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In today's episode I see another kidnapping has occurred. I probably make that what the 58th involving a Braxton or has some sort of connection to a Braxton. You do wonder sometimes why they keep on going back to their beloved kidnap storyline's.

Wonder if we've had as many kidnappings as we've had rapes, although we haven't had one of those in a while. Well not since Rosie so they might as well throw another one into some storyline.

I don't what your take on the storyline was but I got the impression it wasn't fully given the attention as it could have been. I may just be overly critical but it is a sensitive subject to get right.

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I'm a bit confused about Nate. One minute he's lighting up when Rikki arrives then he's giving mixed signals to Sophie before deciding every thing is fine. What is the problem, it's not like they haven't lived together before, although I always think it's a bad idea to get back together with an ex.

I thought Shandy was a piece of work casting doubts in young Jets mind about John. I guess it was through jealousy at Jet having the childhood she never had but it doesn't really excuse it. I'm sure Colleen would have sussed her straight away if she'd been around :-)

Phoebe pushes the boundary further regarding personal information, she is going to get into trouble soon.

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I'm also in the "Well, Brax said it's not over..." camp.("And I dared to think it was over.It'll never be over."Sorry, just quoting Robin of Sherwood for no good reason.See left.)Shandi was only in town for a day last time she turned up so it's not a surprise she never met Marilyn.

I'm really not sure what Nate's playing at.He says he's scared of it going wrong again, but it feels more like he's gone off Sophie now that she's not all vulnerable.Is Leah still keeping his room open for him?If I was Zac, I'd have wanted a more definite timetable than "You can move in, but not yet", especially if Leah needs to check with VJ, who's presumably hanging out with Madge Wilkins.As feared, the fact Zac's niece was just kidnapped because of Hannah's on-off boyfriend gets dismissed with a "Evie's not coming in for a couple of days."Can you imagine how Hannah would treat Zac if the positions were reversed?

To be honest, I can't really feel sorry for Sophie because of her covering up Sasha's dishonesty.It feels like she's more interested in the prestige for the school, and by extension herself, than doing the right thing, as suggested by the way she rushed into getting the poem printed with a big "Summer Bay High student" byline, seemingly without even talking to Sasha and seeing if she was okay with it. (She left Zac to pass on messages.)I haven't got much sympathy for Sasha either, given that she had plenty of time to own up before it was too late.Matt's reaction bothers me, he just doesn't get why Sasha wouldn't be happy being lauded for a lie and seems to expect her to bask in the glory of a successful scam.The fact the pay off was Sasha gazing at him adoringly felt rather awkward.

Man, if you've got a secret you don't tell Kyle.Ricky isn't even pregnant and he's treating her like she is even though he's not meant to know.Just how stupid is Phoebe?Kyle tells her not to say anything and she pretty much goes up to Ricky and goes "Congratulations on the pregnancy."(Was she deliberately making trouble?)Brax is not going to be happy...

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Man, if you've got a secret you don't tell Kyle.Ricky isn't even pregnant and he's treating her like she is even though he's not meant to know.Just how stupid is Phoebe?Kyle tells her not to say anything and she pretty much goes up to Ricky and goes "Congratulations on the pregnancy."(Was she deliberately making trouble?)Brax is not going to be happy...

When Kyle told Phoebe not to tell anyone about it and she was like sure I won't but you just knew it she would say something. She did the exact same with Heath when she told Darcy that Heath was going for custody. One thing is for sure if you got a secret you don't tell Phoebe because it isn't going too last long.
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Re Andy I think the only way to treble your money so quickly is by selling drugs.

I don't think you can compare Phoebe telling Darcy about Heath applying for custody with her blurting out Rikki trying for a baby. Kyle should have told Phoebe the situation about Heath and his history, she wan't aware it was a secret. But she does have a mouth to rival Miss Groper 1959! Having a baby is the most personal thing that can happen between a couple, she's such a teenager at times.

I was surprised when Sophie decided to cover up the poem being written by someone else, not what you expect a teacher to do. They could have softened the blow by saying it was co-authored I supposed. When I was at art college all the work we did belonged to the college for 5 years maybe schoolwork is the same, that's the only way I can explain the school sending Sasha's poem for publication, but they should have told her!

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It's Ricky who is going to be angry with Brax for telling Kyle in the first place, Phoebe is an intelligent girl so was bound to work it out for herself, actually I thought she was going to find the pregnancy testing kit Ricky just blithely tossed in the bin. Kyle was being very patronising towards Ricky even if she wasn't pregnant, assuming she wouldn't be able to carry 'heavy' loads. She may be overreacting by thinking because she had a miscarriage she wouldn't be able to get pregnant, it's only been a few weeks as she admitted to Nate. She'll get herself worked up which won't help.

I think Andy got the extra $10,000 by gambling, he would have had to buy and sell an awful lot of drugs to make that much money in such a short time. I'm another one in the Brax camp in thinking it's not over as regards Cody and co, he left far too easily.

Does seem Nate doesn't want to be alone with Sophie whereas on her part she doesn't seem to want to share Nate with anyone. I noticed Sophie pretended not to know why Leah didn't want to let Zac move back in. As for her deciding to cover up about the poem, OK fair enough it was too late to do anything about now as it had already been printed and the issues had gone out, but couldn't it be arranged for an extraction to be printed in the next one with some sort of explanation. Why didn't Sasha tell Sophie that Matt wrote it and submitted it under her name and he didn't want any credit for it? All Sophie would need to do then is talk to Matt to confirm it.

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I don't think you can compare Phoebe telling Darcy about Heath applying for custody with her blurting out Rikki trying for a baby. Kyle should have told Phoebe the situation about Heath and his history, she wan't aware it was a secret. But she does have a mouth to rival Miss Groper 1959! Having a baby is the most personal thing that can happen between a couple, she's such a teenager at times.

My point was she has previous of letting things slip, I was just trying to point out not compare the two incidents.

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