person he would have ended up just as he told Kyle he would have in prison or dead. I said in an earlier post he's got Josh to think about and he hasn't got a Brax to help him out. $5000 certainly is a lot of money to find will Brax help despite himself and will Andy accept it? I may be wrong but haven't we heard that name Cody before? :unsure:

Good job Oscar and Evelyn didn't know Andy had stayed over as Hannah had told them they were over! Notice Oscar didn't tell Evelyn where he had been the night before when he ducked out of the family dinner. Maddy soon put her straight though with obvious delight and that kiss was definitely for her and Josh's benefit. The only one acting with any sense is Spencer who knows what Maddy can be like. He did try to warn Oscar at school, I'd forgotten about her attachment to Casey and how she reacted when he turned her down when she offered to sleep with him. It may have worked if Evelyn hadn't turned up and said Maddy only wanted to be with him to get back at her. So now she has dragged Oscar off to bed and he's going to be thinking it's for real. Is Maddy suffering from short term memory loss, because I'm sure she told Roo while she was in her coma she was going to do better at school and stop playing up and being a drama queen!

Agree with you haaf14 if she really is quitting school she should get a job though nothing in the bay would be good enough for her!

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So for no other reason but out of pure spite towards Evelyn, Maddie sleeps with Oscar and discards him like a trashcan when she's finished. What annoyed me about that scene was she did the whole you're a really great guy crap. I have too much going on (mentioning school even though she's quit). Not the right time etc. Where I would have had more respect for her if she had just owned it and said "I used you to get back at your sister for stealing my man and now you've served your purpose, were done". Like I said if she wanted to get back at Evelyn then fine but given how messed up Oscar was after the stuff with Tamara you'd think she would have more empathy for him as a person but she cared more about her revenge than she did about someone who she even claimed genuinely liked her for her and treated her far better than her ex boyfriend. Can't really blame Oscar for not listening to Evelyn - he's young, inexperienced and must have thought he was on cloud nine when he woke up the next morning but what a reversal when he met Maddie by the peer. Have to admit though I did find Evelyn's expression quite amusing when she saw Maddie in the towel and also Josh's reaction when Evelyn told him at school. It's funny because I remember when Channel 5 first previewed that scene many weeks ago just before the summer so I think most people who saw it would have thought that something would have happened with Josh and Evelyn and Maddie tried to hit her where it really hurt, her twin brother.

I'm really not sure now what to make of Casey trying to help bail Andy out. He's doing it to protect Josh but I also feel, working with Andy for a few months perhaps he sees himself. But what he did was stealing regardless of the reasons and Andy has had so many chances already and been extremely fortunate so far. And there comes a point where you ask yourself how many more times. Don't blame Brax for not wanting to lend Andy the money after what happened when Brax paid him to keep quiet when Andy discovered Casey and Josh were half brothers.

If Sasha's repeating a year and only just passing her papers again she will struggle if she gets into uni and Matt hasn't done her any favours.

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Maybe I am a bit too kind to Maddy but I feel like I have to be because it seems most other people are quick to stick the boot in at any excuse, while the genuine bitch, Evelyn, gets given an easy ride these days.Okay, so Maddy admitted there was an element of wanting to get back at Josh and Evelyn, but that's not why she slept with Oscar.Not in my mind, certainly not the only reason.The way she was with Evelyn at the start of the episode, yeah there was a bit of defiance in there, but mostly she just came across as embarrassed, maybe even ashamed, and couldn't wait to get out of there:If it had all been about revenge, she'd have been flaunting it and goading and taunting her.And if it had all been about revenge, she'd have carried on and not cared about Oscar's feelings, not realised that she wasn't being fair to him and done her best to let him down gently.(Yeah, there was an element of dishonesty to it, but in the end she didn't deny wanting revenge.)To me, the main motive was, as Roo said, wanting to feel wanted, to be with someone who found her attractive when Josh has been acting like being with her is a chore for ages.It's not the purest of motives but it doesn't make her a cold-hearted bitch either.I agree that if she's quit school she should get a job.

And I believe she'll be doing just that very soon...

So, Evelyn, the better girlfriend who cares about Josh's studies, wants him to skip school just so he can listen to her whine?Yeah, he's so much better off.Andy continues to grate, Hannah continues to have no respect for herself, and frankly Casey should just let the dealers blow them both away so Josh, Evelyn and Oscar aren't stuck with such selfish twits as guardians.I'm sorry but Andy is completely lacking in the charm that Heath had when he'd been on the show for a lot less time than Andy has been.And yeah, Casey's now stealing from the person that gave him a chance when he was down on his luck, which isn't cool.

Is Sasha going to have to repeat as well?Her marks are low, her poetry was functional at best and...how's Matt's deception going to work?Surely Sasha will have handed in her own work, so it'll mean two pieces from her will turn up in the pile, one of them apparently with the wrong handwriting on?(Is Sasha still working on hers and Matt's handed the fake one in early?)It's hard to get the feeling that Matt's main motivation is to get Sasha to stop stressing and spend more time with him...

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What happened to Andy's 5K that Brax gave him? I'm pretty sure that staying at a caravan park doesn't cost that much, he couldn't have wasted the money that quick. Considering he hasn't got any money does surprise me. If he had 1k or 2k to give to the dealers then it would be more feasible or realistic.

As for Hannah she clearly isn't that smart is she, what does she think , a quick word with the dealers and all will be forgotten then she clearly doesn't live in the real world.

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