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I can't think of another character in the show at present whose death would have such an effect as with Casey. He's one of the few characters to have interacted with pretty much everyone. There was a time when you could kill any character and there would be an emotional response from everyone in the town, be it a grief or relief.

I think the last time a death affected so many people directly it must have been Flynn, even with Gina a lot of the reaction wasn't about grief for her, but for John and Jett.

A rather interesting camera angle in today's 5* ep at Summer Bay House, you could see the stairs from the kitchen archway. Never noticed that view before.

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You know, it's getting to the point where I'm dreading looking in the Australian Discussion threads because I know they're going to be full of people calling Maddy every name under the sun and I just sat through her scenes here picking out the things that other people are going to pick out to criticise.I guess that's the downside of forums but I'll try and talk about the episode rather than the fans(and I probably deserve it for all the things I've said about other people's favourite characters...more on that later).I winced when Phoebe mentioned Oscar liking Maddy because I was expecting her to pull back but instead she did the decent thing and apologised...and then Spencer and Evelyn ruined the moment and Spencer made that remark which made me want to slap him: His behaviour outside suggested he'd be after Evelyn like a shot if she and Josh broke up, so he's in no place to judge.I do think Maddy was worried about Casey as well as Josh, he is her friend after all.It's pleasing in a way that things aren't so cut and dried: Every time I think the writers are portraying Josh and Evelyn as a super couple, they do something that makes me think maybe he's going to end up back with Maddy...which I don't particularly want and I wish Maddy would realise he's not worth pining over after he cheated, but it might be worth it just to see the smug look wiped off Evelyn's face.Evelyn seemed very quick to turn to Spencer when Josh seemingly let her down, then, in a partial reversal of his turning to Evelyn instead of Maddy when he was beaten up, Josh walks away from Evelyn's house and ends up being comforted by Maddy.I think he mainly wanted to get away from Andy, and he certainly didn't seek Maddy out, but you'd think if he's meant to love Evie as much as he appears to, she'd be the one he'd want to be with him and he'd have told Andy to get out.

Oh yes, and Casey's dead.Seriously, it had that much impact on me: I'm not sad, I'm not pleased (although I am breathing a sigh of relief at no more Casey/Denny scenes and I'm glad that the expected scenes of her wailing about it haven't come), it's just something that happened, which shows how badly written it was.I am appalled at Brax.It's like the last three years never happened and we're back to him barricading himself in with a brain dead Charlie.I've actually liked him in the last few weeks and that's all gone in the space of an episode or two.His hugging Casey's body was presumably meant to make our hearts break but instead I was disgusted that he could be so self-centred and so utterly lacking in humility or care for the living; the way he viciously denied Kyle a part in Casey's last moments was utterly selfish and Kyle reflecting on how he never got to say goodbye was one of the few moments my heart genuinely did break.And now he's talking about revenge, because he never learns anything: Charlie's dead, Casey's dead, all because of the way he chose to live his life and the world he made his family a part of, and he probably doesn't even realise the irony that everything he did to finance Casey's future has now cost Casey his life.That's harsh but I'm not prepared to waste my sympathy on him at the moment.I feel sorry for Josh and for Kyle and, surprisingly, for Andy, whose quiet guilt at his role in things was in stark contrast.Actually, I found myself not liking Kyle with the way that even with Casey dead he found time to spin a lie for Emerson, still taking the stance that the law is for other people.And I really liked Phoebe for once, Kyle's scenes with her were among the few to actually contain genuine emotion (the "blood and sand" symbolism of Brax's beachside breakdown didn't really cut it).Phoebe has a very real point here, Brax arguably got Casey killed and could have got Kyle killed by dragging him into danger because he needed a henchman.

Ricky's dilemma, having the worst thing that could happen to Brax happen at the same moment that she's preparing to tell him the best thing has happened, wasn't really given enough attention to make an impact.And who's going to run the gym now with Heath and Casey gone? Maddy?! (They're surely not going to give it to Andy, are they?Not really sure what it's got to do with Brax, guess it was his way of trying to do something for Casey.)

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Well I was more moved than this show has ever made me before as was most of the audience from the reaction on social media as it was uk trending on twitter for two days straight. Casey's death got to me more than anyone else who's ever died on home and away and I've watched for 20 years. Just my thoughts but I couldn't feel differently to you if I tried. Thank god though eh it's different strokes for different folks else it'd be a boring world.

Beautiful episode the best they've done for me and a tragic end to a character who has touched the lives of almost everyone in the bay at some time or another.

Oh and I also disagree on Maddy I can not stand her, she's a self involved little madam and I can't think of the last time I so actively disliked a character I think it'd have to be her and Andy tying for biggest waste of screen time for me at the moment. Diabolical characters in my opinion but again different strokes for different folks. I'll miss you Casey. Wonderful job Lincoln Younes on the past three years.

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I think that we will all miss Casey, such a lovable character. I agree Red with Brax being so selfish holding onto Casey, but not surprised about what Kyle told the police. Felt sorry for Kyle being shut out like that - he did try to persuade Brax to let go. Kyle's emotions were really good. Will Phoebe, Ricky and Evie be there for their men and to comfort Denny?

Maddy exposed for the cow she is and Andy must really go back to Mangrove River full time now.

Who will run the gym now? No adult left - they should keep it closed until after the funeral as a mark of respect and then let Indi decide what to do with it. Needs a qualified person there.

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I'm with Red, I didn't have much emotions when Casey died. The reason for me is that he didn't evolve as character, you compare him with Heath and you see the difference. He fleet footed from one girl to another.

This comment I found on another forum 'Jonah's luck actually did run out' which did make me laugh.

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Oh and I also disagree on Maddy I can not stand her, she's a self involved little madam and I can't think of the last time I so actively disliked a character

Have to disagree with you about Maddy Izzy, she's actually quite tall. :P

I don't particularly like Brax as I've said many times before (although he has been OK as of late), however I did feel really sorry for him when he held Casey in his arms during Casey's last moments. I wonder what both of them were thinking during that short period? Was Casey thinking about Denny at all? Was he thinking about all the good and bad times with Brax, Heath and Cheryl? Was Brax thinking about all those times he looked after Casey when he was a kid? It must be pretty heart breaking to lose another loved one in exactly the same way and to the same person. I'm actually very annoyed with Ricky. She is partly to blame for this. She pressured Casey into not involving Brax which is one of the main reasons I feel when Andy told him about Jake he didn't want to get Brax involved. I'm still not sure whether Jake's bullet was meant for Brax or Casey (because he couldn't get to Brax at the time) but had he told Brax there is no way Jake could have handled him, Casey, Andy and Kyle. And it felt like Ricky was more relieved it wasn't Brax who was shot than the fact that Casey had actually died. I was impressed with the way Kyle tried to handle things however, I'm not sure it's a wise move lying to the police and trying to cover it up just to protect Andy. Andy's reaction for me was very realistic. I think we are definately going to see a complete change of attitude now. Because this should have given him a reality check. Phoebe annoyed me again. She didn't have a problem with Kyle going off with Brax on Monday's episode and then launched another self-righteous rant when Kyle was still clearly in shock about losing Casey. Mark would have a field day with this if he knew. Denny's distraught now but she'll get over it given how she quickly she fell for Chris. I didn't really like Casey at first but I have quite liked him recently, especially the way he's gone out of his way to help both Josh and Andy, so I'm genuinely sorry that he's gone. And now I'm left wondering perhaps he should have taken up Linda's offer after all.

I was quite impressed with Spencer before but not so sure about him yesterday. He tried his luck with Maddy last week and he tried to use Josh's absence at the dance to his advantage with Evelyn yesterday. And had Evelyn not got the call from Josh, I'm sure she would have kissed Spencer. So given that Evelyn stole someone else's boyfriend I'm questioning her commitment to Josh now. Although it was completely hypocritical of Spencer to call Maddy out about using the dance to get to Josh I'm still glad he did it. She's a user of people and I'm not buying her half-baked apology to Oscar either. Although the opportunity didn't present itself at the actual dance she certainly used it to her advantage when she saw Josh the next day. This is probably when he's at his most vulnerable so I guess in terms of tactics if she's going to try anything it might as well be now.

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I still had a hard time getting emotional about anything here.I feel a smidgeon of sympathy for Brax but he's really not the most sympathetic of characters.The only time he really impressed me was the ease with which he dismissed Andy's part in things, when I was expecting him to go psycho on him.I guess he's saving that for Jake.My real problem with Kyle lying to the police isn't that he kept Josh and Andy out of it but that he kept quiet about Jake, which has a lot of unpleasant connotations.It's like we're looking at a world where the law doesn't matter, where prison is a revolving door and where Brax plotting murder is almost portrayed as a valid response, a world of criminals killing each other without legal consequence, a world that Casey died trying to stop Brax being a part of but which he's jumping right back into.His attitude towards Kyle, who's trying to do this the proper way, stank to high heaven.And yes, Jake was aiming for Brax, meaning he got Casey killed by barging in.

I'm bracing myself for the barrage slating Maddy but really, Evelyn did set the rules by going for Josh when he was her boyfriend in the first place.And she didn't actually have to do much, just gave Josh a place to recuperate, at which point he made a move on her.The fact that he didn't even seem to consider going back to Evelyn's place makes their relationship more and more of a joke and then... Maddy was kidding herself thinking they were back together just because they had comfort sex, and you could view it as karma with Josh using her the same way she used Oscar, but Josh seriously crossed a line by telling her to keep quiet and left me disgusted with him.He's now cheated on both Maddy and Evelyn with each other, which frankly makes him the biggest douche since Romeo.

Well, at least some good has come out of this as Casey's death brings John and Marilyn back together.I was going to comment on the disastrous state of Nate and Sophie's marriage but he got there first and realised it's hopeless, which is the right decision rather than stringing it out.He probably should have told her why he was comforting Ricky though.Interesting bit of back story there.

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I thought that Casey's death would move me more than it did. I think it was partly due to the fact that there was so much foreshadowing that I was not surprised by his death, and spent more time frustrated by various characters (mainly Brax, Andy and Casey) whose actions ultimately led to his death. But then, I always thought there was an element of of arrogance (not sure if that is the best word) from the Braxtons in thinking that they could dole out a few inspirational speeches to Andy, and as a result he would miraculously change. It's true that Casey's death will affect so many of the characters in the Bay, so it will be interesting to see how the storyline pans out - whether the residents will grieve or move or quickly. I only hope that Andy's character progresses after this event - so far, he hasn't really learnt from his mistakes and instead, continues to repeat the. Surely, he must change now.

I have mixed feelings about Maddy. I think she is often self-absorbed, and that can be seen in the way she used Oscar. However, I think just like Ruby unfairly got all the brunt of the anger/hatred when Romeo was the one who was the cheating bastard, I think it is unfair to put all the blame on Maddy. Josh is the one who keeps cheating on relationships with no difficulty. While Maddy shouldn't have gone through with it, I guess now one could call it karma. And she was naive to think that this meant she was getting back together with him.

Sophie needs to go. Her constant suspicion of Nate is tiresome. Especially when in the case of Nate and Ricky, it was so obvious in their body language that he was just comforting her. At some point, you either need to decide to get over your insecurities or realise that you will never trust the person and as a consequence the relationship has no future.

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Gotta love Sophie. Once again looking on as Nate is consoling another attractive female friend and once again the green eyed monster. Did she learn nothing from last week with Hannah? I've been fairly critical of Nate's commitment to her but when she acts like this I don't blame him for wanting out.

Brax was completely out of line speaking to Kyle like that. He was only trying to help and be there for him and Brax's "he's my brother not your brother" line clearly hurt Kyle. When I saw Kyle looking at Casey's body yesterday I thought back to when he first showed up and he probably would have been pleased back then. Anyway I'm glad Brax didn't blame Andy even though he helped Jake at first. As Brax said even if Andy didn't allow himself to be manipulated Jake would have found another way. As I mentioned previously I really liked Casey but have to admit the wreath with the note "RIP baby Braxton" really made me laugh when Kyle read it out. I know I shouldn't but I found it really funny. Going against what I said yesterday about Kyle trying to cover up what really happened, I actually hope Brax finds Jake and takes him down. And I hope he takes Cody down with him. And I hope he gets away with it too.

So Maddy slept with Josh but it didn't turn out how she wanted. There was always a possibility this would happen. He used her but I don't really have any sympathy for her. She only has herself to blame. I guess you could argue she would have been better playing the long game but she has the perfect ammunition now to hit Evelyn where it really hurts. Absolutely loved Roo's reaction firstly when Maddy came down finishing putting her top on, Josh was absent and Roo realised what had happened. Also when Josh came back and Roo had a look of disgust on her face but obviously didn't say anything to Josh because he's grieving. It's funny because when Alf asked him if he was OK when he was in the Diner I thought to myself after sleeping with Maddy he's OK now. Surely this is going to come out and probably quite quickly. If Maddy doesn't rub Evelyn's face in it, she will probably say something to Spencer who will use that himself to get closer to her judging by what we saw at the formal yesterday.

The word karma seems to be branded around quite a bit. I think in a very loose sense Casey getting shot was karma for shooting Danny, much like Charlie. But more relevant Maddy. Josh used her and slept with her even though it meant nothing so now she knows how it feels. That's for Oscar.....

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This is what I wrote a couple of months ago.

'Give it a few months there will probably be another relationship change with Josh finding another girlfriend as the writers I feel are trying to make Josh into Casey 2.0'.

I stand by what I've said above nothing will change with the writers, the king may have died so that means the prince has to continue with carrying the torch on his behalf.

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