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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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The episode beginning with yet another scene of Casey and Denny frolicking had me letting out a deep sigh, so it was a relief when John turned up.The friendship building between Denny and Phoebe, after all that time of Denny and the Braxtons being treated like crossing the streams in Ghostbusters, is interesting; for most of the episode I thought Denny was giving pretty poor advice, Phoebe was thinking unselfishly for once and Denny was trying to talk her out of it, but in the end Denny did help come up with a decent compromise so there's a score there.Brax again fobs Kyle off, which is disappointing after the progress they made, but I loved Kyle's deadpan reaction near the end.Andy...Well, there's nothing new to say, really.He's still a waste of space and he's still got far too many people making allowances for him.The ending was presumably meant to shock us but instead I just groan in disbelief.They really want to bring in another reminder of a period of the show we'd rather forget and undo all the progress the Braxtons have made in the last two years?Apparently so because here, against all common sense, is Jake flaming Pirovic, no doubt with another dull "Get revenge on Brax" plan.I mean, how, for goodness sake?Even in the increasingly lawless world of Home and Away, he shouldn't be out yet.Has he escaped, did he get off on a technicality or is it the usual contrived "We let the murderer go because he gave evidence against a man who nicked a bicycle" plot device?And how, once again, has whatever's happened happened without the Braxtons noticing?! Given that they got caught with their pants down last time he got out, you'd think they'd be paying attention.

I've actually got a certain amount of sympathy for Shandi because, yes, Marilyn can be a bit irritating and, as Irene and Roo pointed out, she'd kind of upped it a notch here.Her Harry Enfield teen persona didn't really help matters, couldn't she strive for something in between?I mean, Rebecca had the same reaction when she found out she was marrying Don, you'd expect her to be used to it.

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I see Mr Pirovic is back, good to see him, not. It does beggar belief why he's returned? It's clearly to get revenge on Brax but didn't he get that when he killed Charlie. Also how has he got out of prison? Correct me if I am wrong but Jake went into jail was it for drug offences or stabbing Brax but then he somehow gets out and now he's done the same. I'd like to know who is lawyer is because my word Jake is getting his money's worth. Ruby left on good terms with Brax, so you would expect that police service to contact her to relay the info that Jake is out. Then probably she would tell Brax this but clearly the writers don't do any resemblance of realism.

Andy is so gullible he falls for anything that has the word money in it. I mean alarm bells should be ringing when you want to quit and suddenly Cody offers him more money. It is not like he is the most reliable individual.

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Didn't agree with Irene and Roo telling Marilyn to tone herself down like that. That's who she is and I don't think changing to accommodate Shandi is the solution. She shouldn't have to be a different person for anyone. If Shandi doesn't like her that's her problem not Marilyn's. Perhaps she finds her personality annoying and I can definitely understand that but her conversation with John was quite telling and I think Shandi sees Marilyn as nothing more than a dumb blonde bimbo and perhaps thinks John's marrying her mainly for her looks.

Can't believe Andy's doing business with Cody after what he did to Josh. Now that he appears to be making more money again he's gone back to the I couldn't give a toss about your job attitude with Casey. For someone who is presumably a reasonably high profile drug dealer, I would be expecting Cody to drive a better car than that heap of trash!

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I thought Jake got arrested for killing Charlie so if that is the case why is he out only after two years, only reasonable explanation is on a technicality, if he had escaped hardly be showing his face around the bay. Don't forget Ruby could still be in jail herself so in that case would the authorities be obliged to tell her? Brax had no family connection so wouldn't be on the 'people to tell' list. Purely speculation on my part but Andy has no idea he is being used so Jake can get closer to the Braxtons not knowing their history and why would he, he didn't exist (for us at least) back then. Jake has a while to concoct this cunning plan (sorry). Could it really be because he's had to do time (two years)? Maybe Cody is driving a rust bucket so as not to draw attention to himself, he doesn't look like the type of guy to be able to afford a flash motor which would arouse a cop's interest. Does Cody want Andy to keep working at the gym so as to keep an idea on the Braxtons?

Yes a new and improved Phoebe (for now), actually thinking of Kyle and how her going away may affect their relationship, the fact she was contemplating not going says a lot for her. She did admit she could get carried away with the moment at festivals and gigs (we remember her and Chris) and that is what Kyle was worried about though he had the good sense not to say it outright. Casey saying he'd put Denny before work decided her she was being selfish in wanting to go on her own. Luckily Denny offered to go with her to 'chaperone' her. Brax soon broke his mutual respect pledge by letting Andy have his pizza free, overruling Kyle.

I suppose meeting Marilyn for the first time can be a shock to the system, but in this case it could be put down to nerves and trying too hard to make a good impression on Shandi. Her trying to be laid back just didn't work and only made John think she was on something. Yes Marilyn is ditzy, but does Shandi really believe John would marry someone just on their looks, if so she doesn't know him at all and is being insulting to them both. Anyway what about Jett, looks don't matter to him, it's because Marilyn loves him.

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Maybe Australian justice system works like South African system and that's how Jake is out. More dirty dealings to come, sadly I think Andy is a lost cause. Cody explained why he wants Andy to work at the gym - so not to attract suspicion.

Re Denny and Casey, when soap characters are happy all the time it's time to worry :-( All the soaps are as subtle as a sledge hammer in this respect.

I think Shandy and Marilyn are just poles apart, but I still stand by what I said before ;-)

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Given the number of people wandering around Summer Bay who did far worse, I really hope Ruby isn't in jail if she ever was: By Home and Away standards, nothing she did deserved more than a warning or at worst a good behaviour bond.But I doubt we'll ever know for sure.

Anyway, Jake's back and hopefully someone's figured out how.It's hard to shake the feeling that he's jumped several IQ points:Admittedly he came up with a fairly successful plan to frame Brax last time round but his behaviour was usually on the level of "Crush! Kill! Destroy!" rather than the subtle manipulation we see here.On the other hand, this is probably the most amount of time we've ever spent with him and the first time we've seen him with someone he hasn't been trying to mutilate.Well, not immediately anyway.Despite the reason Cody gave, the real reason Jake wants Andy at the gym is probably to give him easy access to the Braxtons.I don't think Brax really crossed any lines, he just warned Josh to be careful; maybe he should have kept it to himself but it's better than everyone else, notably Casey and Evelyn, trying to pressure Josh into seeing Andy.

So, we saw Evelyn taking an interest in Oscar, shame she was so irritating while doing it.Hannah is actually handling this fairly well, realising that supervised access to the gym is better than a blanket ban so he goes elsewhere.I was glad to see Maddy involved given that she and Spencer were the first ones to spot anything wrong (and I hope to see Spencer involved too), even if they did mostly talk about Josh and Evelyn.Maddy's feelings aren't going to vanish overnight but, however mismatched they may or may not be, waiting around for Josh and Evelyn to break up so she can have another crack isn't really a healthy attitude to take.Although I was cheering Maddy on, objectively I think both she and Evelyn made some very below the belt remarks in their snipe-fight.As Maddy pointed out last week, she and Josh had plenty of sleepovers without "doing it" when they were first together, so she's not someone who uses sex to get what she wants as Evelyn made out, and neither does Josh and Evelyn's relationship not count because they're not at it like bunnies as Maddy suggested.And I'm hoping Maddy knows that and just went for what would hurt Evelyn the most.

Incidentally, it's occurred to me these last few days that Maddy's gym uniforms is a lot skimpier than the ones the men wear.Indi wore the same thing so it's not just personal choice.Guess they haven't heard of unisex uniforms.

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Don't forget Ruby could still be in jail herself so in that case would the authorities be obliged to tell her?

Thanks for reminding me but even if she was, someone would relay the information that Jake is out. As for Andy all you have to do is give him a hook and he will bite, as I've said before he falls for anything.

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Yes Marilyn is ditzy, but does Shandi really believe John would marry someone just on their looks, if so she doesn't know him at all and is being insulting to them both.

But surely that's the whole point. She doesn't know him at all. She's spent years building up an image of this person who her mother hated who wasn't there for either of them. So it wouldn't surprise me if she thought he was quite shallow. Shandi clearly doesn't like Marilyn. But I have figured out yet whether that extends to John and by extension Jett too.

I wonder whether Maddy wore that low cut top purely for Josh's benefit. She appears to be suffering from the same spell of loneliness that Spencer is ATM (Casey shouldn't have left her alone again to go off and do bootcamp BTW). I'm glad Oscar has realised that nothing is going to happen with her although it was annoying that he had to apologise to her again for telling it how it is re Evelyn/Josh. I guess Evelyn is still annoyed about Maddy re Oscar so I can understand her comparing the fact that she hadn't slept with Josh with Maddy using Oscar although she was trying to clear the air at first. Now that Maddy knows they haven't slept together, that's left the perfect opportunity for her to take advantage (in her mind anyway). I actually didn't mind Maddy trying to muscle in when Josh and Evelyn were together during the episode. Evelyn stole Josh first so if Maddy wants to try and steal him back, fair enough as long as she doesn't drag any innocent people into it. Does she genuinely have a chance or is she being delusional? Not according to Roo but I'll guess we'll have to wait and see.

Even though Ricky intervened I thought Brax showed remarkable restraint not hitting Andy back. Quite liked seeing Jake manipulate Andy. It will be interesting to see what his payback plan involves...

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Maddy is finding it hard when she sees Josh around. I still think Josh would be better back with Maddy. There's no chemistry will him and Evie. Go for it Maddy - he may realise what a good thing he gave up.

Poor Kyle without his Phoebe. He does trust her -- or does he???? Be interesting to see how she is when she gets back. Will it be "lots of musos hit on me, but I turned them all down because of you. Ask Denny".

I'm getting tired of Nate and Sophie. Why doesn't see just go away?

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