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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Could Spencer and Maddy run the gym, Spencer still has school, Maddy isn't qualified, there may be other staff who are, but could they run it, do the paperwork, order equipment, pay wages, do rotas etc?

What I was trying to say was that they would be faces of the gym while others did the less glamorous jobs.

And apparently VJ has been kidnapped and replaced with a completely different boy.When I first heard he’d been recast with a guy who played a 19-year-old on Neighbours a few months back, my heart sank and then sank further when I saw clips of him.So maybe I’ve got my anger out of the way, because watching him in context he isn’t too bad and he manages to more or less convincingly act as though he’s the same age as Jett.(The line about Jett having outgrown his clothes felt like an injoke, though.)The real problem came when we saw VJ with Matt and Sasha…and he acted as though he was the same age as them too.

I knew I recognised him from somewhere but I wasn't sure where from. How old is VJ meant to be because I think he should be around 13 or 14 but I get the feeling that the writers may want him to be 15.

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I think the guy impersonating VJ has jumped a couple of years of school, I thought he was supposed to be around Jets age? Ha, I knew there was something devious going on lol.

Getting a bit bored of John and Marilyns wedding on/off storyline, surprised Marilyn hasn't taken it as a sign from the universe that it's not supposed to be by now. It's turning them into one dimensional characters, just get it done!

So Nate admits he is attracted to Hannah to Sophie, not a great basis for an already rocky relationship. I think Sophie will be leaving the bay soon, I see a work transfer ahead.

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VJ is meant to be 13 (based on when he was born). I agree that new VJ is too old and too tall. He was towering over Leah in the 5* episode. He looked more at home with the seniors than with Jett. I don't really understand why they decided to age him so significantly. It is funny because in real life, Felix Dean who played old VJ is only 2 years younger in real life, but he managed to convincingly pass as a 13-14 year old.

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That's the thing with most people's ages in H&A, Angelica, unless it's a special one, it's never mentioned, it's especially confusing with children/teenagers. VJ is supposed to be 12/13 seeing as he was born in 2001. I know young boys suddenly shot up but new VJ must have been sleeping in a grow bag all the time he has been missing, he's not only towering over his mum, he's also towering over Jett who is one maybe two years older than him. There are some actors/actresses who can get away with playing characters younger than their real age, but he isn't one of them. Happens a lot in British soaps too, where a child actor/actress has had one, two or even three body and head transplants.

It could only happen to John and Marilyn what started off as a proper elopement, as in just the two of them, steamrollered into a max exodus of the bay! Now all they have to do is convince Roo they only want a small wedding, good luck with that.

Wasn't it Nate who told Sophie they should call it a day and who it appears has moved out of their house, yet he was running after her asking if she had taken the sleeping tablets. I thought she was very good with Oscar and naturally she would understand what he is going through. I bet that is what she told herself when she first started the pain killers, just this once. Great that she managed to persuade him to go to the hospital and admit he has another problem on top of the others he has. Boy did Nate have a big, big apology to make, that coupled with his confession about being attracted to Hannah, though Sophie had a confession of her own. Maybe he was right now they have been brutally honest they can start again.

Is it really against school policy for two staff members to be involved with each other? Leah and Zac were taking a hell of a risk, having a snog in a classroom and she still hasn't told VJ she is seeing someone.

Why has Matt reverted to idiot mode? His teasing of Spencer was one thing, but now he's recorded Leah and Zac having that second snog! The way Sasha was talking it seemed she and the other year 12's weren't coming back, did I blink and miss them taking their HSC?

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was also in four and was credited on Tuesday for no appearance.Jett was in two but didn't have any dialogue on Tuesday (and neither did Irene, for that matter).

VJ is supposed to be 15: Don't go by when he was born because they changed his age, just as they've done for lots of other characters, he's the same age as Jett.Not that it makes much difference, because he's not a convincing 15-year-old either.Having declared an amnesty last episode, I watched this episode thinking that he's too big and his voice is far too deep for him to be convincing as VJ: Lines that would have been genuinely funny, or would have actually felt like a teenage boy talking to his mother, from the old VJ came across as too bullish and aggressive.And since when did VJ call Zac "MacGuire"?It's details like that which make it harder to accept him.

Matt was out of line blowing Leah and Zac's secret after they'd both explained why he shouldn't, especially given that, as Leah pointed out, they're not near-strangers, they're people he lives with.I was thinking that he'd be lucky to still have a room but all the same, I think his moving out was an extreme move.Sophie would have been better off just letting them have Muck Up Day, and she was conspicuous by her absence.The idea seems to be that this is the Year 12s' last regular day of school but they'll be coming back to do their exams.Given how sparsely attended the video showing was (that can't have been all of Year 12), what were Spencer and VJ, neither of whom are in Year 12, doing there?I know Maddy wasn't in the episode but it felt a bit odd that Spencer decided he could go because he had a message from her rather than because she actually turned up.(Unless the message was "I'm just outside"?)Oh well, at least she's not hiding out anymore.

I loved all the stuff between Chris and Shandi, she definitely seems to have softened under his influence and seems quite fond of him.Her sending him the text message, him being right behind her and the "What are you doing here?"/"You just texted me and told me to meet you here" exchange made me smile and the talk that followed was quite sweet.

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It's going to take a while to accept the new VJ, there's no chemistry between him and Leah, I also can't imagine Leah being responsible for bringing him into the world he's so large. Never mind, ho hum.

Being as Matt lives with Leah and Zac I can't believe he would sabotage the video with footage of them kissing and expect it to be OK. I know he's impulsive but that is so dumb what did he expect?

Hope I'm not the only one getting fed up with Channel 5' episode trailors, they give everything away that's going to happen!!! Thanks a bunch, it's supposed to be a teaser i.e. subtle. der!

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It's going to take a while to accept the new VJ, there's no chemistry between him and Leah, I also can't imagine Leah being responsible for bringing him into the world he's so large. Never mind, ho hum.

Being as Matt lives with Leah and Zac I can't believe he would sabotage the video with footage of them kissing and expect it to be OK. I know he's impulsive but that is so dumb what did he expect?

Hope I'm not the only one getting fed up with Channel 5' episode trailors, they give everything away that's going to happen!!! Thanks a bunch, it's supposed to be a teaser i.e. subtle. der!

Yeah, the episode trailers are ridiculous. It pretty much gave away Casey's death long before he died with the whole murder in Summer Bay advert.

Yeah, it was out of order that Matt did that to Leah and Zac despite being asked not to. Especially when they are both people whom he cares about, whom he respects, and whom he lives with. It was a very foolish and thoughtless thing to have done.

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