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I can't stand Shandi's behaviour. I can understand that she doesn't like Marilyn, but she is unnecessarily rude - esp as Marilyn was the one who invited her to the wedding in the first place.It is not like Marilyn was the reason that John wasn't there for her. It just makes Shandi look like a bratty teenager when she really should be old enough to be mature about this.

I still find Kyle and Phoebe a mismatched couple, but I liked their conversation in the Angelos, after Shandi was hitting on Kyle.

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Shandi was incredibly rude to Marilyn and very sneery about the Tarot cards, it means a lot to Marilyn and just because she doesn't believe in it doesn't entitle her to mock it. Marilyn shouldn't have make out it she didn't take it that seriously. Marilyn has been very forgiving so far, as only Marilyn can, but enough is enough and I'm glad she spoke to John about it and that he did tackle Shandi instead of fudging it.. I thought it was lovely that Jett spoke to Shandi on Marilyn's behalf. He himself wasn't that keen on John and Maz being a couple at first but he has now accepted her and was in a lot of cases instrumental in getting them together. As Angelica said it was Marilyn who invited her in the first place. Btw where is Shandi staying, if it is the caravan park shame Alf isn't about he could tell Shandi a thing or two about Marilyn and what a great person she is.

It was kind of amusing to see Shandi coming onto Kyle who wasn't sure what to do or say. Rather restrained of Phoebe just to sit there and not go over and hit her. I think Phoeb's may be jumping to the wrong conclusion that something big will be happening is to do with her career, when she had her Tarot reading, may be more personal than that.

Matt must have certainly pulled on a heck of a lot of strings to make the Market Day such a success, great idea about the kissing booth, only Chris could come up with that, shame he only made a brief appearance. I did like Sasha's 50's style beach outfit. Chris was trying to do too much in too a little time, now Irene has given him more time, he can stop panicking and do it properly.

Zac was certainly gob smacked when Leah decided to snog him, then did a runner. It didn't, unfortunately, look like he quite feels the same way as Leah does, he looked rather stunned when she said she really liked him.

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There was a scene missing in today's episode between John and Shandi. In the preview yesterday for today's episode, John said something like 'he didn't want to be put in a position to choose between Shandi and Marilyn' but that was cut from today's episode.

You're talking about the scene with John and Shandi when he confronted her about Marilyn after the readings. I went to my friends house straight from work yesterday and didn't watch the episode and don't have a recorder so streamed in on the monstrosity that is Demand 5. Anyway, what you refer to wasn't on Demand 5 (Don't know if it was on Channel 5). I wasn't sure what you were talking about at first as I watched Thursday's episode on Channel 5 and there was no preview as it was competition time so had to refer to Thursday's episode on Demand 5 but there was definitely a part missing from that and I don't believe it was a scene from a future episode. As an aside if you watch all the episodes on Demand 5 you don't ever see the competitions.

I normally record and then watch it later but Thursday's episode I watched on Demand 5 and I found it odd that it was in the preview but not in the episode.

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How can all the Braxtons be taken in by Andy? Surely they know better than that!

I'm not sure they are taken in. Brax probably knows something's up and is trying to test the water hence the reason why he wants to meet Andy I assume. Casey knows Andy is up to no good and although he didn't actually catch Andy with any drugs Casey caught him red handed with the cash today. Then Andy basically admitted he was back in league with the same people who kidnapped their younger brother and threatened Casey and his girlfriend. As I suspected Casey didn't fire him although he has no proof that he is actually drug dealing. I found Ricky quite annoying the way she kept insisting that Brax not get involved and told Casey to try and keep Brax out behind his back. How can she expect Brax not to get involved especially given that she wanted him to look out for Josh? Casey is involved so by association Brax is involved regardless.

It's almost always a bad sign when you make your feelings clear to someone and they just go silent like Zac did. It usually means they aren't reciprocated but the person is trying to think of a way to let you down gently. It must have taken a lot of front for Leah to put herself out there like that. I was hoping Zac may have been open to giving things a go if only to rub Hannah up the wrong way. They probably would have made an interesting couple. Although if Leah likes Zac as much as she said it's going to be difficult being around him especially if he does find someone he does want to get involved with eventually. I did still find Leah funny when she kept trying to avoid him. Also when Chris referred to her as Mrs McGuire (Chris was annoying once again in today's episode but that was funny I admit).

I don't believe Josh and Maddy can be friends without there being any problems. Let's assume for a second that we don't know Maddy is actively seeking to get Josh back. The breakup was not by mutual consent. If it was and they both agreed to be friends (because for whatever reason the relationship wasn't working) then it might be different. But they were going out and Maddy was in love with him then Josh starts spending time with someone else, Maddy suspects something's wrong confronts them and eventually Josh admits that he's fallen for Evelyn. The love is not just going to go away like that. There's bound to be some residual feelings. Even when Roo saw Maddy trying to gatecrash Josh and Evelyn spending time together last week she pulled her to one side because she could immediately see what was going on. So I feel Evelyn is quite right to be concerned about Maddy wanting to spend time with Josh. And I don't think she's being unreasonable. I recently said you shouldn't be friends with someone you fancy and here is another classic example from Maddy's perspective why not. If one person has just broken up with another then neither party should be spending any time with each other certainly for the time being or at least until there are no romantic feelings left.

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Brax is street wise enough not to completely be taken in by Andy, neither is Casey. By keeping him on side and Casey not firing him, they can at least try and keep some control over what he does. Andy for his part doesn't have the slightest idea of what Jake has got really planned for Brax.

as in killing him!


Andy is wavering, which shows he does have kind of a conscience. Casey said Josh doesn't need any money from Andy, but what else can Andy give him at the moment? Brax did promise Ricky he wouldn't get involved, if he knew he couldn't keep out of it he shouldn't have done it.

Oh dear poor Leah, she kept dodging Zac to avoid hearing his answer that although he liked her it was just as a friend which is what she must have suspected he'd say. Going to be a bit awkward around chez Patterson-Baker for a while. Neither Roo or Irene were helping building her hopes up. Zac isn't the kind to use someone to get back at Hannah especially Leah.

Thing is Josh does think Maddy is happy being friends, poor deluded boy, I don't think he has had that much experience with girls, just Maddy and Evelyn so has no idea how devious we females can be. Good that he did mention it to Evie when she asked, him meeting up with Maddy may not have been a big thing to him which is why he didn't mention it. They do have history but then so do Maddy and Spencer and until his latest slip up that he'd like to get back with her, they were friends. he should start making a new history with Evie. With Evie he doesn't feel like he is walking on eggshells all the time, never knowing what mood she is going to be in unlike when he was with Maddy. I'm glad Evie changed her mind and told Josh she did mind him being friends with Maddy, even though he stomped off, missing school again, doesn't anyone keep check of who is and who isn't in school?

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Yesterday's episode:

It's a shame that, when he finally got a word in edgeways, Zac told Leah he wasn't interested in a relationship, I thought when he was listening to her "Forget about it" speech he might be going the other way.Loved Chris pulling "You just told me" trick on her.

When is Casey going to wake up to Andy?Sure, he's sussed some of what he's doing but he's still letting him carry on as normal and even hiding it from Josh (who possibly knows more than Casey thinks).Ricky was extremely annoying with the way she keeps telling everyone what to do, she expects Brax to look out for Josh and yet somehow not get involved with Andy's dealings.It's like she wants to have her cake and eat it.

I actually thought Evelyn came across as a bit desperate with the ways she's trying to hang on to Josh.Although it was nice to see them talking, I'm not sure Zac gave her the right advice in telling her to front up to Josh: Okay, she probably does have reason to worry but saying so was only ever going to make her seem like a clingy, jealous girlfriend, and in the end she had to basically back down to avoid falling out with Josh.The best thing she can do is bite her lip, monitor the situation and hope she can trust Josh, but she seems very insecure (she is, after all, far less experienced than Josh, who I suspect had girlfriends before Maddy) and maybe there's a bit of "If they can do it with you, they can do it to you" in her thinking.Josh seems committed to her but he was committed to Maddy a few episodes before he and Evie started making out.

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It is a shame that Zac didn't reciprocate, but I also liked the fact that Zac didn't magically have feelings for Leah either. Sometimes feelings are unrequited. Though I see the whole Zac/Leah thing following John/Marilyn storyline where they remain friends for ever, with one person having unrequited feelings, until it just clicks. It would be nice for both of them to find happiness, and they do have reasonable chemistry. And given that they have been friends for ages, it would at least not be oming out of nowhere unlike a lot of the other couples in the show (*cough* Denny and Casey *cough*).

I am sick of the Andy story. It is ridiculous that the Braxtons are still giving Andy the benefit of the doubt when he never shows any signs of getting his act together. I realise they want to be there for Josh, but surely, it is time to let Andy figure his life out on the own.

I can see why Evie is insecure about Maddy. She has watched Maddy manipulate her brother, and she knew that she did this to get back at Josh. The problem is that Josh cheated on Maddy with her. She would be naive to think that there was no feelings there (and even though Josh broke up with Maddy, I think it is hard to imagine that he doesn't have some residual feelings for her, even if he is happy with Evie). I guess it is reminiscent about the quote about men marrying their mistress, create a job vacancy.

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The more I see scenes of Nate and Sophie the more I think that what is the point them being together? They don't seem to communicate and as I've said before there is no chemistry between them. Slade you are clearly right about Sophie only being introduced so that Nate could have a back story. Also the writers keep adding complications to their relationship which I find quite random.

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