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Cheers for that Red.

Maddy may have thought she had made it plain to Oscar they were just going as friends, but obviously not as she herself realised later on and she did have the good grace to look slightly guilty. Spencer is the only one who can tell her things the way are and get away with it.

Actually love the idea of Chris going to the Formal as Spence's wing man!!! :lol: Though his idea of cracking onto Sophie isn't going to work, he must know she's married.

Matt's reluctance to get involved with music again due to Ellie getting hurt last time may depend on how old he was when it happened, pretty sure she (Ellie) wouldn't want him to stop doing something he obviously loved/loves. Maybe now is not the best time for Sash to push it about Matt changing his mind and putting it behind him. Good to see him open up about something that has been haunting him for some time.

Kyle and Phoebe are good together and so what if the Formal isn't the biggest gig of the year, they'd have a very appreciative audience.

A couple of times last night I thought I saw a certain look on Shandi's face that didn't bode well for the future. She did thank Marilyn for getting in touch and explaining how John felt but.... Like you Red, I'll excuse last night's dinner, she did say a family one and as strictly speaking Marilyn isn't family yet she did mean her, John and Jett. It was John who invited her. Maz did catch on quick so was able to make a dignified exit.

Marilyn being all shy, which is the only reason I can think of for her not asking Alf to give her away, was neatly solved by Roo interfering correctly in this instance, and saying that is what she wanted, which of course it was. There is no-one else in the bay she loved more to do the honours.

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What a fool Andy is to get mixed up with that crowd and he didn't realise what might happen??????? It can only spell big trouble now that they have got Josh. What a pity as well now we've seen Josh dressed up all smart for once - he looks like a fine chap at last and will do Evie proud. Liked Denny's bit about "haven't any of the 4 of you got any romance in you/" Reply all together "NO". She and Casey do look so sweet together.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three. Roo was in four, Irene was only in one.

I liked Alf and Roo giving advice to Marilyn, shame she's so hell-bent on such a ridiculous course of action.Her getting drunk in Angelo's and Kyle's "That's her first" was the comedy highlight of the episode.But what does she hope to achieve by backing off from John, as she puts it?She says she doesn't want to come between him and Shandi but does she really think that Shandi being the reason they break up is going to help their relationship?It seems like another case of Marilyn not being able to cope with the harsher aspects of real life.

Oh god, more and more and more Casey and Denny.I'd say shoot me, but frankly someone's probably going to shoot them: Every single line they spoke pretty much had Tempting Fate written all over it ("This'll never end", "I'll love you forever", "Things are finally falling into place for all of us").The attempt to convince us they're special feels even more desperate, especially when even Casey admits he's said the same thing about many other girls in the past.It's only a few months since Linda was The One and he was planning a new life with her.And Tamara before that and Ruby and probably Henri too...And the fact that he still fobs her off with petting sessions every time she asks awkward questions suggests he's not as grown up as he tries to make out.

Meanwhile, the other cheat gets bashed on the head and again I found myself rather enjoying it.When I'm finding myself sympathising with Andy the most, it shows how irritating all the characters around him are.I get Casey and Denny's point but Evelyn did say she didn't mind him turning up as he was so she shouldn't have complained if he'd done that.(And who knows, if they hadn't packed him off to the dry cleaners he might not have been kidnapped...)Andy has stuck with Jake way longer than he should, even if he thought they were going to send Brax to jail rather than kill him.Sadly, I'm fast losing interest in this storyline as Jake loses all sense of intelligence and subtlety and resorts to ranting threats, not helped by it being included in every trailer just to make sure it has as little impact as possible.

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It's only a few months since Linda was The One and he was planning a new life with her.And Tamara before that and Ruby and probably Henri too...And the fact that he still fobs her off with petting sessions every time she asks awkward questions suggests he's not as grown up as he tries to make out.

He also tried to get with Tamara not once but twice, he goes from one girl to another. He's the stud of the bay. I am getting sick and tired of those scenes, for me they are getting too much air time.

Could someone please explain to me who is in year 11 and 12? Clearly Matt and Sasha are year 12 but I always got the impression the main characters were in year 12. Have I missed something? I thought the reason Maddy left school was because she didn't want to repeat the year as this was her final year.

Prepare to be confused: Spencer and Maddy were clearly in Year 11 with Sasha at the beginning of last year, then when Josh, Evelyn, Oscar and Matt turned up towards the end of the year they were all in classes together, so logically they should all be in Year 12.Except...over the course of this year it's become increasingly obvious that only Sasha and Matt are in Year 12, while everyone else is in Year 11 somehow: They wanted Maddy to repeat Year 11, meaning she would have had two more years of school.As for your query, H&Alover, ex-students, non-students and students from other years can go to the formal if they're going as the partner of someone from the right year (eg Belle accompanying Aden, Liam accompanying Nicole, Sasha going as Dexter's nominal partner when she was in Year 10).

Thanks Red much appreciated. I thought they were all in the same year until Josh said he would rather keep his save his money until next year for the formal. Have they decided to put them a year down because they need students in the school? They only have Jett and maybe VJ if we ever see him again.

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Liked Denny's bit about "haven't any of the 4 of you got any romance in you/" Reply all together "NO". She and Casey do look so sweet together.

I didn't mind them together at first but it kind of feels like the writers have been rubbing them in our faces over the last couple of weeks. They haven't been going out very long but they are being portrayed as this eternal couple already. Kinda wished they'd just toned it down a bit.

I've really enjoyed the scenes with Andy and Brax getting on. It's a shame Andy's been working for Jake up until this point. And now Jake's henchmen have kidnapped Josh, he will have no choice other than to continue Jakes bidding.

I'm extremely frustrated with the whole Marilyn/Shandi thing because now it feels like Shandi's won. I'm very disappointed John didn't put up more of a fight when Marilyn told him that she wanted to end things because she didn't want to get in the way of him and his daughter.

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Oh god, more and more and more Casey and Denny.I'd say shoot me, but frankly someone's probably going to shoot them: Every single line they spoke pretty much had Tempting Fate written all over it ("This'll never end", "I'll love you forever", "Things are finally falling into place for all of us").The attempt to convince us they're special feels even more desperate, especially when even Casey admits he's said the same thing about many other girls in the past.It's only a few months since Linda was The One and he was planning a new life with her.And Tamara before that and Ruby and probably Henri too...And the fact that he still fobs her off with petting sessions every time she asks awkward questions suggests he's not as grown up as he tries to make out.

They are incredibly nauseating, and it is obvious that the writers are protraying them this way, just so that they can subsequently throw a spanner into the works. I guess at least, it is consistent with both of the characters to proclaim their love very early in the relationship: Denny with Chris, and Casey with everyone. It just makes it hard to really get invested in them as a couple.

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Going against the flow here, but I like Casey and Denny together, him convincing Brax to close Angelo's for the night so he could give Denny the formal she never had was very thoughtful and romantic. Did Casey ever have a formal or go to one as a guest? Yes Casey has had his fair share of girls, but when you know the one you are with is The one the past doesn't matter. Liked his and Brax's talk on the beach the next morning about how they are all settled at last

that is if you if you didn't know what is going to happen this week.

Loved how they were all sorting Josh out with a suit and Casey giving him money for shoes, had to laugh when Brax walked in and saw Casey sorting out Josh's collar and he jumped back. Andy catching the end of it must have made him realise he could have been part of it all. Brax of course wouldn't have had a Formal, wonder if Kyle did? Evie may well have said she didn't mind what Josh turned up in, but if she had got the chance to see him in his not 'new' clobber she would have been very happy and it was Denny's idea.

As I thought Andy now genuinely wants to be friends with Brax and put the past behind them. Jake has only said up to now he's going to give Brax a beating (or hinted at it) now Andy does know the truth he no longer wants to know thank goodness and sadly Josh is going to be Jake's insurance policy to make sure he obeys. Will Andy warn Brax about what is going to go down? Jake and before him Cody have played Andy very well, I said a while ago if them getting Andy to sell drugs to draw him in was a part of a larger plan as he had connections with the Braxtons.

Marilyn, you do realise you have just played straight into Shandi's hands. She'll be telling John 'there I told you so, I said she wasn't right for you'. Maz can be pretty stubborn when she likes, I'm hoping Jett will have some influence in getting John to fight for her and make her change her mind.

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Did Casey ever have a formal or go to one as a guest? Yes Casey has had his fair share of girls, but when you know the one you are with is The one the past doesn't matter.

Casey got out of juvenile detention just in time to take Ruby to the formal when he was first in Year 12.The problem is Casey thinks just about every girl he's with is The One, it's only a year or so since he was saying the same things about Tamara and falling to pieces at losing her.I agree with Angelica: It's just that he's the type who falls hard and falls fast for girls, it doesn't mean it's going to last.Even without stray bullets getting in the way...

I'll defend Maddy to the hilt but I really didn't like the way she treated Oscar here, she didn't even try and pretend she wanted to be with him, nor was she honest with him.The fact that he understood the score was entirely down to him (although he's still got hope, but then most of us would).I did think their dance was rather sweet but, dodgy as this may seem, I think she kind of views him as a little brother.She did look very nice in her dress though, whereas I wasn't convinced by the make-up job Denny gave Evelyn.Her missing out on her formal with Josh feels like a bit of deserved karma. It was brave of Matt to take the stage, although it's a shame we missed out on his journey to that point and just cut to him singing.Where was the backing music from though?(Was Phoebe doing something with the synthesiser?)And I suddenly realise why Leah's wearing a big dress and feel a bit sad.

Casey's lack of reaction to Jake being out of jail is frustrating: You'd think he'd be flabberghasted at this unlikely release rather than just taking it in his stride.Jake seems to have regressed back to the "Crush! Kill! Destroy!" stage, with a distinct lack of subtlety and a plan that depends on Andy doing what he wants, although he did ultimately have a back-up plan in getting Cody to "accidentally" let Brax know where he is.(Mind you, that in itself depended on Denny blabbing.)Brax disappointingly seems to regress back into murderous vengeance mode on learning Jake's around, with his rather morally awkward desire to "Finish it" and dragging Kyle into things(although to be fair, Casey and Josh were in danger and might have needed their help).Still, character flaws play a big part in this.Casey once more lies to Denny about what's going on, resulting in her telling Brax things Casey doesn't want him to know.And Brax's insistence on playing the hero when Casey and Andy seemed to have the situation under control arguably gets Casey shot: Jake was probably either trying to hit Brax or wants Casey to die in front of him.

Incidentally, what time was it when Denny went to see Brax?He talked as if the gym would normally be open yet for some reason he'd changed out of his uniform and seemed to have closed the restaurant.

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It finally happened!!!! Slow build up, everything depending on someone doing something at the right time. Andy initially wanting Brax, not to fall in with Jake's plan, but because he is the oldest Braxton but having to confide in Casey. Btw how did Andy think he knew where they might be? Slightly scuppered Jake's plan for Andy running straight to Brax, was it me or did it seem Cody was having second thoughts? Yes, very odd Casey didn't even question why Jake was out of jail, not that Andy would know., though I suppose that wasn't uppermost in his mind at that moment. The only thing I can think of is a technicality which threw doubt on the evidence submitted against him. Tad tenuous that Denny would go to Brax or was it just luck Cody was still hanging around? The Formal was still going on and I wouldn't imagine it would go on that late but Brax was closing up, yet it had seemed quite busy earlier when Cody was watching out for Andy. Not sure Jake knew who he was shooting at, it was dark in the hut, he could have hit anyone. Rather makes it more of sweet revenge for Jake having Casey die rather than Brax as he lost his brother. Like how Casey underplayed it, no dramatic groaning and clutching at his chest, just a surprised look on his face and a slow collapse.

Maddy, Maddy, no pretence at all, asking several times if Josh had turned up right in Oscar's face. At least he hadn't been fooled why she went with him and told her so. Their dance was sweet but was she wearing heels because she seemed to tower over him, it was a lovely dress as was Evelyn's. I was waiting for Spencer to ask her to dance, instead he was sitting there looking very awkward. Tricky moment between Leah and Zac when he asked her to dance and she turned him down.

It did come out of the blue for Matt to take to the stage, had they dropped a scene somewhere along the way? At any rate it means he's faced that particular demon from his past. It did look like Phoebe was on synthesiser, I was expecting her to join him with her guitar but I suppose it was Matt's song.

Tonight will see the aftermath in which everyone involved will be doing a lot of explaining to their loved ones. Has Jake got away?

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Oscar, why, oh why? You think Maddy is the whole world. You take her to the dance knowing full well that she was just using you again. You've fallen in love with her and put yourself through the heartache of ignoring and completely disregarding you. Your uncle questions why you would do that to yourself given how she treated you before and you respond by saying you have to give it a shot. Why? What do you possibly stand to gain? One measly dance with her. Just a single moment to be close to her again. More heartache. Do you really think if you hang around her long enough she will change her mind about you? By being there for her as her 'friend' you are only prolonging your agony. If only you could move out of the bubble and rationalise this and see that she's not good for you. It's not worth it. She's not worth it. Maddy if you really cared about Oscar you would tell him that you shouldn't be friends (at least for now). For his sake let him move on and find someone who will treat him better than you have.

It's interesting how coincidental some of the previous posts were with regards to what happened yesterday. Comments like hoping Casey gets shot or referencing Marilyn and the Tarrot card readings predicting something bad. I actually really enjoyed the scenes with Casey/Andy and Brax/Kyle leading up to the showdown with Jake. Just unfortunate Casey ended up getting shot trying to help Josh. I wonder if there will be any repercussions for Andy from the Braxtons given that he was helping Jake previously.

There was something about the way Zac asked Leah to dance with him that made me think he's maybe viewing her as more than just a friend/housemate now.

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