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Slade you're trying to tell me that if Casey didn't kill Danny, Kyle would still have tortured Casey. The 2 incidents go in hand in hand. Kyle hardly ever saw Danny because most of the time he was with 3 Braxton brother which made him jealous and then he finds out Casey killed his dad, it took away the only family he thought he had.

No, that's not what I said. In your previous post you said you weren't trying to justify what Kyle did but it feels like justification and in this post too. I just made the point that if you compare the two incidents there's far less of a justification for what Kyle did than Casey. And the poster you responded to simply said that given what happened with Kyle it's lucky both he and Phoebe are even living there which is a reasonable statement IMO. You mentioned previously that H & A wasn't realistic because of the amount of times Casey went in and out of jail but if it was do you think they would have forgiven and accepted Kyle irrespective of what Casey did to Danny and how it affected Kyle? It' doesn't matter that Casey killed someone as far as the Braxtons are concerned. And it doesn't matter the effect it had on Kyle which was what led to the kidnapping and attempted murder. They grew up together, didn't grow up with Kyle obviously Casey is going to feel he has more of a right to anything than someone they've know for about a couple of years. And for all the good Kyle has done I still think ultimately deep down, certainly for the foreseeable he will be be seen as the late comer and the outsider. There's an argument for whether it's fair or not but that's my take anyway.

Don't blame Denny for getting suspicious about Maddie given how she treated Oscar. Have to agree with the point H&Alover made about Maddie skipping around like some ten year old. It's extremely annoying.

Chris was pathetic the way he went looking for Denny like that. Practically reduced himself to stalking her just to get across some flimsy apology. Hopefully he won't come back from his trip.

Now that Sophie's plan worked (notice how she hasn't had any turns since Leah has backed off) I see she's still carrying on the scheming, effectively trying to neutralise Leah as any future obstacle by facilitating a romance with Zak to keep her occupied. With that being said I did actually enjoy that scene. I'm assuming Zak initially rejected the idea because he's never really thought of Leah in that way but he's single, she's single so you never now. Leah obviously needs someone but I'm still wondering if Zak is ready, given that he was still obviously into Hannah up until a few weeks ago, has recently overcome his drinking issues, had to deal with Oscar and the court case and although he's definitely on the right track is still trying to sort himself out. Although the best way to get over someone is to find someone else just as suited or even more so.

I'm even less convinced with Sophie and Nate than I was before. Leah was right it does seem to be moving way too quickly.

Casey should have waited for Spencer to arrive before running off to find Denny. The gym could end up getting sued if someone had injured themselves and they just left a trainee there unsupervised. Still we knew it was going to happen for obvious reasons.

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Slade you're trying to tell me that if Casey didn't kill Danny, Kyle would still have tortured Casey. The 2 incidents go in hand in hand. Kyle hardly ever saw Danny because most of the time he was with 3 Braxton brother which made him jealous and then he finds out Casey killed his dad, it took away the only family he thought he had.

No, that's not what I said. In your previous post you said you weren't trying to justify what Kyle did but it feels like justification and in this post too. I just made the point that if you compare the two incidents there's far less of a justification for what Kyle did than Casey. And the poster you responded to simply said that given what happened with Kyle it's lucky both he and Phoebe are even living there which is a reasonable statement IMO. You mentioned previously that H & A wasn't realistic because of the amount of times Casey went in and out of jail but if it was do you think they would have forgiven and accepted Kyle irrespective of what Casey did to Danny and how it affected Kyle? It' doesn't matter that Casey killed someone as far as the Braxtons are concerned. And it doesn't matter the effect it had on Kyle which was what led to the kidnapping and attempted murder. They grew up together, didn't grow up with Kyle obviously Casey is going to feel he has more of a right to anything than someone they've know for about a couple of years. And for all the good Kyle has done I still think ultimately deep down, certainly for the foreseeable he will be be seen as the late comer and the outsider. There's an argument for whether it's fair or not but that's my take anyway.

Don't blame Denny for getting suspicious about Maddie given how she treated Oscar. Have to agree with the point H&Alover made about Maddie skipping around like some ten year old.

You have your opinions and I have mine, we'll agree to disagree. This forum is about opinions and we differ, that's fine and that is what it is all about. The only reason that poster made those comments was that the individual couldn't take people taking Kyle's side over Casey's. As Red has mentioned characters develop and change over time.

Maddy's skipping is annoying but we don't actually know that Denny knows what happened between Oscar and Maddy otherwise you would think Denny would have had a go at Maddy for the way ahe treated Oscar.

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^I did wonder at first but Denny did mention Maddy "stomped all over Oscar's heart", so she's probably clued in on the details.Not that I think that had anything to do with it other than being an excuse though, I think she was just jealous because Maddy's pretty and Casey's friends with her.(And he's already demonstrated that he views someone being in a relationship as merely an obstacle to get past.)Re:Maddy's skipping, I'm coming to the conclusion that in some ways she's a bit like Marilyn.I mean, in a lot of ways they're poles apart but I think Maddy is someone who just naturally has a younger personality than her actual age, which is why she tends to sulk a lot and why we get this childlike enthusiasm from her when things are going her way, or even when she wants them to.I like Maddy so I'm rather fond of it. I get that a lot of other people think otherwise, but I do think it fits her character.

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Casey should have waited for Spencer to arrive before running off to find Denny. The gym could end up getting sued if someone had injured themselves and they just left a trainee there unsupervised. Still we knew it was going to happen for obvious reasons.

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Just popping in to see what you've all been saying. :) I watched the omnibus today which was the first I've seen of it in months. It took a while to get used to some of the new faces, but I think I'm all caught up.

I'm not particularly pleased to see the Braxtons are still involved in the same sort of drama as when I last watched around 6 months ago, but I can't say it comes as a surprise. I enjoyed it other than that though. I'm pleased John & Marilyn are getting married, I like them as a pairing.

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Casey should have waited for Spencer to arrive before running off to find Denny. The gym could end up getting sued if someone had injured themselves and they just left a trainee there unsupervised. Still we knew it was going to happen for obvious reasons.

I'm sure Casey said to Spencer, when he came in, will you look after the place (or some such words) for a few hours. I have to go somewhere.

My point actually was Brian, there must have been some time between when Casey left and when presumably Spencer turned up off screen (probably only a few minutes). However if you are running a gym you should always have a qualified person there in case somebody injures themselves so the gym doesn't have to end up going to court and paying any injuries, loss of earnings etc. And Maddie is hardly qualified but Casey left her there unsupervised.

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^I did wonder at first but Denny did mention Maddy "stomped all over Oscar's heart", so she's probably clued in on the details.Not that I think that had anything to do with it other than being an excuse though,

Thanks for the info Red, I do sometimes switch off when the conversation is getting a bit boring but I would thought Denny would have given Maddy a big serve for what she did to Oscar.
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^ I don't think writer's ever think about liability. The only time I remember an incident happening was in Neighbours where the character who played Jack Holden tried to sue the gym. I thought Casey was qualified but if he isn't then why is he running the gym? shouldn't they get someone who is qualified to run the gym.

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Casey is qualified. Heath was looking at his work when he was doing his course.

Have they moved the door to the Braxton's house further over from the old surgery's door? They used to be in line, but now you can't see the main house door from the surgery/flat door. I reckon it's so they don't have to have to put the house set up if they just want the flat.

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