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Have to admit, Sophie played an absolute blinder. She pulls Leah to one side to have a 'talk', deliberately patronises her about her job, suggesting that she go part time under the guise of genuine concern purposely so Leah can react. She then tells Zak, playing the victim and manipulates him so she can not only dig some dirt but so he can side with her and confront Leah as well, which he does. She expresses her 'concerns' to Nate, pretending to be genuinely worried about Leah. She then uses the information Zak gave her about Leah's stalking to wind her up some more, goes running to Nate again and gets him to turn on Leah. She's turning out to be quite a bitch. And even though I've sided with Sophie up till now I don't really think Leah did anything wrong except for taking the bait. Sophie's very, very smart though. I think she wants Nate away from Leah and the best way to do that is to cause a falling out so he no longer wants to live there. I'm not sure this living arrangement is going to work in it's current state given the tension between Leah and Sophie and also given that they work together. It probably wouldn't be as bad if VJ were around for two reasons. Number one he would act as a buffer reducing the likelihood of any argument between the three of them and number two Leah would have him to focus on and wouldn't be worrying so much about Nate.

Despite what happened with Leah, it's good to see Zak generally in a better place and back to helping people. He's so much better away from Hannah.

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Yep, Sophie is definitely showing how manipulative she can be at the moment.I think Leah needs to back off, stop getting into confrontations that are going to make her look bad, and let Nate make his own mistakes, because getting involved really isn't working.Although I do think Zac works better away from Hannah, I don't think he came off particularly well here, first letting himself be manipulated by Sophie, then making snap judgements about Matt.Mind you, Matt has landed Sasha in a whole heap of trouble and he's not going to be able to dictate her work to her for the next four years.Sasha had at least three golden opportunities to tell Zac the truth here, and the fact Matt kept butting in doesn't completely excuse her, so I can't say I've got much sympathy.The longer she lets this go on, the bigger the consequences are going to be when the truth comes out.

Wow, I wasn't expecting Nina to turn up and Jett was suitably delighted.Marilyn taking over their alone time was well-intentioned but a bit cringe-inducing, so it's nice that Alf pointed out what they really wanted and steered her in the right direction.And now Marilyn's come up with a good excuse for us to see her again.Exchange of the episode:Marilyn:"His one true love, back from mysterious locales." John:"Queensland?That's not very mysterious."

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Exchange of the episode:Marilyn:"His one true love, back from mysterious locales." John:"Queensland?That's not very mysterious."

When John said that to Marilyn it did make me laugh.

Just out of interest where is Zach living? Is it at The Sands? If yes how can he afford it as I always got the impression from years ago where other characters have stayed there it is quite expensive.

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Well, like I said Sophie is reverting to type, basically manipulative and out for herself, pity Nate is too dim to see it. I am a bit annoyed with Leah for getting too involved, she's said her piece now it's time to back away - you should never get involved between husband and wife. One thing I don't get is that no one seems to notice is that Nate is a Brit, IME you only have to open your mouth before someone makes a (good humoured) jibe, would have the river boys would have played that card in some of the tense scenes they've been in.

I'm sure Oscar will be OK over Maddy, it's probably done his confidence some good without the hassle of getting involved with the little princess :-)

I have no sympathy for Andy, I hope he gets what he deserves for being greedy and getting involved in drugs again, Josh is better off without him. With luck he'll go on the lamb with Hannah...

@haaf14 Knowing Zach he's probably sleeping in his car. Still think he and Leah would make a good pairing.

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I think Maddy was trying to convince herself she really liked Oscar and that it wasn't just to get back at Evelyn and Josh. It was only after the nudge from Roo that she did the right thing and let Oscar down, not quite so gently, is telling someone their night together was a mistake ever the right thing to say? He bluffed it well telling he was OK about it and at least she didn't deny it when he asked her if it was to get back at Evelyn. Maybe just as well she has quit school as it could be pretty awkward for them all.

I kept wondering about the 5k Brax gave Andy, did he give if back after Josh found out the truth anyway? Brax didn't fall for Casey's "I need $5000 for the gym" ploy which I think was after he heard Andy mention that very amount to Cody. Casey is doing it to keep Josh safe, Brax would have done the same thing for him. $1000 isn't going to keep them at bay for long and just how is he going to replace it? Hannah really has no idea what these dealers are like, offering to go and see them indeed. :rolleyes: In fact it's a wonder they haven't been following her around, they must realise she is part of Andy's life. Josh is kind of under the care of the Braxtons who must have still have some kind of clout.

Sophie is good, very good, whatever Leah says or doesn't say she'd twist it to suit her purpose. Both Zac and especially Nate are being sucked in by her wiles, but not so Leah, not wishing to be sexist but is it because they are men and she's acting like the put upon woman? Back off now Leah before you lose Nate and Zac's friendship.

Loved seeing Nina again and can see why Jett wasn't keen on a family meal when he'd preferred spending time alone with her. Well done Alf, wise as ever, for mentioning that very point. Jett was overjoyed when Marilyn suggested he could invite her to the wedding. I also loved John's "Queensland, that's not very mysterious" come back. :lol:

Face it Sasha some people aren't good at poetry and you are one of them.. Matt saying he didn't want to be thought of as a nerd or geek because he wrote poetry, isn't that what song writers are? He was right she was trying to overthink it. Sasha missed the perfect opportunity to own up when Zac told her Sophie was showing 'her' poetry to a friend of hers.

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I think Maddy was trying to convince herself she really liked Oscar and that it wasn't just to get back at Evelyn and Josh.

I don't think there was any convincing TBH. She knew she didn't like Oscar. I've asked myself why didn't she hook up with Spencer. I mean he was the one supporting her, trying to look out for her, they came to Summer Bay to be together, live together, she was spending quite a bit of time with him and virtual no time with Oscar then all of a sudden she calls him out of the blue. I think she might have felt slightly remorseful but the damage had been done even though Evelyn pleaded with her not to do anything beforehand but Maddie was/is selfish pure and simple.

On the surface Sophie did appear to be making an effort and when you look at yesterday there is an argument that Leah might have been slightly harsh but I'm still not buying it. I don't know whether it's because for the most part she lacks genuine emotion but to me it just seems as though Sophie has a very calculating side. I wondered at one point whether she took Leah out just to get her drunk in order to see what would happen. But it looks as though her plan worked. I always thought Leah was jealous but at least she admitted it. Well it's a start to try and change. So she got her eyes set on Zak. Will be interesting to see if it is reciprocated but I'm not sure how he would feel if he knew Leah's track record when comes to men.

Denny probably should have known better than to have dinner with Chris but let's face it he was being completely disingenuous and she was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. And he has nobody else to blame but himself. But he's getting desperate now. Practically begging John to go to the wedding so he can find someone to hit on and deceiving Denny into having a 'platonic' dinner with him just so he could have an opportunity to crack onto her.

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Maddy's liaison with Oscar still seems to be under discussion despite being two episodes ago, so I'll chuck my tupen'orth in.I think Maddy knows that she didn't/doesn't like Oscar in the romantic sense but I also think that she enjoyed his attention and does genuinely like him as a friend.I don't think Spencer would have been so quick to go along with it, he knows Maddy too well and probably isn't the type for one night stands.I agree what Maddy did was selfish, I just don't think it was 100% calculating and it was partly an attempt to get an ego boost and make herself feel better.As for Andy, I'm guessing he's spent the $5000 by now, it was months ago and it wouldn't go that far, especially with the number of times he's been sacked from the gym.Brax did ask him for it back at one point but it's not clear if he ever gave it back or not.

Anyway...today.I thought from the way Jett was talking last episode than Nina had already gone so I was surprised that he was still taking her out here.His "Do you think Nina knows you hung up a minute ago?" was another amusing moment.Marilyn works out a way that the lovebirds can spend time together but seems to be colossally missing the point with John.It's pretty obvious that he doesn't want to invite anyone to the wedding because he's got no-one to invite, and since Roo went through the same thing with Harvey I'd expect her to realise that instead of thinking it's about money.Alf seemed surprisingly dense too.

I'm guessing that Sophie's back off on the overt manipulation because it worked, and now she knows she can play Leah she's started being nice again and got her back onside.I did say a long time ago that Leah and Zac should hook up, it's a shame he didn't run into her that night Bianca made a play for him.I think he is sleeping at the Sands, it's probably not beyond a schoolteacher's salary, I seem to remember John stayed there once when he and Gina had problems.

Chris really shouldn't have zeroed in on Denny like that but I can't say I'm that bothered.Others might disagree but I felt she was more relaxed in his company than she has been in Casey's pretty much all the time they've been together:Even their night camping was a bit tense and they've pretty much been arguing all the time since then, we didn't even get to see her meet his family after all the build-up.I thought when they kept showing it in the promo that it looked like Denny moved in for the kiss, so I waited to see it in context and yes, it still looked like she moved in for the kiss, even though she acted like she didn't a moment later.Can't say I'm bothered, she didn't complain when Casey kissed her while she was in a relationship so she can't start with the moral outrage now.

CURS:Why did we get all that stuff with Casey and Andy?They weren't even in the episode.

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1. As for Andy, I'm guessing he's spent the $5000 by now, it was months ago and it wouldn't go that far, especially with the number of times he's been sacked from the gym. Brax did ask him for it back at one point but it's not clear if he ever gave it back or not.

2. I think he is sleeping at the Sands, it's probably not beyond a schoolteacher's salary, I seem to remember John stayed there once when he and Gina had problems.

3. CURS:Why did we get all that stuff with Casey and Andy?They weren't even in the episode.

1. RED, what I meant is that he doesn't live an exotic lifestyle so burning away all that money wouldn't come easy. Also the caravan he shared I would imagine wouldn't cost that much and how come he is broke?

2. Didn't Aiden work at The Sands before he got sacked for stealing a car with Nicole or was that another hotel?

3. In Australia they show both Thursday's and Friday's episode on Thursday's so I would presume that Andy's and Casey's involvement will on today's episode.

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Maddy and Spencer have been there, done that (well not that) and got the t shirts so he wouldn't go back there and he's not Evelyn's brother, he could see what she was where she was coming from and why she was doing it. He did try and warn Oscar at school.

Although it did appear that Sophie and Leah have buried the hatchet, thankfully not in each other heads, I'm still not totally convinced Sophie has finished with her. Leah was jealous yes, but not of Sophie and Nate as a couple, but of their relationship and because she is lonely, I did notice she eyed up Zac when he came in the first time. I'm guessing there is no way of Sophie knowing what Leah is like when she has had a few, because we certainly do! Chris managed to make her feel bad and good about herself at the same time, someone really should have taken that spade away from him. Leah chatting up Zac later was rather funny and their non kiss caused them both to laugh and not be embarrassed. I was thinking they'd be good together, assuming he is totally over Hannah.

Seems Chris is still hung up on Denny though he did do a good job of convincing her the meal was just as friends. To me it looked like she moved in to give him a hug and he took the opportunity to kiss her. She did pull away quickly so no leading on on her part. With Casey she has a boyfriend who is not laughing and joking about all the time, but has huge family issues and in Chris she had a boyfriend who does have family issues but who are a fair distance away and only has Spencer to think about but can't take life that seriously which could wear you down after a while.

I liked Jett's farewell picnic for Nina, but I thought she had already gone early that morning, the little romantic. :wub: Great that Marilyn persuaded her parents to let her come to the wedding, she can be very persuasive can Maz. As far as I can recall John doesn't have any family (well he does but :wink:) and we have never seen him with any mates, rather like Alf in that respect. But why can't he just be straight with her, she'll only keep on about it.

It does tend to confuse us Brits when as haaf14 said they have a double episode on Thursday in Australia, we are expecting to see something on Thursday night that obviously happened in the second part, Friday to us.

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Surprise that of the twins it was Oscar that lost his Vplates first. Takes a pretty determined character to do that & Maddy was obviously the one. Poor Osrar must feel gutted now he's been used.

Good comments from all of you - good to read opposing views.

Thanks haaf 14.

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