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Also we shouldn't forget that Casey killed Danny which lead to Kyle doing what he did. I'm not trying to justify it but we do have to put it into context.

I don't see how you can put the two in context without trying to justify one or the other. Casey shot Danny to try and save the manager of the pub they were trying to rob. He had very little time to think and acted in the heat of the moment and you could argue that he didn't have many alternatives. Kyle stalked Casey for some time before kidnapping him. And he was just going to leave him there in the desert to die slowly and painfully. It was calculated and premeditated.

Slade you're trying to tell me that if Casey didn't kill Danny, Kyle would still have tortured Casey. The 2 incidents go in hand in hand. Kyle hardly ever saw Danny because most of the time he was with 3 Braxton brother which made him jealous and then he finds out Casey killed his dad, it took away the only family he thought he had.

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Though most of the time Phoebe can be an annoying brat I loved how she gave Brax what for about the way he was treating Kyle, which Brax admires and he listened to her, it wasn't about the money as such it was about respect, Brax expected respect from Kyle and as Kyle said it's a two way street. I've noticed none of the women that have been involved with any of the Braxton's have been afraid of him! Kyle works hard in Angelo's and has really built up the business, Brax hardly makes an appearance there. Yes I know it's his business, but a heads up to Kyle wouldn't have hurt. I'm glad he did explain why he didn't treat Kyle the same as the others and it was because he didn't have to worry about him like he did with Casey and Heath. Big leap of faith for him to let Kyle in on his and Ricky's baby plans. Now Kyle has made his point about the music he can change his mind. As for when we first saw Kyle he was trying to kill Casey, I think we can lay the blame for that at Danny's door. He was very manipulative and knew just how to play all of his sons. Danny drifted in and out of Kyle's life and I dare say spun him many stories of his life of crime. Heath explained it best when he told Kyle he didn't care for any of them, especially him and Kyle.

I really like to think Andy has gone to pay off his suppliers, he may be a waste of space but Josh is very important to him. He hasn't got any family to back him like the Braxton's and McGuire's have and doesn't know any other way to get money. I liked Josh's come back to Evie when she was slagging off Andy and he asked her what she would do if anyone did the same to Oscar. Talking of drugs, supplying and otherwise, are we (and they) forgetting the Braxton's had their own marijuana farm which they would have been supplying to people just like Andy.

So Andy's assumption 'they' didn't know about Hannah was wrong, people like that know everything about the person they are targeting. At least she has her sensible head on and didn't lead them to the farm, but I reckon they know about it anyway.

Oscar is trying to convince himself he's OK with Maddy just being friends, but she was his first and that's a lot harder to get over. She's trying to make amends and actually I liked the fact she kissed him in front of that bully, Oscar knew that was all a front. The confrontation would have come sooner or later, certainly took Mitchell (?) by surprise, where's his mate gone btw?

Little bit of light relief with John and Marilyn who thankfully 'fessed up about inviting Shandi to the wedding. Seems odd John hasn't mentioned her to Jett, but how do you start that sort of conversation? He, John, feels he has neglected her, but considering for most of her life he didn't know she existed, not really his fault. I think they both agreed not to keep in touch. :unsure:

The Matt/Sasha scenes didn't really seem to fit in with the rest of it. Matt may have had a brainwave with his pizza delivery by skateboard, but he needs to get everything down on paper, which isn't his forte.

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At the risk of flogging several dead horses, on the subject of was Casey or Kyle more out of line:I'm not going to justify what Kyle did when he first appeared, but it's a long time ago in soap terms and, while it's a cliché, he's not the same person he was then, just as Heath isn't the same person who battered Miles and put Angelo in a coma.He's done a lot to make up for it, saving Tamara as haaf said and largely being responsible for finding Heath when Jamie left him adrift and Brax's methods weren't working, so I don't think after all this time Casey can use it as a license to treat him like a second class citizen and not give him a say in the family or the household.If Casey and Brax expect Kyle to look after their businesses while they swan off to London, then they owe him the respect of a family member and he has a right to have his opinion heard.Brax might own the restaurant but he has trouble looking after it on his own, relying first on Liam and now on Kyle, and he doesn't have the right to use it as his personal cashpoint any more than Heath did, or any more than Casey has the right to steal from Indi to bail Andy out.Even leaving aside the legality of what the money's being used for, he's expecting Kyle to falsify accounts to make the money disappear, which is a tax dodge if nothing else.As for Maddy, while I think Oscar has some residual feelings and their night together is obviously a sore point, I think he understood what the kiss was about.This bullying started because of Zac dropping him off and getting him pegged as a wimp, having him turn up with an attractive girlfriend might have negated that and it did seem to give Mitch pause for a moment, unfortunately it didn't last long.I wouldn't go as far as to say you can't be friends with someone you fancy.Admittedly, on this show it tends to lead to heartache and misunderstandings and cheating, but, to use an extreme example, Jett and Indi had a good relationship once he accepted he didn't stand a chance.

So, after that lengthy sermon, today.I think it hung together quite well, the business project stuff worked better when not sandwiched between Braxton drama scenes.I'm glad Spencer won out;Matt might have been better at working a crowd but it was the ideas they were judging not the showmanship and he had the better researched idea.No sympathy for Sasha, who's had plenty of time to shut this down.I was surprised that Kyle didn't feature in Phoebe's plans to keep the mixing desk, but it was nice to see her interacting with Matt since she doesn't often spend time with anyone other than Braxton-related characters.I even liked Chris here and Alf's desperate attempts to keep away from him although it made the business project thing seem even more strange, would they really accept anyone who turned up at the last minute as a judge?I'm more pleased than I should be that Chris doesn't seem to have been scared off by Phoebe's bullying and threats, and still wants to be friends with Denny:I like her a lot better with him than caught in the middle of Braxton/Barrett drama.

I was disappointed but not surprised that Maddy vanished from the gym between episodes, she's already been in two this week and judging from yesterday's promo they're saving her for tomorrow. Anyway, nice to see Zac involved with Oscar.Despite his torn clothing, he didn't seem to have any obvious injuries so I guess the fight didn't go too badly.(And he seems to have bulked up a bit too from his shirtless scene, Maddy's a lucky girl.)This exercise thing seems to have come out of nowhere, I'm guessing maybe he's addicted to the endorphins, since he mentioned they helped with the panic attacks?He's clearly pushing himself too hard anyway.I thought at first he took that roster so he could be there when suspicious Spencer isn't, rather than when Maddy is, but from the way he was circling it maybe he's planning to be there when different people are in, so no-one notices how much time he's spending there.(And shock horror, they seem to have employees other than the main cast!The fact Andy is still rostered on seems a bit optimistic though.)

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Both Brax and Casey (and to a lesser degree) when he was there Heath seem to swing from accepting Kyle as one of the family to blocking him out in really important matters. It could be argued Brax 'stealing' from the till and expecting Kyle to cover for him by doing a bit of creative accounting is different from Casey stealing from the gym. Angelo's is a family business so they all lose out, but Indy isn't and her not even being around to see what is going on is more of a betrayal as she trusted Casey enough to make him co-manager.

Matt has yet another string to his bow, he writes music, is a poet and uses a mixer like a pro. Though once again, as he has with Sasha, he backs off immediately someone, this time Phoebe, praises him and tells him he could use his talent to make something of himself, what is he afraid of? At least she did persuade him to use the mixer in his pitch, but as Red said Spencer did have the facts and figures which is the more important aspect for a business idea. Sasha had another chance to own up when Zac told her 'her' poem was going to be published, no use her having a go at Matt, it's down to her to own up. If he tried it he'd probably be accused of lying.

I was wondering about the roster, you could be right Red about him dodging Spencer and Maddy, though now Zac is on to him it won't be so easy to skip school. Yes I spotted there are indeed other staff!!!! He could do himself some serious damage going by the state he was in when out running. People do get themselves addicted to exercise to avoid other problems in their lives. He didn't look too bad apart from the torn shirt and cuts.

Good point made about Jett and Indi and but he was a lot younger than her so even a snog would have been out of the question let alone anything else.

So will something happen between Zac and Leah, not just Sophie picking up on there being a spark there but Irene too. Did I really hear Roo say something about not sticking your beak in where it's not wanted, pot, kettle, black!!!!

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.

Quite a bit going on here.Maddy's finally wearing Casey down in her enthusiasm to do the important stuff, despite Denny's rather snooty jealousy.Is everyone but her meant to be qualified instructors then?Because I always assumed Andy and Spencer weren't.Are they meant to all be taking that course that Casey and Heath did?I suppose it didn't actually take them long to get qualified so it's probably not hard.Hope Maddy does get it.I'm loving that Chris not only went near Denny (don't know what she's complaining about, 99% a good guy is more than most of the guys in town) but told Casey himself, therefore meaning Phoebe's bullying achieved nothing whatsoever.I just wish we'd had a chance to see her realise that.Shame it devolves into some bland, sickly sweet scenes between Cheating Couple Number One.It doesn't help when the supposed super couple are a lot more interesting and engaging away from each other.

Leah is now quite obviously gagging for it with Zac, who appears to be oblivious.Nate and Sophie, on the other hand, don't seem to be doing anything else.Alf silently going fishing when John comes round for a heart to heart was mildly amusing.Jett does the old soap thing of being nice to the person that's lying to him.John seems to have got his figures wrong when he says he's been lying to Jett for three years though:He's known him for less than two and a half.

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are "cheating couple number one" supposed to be kyle and phoebe, red? If so, who have they cheated on? (bad English that - try again. upon whom have they cheated?) If not, who then? i think they work well together - they spur each 0ther on. Would kyle ever bought the amps, if phoebe had not said to him "what are you going to do about it?") or are you jealous of all the kisses kyle gets, red?

what is matt afraid of, halover? coming from mangrove river and being told that noone from there stands a chance of being succesful at anything. josh had a hard time overcoming that and lost maddy in the process. what do the principal and staff do to overcome that?

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Wow, Red Ranger 1 you were up early today ;-)

Red was tossing and turning during the night and couldn't get any sleep until Red edited the piece.

I think Zach and Leah relationship works better as friends but if they do get together then it will interesting to see how they get on. Someone has mentioned this before but Maddy skipping around is starting to get irritating now.

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