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Sorry but I can't help loving Maddy.Her scornful look when Evelyn tried to make out she was off to get intimate with Josh was great, as was her look when Oscar said he expected her to defend herself. It was a bit hypocritical of her to mope about the idea of Josh and Evelyn being "together" when she's been with someone else since they split up (and the person she was talking to, at that).Oscar said just the wrong thing to get her hopes up but I was surprised that Josh was the one to slip back into old habits:Did he not realise putting his arm round Maddy would have an affect on her?I'm not particularly keen on them being back together but Josh does seem more comfortable around her than Evelyn.

Even though Ricky had to force him into it, Brax does seem to have embraced Josh as part of the family, including him in the traditional driving lessons.I can't help feeling that, much like Andy paying Oscar more attention than Josh, he's making more of an effort to include him than he does Kyle, although I guess Kyle was a bit too old to teach him to drive when they met.Kyle was out of line snapping at Josh like that, hopefully he gets it under control.

I actually felt sorry for Sophie again.I mean, she's being paranoid about Nate and Hannah but Nate cancelling her call like that was a big no-no.And it turns out Nate isn't as squeaky clean as his reputation suggests...

And I think that promo was for the rest of the week so I guess I'm a bit premature announcing the end of those.

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For me green symbolised certain parts of that episode.

Kyle spits his dummy out once more and this time gets all jealous when Josh and Evelyn were copping off just because he couldn't do the same thing with Phoebe and bites Josh's head off. It was a bit rich given that he was a "guest" and Phoebe was allowed to live under the same roof just like that. Really, really enjoyed the stuff with Brax and Josh. He seems to have completely taking him under his wing which is a testament to his relationship with Casey.

Maddy was green with envy when Josh and Evelyn were lovey dovey. So operation reclaim Josh is in motion. I was really annoyed with Oscar for opening his big mouth and telling Maddy private things about his sister's relationship with her current boyfriend. His loyalties obviously lie more with Maddy than his own flesh and blood. He's accepted that nothing is going to happen but unfortunately he still obviously cares deeply for her because he wanted to help her the best way he could. I actually didn't blame Maddy here again like I mentioned in my previous post - She just saw an opening and she took it. Like Spencer trying to get back with her last week her motives are fuelled by pure desperation. She's lonely and needs/craves some sort of attention. Maybe she could try getting Josh drunk somehow and cracking onto him. If it works that would really stuff his relationship up with Evelyn.

I'm not sure what to make of Nate. There are times when I like him when he has gone out of his way to help people e.g. Andy and Oscar more recently. Also I really liked the scene today when he was teasing Leah about Zac. But the are other times when he really annoys me e.g. telling Ricky about Jess's cancer and the way he treats Sophie. There is obviously nothing going on with Hannah (and Sophie was clearly jealous). They are just work colleagues but it still feels like whether consciously or subconsciously he is doing anything to avoid spending time with her. I initially thought she was being overly paranoid when she saw them ride off together but when she told Leah about Nate's affair I could see her reasoning. One major problem with him is the fact he doesn't communicate. However what this comes down to IMO is that Nate just isn't that into her.

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One major problem with him is the fact he doesn't communicate. However what this comes down to IMO is that Nate just isn't that into her.

You are right, you just get the feeling that they have just been put together and there is no chemistry between them. When Nate first joined he couldn't care less about the 'small town' feel to the Bay and he never communicated with anyone and his face looked like he just sucked on a lemon.

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First off I hate the phrase he/she 'stole' my girlfriend/boyfriend, people can't be stolen. If a relationship is solid no amount of tempting will work, believe me I know I've been on the receiving end. Maddy is the sort of girl that needs a boy in her life. So what Evie and Josh haven't slept together yet, it doesn't make them any less of a couple. Maddy and Josh didn't sleep together for ages and they were a couple weren't they? Oscar may have been a idiot for saying what he did, but it wasn't a green light for Maddy to think she could make a move on Josh. He obviously now thinks of her as just a friend but she clearly read more into that hug than there was to him.

Though it took a bit of gentle pushing by Ricky I liked how Brax asked Josh for help in 'fixing' his car, then offering to give him driving lessons, how old do you have to be in Australia to get your L plates?

Jake is slowly reeling in Andy by using his resentment of Brax to play him like a fiddle and I dare say stitch him up like a kipper when the time comes for whatever he's got planned.

I know Kyle is getting paranoid about Phoebe's failure to return his calls, how hard would it be for her to answer just one? No wonder he flipped when he saw Josh and Evie happy together.

On the subject of non returned calls and paranoia , Nate is not helping Sophie's insecurities by just ignoring her calls, all he needed to say was he was at the farm helping Oscar, simples! Telling her after the fact could seem like there was more going on, if what she told Leah about him is true and he'd cheated on her before.

Could to see Oscar is willing to get help for his eating problems and Hannah is not forcing the issue too much, that normally makes the person concerned dig their heels in and pretend everything is fine when it's not. Good decision on her part too for him to get supervised gym sessions and Casey has informed everyone to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't overdo it.

Think you were about the promo Red, did look like two days worth there, I think one part of it was from Fridays.

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"She stole my boyfriend" might be an unfortunate way of putting it but the principle's there: There's such a thing as an exclusive relationship and Evelyn deliberately broke one up by making a play for Josh when he was with Maddy.The fact that he went along with it doesn't in any way justify it and, as Slade said, it kind of established the rule that Josh is fair game even if he's dating someone.

Today's episode was actually really good, with only the increasingly dreary Nate and Sophie plot letting it down.(Give it up, guys, you're obviously doomed.)Hannah has made some dubious relationship choices but I accept there's no indication she'd go after a married man.I really liked that opening scene of Sasha stressing to Matt about Zac's reaction when Zac's clearly in earshot and the end result is Sasha getting more and more stressed out as things fall apart around her.The ending is also a nice character moment, showing Matt's serious side for once:His low self-esteem combines with loyalty to Sasha to make him determined to help her.

Leah's flustered behaviour around Zac was rather amusing, with even power walking not being enough to relieve the tension.Love that Jett picked up on it, with his "You're in big trouble" comment to a bewildered Zac.Spencer got some good light-hearted material and Chris has obviously been released from the missing characters gulag.Even though he messed up massively, he's a very hard character to be angry with, so I just felt sorry for him when Sasha had a go.I was expecting his spice rack to fall down, I wasn't expecting him to dismantle the oven...

I can't help remembering that Marilyn got these bad feelings just before Charlie died and just before Gina died.Mind you, she also got one just before John choked on a biscuit so maybe we shouldn't hire out black suits just yet.

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Kind of my point if Josh had been truly happy with Maddy Evie wouldn't have stood a chance.

Although it looks like Nate and Soph are back on track, I'm not holding my breath, how long before something else stops him being with her and she gets all paranoid again. He's admitted he made a big mistake the once back when she had her own problems, maybe there was a sympathetic nurse at the hospital where he was working and her shoulder to cry on turned into something more. Doesn't sound like he was a serial cheat and he can only apologise so many times.

The Zac and Leah thing had the tendency to turn into a Whitehall farce with the coming out of doors and dodging round each other. Here's hoping it gets resolved, one way or the other, in tonight's episode.

Was funny with Sash flapping and then Zac puts her mind at ease about her poem, does Matt know it's about him or inspired by him? Did like Soph's off the cuff remark about Matt and Sash sorting out the Market Day stalls as that 'project you wanted time off for'. :wink: Don't panic Sash it will all work out in the end, it always does. Nice to see Chris again, Red you weren't the only one expecting the spice rack to collapse bringing half the wall with it. Poor love he does try hard. Nice to get a bit of brotherliness between him and Spencer.

Still no sign of Alf though, should we send out a search party?

Did Shandi ever meet Gina, I know they got married at the speed of light, but was she in the bay before John and Gina got together?

I don't think we should ever ignore Maz's bad feelings, be that for minor or major incidents, something always happens.

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There was a scene missing in today's episode between John and Shandi. In the preview yesterday for today's episode, John said something like 'he didn't want to be put in a position to choose between Shandi and Marilyn' but that was cut from today's episode.

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Good episode today. Best bit was Kyle and Phoebe back together again - a really geat couple, but they have something special the other couples don't have.. So was Matt and Sasha, but just how did Matt turn a "tarot and face-painting event" into such a huge market affair in such short time????

Chris was the classic idiot, but he still gets forgiven every time!!!!

Poor Jett! He doesn't know where he is with those 3 adults. Sort yourself out. John for his sake.

Would have been good to have seen Denny and Casey reunited.

How will Zak reply? Can't wait till Monday!!!!!

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You are right, you just get the feeling that they have just been put together and there is no chemistry between them. When Nate first joined he couldn't care less about the 'small town' feel to the Bay and he never communicated with anyone and his face looked like he just sucked on a lemon.

Yup, I personally feel that Sophie has been brought in purely to give Nate a backstory. Prior to that the character wasn't doing very much barring the fling with Ricky (who was the only reason why he stuck around).

First off I hate the phrase he/she 'stole' my girlfriend/boyfriend, people can't be stolen. If a relationship is solid no amount of tempting will work, believe me I know I've been on the receiving end.

I agree with the bit in bold. And the two most recent examples of that Spencer/Denny, Maddy/Josh show those relationships weren't solid. Regarding the first part I wouldn't use the term to indicate that a partner is the property of someone. Just think it's used in the sense with regards to crossing the line.

There was a scene missing in today's episode between John and Shandi. In the preview yesterday for today's episode, John said something like 'he didn't want to be put in a position to choose between Shandi and Marilyn' but that was cut from today's episode.

You're talking about the scene with John and Shandi when he confronted her about Marilyn after the readings. I went to my friends house straight from work yesterday and didn't watch the episode and don't have a recorder so streamed in on the monstrosity that is Demand 5. Anyway, what you refer to wasn't on Demand 5 (Don't know if it was on Channel 5). I wasn't sure what you were talking about at first as I watched Thursday's episode on Channel 5 and there was no preview as it was competition time so had to refer to Thursday's episode on Demand 5 but there was definitely a part missing from that and I don't believe it was a scene from a future episode. As an aside if you watch all the episodes on Demand 5 you don't ever see the competitions.

OK so I thought Nate was genuinely trying to make an effort and he was trying to communicate but it's still not enough for me. I don't believe he is fully committed to her and part of me feels like he's just telling her what he wants to hear. I could see how Sophie could have come across as being unreasonable but from her perspective I can see where she's coming from.

And much to my dismay, *buries head in hands*, Chris is back - attempting DIY at 2:00am. Notwithstanding the fact that people were sleeping at that time. He rejects Spencer's help just so he could claim the credit. Then what does he do? Falls asleep when he is supposedly jetlagged and leaves the kitchen in such a state in the morning. All this when he knew Irene had to use it for her work. He still doesn't get it finished the next day then has the audacity to blame Irene for not having instructions to fit the oven back. He then attempts to repair the damage he did previously but rather than acknowledge he was out of his depth makes it even worse. Thank goodness Sasha had a go at him, not that that made any difference although someone had to call him out about that. I thought Irene was too soft. Although perhaps he was trying to do something for her, he handled the whole thing really badly. The guy is an absolute walking disaster. Not surprised given how he acts, he couldn't sell a kiss, probably couldn't give a kiss away or even pay someone to kiss him.

And Shandi continues to be unpleasant to Marilyn. The whole thing with the Tarot cards had me shaking my head. I'm all for people telling it like it is in certain circumstances i.e. Sasha with Chris above. But there are some situations where it is simply better to not say anything rather than to be negative the way Shandi was towards Marilyn. Not that it was even about the Tarot cards. It was all about Marilyn. She was absolutely right what she said to John about sitting on the fence although he is caught between a rock and a hardplace. Still at least John spoke to Shandi afterwards. She's unlikely to change her opinion about Marilyn so I do think John has to tell her that he she can't accept Marilyn it would be best for her not to go to the wedding. Yes unfortunately it appears as though he has to make a choice.

To be fair the Kyle and Phoebe stuff was a bit better. She wasn't really getting on her high horse and he wasn't getting all jealous, not that there would have been any reason for him to. But I did enjoy that scene at Angelos with Shandi.

Really, really enjoyed the scene where Leah kissed Zac after Matt coaxed her into it. Loved the expressions on Zac, Roo, Matt and Sasha's faces. Leah has at times really made me laugh over the last couple of episodes. Another example was when she bit Sophie's head off on Thursday. It was a bit out of line but still really funny. I was biting my lip when she fessed up in the last scene in yesterday's episode. I was thinking to myself please don't say the L-word (the other L-word that is). I'm not surprised Leah has a tendency to develop these strong feelings very quickly given that she hasn't really had that much luck with men and doesn't really have many opportunities to meet them all that often - It wasn't too long ago where she was in love with Brax. Still, I'm really looking forward to seeing the awkwardness between her and Zac in the house now that he knows. :D

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Alf's episode count this week:None again! (On the plus side, Chris has obviously been released.) Roo was in four.

So, not only is Matt loyal, he's also capable, getting a decent market together.His attempt to set up Leah and Zac...less than successful.Chris made a mess of the kitchen and also let Sasha down by not turning up to the kissing booth on time, although we did see him there a bit later.Irene letting him take his time sorting the kitchen out was kind if somewhat foolish, but again I can't help seeing a bit of myself in him, minus the womanising.(Yes, I identify with the immature and self-pitying characters...)It was good to see the continued team-up of Phoebe and Denny: Up until now, Denny hasn't really had that many friends outside her family and Phoebe hasn't really had any at all, so I hope this gets followed through on and I think Phoebe had a valid point about Kyle accepting Shandi's number.

I've given up on defending Shandi.Finding Marilyn a bit irritating is one thing but here she was downright rude.Not for the first time, though, I think Marilyn was very hard on John and almost seemed to be taking her hurt feelings out on him, I think he did the best he could to stick up for her in the circumstances.I noticed John called Marilyn "Maz" (and so did Jett according to the subtitles), something people have complained never happens these days.

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