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Personally, I felt very moved by Casey's death. I was in tears when Brax was holding on to Casey's body and the police were trying to move him away. If he had been given the chance, Brax would have put himself in front of the bullet ahead of Casey without a moment's thought. Casey is a person that meant more to Brax than his own life. There was no chance of him ever being rational and considerate of his fellow grievers. The only thing I can't believe is that the police just let him drive off when he was clearly in no fit state to drive.

I wonder if they'll bring Casey back briefly as a ghost to try and stop Brax from getting revenge against Jake. Troubled Casey rattling his chains: "Don't do it, Brax. Go home to Ricky and be a father to your unborn child!"

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As already been said, good job we don't all think the same about things/characters or it would be a boring world. I thought the scenes after Casey was shot were very well done, Brax going into shock and just lying there holding Casey, Kyle thinking on his feet and behaving like a true Braxton by lying to the police, adding I noticed he was their little brother. I think it was the more or less complete silence that made it more effective. I thought Emmerson acted very decently considering the run ins he has had with the Braxton's in the past. When they finally dragged him off his reaction was exactly what you would expect, he'd spent all of Casey's life trying to keep him out of trouble, didn't always succeed mind, but now it's all come to nothing just as he, Casey, has got things together both in his personal life and job wise. There must have been the thought in the back of his mind that out of the two of them it might have been Heath lying there. While all this was going on there was the reaction of the people back home, Evie, Ricky, Denny, Phoebe waiting for news. Brax's running away and sitting on the beach is what you would expect from him, he's never been used to showing his emotions even now.

I thought Phoebe acted very well, comforting Denny once they knew what had happened, then taking her home, I thought her having 'a go' at Kyle was quite understandable, it could have been him, seeing as Jake didn't have a clue who he was shooting at, his reply 'but it wasn't me was it' said so much. Jake may not have got who he wanted to, but the fact it was Casey who was killed must have been even better news for him, Charlie killed his brother now he has killed Casey which he knows full well will hurt Brax a lot more.

At last someone, namely Brax, asked the BIG question, what is Jake doing out of jail? Surely if he had escaped the authorities were obligated to warn anyone who Jake may have been after? :unsure:

I think Brax is not blaming Andy, though everyone else is, because he is genuinely sorry and is not dodging any of the blame, Brax was right it was set up a long time ago and if it hadn't been through Andy it would have been some other way. Plus Andy is the only link between Jake and Brax. I know what he said to Kyle about him not being Casey's brother was cruel, but I'm putting that down to grief, everyone says things they don't mean when they are hurting.

How sad that Ricky finds out she is pregnant just as all this unfolds, as she said to Phoebe, who I think will keep it a secret this time, now is the worst possible time to tell Brax.

Evie and her near kiss with Spencer would have just been a sympathy kiss, nothing else. Unlike Maddy and Josh, one kiss may have been acceptable, but sleeping with him was another thing altogether. If she had been older she would have been the one to stop it knowing the state he was in, but she used him being vulnerable to her own advantage. Her running into him on the beach was a coincidence though. As for Josh saying Evie must never know, good luck with that!

I really felt for Jett and I'm glad John and Marilyn joined forces and put their recent troubles to one side to tell him together, as someone said on here Casey's death will affect everyone in the bay, he was well liked and a lot of them knew all the problems he had been through to get to where he was.

Sophie jumped to conclusions again but once again Nate didn't help by not telling her why he was hugging Ricky, surprise to hear about her brother had died, wonder if it was in the accident she was in? He should have trusted that she was stronger and could have handled the truth. They both have trust issues which they need to address.

I'm pleased Brax has decided to tell Heath and Cheryl in person, it's not something you can tell people, especially a mother and brother, over the phone. Will we see them at the funeral?

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I'm pleased Brax has decided to tell Heath and Cheryl in person, it's not something you can tell people, especially a mother and brother, over the phone. Will we see them at the funeral?

I don't think there is any way to justify them not being at the funeral if they know, but at the same time it seems too soon for Heath and Bianca to come back for a visit. I thought they might get around it by not telling Heath and then milk it for the drama at a later date, but it seems that Brax intends to tell him.

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I have to admit, they're handling Denny's reaction better than I expected.A few moments have fallen flat but that's better than being overdone.The only bit that made me roll my eyes was John saying "They were inseparable": Yeah, for about five minutes, and having her in the next scene didn't help.When she said she was going to see the Braxtons I thought "Yeah, good luck, they've had their three episodes this week and so have you now", but having her accept she was only a small part of his life was a good pay-off.

Sophie was good in the scene with Denny and we get a bit more information about her brother: I didn't think of it being the same accident that she was hurt in but you may be right, H&Alover.Sadly, she came across as pretty desperate elsewhere.Nate and Hannah's "moment" suggests Sophie's not being all that paranoid, although Hannah probably wanted to talk about Denny when she rang.I can understand Nate carrying pills about with him but leaving them unattended in an unsecured bag on the beach must be breaking all sorts of regulations, and seems out of character given how scared he was of Sophie getting pills before.We don't know for sure that she took them though.

Well, they couldn't keep up the "town in mourning" vibe for too long so Leah and Roo are giggling like schoolgirls less than 24 hours after Casey took a bullet.But I did actually rather enjoy the chat. Roo thinking of Maddy when hearing the comment about can't help who you fall in love with?

Chris at his best today, getting the best line with his "When have you ever known me to think about anything?"I rather like that he wanted to help Denny out.He seemed to bring out the best in Shandi, who was quite relaxed in his presence.It's a shame that Denny interrupted her attempt to get John to confide in her but she had no right to take it out on Marilyn the way she did.I was cheering Chris when he told her a few home truths and am bewildered that Irene and Marilyn seemed to think he'd done the wrong thing, reminiscent of Matt being crucified for putting Evelyn in her place.What exactly are the rules here?!

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Life does go on for other people despite the bigger drama. Denny understandably wants answers, all she knows is Casey was shot. Seeing as no-one was at the Braxton's, three day rule or not, made sense for her to visit John, Shandi looked put out by her calling by, but to be fair she didn't know Casey at all so wouldn't understand the way people are feeling. Casey and Denny may well have only known each other a few weeks/months, but sometimes that is all it takes. May seem odd to some but some people do find working helps, stops them thinking about things.

Sophie actually went out of paranoid mode when she spoke to Denny, although not exactly the same, she could relate to how Denny was feeling. Shame she spoiled it later, though not having known what occurred between Nate and Hannah, she could be excused for thinking there was more going on. She did admit earlier she did have trust issues and was willing to work on them, it was Nate who seemed unsure. It most getting tiring treading on eggshells all the time so as not to upset her.

What was with Shandi throwing her toys out of the pram, all Marilyn did was to say hello and ask how she was! Chris was great, originally intending to chat Shandi but ended up fighting Marilyn's corner by trying to get her to see she was wrong about her. I was cheering him on too Red and I thought Irene at least would have supported him.

:offtopic:Should Leah be wearing her hair loose when working in the kitchen?

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Well, everyone continues giving Chris a hard time but frankly I think he done good;I'm not sure if his lecture played any part in Shandi changing her mind but she pretty much seemed to realise he was right in the end.I'm trying to work out if Shandi's younger than she looks or not: John said she was in her 20s but given that she didn't seem that young when we last saw her, nearly four years ago, she must be late 20s, whereas I'm guessing Chris is a fair bit younger than that.Ah well, it kind of works.Jett was quite right to talk John and Marilyn out of postponing the wedding;sure it might be a bit soon for the Braxtons but everyone else needs something positive.

I wasn't sure at first about Sasha being treated like she was close to Casey when they've barely spoken for a year and a half but in the end it was handled well and that actually became the storyline: That they'd drifted apart and she'd never had the opportunity to tell him that she didn't hate him anymore.And again something positive comes out of it with Matt deciding he doesn't want to go down that path and finishing his education.

I'm glad that Leah and Zac have got their act together, after a lot of prodding from their friends.Hannah was okay in this episode, although what was that stuff about Oscar forgetting his textbooks?Wasn't he meant to be taking the day off?Or was she meant to be collecting them for him, in which case where were they?(Her bag didn't seem that big.)

Can't believe I forgot to say: Alf's episode count this week:Two. Roo was in four again.

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Almost everything about Sophie with Nate wreaked of desperation which unfortunately for a lot of people is an extremely unattractive quality, irrespective of how sincere the person is trying to be. If Nate wanted out before, he wants it even more now. In one hand it's unfortunate they are dragging this storyline with Nate and Sophie out but on the other hand I do actually quite enjoy seeing her get all jealous, paranoid and possessive and spying on him from a distance. I think the conversation showed with Denny when it's not all about Nate Sophie can actually provide some value when she wants to.

Although he's annoying it's interesting the tactics Chris uses with girls. Almost tries to humour them into liking them. The thing which surprises me with quite a few of them, is how often it actually works. At least at the beginning. At one point I couldn't believe Shandi was actually falling for it. One thing about Chris which I think is good though is that he makes his feelings pretty clear from the outset, which although can be prone the the immediate rejection (i.e. Tamara) can be effective I guess as it means he doesn't waste time on someone who isn't interested. I was surprised he held back as I reckon he could have kissed Shandi when they had their moment although maybe he didn't want to mess this one up like all the rest. Even if not on the mouth or cheek he could have kissed her hand. Have to admit, I was quite impressed with the way he stood up for Marilyn when Shandi laid into her (for no other reason than she was an easy target and Shandi took her frustrations with John blowing her out on someone she wanted any excuse to try and hurt because she was jealous of her). Chris risked getting into her bad books for doing the right and honourable thing (and I wasn't particularly happy Irene blamed him). I was pretty disgusted with Shandi actually. Although to be fair she did apologise and make an effort with Marilyn and it did appear to be genuine even though I'm still suspicious. I quite liked Chris's so maybe you're not a complete cow line to her after she spoke to Jet about getting the wedding back on track.

Not buying this whole Sasha being distraught thing with Casey. When things didn't work out between them she effectively blacklisted him to the point where he saved her from drowning and she didn't even thank him. In fact I can't remember the last time she spoke to him or seeing a scene with those two together. I think it was clear (and she even said as much) her main reason for being so upset was out of guilt because she never really forgave him.

Wow Hannah wasn't actually completely unlikeable for a change. And I actually enjoyed the stuff with her and Zac. "Man up". Where have I heard that before? Ah yes when Andy told Casey to man up about Denny. Were Hannah and Andy sharing tips in bed about how best to advise your mate into getting the girl? So now Zac has done a u-turn about Leah. This is the third time I can recall this happening. Roman and Elijah weren't sure at first either when they realised Leah liked them but then they changed their minds. Neither of those relationships worked out though so she better not get her hopes up. As Zac mentioned in the episode there's the added complication of living and working together. I'm not sure that's a healthy basis for the start of relationship. I've mentioned several times about being friends with someone you have a romantic interest in. Whilst not as bad, I would personally exercise caution about getting romantically involved with a friend because if the relationship doesn't work out there's a chance it could ruin the friendship. Although I accept that due to circumstance i.e. both of them not really in a position to meet new people they don't have too many other options.

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Shandi did a 360 degree turn over John and Marilyn, thanks I like to think to Chris' intervention and her seeing John and Marilyn having a hug on Gina's bench. Jett was wary at first about her reaction to the news they were postponing the wedding, but she seems to have convinced him she is genuine. I loved seeing Chris grinning away in the background then his 'not a complete cow' comment. I can see why he wouldn't want to get romantically involved with her, John would be right on his case and get all protective, he does know Chris' reputation after all.

Jett's argument was spot on it is what the bay needs, they can keep it low key and Casey would definitely have approved.

Actually I had forgotten about Sash and Casey having been an item, she did admit she hadn't spoken to him or told him she had forgiven him since they spilt which is probably what made her feel more guilty. I liked that moment between her and Jett and Jett's little joke about him accepting advice about girls from Casey. Matt must have been confused why everyone was asking her how she was so I'm glad she told him in the end. No guarantee of course him completing his education and doing his HSC will protect him from getting into trouble. Was his supplying the drugs that Andy gave to Maddy a one-off?

Well done Hannah for giving Zac the kick up the bum he needed, otherwise we would have had them telling each other 'we're only friends' for weeks to come. Could be awkward them living and working together, though they don't work that close. Of course if they do break up he can always move out again!

Funeral next week and we saw Cheryl, but no Heath, if he really isn't going to be there, there'd better be a very good reason.

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