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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I hear what Casey's saying and he's probably right that if they give up on Andy he'll slide back into crime but...he does that anyway.He's been given chance after chance, he's lucky to still be working at the gym, Casey playing family counsellor is a bit above and beyond.Brax speaks from experience as someone who paid the price of going for the soft option.So Andy made his money doing "deals":It's not clear if this means drugs but the implication is there.I'm surprised Casey didn't seem to mind that Phoebe knew what was going on between Brax and Ricky before he did.

Jett actually irritated me here.John kept trying to talk to him and he just went into Stepford Stepson mode.I'm not sure if it was necessary for Marilyn to put her foot down since John had been saying everything he needed to anyway, Jett just wasn't listening.Ah well, at least he's got the message now.

Still can't quite believe in Hannah as a responsible adult.I'm not sure asking Casey to ban Oscar from the gym was particularly helpful, at least there people could keep an eye on him and stop him overdoing it.Not that it made any difference since Oscar went out for a long run without even knowing about the ban.I was getting increasingly frustrated by Zac's absence so I'm glad Hannah told him what was going on.He's conspicuously absent from the promo though so "searching the Diner" will probably take several hours.

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When Casey finds out Andy's drug dealing he'll have to fire him from the gym, no way can anyone who works in a gym be associated with drugs of any type. Will he go through with the deal he's been offered though... we'll see.

Oscar reminds me of a wind up robot, poor guy. I thought he was on some medication? I think it needs a review as it could be causing his compulsive disorder. I didn't notice him take any water on his run which is odd.

The whole Jet, Marilyn and John scene was a bit schmaltzy, I was eating at the time and didn't appreciate it lol.

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I thought I heard Cody say something like video's. :unsure: If so maybe they are dodgy ones. I can see where Casey is coming from and it's what I've said before. Andy is effectively Heath and didn't/doesn't have an older brother like Brax to steer him in the right direction like Casey and Heath did. Brax has done what Casey has asked of him now it's done to Andy to turn his life round.

Just where does Cody and his gang come from, doesn't seem they are from Yabby Creek or Mango River as Brax couldn't find out anything about them.

I was surprised Casey didn't react more when after Brax had told him Ricky and his news he casually mentioned Phoebe (and by extension Kyle knowing), maybe he didn't pick up on it. He looked so happy and looking forward to being an uncle again.

Hannah, to give her her due, can only do so much as regards looking out for Oscar, she can't be with him 24 hours a day and teenagers with eating problems which Oscar seems to have apart from his continuous exercising, soon get skilled at lying about whether they have eaten or not. You're right there Red, at least while he's at the gym people can restrict how much he does and if everyone is told about him he won't be able to sneak in as many hours as he has been. If he is trying to bulk up as he claims isn't he going the wrong way about it, running with that back pack on, exercising, not eating. He's losing weight not putting it on. Seems Oscar's problem with Mitch has kind of been resolved, while still goading him Mitch has backed off from actually shoving him around, must have surprised Mitch when he asked for a lift and of course as he has no idea where he lives wouldn't know he was dropping him in the middle of nowhere. Lucky that Hannah ran into Zac and mentioned almost as an afterthought about Oscar saying Zac was picking him up so at least they have an early alert that he has gone missing. You're right Physic he didn't have any water with him and in that heat and of course he has to go off piste and start running through the bush.

John was trying to avoid actually talking to Jett, he was trying to show he cared by treating him to a slap up breakfast and Jett was trying to avoid any confrontation by doing as many chores as he could. I had to laugh when Marilyn got soaked and she flipped out and ordered them both to say what was bothering them.

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Well, I was wrong: We did see Zac involved in the search for Oscar and present when he turned up at the farmhouse.I was glad to see it and I hope we now get to see the two of them spending time together.I was also pleased that, even though he got to play the hero and find Oscar, Andy made himself scarce once everything was resolved rather than acting like he's part of the family, and despite Oscar thanking him we were spared a dubious scene of Andy giving him a fatherly pep-talk.Instead it was Nate who hung around long past the point where he had any right to, letting Sophie down in the process.I am actually starting to feel sorry for Sophie: This was actually worse than Nate avoiding her, he didn't even seem to remember her.Zac and Hannah still have the chemistry, although the moment mostly seemed to be there for the sake of Leah's reaction.

So, you leave Andy to his own devices and he does the wrong thing, and you offer him help and he does the wrong thing.The implication seemed to be that Hannah's rejection "justifies" it but he's increasingly seeming like a lost cause.Despite him being panted as a Heath who doesn't have Brax's guidance, I think it's at least as much a case of him being a Brax who doesn't have Heath to do the dirty work.Maybe I'm remembering wrong but I don't think Heath threw away this many opportunities to change and I don't recall Brax being that good at steering him in the right direction, in the early days he was practically steering him the other way.

Surprisingly, I found myself sympathising with both Brax and Ricky here:Brax producing the cot when Ricky's sensitive about it was a bad idea but I was kind of glad that he put some conditions of his own in.Assuming he's not just covering the fact that he's already told Casey, I do wonder how much family there is left for Brax to tell: Heath, Bianca and Cheryl, I guess.

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It looks like Sophie and Nate have sorted things out. The relationship has accelerated in the last few weeks so let hope it does settle down. The dinner date didn't go down that well and it was clear before they talked Brax and Nate weren't going to have much in common.

Seems very quiet, where is everyone?

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I felt some sympathy for Josh when he saw Brax and Casey messing about and realised that was the kind of brotherly relationship that he's never had and probably never will.But it evaporated as soon as Evelyn appeared, and then Denny gets dragged into it as well for a cheating couples double date.The comment about the two sisters dating two brothers reminded me that for about one episode they were dating two different brothers (who...once dated two different sisters) and how I wish they'd stuck with them instead of us having two couples that are always going to be tainted by how they got together thrust in our faces.The attempt to portrayed Evelyn as a good little girl who waits before having sex feels like an attempt to make us forget that she was cracking onto another girl's boyfriend not too long ago.Sorry, doesn't wash.

I found Brax rather childish with the way he wouldn't give the double date a chance, not even for Ricky's sake.Spencer and Maddy's movie night was quite fun."Why don't we get back together?" is a question a lot of the audience have been asking ever since they split up but sadly it seems like we're not going to get a satisfactory answer.Spencer's feelings came out of nowhere a bit but he did seem to still have them at the start of the year so I guess it's not too much of a stretch.

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Agree with you completely about all 4 couples Red. Josh and Evie just don't go together - he should have stuck with Maddy. I'll bet she'll take him back given a chance. Nate and his wife are doomed as well. Nice to see these relationships being played out though.

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