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However bad Evelyn was feeling about Josh, there was absolutely no need for her to slam into Spencer like that, though his timing could have been a lot better, far too soon for him to tell her he fancies her. Wasn't his day was it Evie having a go and then Matt calling him a tool, twice! At least Evie gave Josh a chance to explain himself and why he turned to Maddy, not that it made any difference she is still in no mood to forgive him. She may in the future but there is no way she could forget.

I'm supposing the days that Brax and Andy have been away was down to them finding Cody and getting Jake's whereabouts out of him. His normal reluctance to open up to Ricky came as no surprise, but there were heavy clues dropped when he told Ricky he loved her whatever may happen. Andy is being 'bossed around' because he acknowledges his part in all that has happened and this way is the only way he knows how to atone for it.

It says a lot for Leah's character that she was still worried about Mat disappearing after what he had done. He nearly left a note, but a quick text wouldn't have hurt. Could be wrong but doesn't Leah get some kind of payment for taking in Matt (or any other kid for that matter)?

I'm with the rest of you 'new' VJ just isn't gelling, he's much too tall and muscular, he's had his ears fixed too. :wink: Though that kid Tyson did deserve a thump, VJ had been willing to walk away until he called Leah a slag, any boy would react the same way.

One more thing, Leah asked Matt what he was doing in school after hours, easy he just walked in as security is rubbish!

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I wish Maddy didn't keep getting the blame for Oscar's problems.I mean, I get that it happens on screen so viewers have the perfect right to take that point of view but his problems stem from him running over Tamara.Sure, some of the things she did didn't help but she can't be blamed for everything, especially when this latest upset is as much Josh's fault as hers.I felt desperately sorry for her today.She's obviously got a perilously low self-esteem and that stuff that she accused Roo of thinking at the start...well, Maddy believes that because it's what Alf said to her last week and he really needs to get involved and undo some of the damage he's done, not sit there fixing his net and giving platitudes about "She'll come to us."He gets all fatherly with Denny, why can't he do that with Maddy?And then when Oscar puts a smile on her face, Evelyn comes along and ruins it with one of her vile, hypocritical rants.Sure, Maddy said stuff that bad to her but Evelyn had won and taken Josh off her, what's Maddy got to make up for Evelyn taking pleasure in making her feel small?I can understand why he didn't but I really wanted Oscar to stay with Maddy, not go running after Evelyn and make only a token attempt to point out the damage she'd done.As for Evelyn's questioning, Josh...hmm.I don't think he deliberately sought out Maddy but he did get a kind of comfort from her he couldn't get from Evelyn.I'm not saying he saw it like that, or that he especially needed comfort sex, but there is a physical and emotional intimacy between them that he hasn't got with Evelyn yet.

Can't be bothered to think of anything else to say about Denny, she was in the episode but made absolutely no impact on me other than "Oh god, have we got another scene of her?" Phoebe once again feels like the voice of reason, trying to stop the death match, but is up against a wall of apathy with Ricky and Kyle prepared to sit tight and see if anyone comes back alive.As for the actual confrontation...It's easy to regard Jake as "evil" because we're watching this from the Braxtons' point of view.If Jake was the protagonist and we'd followed him having his family killed or imprisoned by a corrupt cop while her lover's family serve little or no time in jail and it was the story of him trying to avenge his brother's death against a system that seems to protect his enemies and this episode had seen the "evil" Braxtons turn up to try and kill him again...we might have a different perspective.Instead, when the car exploded at the end, I was left thinking it'd be a kind of poetic justice if both Brax and Jake were killed and their mutual desire for revenge destroyed them both.And then we got a promo showing that they both survived.

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I agree Jake at the end of the day went after Brax for his revenge over Hammer getting killed I think Brax might of even gone after Jake if Casey wasn't even killed And Brax had found out that he was back some other way.

Brax even said or it might have been Ricky who said, that Brax was going after Jake to watch out for his family I did not believe that for a second Brax went after him for himself.

Even though Maddy comes across annoying I still think she the best written teen on the show. People have strong thoughts about her character and gets everyone talking unlike characters like Spencer. Who you tend to forget about

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I wish Maddy didn't keep getting the blame for Oscar's problems.I mean, I get that it happens on screen so viewers have the perfect right to take that point of view but his problems stem from him running over Tamara.Sure, some of the things she did didn't help but she can't be blamed for everything, especially when this latest upset is as much Josh's fault as hers.

If my comments about Maddy really bother you that much, please feel free to put me on ignore (don't know what to suggest otherwise) but I don't see why I should stop making them just because you take exception to them. If the character does something to specifically annoy me in the episode (or if she's done something previously which is relevant to the episode I'm commenting on) then I'm entitled to call her out about it as I perceive it.

Have to admit I kinda sniggered when Evelyn took another swipe at Maddy, particularly the "empty inside" comment. It was a bit harsh but I can see where Evelyn was coming from. Regardless of whether she stole him is she seriously expected to be happy that Maddy slept with Josh? Then she sees Maddy with her brother who Maddy already used (to get back at her for stealing Josh in the first place) and hurt before then used again. Of course she's going to get annoyed. What is she supposed to think? Although I don't blame Maddy in this particular episode.

Oscar is an idiot. I felt quite sorry for him before but not when he acts like this. Instead of being angry he's obviously wants Evelyn to give Josh another chance just to pave the way for him and Maddy. So it appears as though he's doing what I thought he would a while back i.e. playing the long game in the hope that Maddy will get over Josh and change her mind about him so he can have an actually shot at going out with her. Rather than having his head stuck up Maddy's arse he should be focusing his efforts on meeting someone else. I get that it's a small town so there won't be as many opportunities to meet people and he's not the most socially gifted person but he is not doing himself any favours.

It occurred to me yesterday why Alf was so annoyed with Maddy. He's become very close to Denny spending a lot of time with her at work and he's seen how she's suffered since Casey's death and when according to his perspective he sees Maddy using Casey's death to her advantage given that there are people that are worse off than she is, he obviously felt he had to have a go at her.

Finally now Pirovic is getting his. Good. He may have won the battle but he's going to lose the war...I just know it. Kinda ironic Andy was involved in forcing someone off the road again though. I think Andy deciding to stick this out with Brax is a combination of guilt mostly and wanting acceptance.

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Yep, Brax would have gone after Jake regardless because of what happened to Charley who was a bigger love in his life than Erica (sorry but it's true). Two wrongs do make a right in Summer Bay.

I think Evie is currently one of the shows strongest characters, I like how she socked it to princess Maddie for sleeping with Josh which was a pretty selfish thing to do. I would't be surprised if Maddie will be drinking under the pier before long (a la Ruby style). And I can't believe Spencer hitting on her, what is he thinking he's living in the past.

I feel sorry for Denny she must be hurting bad, good to see her with Alf mending nets, the ideal thing to do to take her mind off it all.

Wonder if Andy is brown bread leaving the way for Nate to pursue Hannah... hmm, soon we'll find out.

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This storyline between Nate and Sophie is getting ridiculous now. This whole situation keeps going round in circles. Sophie keeps seeing Nate with different women is becoming a joke because how many times should she Nate with someone else just at the right. Next we will see Nate sneezing and Sophie will appear with a bag of tissues in tow.

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I'm sorry if I've offended people, I know I shouldn't take things personally and I get a bit defensive at times.I like Maddy and utterly loathe Evelyn, who frankly is one of the most unlikable characters in the show's history.Other people feel differently and everyone should be allowed to express their opinion.And I would never put anyone on ignore and hope that I would never cause anyone to do the same to me.

Anyway.Brax continues to make Casey's death absolutely meaningless, doing exactly what Casey died trying to stop him doing.To be honest, the whole storyline is a joke. Unfortunately, it's a dangerous joke.The show needs to explain why Jake got out of jail but can't really be bothered, so they throw two or three different explanations around in the hope one of them will sound believable.Did his conviction get quashed or did he escape?And why wouldn't anyone be informed?Brax was an utter disgrace in this episode.What is the point with blaming Emerson?He didn't let Jake out, he wasn't even involved in the case.Unless he was hiding, he didn't come to Summer Bay until months after Jake was locked up.He's just an easy target for Brax's belief that his way is okay and the world's out to get him.Actually, this episode was ridiculous right from the start.Where on earth did the police and ambulances come from?I thought for a moment that Ricky or Phoebe might have called them but apparently not so...how?There were clearly no witnesses.I'm tempted to say that if Jake doesn't survive Brax needs to go to jail but there is a slight grey area in that even though Brax caused the accident, which would potentially put him up to a manslaughter charge at least, it could be argued his injuries weren't a direct result of the crash but of the explosion(which...was a direct result of the crash).Still, pulling out someone's tubes is clearly attempted murder and Brax should be looking at a ten year stretch, but no doubt Emerson will forget all about it and just let him out next week.So he's really got no reason to complain about the police letting dangerous criminals roam the streets.And incredibly, Hannah was just as bad, whining about "We saved a murderer."If she's going to go around making moral judgements about who deserves treatment and who doesn't, she's in the wrong job.

And all of that really did feel like it belonged in a different show to John and Marilyn's antics.You know, all of this could have been avoided if Roo had waited a few hours until after the elopement before cancelling everything...Marilyn really should have taken that phone off speaker when she realised John was about to say something indiscreet.And the supposedly devastated Denny takes time out to encourage Hannah's feelings for a married man.For goodness sake, are all the women in that family cheats?

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Don't take other people's comments to heart Red. You have every right to express them. I agree with what you write most of the time and tell you when i don't, but I still respect your right to say what you think. It must be good scriptwriting when it can generate different views so strongly felt, even though some individual episodes may annoy us.

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This storyline between Nate and Sophie is getting ridiculous now. This whole situation keeps going round in circles. Sophie keeps seeing Nate with different women is becoming a joke because how many times should she Nate with someone else just at the right. Next we will see Nate sneezing and Sophie will appear with a bag of tissues in tow.

lol you know that when two people who aren't a couple make innocent physical contact by law one of their partners has to witness it! Usually it takes place on the beach. I've lost count how many times H&A have used this scenario, I know coincidence happens but it's getting to be the norm, make me groan.

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OK I get the scenes with Jake, Brax and Andy happened at night but I couldn't see who was who and where and hasn't Jake got bloody good eyesight being able to see those tyre tracks in the dark! It wouldn't have taken a genius to work out it had to be Brax. Brax didn't need any persuading to force Jake off the road, it actually looked (and sounded) like Andy was telling him to stop. He would have done it on his own if he'd had to. I have to saw that outline of Brax against the night sky and smoke was very creepy. Btw Andy called the ambulance.

So Jake played the not mentally responsible for his actions/diminished responsibility card to get into an open prison then just walked out! Brax would automatically blame Emmerson and the rest of the Australian police force, that would be down to his lawyer, but they are probably just as pissed off as he is! As Brax pointed out he killed one of their own. They weren't even made aware he was out, which I thought would be a legal requirement. The police's job ends with the arrest and charging.

Btw with all the shenanigans at the hospital I couldn't help thinking would Casey really have wanted all that, didn't he go to meet Jake to prevent that?

I can understand Phoebe's reaction to the way Brax, Kyle and even Ricky were behaving, she's not part of their world, she's just scared for Kyle and what it may do to them.

However much the rest of his body was burned, Jake's face seemed to escape any damage. Must be many a time a criminal like Jake has been in hospital needing urgent treatment and members of the staff have voiced their doubts as to why they are saving their life, but they still do it because it's something they do. Doctors and nurses are still human beings. As an aside who was treating Jake and Brax when they were first taken in, Nate wasn't called in until the next morning, does that mean there are other doctors, nurses at NT hospital?

There is no law against liking someone even if they are married, it's what you decide to do about it that matters. Now if Hannah and Nate were really up to something would they really have a hug in the middle of the hospital with all those people around? It doesn't help Sophie is paranoid, she looked suspicious enough when both Nate and Hannah left the Diner at the same time.

I think the problem most of us have with Maddy is her refusal to admit she may have done anything wrong. I'm not saying Josh was a complete innocent, he wasn't, but if Maddy had had the mind to stop after that first kiss, the rest wouldn't have happened. I'm not going to put the blame on her age, older women have made the same mistake in the past. Love her hate her as pembie said she's certainly got people divided and engendered a lot of lively debate. I'm glad Evelyn took Oscar's advice and actually listened to Josh and why he did it, though she 's not in mood to forgive him yet. I think Oscar is on a hiding to nothing hanging around in the hope that eventually Maddy will see him as a boyfriend. Evelyn and Spencer only had a nearly kiss, they may even have stopped before Josh's call.

I think Alf had such a go at Maddy because he kind of looked on her as a substitute granddaughter and she's let him down, no doubt he would have ranted at Roo the same way when she was Maddy's age. So far Denny hasn't done anything wrong in Alf's eyes plus she likes working on the boats with him, plus she is hurting a lot more than Maddy is. As Denny was talking about 'seeing' Casey everywhere but at the bait shop I was thinking Alf went through the same thing with Alsa so he knew exactly what she meant.

I think we needed the scenes of Roo, John and Marilyn as a contrast to everything else that was going on.

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