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sorry halover, i forgot it was you. thanks for that.

why dont kyle and phoebe move into the place that phoebe arranged for them a few weeks ago?

at last the drugs story gets interesting, but it has gone on far too long. why do the braxtons have to help out? did brax throw 4 grand onto andys bed at the end?????? i suppost theyve been through it themselves.

excuse lack of capitals - i have a swollen hand

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I agree about the drugs storylines getting a bit hackneyed, I'm getting fed up with the gang and drug culture in general, let's get back to other other issues. So long as it's not another pregnancy or birthing scene I don't mind lol. Lets have a surf competition that's what the Gold Coast is all about :-)

There seems to be a strong moral tone with Maddies story, mainly about not flunking out of high school. It's ironic that Roo is playing the police women since by all accounts she was a wild child at Maddies age. Casey needs to give Maddie an induction course to the gym and a course on health and safety before she can be lt loose on instructing. If she trained to be a personal trainer she could earn good money. How Andy keeps his job at the gym god only knows, one whiff of drugs dealing and he should be out on his ear as it could finish the gyms reputation overnight, I know what Indi would say!

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The gift that keeps on giving which is Andy Barrett. I was hoping he would keep rolling down that hill and we wouldn't see him again or no one would spot him. How stupid was I, of course someone would find him, that lucky recipient was Hannah who is a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.

Red I agree the storyline is going round in circles and by this point I've had enough of it.

Brian, the reason that the Braxton's are getting involved is because is Casey trying to protect his little brother and Brax is getting involved because of golden boy Casey.

Psychic Wombat Andy would've been shown the door long ago if it was realistic but H&A doesn't do realism, just look at how many times Casey's been in and out of prison. In real life he would have got a long stretch for one of his crimes he has been convicted for.

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Brain, If Phoebe and Kyle moved out they wouldn't be on hand for all the drama that happens at Braxton Mansions! :wink:

At least Maddy, finally, got the message she wouldn't be doing any on hands stuff which is more than can be said for Roo who obviously she'd be doing something less menial then cleaning up, sorting the towels. Is that part of Casey's plan, hoping Maddy gets fed up with just tidying up and goes back to school. Hasn't Maddy learned some first aid on her life guard training, though of course I realise working in the gym would involve more. Sorry I can't stand her skipping about like a ten year old. :angry: It's probably a case of 'don't do what I did, do what I say' with Roo.

The reason, imo, for Casey keep giving Andy chance after chance is because of Josh, at least with him paying Andy he would have had some money to look after Josh.

Don't you know by now someone who has been hurt or run away has to be found by someone they are involved with or know, just by chance. Remember Alf finding Tamara, he just happened to hear her phone when he stopped near where she was lying. The suppliers aren't going to kill Andy they want their money back, so naturally they would threaten Josh (and it looks like Hannah is going to be in danger as well). Knew they probably would have her in their sights, though Andy thinks they know nothing about her. Agree with haaf Brian, Brax will and does get involved because of Casey looking after his little brother and Casey is his little brother. From what we saw from the trailer Kyle is not a happy bunny about Brax just taking $4000 from the till, I know he owns the place but the way he just dismissed Kyle again puts him back into 'you're only part Braxton' place again.

Right Maz, just how are you going to get out of this, no way can you uninvite Shandi, talk to her first and let John know what you have known, you wouldn't want her ringing him up about it would you? Shame about us not seeing Xav, unless he turns up as a surprise. Glad he was OK with John and Marilyn getting married, but can see why he wouldn't feel good about coming. Btw does Jett know about Shandi? Someone mentioned on the Aussie thread how Jett has suddenly shot up and is as tall as Maz even allowing for her heels.

Notice Nate was the only doctor on duty at the hospital again.

Read on the Aussie thread some sad news about Ada Nicodemou (Leah), won't say more but you can check it out by googling her name.

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Oh gosh, here we go again.There's a bit of progress here but not much.It's just moving from the Braxton house to the farm and dragging in a few more characters, while Brax takes Casey's place in misusing business money to pay off Andy.(Who's...gone somewhere.It feels like every time I give him the benefit of the doubt, or at least acknowledge there is doubt, it turns out to be worst case scenario so...not saying a thing.)It didn't help that there's three couples I don't like or believe in at the heart of this.I just wanted Evelyn to go away at the start when she was all "I want to see Josh!" in the middle of a serious situation, she's nearly as bad as Hannah.The only good thing about her being there was that she finally got to have a go at Hannah about her sneaking around with Andy, then she's got Josh giving her his "Andy's got a good heart" speech and going all soppy and believing everything he says.(All this because Andy wasn't happy living in a caravan?Yeah, he's a regular saint.) Fortunately, battle lines are soon drawn when Hannah, the woman who's been sleeping with a Barrett every chance she gets including when her family are in the room, gets all hypocritical about Evelyn sharing a bed with one.(Wonder if she knows about Maddy and Oscar?Wonder if we'll see Oscar's reaction to finding out that his "Hannah's finished with Andy" excuse isn't true?)Really, Maddy is better off out of this mess.Plus point, Kyle finally getting fed up with Brax expecting him to go along with anything.

John and Marilyn just about make it into this episode.Roo and Marilyn gossiping when they should be working was just annoying but I liked Irene's reaction to Marilyn's phone conversation and I'm glad Marilyn told John more or less straight off.But now he's got that difficult conversation with Jett...

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Red I couldn't put it better myself even if I tried. The truce only lasted about 20 seconds between Hannah and Evelyn. I see that Braxton household became the control centre of operations, it was like let's get as much characters as possible in one house. Where did Phoebe come from? it was like they teleported her in for that last scene.

H&Alover well Tamara accident was more realistic because Alf was looking for Darcy and Harley. My point is it would've looked better if Andy was found by a member of the public or someone who isn't associated with the storyline.

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I guess Andy was found because the bush is such a small world :-) It's like in Neighbours where someone always arrives at a house just as someone is leaving. OK, benefit of the doubt I think he was rolled out the car where he would be found.

I reckon Brax should have just have said we'll protect Josh and that's it, I just don't see him playing the community protection officer and getting involved any more than he has to. Good for Evelyn telling sneaky Hannah the score.

Roo really does stick her pointy beak in to everyone's business, even swelling on the brain hasn't slowed her down!

Yes, I read about Ada's sad loss, I'm sure she'll be getting lots of hugs - she's one of my favourite characters, I remember her from Heartbreak High.

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I can't believe how many of you think Casey was out of order for moving Josh in. The hypocrisy from Kyle and Phoebe, Phoebe who's been there all of five minutes. It's ridiculous. He's only doing it while his brother is in danger and I thought their attitude was disgusting. It's Casey's home a lot more than it was theres.

I felt he couldn't have been more in the right and I loved the way he stuck it to Phoebe finally. It's about time someone reached up and pulled her off her gobby high horse.

And Kyle, lets just remember how he came to the Bay for tying up and trying to murder Casey. I think he's done well to even get accepted in the house so lay off the lecturing both of you. They are a supremely annoying couple.

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couldnt disagree with you more, izzyhoyland. what you say is true about their history, but it is brax's house and he has the say about who lives there. if brax, tamara and phoebe have all forgiven kyle for what he did in the deserrt, then why cant casey? it was always going to be a questionable decision to telling josh that he could move in and he should have gone to brax first to check it out, or if there wasn't time, then say that he was going to.

bit dodgy about evie going to school (when she wanted to look after josh), what happens if she is followed home? hannah had the good sense to turn her car round when she realised she was being followed. who suggested that she was stupid?

still can't work out how far the farm is supposed to be from summer bay. many miles, if hannah was doing 80 mph half the way. must be a good bus service (never seen one), cos people seem to get and back very quickly. how far do you think?

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