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I'll buy, just about, VJ shooting up as boys that age do, but that body doesn't belong to a 15 year old.

Did seem odd having a mix of Year 11 and Year 12 to watch the video, perhaps they had to make the numbers up.

If Matt doesn't owe Zac he certainly owes Leah, she stood up for him a lot, encouraged him to believe in himself, gave him a home and that is how he repays her. He also embarrassed VJ who is supposed to be a friend. He finally saw he was in the wrong, but too little too late.

Lovely scenes between Shandi and Chris, him coming up behind her when she was texting him was funny. He'd better not muck her about though, he'd have John on his case. Yes, I know she's an adult but dads worry about their daughters whatever their ages.

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The problem that i have with the new VJ is that he does not look like 15 years old. i just can't fathom why H&A decided to choose this individual. He clearly looks more 19 or 20 than 15. What makes matters is worse is that some of us have seen him in Neighbours at a more believable age.

As Matt has runaway from Leah's, I can see either Leah or Zach finding him and persuading him to return. The moral of the story is do something wrong, runaway, be found and all will be forgiven. The way he treated Leah was disgraceful and this comes after telling him not to reveal but what does he do, forgets what Leah has done for him by providing a home for him and he throws it back at her face.

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I just can't fathom why H&A decided to choose this individual.

Because they saw an opportunity to shoehorn in a second actor related to one of the Braxton actors, which is good for publicity.

Cynical perhaps, but it was everyone's first thought, including mine, when the rumour started.

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I just can't fathom why H&A decided to choose this individual.

Because they saw an opportunity to shoehorn in a second actor related to one of the Braxton actors, which is good for publicity.

Cynical perhaps, but it was everyone's first thought, including mine, when the rumour started.

If they wanted to do that fair enough but they could have easily started a new character for example maybe Maddy's brother or someone's relative but for him to play VJ is just odd to say the least.

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I just can't fathom why H&A decided to choose this individual.

Because they saw an opportunity to shoehorn in a second actor related to one of the Braxton actors, which is good for publicity.

Cynical perhaps, but it was everyone's first thought, including mine, when the rumour started. If they wanted to do that fair enough but they could have easily started a new character for example maybe Maddy's brother or someone's relative but for him to play VJ is just odd to say the least.

It is indeed odd. It's clear the current powers that be have no regard for the history of characters or realism.

I'm sure many viewers realised this fact some time ago. It saddens me to see what Home and Away has been reduced to. It seems to be getting worse and worse. :(

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I don't want to be melodramatic and say things like "I'm on the verge of giving up on this show" because I'm not, but watching that episode I had a hard time finding a single character I actually liked. Irene, Leah and Zac was about it, the rest of them could burn for all the empathy I felt for them.Let's start with Brax and Andy.They're basically planning to murder someone, which I suspect I'll have a better opportunity to rant about later in the week.When Brax refused to carry a gun, my hopes were raised for a moment but it seems he still wants to kill Jake with his bare hands(or a speeding car, judging by the promo).This is actually worst than when Charlie died because at least that was an emotional decision, this is utterly cold-blooded.Andy's attitude returns far too quickly and Brax spending the night with Ricky for what could be the last time...I can see the emotions involved but it's hard not to see it as him using her.

I thought Matt might actually show some guilt but no, he's playing the victim and trying to dismiss Leah's help as "charity".And Sasha's just letting him, which is a massive disappointment after she was rightly disgusted with him last episode.I was actually cheering when Spencer refused to let him stay but now, instead of facing up to what he's done, it seems he's going to doss down in the Diner.Not that I liked Spencer anywhere else, as despite his sneering at Maddy he's now going after Evelyn the moment he sees an opening.And why he would want to go after Evelyn I don't know.I am hating her and Josh more and more with each episode.Evelyn is a party to Josh cheating on Maddy, then nearly cheats on Josh with Spencer, and acts like she's the one with the moral high ground.Is Josh going to apologise to Maddy, because he really needs to?And then Josh says Evelyn is the best thing that's ever happened to him and my despising him is complete.Everything Maddy did for him, he'd still be in the gutter if it wasn't for her, he'd never have gone back to school, he'd never have moved away from Andy's schemes...and Evelyn, who has done absolutely nothing for him, is the best thing that's ever happened to him?Even if they weren't the ones in the wrong here, even if Maddy was the one who'd cheated and Josh had been single when he and Evelyn got together, I would find that utterly offensive.

And VJ.What...the...hell.It's just impossible to accept him as the same character and even harder to like him.The difference between a young teenager reacting like this and someone who looks like an adult reacting like this is staggering.His behaviour towards Leah and Zac is appalling.And as for his newly discovered violent streak.If it had been Felix Dean doing that, it wouldn't have seemed so bad.But having Matt Little, someone who looks like he could do some damage, fly off the handle like that...Even if he was a new character, then it'd be hard to like a debut like that and when he's meant to be VJ...No.Just no.

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Agree with you again Red. A terrible episode. How can Brax boss Andy around so - get me a car, we go this way? He's just as bad with poor Ricky. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that - get out now girl!

Yes, Josh should go back to Maddy, who has done everything for him, as you said. Let Spencer have Evie.

I don't think I'll ever be able to accept this new VJ His misplaced character sticks out a mile.

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I just can't fathom why H&A decided to choose this individual.

Because they saw an opportunity to shoehorn in a second actor related to one of the Braxton actors, which is good for publicity.

Cynical perhaps, but it was everyone's first thought, including mine, when the rumour started. If they wanted to do that fair enough but they could have easily started a new character for example maybe Maddy's brother or someone's relative but for him to play VJ is just odd to say the least.

It is indeed odd. It's clear the current powers that be have no regard for the history of characters or realism.

I'm sure many viewers realised this fact some time ago. It saddens me to see what Home and Away has been reduced to. It seems to be getting worse and worse. :(

I couldn't agree more, if you would ask me what storyline's have been good or memorable from 2014 I wouldn't be able to give you one because there hasn't, the soap has gone backwards. Compare Neighbours to H&A then there is a soap that is on the up.

I don't want to be melodramatic and say things like "I'm on the verge of giving up on this show" because I'm not, but watching that episode I had a hard time finding a single character I actually liked. Irene, Leah and Zac was about it, the rest of them could burn for all the empathy I felt for them.

If H&A continues on the same path then it won't be to long before I switch off.

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Yes, Brax has been really hard to stomach. It seems that Brax has learnt nothing from Casey's or Charlie's death, and is now trying to actively murder someone else. I get that he is angry and wants revenge. But this is not the way to do it. It's like Brax hasn't spent several years trying to get on the straight and narrow. Ricky is frustrating me as well, because she seems so passive in her treatment of Brax. Usually, she seems hellbent on giving people her opinion and trying to intervene. But here. she just seems to be so passive, in comparison to for instance, Phoebe who pleaded with Kyle to stop.

I found the whole love square with Spencer, Evie, Josh and Maddy a bit frustrating. Firstly, I don't understand why Spencer keeps pursuing Evie - she has been nothing but rude to him since he started developing feelings for her. And it seems so false, given that he was also making a move on Maddy not too long ago too. I find Evie overly sanctimonious, given how she and Josh first got together, and how she nearly kissed Spencer at the dance. However, I thought her insecurities about whether Josh cheated on her, because she wouldn't sleep with her (especially after Maddy's previously made a comment about it) seemed realistic, and I think that the storyline would be better focused on that rather than trying to make Evie the innocent party here.

Given that Oscar, Evie and Denny are all going through problems at the moment, it bothers me a lot that Zac's only scenes are with Leah, and seemingly doesn't seem to at all about what his family is going through. I wonder if they are doing this partly so that Hannah leans a lot on Nathan, potentially developing a romance there. But it doesn't seem to ring true that Zac is so focussed on his love life when all this is going on.

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I don't understand why Spencer keeps pursuing Evie

The same reason why Maddy used Oscar for a second time and used Josh's brother's death to get closer to Josh - desperation. Pure and simple!

I'm even more annoyed with Maddy after watching the episodes towards the end of last week. Her treating Oscar like crap basically led to him taking drugs and Nate blaming Sophie for stealing them, not that their marriage isn't a joke anyway, especially with Nate declaring that he was attracted to Hannah. This is probably going to make Sophie even more paranoid than she already was. Although it is reaching the point where the whole thing is actually comical now.

I see Spencer has been taking tips of Maddy though re pursuing Evelyn, which is disappointing given how impressive he was about a month ago when this all started but hardly surprising after seeing him last week.

I wonder what Brax and Andy did to Cody to extract the information about Jake unless he's played them again. I think it's one thing Brax wanting revenge for himself but another to drag other people into it so I didn't blame Kyle for wanting out. Regardless I've said this before but I hope they kill Jake and I hope they get away with it too!

Really not happy about them recasting VJ, even watching him with Jett now didn't seem right although in addition to what's been mentioned I assume the writers did that so they can involve him some of the storylines with the some of the other slightly older, younger characters. I didn't actually mind him hitting that guy though. Not sure I would be too happy if someone called my mum a "slag".

I find I'm disliking Matt more than ever for the stunt he pulled last week although putting myself in his shoes as a school kid constantly wanting to prove his status I can see why he did it even though I was thoroughly disgusted with him. And he was back to being as annoying as hell the way he kept referring to Spencer as a tool even though this whole mess was his fault.

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