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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I can't believe how many of you think Casey was out of order for moving Josh in. The hypocrisy from Kyle and Phoebe, Phoebe who's been there all of five minutes. It's ridiculous. He's only doing it while his brother is in danger and I thought their attitude was disgusting. It's Casey's home a lot more than it was theres.

I'm not saying Casey was wrong to move Josh in and want to protect him.In fact, I'm glad he did, up until then he didn't seem to particularly care that Josh was his brother.But he was out of order in the way he handled it and the way he spoke to Kyle and Phoebe.All they needed was a proper explanation and once they got one they supported him and Josh.But instead he tried to act the big man, as if he's somehow more important in the family than they are.Sorry but that's not the case.Kyle's more than proved himself in the past two years, the family would have fallen apart without him handling the grown-up stuff while the others make stupid emotional decisions.He and Phoebe are as much a part of the family and the household as Casey, and he doesn't get to act like he's suddenly head boy and his say goes.

Of course, he learned from the master, as today's episode demonstrates.Brax really needs to start showing Kyle some respect, and thankfully he did.I actually really liked Phoebe here, speaking up for Kyle.(Incidentally, I think that last scene from the previous episode was meant to be in this one and last episode was meant to end with Kyle walking out of the restaurant, instead of us getting two identical scenes back to back.)I'm expecting Brax to go back to making unilateral decisions soon but at least he had that brief moment of acknowledging that Kyle is the brother they all rely on and trusting him with his and Ricky's news.

I didn't quite get what the school storyline was about.Were the team leaders meant to be leading group discussions and helping the others come up with ideas?Because if so, Matt seemed to be a complete failure who let his team down but came out on top by turning on the charm.Sasha trying to muscle in on Spencer and Matt's ideas is going to get irritating.

I'm glad Maddy and Oscar had some scenes together, I was worried their hook-up would mean the end of their friendship.It seems on the rocks now anyway, though.She meant well kissing him like that, unfortunately it didn't make any differences and just resulted in Mitch pressing Oscar's berserk button.Are we meant to assume there was more to the fight than that single punch we saw, given the state Oscar was in when he turned up?

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When it was first introduced it was mentioned that it was definitely too far to walk, other than that I can't remember a specific distance being mentioned over the years. All we know is that it's on Ferry Road in the middle of the bush.

Leave it a couple of years and it'll probably have magically moved next door to the Beach House anyway :P

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Stone the crows, by car, no one walks or catches buses unless they're too young to drive!

Well youre wrong there, psychic wombat. I love walking and will walk to the shops, the bus stop, the railway station, across our lovely hills and up welsh mountains. I also catch the bus to go to places in the countryside that trains dont go to. and i also hzve been driving for x years (cant give my age away now, can i?).

And i know ill upset someone when i say that i loved the kyle/phoebe scenes today. good for kyle standing up for himself at last. the music will certainly liven up angelos, if he keeps the amps. go on kyle, i know you want to. be wonderful to see kyle and phoebe playing and singing together. might even see matt singing????

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And Kyle, lets just remember how he came to the Bay for tying up and trying to murder Casey. I think he's done well to even get accepted in the house so lay off the lecturing both of you. They are a supremely annoying couple.

Couldn't agree more (and with most of your post actually). After a bright start, it's reached the point where I want to strangle both of them now. Kyle especially. And let's not forget that Kyle didn't simply try to kill Casey he was going to let him rot in the sweltering desert and die a slow painful death. Kyle was particularly annoying today spitting his dummy out and spending thousands of dollars on equipment just because Brax didn't ask for Kyle's permission before he gave the money from HIS restaurant (not Kyle's) to Andy - boo hoo. Kyle should seriously get over himself. It's not all about him. Brax doesn't even like Andy and despite what happened when he gave Andy the money before, was prepared to do it again to help Josh because he knew how much it meant to Casey because that's how much he cares about his younger brother. I don't particularly like Brax but can't really fault him. The only thing I didn't find annoying about Phoebe was the way she once again stood up to Brax. The girls has got some balls. I will say that.

So the user continues her selfish behaviour. If she really cared about Oscar then she would try and give him some space. I think a good rule is to never be friends with someone you fancy. And here's why. He needs time to get over her and how is he supposed to do that if she wants to hang around him? Not really much she can do if he turns up at the gym but all she's doing now is giving him false hope. She may have said the kiss and slapping his backside might have meant nothing. But to him it would have meant something. And the more time he spends with her all he will keep thinking is that if he simply bides his time she will change her mind about him eventually where he should be moving on and looking for someone else. It was monumentally stupid of her to accompany Oscar to where he was serving his community service. What did she hope to achieve by doing that? The guy that was hassling him was simply going to say "Oh look, Oscar's going out with a hot girl. Let's lay off him now".

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And Kyle, lets just remember how he came to the Bay for tying up and trying to murder Casey. I think he's done well to even get accepted in the house so lay off the lecturing both of you. They are a supremely annoying couple.

Also we shouldn't forget that Casey killed Danny which lead to Kyle doing what he did. I'm not trying to justify it but we do have to put it into context.

If you want to talk about the past where was Casey when Tamara's ex-boyfriend turned up and wanted to take her back, all Casey did was more a less roll out the red carpet and let them go until Kyle intervened.

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Brian have you tried walking in the midday New South Wales sun, it's not fun. In rural areas buses are few and far between and distances longer, it's not uncommon to drive 50Km or more to the local pub so most people learn to drive pretty quick.

I do hope Kyle gets his way and we see some Kyle Phoebe duets and a recital by Maddie too! After all the bar in Neighbours has music so it's about time H&A followed suite. Brax is just being Brax he doesn't like anything happening that doesn't include him in on the planning. If the restaurant has $4000.00 sitting in the till then Kyle must be doing something right and Brax should let him invest in the restaurants future.

I don't see Oscar complaining much regarding Maddie, I think he's intelligent enough to realise that a relationship isn't going to happen between them and at least he has 'that night' to remember :-) It's good to see him break away from Evie, they were a little too close even for twins. I just hope he's not started taking steroids judging from his behavior at the end of yesterdays episode!

Stone the crows, by car, no one walks or catches buses unless they're too young to drive!

Well youre wrong there, psychic wombat. I love walking and will walk to the shops, the bus stop, the railway station, across our lovely hills and up welsh mountains. I also catch the bus to go to places in the countryside that trains dont go to. and i also hzve been driving for x years (cant give my age away now, can i?).

And i know ill upset someone when i say that i loved the kyle/phoebe scenes today. good for kyle standing up for himself at last. the music will certainly liven up angelos, if he keeps the amps. go on kyle, i know you want to. be wonderful to see kyle and phoebe playing and singing together. might even see matt singing????

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Also we shouldn't forget that Casey killed Danny which lead to Kyle doing what he did. I'm not trying to justify it but we do have to put it into context.

I don't see how you can put the two in context without trying to justify one or the other. Casey shot Danny to try and save the manager of the pub they were trying to rob. He had very little time to think and acted in the heat of the moment and you could argue that he didn't have many alternatives. Kyle stalked Casey for some time before kidnapping him. And he was just going to leave him there in the desert to die slowly and painfully. It was calculated and premeditated.

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