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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I disagree about Kyle. I thought he did the best thing telling Andy to keep quiet. The police are so incompetent anyway, they probably wouldn't have believed him. I thought Kyle was doing a good job holding the family together and hoping it will all blow over, as it usually does. Phoebe is the one I feel soory for - don't blame her walking out.

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Not much chance of catching up to Aus airings by a significant amount this year I'm afraid, Channel 5 will indeed be taking another break for Christmas.

Will perhaps catch up by 3 weeks or so but that will still leave the UK 5 weeks behind. Can't be certain on the gap until we find out when H&A returns in Oz in the New Year.


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I'm glad Phoebe's moved out. Hopefully we won't have to listen to anymore of her self-righteous rants.

I'm also glad Andy's finished the job on Jake. I don't care if it's premeditated or cold-blooded. Jake had it coming. And had he recovered he only would have gone after Brax, Andy and co. I found it really funny when Kyle was giving Andy the death stare when he first realised he killed Jake. I'm glad Kyle has decided to support him. Hopefully nothing will link Andy to the actual killing.

I mentioned last week that Oscar may have a slim chance of getting with Maddy if he continued to just be there but now the way he's hanging around her like some lost puppy is starting to get on my nerves. Although she's selfish, Maddy never struck me as being a thief but I guess we can add that to the list of undesirable things she has done as of late.

I'm not sure what purpose it serves Sophie testing Nate. If he passes, she's still going to be paranoid and distrust him. And if he fails, it's not really going to make any difference to the way she's acting at the moment. All she can do maybe is warn Hannah off again or 'ban' Nate from seeing her outside of work.

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Going back in time a bit, after all her protesting she wouldn't tell Brax she was pregnant, it was the one thing, as Kyle rightly said, that stopped him in his tracks.

What sort of hospital doesn't have CCTV? The police did only arrest Brax on suspicion of murder which after all that had happened before what they would do. Ricky saying he was with her all night is hardly a reliable alibi, she would have told them that even if he had done it. Kyle being next to be interviewed would be the next logical step seeing as he is a Braxton. The police have no reason to suspect Andy they don't know his involvement in it all. Brax suspected Kyle and Kyle due to I think something Andy said caught on right away he did it, he's one smart cookie. So far I don't think Brax knows, does he? Will Andy's conscience let him keep quite or will he go to the cops without anyone knowing? Kyle emotionally blackmailing Andy by using Josh was wrong though, I think Josh would be more inclined to have Andy confess than walking around free.

I thought Brax took the news that Kyle knew about Ricky being pregnant before he did very well and his sadness that Casey would have been overjoyed at having an new cousin was rather poignant.

I'm with Brian about Phoebe, yes she knew the Braxton's weren't exactly model citizens but covering up a murder is a totally different thing. She likes to come across as a tough chick but underneath it she's not. She's not breaking up with Kyle she just needs a little time away from everything. I liked John's little chat with her, he didn't pry and his remark about living next to the Braxton's can be hard but actually living in the middle of it must be especially difficult.

John did abandon his adoption of Jett after Gina died, I think it was due to his health and no Marilyn doesn't have to adopt him, she's delighted he asked, though of course they do need to track down Jett's dad again to ask his permission. I like John and Marilyn's stay at home honeymoon, can't stand the word staycation. :puke: Jett did the right thing by going for a sleep over at VJ's asking too much for a 15 year old to witness their lovey doveyness.

Maddy does make a lot of promises to change then the next minute she's back to her old ways. I like that Oscar is Jiminy Cricket to her Pinocchio. I'm guessing Maddy knows Roo's pin number which is why she nicked Roo's card?

Clever game Sophie was playing asking Nate to ask his colleagues and Hannah to their barbecue, he shouldn't have chickened out of asking her pound to a penny Sophie would run into Hannah and mention it. and of course when she twigged Nate hadn't asked her the paranoia did kick in.

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Not much chance of catching up to Aus airings by a significant amount this year I'm afraid, Channel 5 will indeed be taking another break for Christmas.

Will perhaps catch up by 3 weeks or so but that will still leave the UK 5 weeks behind. Can't be certain on the gap until we find out when H&A returns in Oz in the New Year.


I've given up on being surprised or angry at Channel 5's decisions but I am disappointed.Am I right in saying we finish for Christmas a week after Australia?I can't see the next season starting in February, so 3 weeks seem a bit optimistic, it might only be two.

Anyway, today's ep.I'm trying not to flog absent horses again but since it was mentioned...I'm not sure whether the fact that the "ordinary" residents of Summer Bay are all acting with horror to what's happened to Jake, uncomfortable with murder whoever it is and knowing it's the last thing Casey would have wanted, is promising or a token counterpoint to the Braxtons treating it as a cause for celebration. The police know that Andy was with Brax when Jake had the car crash so you'd expect him to be on their radar.

Wow, Evelyn really is self-absorbed.All that talk of how good she is for Josh has gone to her head, as she seems to think she can still hang around him acting like she's the most important person in his life after dumping him.I cheered when Josh showed her the door and he's not exactly my favourite person these days either.

Okay, there's a fair amount of ambiguity about what Sophie did and didn't do but suddenly I'm remembering how we and Leah felt she was exaggerating her pain to win Nate back, and it looks like she's done it again.Except more so.If she actually did deliberately injure herself to get Nate away from Hannah, then that's pretty psychotic behaviour and she's really crossed a line.

This VJ storyline isn't really working.You're imagining it with the old VJ and that could work but with the new one...nope.Is this Tyson boy, who's appeared out of nowhere and seems to have appointed himself VJ's arch-enemy for no real reason, meant to be older than him? Because he looks older than the old VJ but the new one could probably knock him down if he breathed on him.Matt's attempts to help VJ, well, didn't, but it was obviously more about him finding an excuse not to study.I did like him trying to play the role of parent alongside Leah, he could potentially be a rival to Chris as the show's clown.Sasha's determination to study leaves me thinking of the wild child she was when she first came in and wondering what happened.And we meet Matt's dad, who doesn't seem to have been helped by rehab.And is played by the same guy that played Irene's son in 2002.

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Not much chance of catching up to Aus airings by a significant amount this year I'm afraid, Channel 5 will indeed be taking another break for Christmas.

Will perhaps catch up by 3 weeks or so but that will still leave the UK 5 weeks behind. Can't be certain on the gap until we find out when H&A returns in Oz in the New Year.


I've given up on being surprised or angry at Channel 5's decisions but I am disappointed.Am I right in saying we finish for Christmas a week after Australia?I can't see the next season starting in February, so 3 weeks seem a bit optimistic, it might only be two.

Yeah Oz finishes next week and UK the week after.

If it comes back on air in Oz in the last week of Jan, as it did last year (which admittedly was a bit later than the norm so probably is optimistic), then it could be 3 weeks - we'd catch up in the weeks commencing 15th Dec, 12th Jan & 19th Jan. But with the Aussie scheduling of H&A all over the place anyway it's anyone's guess. :rolleyes:

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How many residents of the bay actually know about Jake, it's not being talked about by many other than those who were there as in Nate and Hannah who mentioned it to Denny. Btw was it my imagination or when Nate told Hannah how Jake died did he seem to be looking at her in a way that suggested, to me anyway, he thought she may have done it? She did make her feelings pretty clear.

Evelyn can't have it both ways, Ok she still cares for Josh, but you can't blame him for reacting the way he did, he doesn't know where he stands with her.

Until now Sophie's 'paranoia' has come across as a throwback to when he cheated on her when she was addicted to prescription drugs by being suspicious of him talking to another woman. But now she has crossed the line by burning herself and no it was no accident. This time though it was perfectly innocent Nate and Hannah were just chatting, Denny had left the table for a few minutes and was back by the time Sophie came back out with her burn. Was the cooling it off by using the outside tap meant to show everyone present it was serious? We know Hannah fancies Nate but she's not stupid and was right in her 'feeling' about Sophie ignoring her to get treated by Nate.

You're not alone I still can't adjust to the new (and not improved) VJ. I've said before a sudden shooting up height wise I can accept, like Jett suddenly sprouted, but everything else just isn't right. He's nose to nose with Tyson, who like most bullies just suddenly pop out of the woodwork, he soon backed down though when Irene had a few sharp words with him. So glad VJ didn't want to take Matt's advice about clobbering Tyson. I did think Sasha would have come up with something more subtle than painting a black eye on VJ, took me right back to the girl who did it to get Jett into trouble.

After her rant at Matt about that Leah seemed to have got through to Matt about actually getting over his fear of failing his HSC, Josh and his exam anyone, and doing some real revising. Should have known a fly in the ointment would show up this time in the shape of Matt's dad. Going by Matt's reaction when he hit him I'd say he'd used his fists on Matt before. Was that well remembered Red or research? Matt's dad being Irene's son back in the day.

Going back to Phoebe again, let's not forget she's only known the Braxton's while they have been fairly respectable, not back when they were into growing and selling drugs, threatening up various people including the police, beating up folks some of whom were members of their own gang, burning down Jake's place which was courtesy of Casey, should I go on?

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Not much chance of catching up to Aus airings by a significant amount this year I'm afraid, Channel 5 will indeed be taking another break for Christmas.

Will perhaps catch up by 3 weeks or so but that will still leave the UK 5 weeks behind. Can't be certain on the gap until we find out when H&A returns in Oz in the New Year.


I've given up on being surprised or angry at Channel 5's decisions but I am disappointed.Am I right in saying we finish for Christmas a week after Australia?I can't see the next season starting in February, so 3 weeks seem a bit optimistic, it might only be two.

Yeah Oz finishes next week and UK the week after.

If it comes back on air in Oz in the last week of Jan, as it did last year (which admittedly was a bit later than the norm so probably is optimistic), then it could be 3 weeks - we'd catch up in the weeks commencing 15th Dec, 12th Jan & 19th Jan. But with the Aussie scheduling of H&A all over the place anyway it's anyone's guess. :rolleyes:

Oh yes, you're right, I miscounted.Yeah, 3 weeks is a definite possibility.

Alf's episode count this week:Three.

I wish I could claim my memory was that good, H&Alover, but I just happened to look the actor up on IMDb and go "Oh, really?" Gray comes across as a bit of a loser but is also very manipulative, managing to convince Matt that it's his fault that the family's split up and they've got no home.Irene giving him evils probably isn't going to help, Alf is monitoring the situation but Gray's clearly on to him as well.But where's Leah in all this?She's the one that's meant to be keeping an eye on Matt.

Maddy has well and truly hit the self-destruct button and I'm not sure anyone can do anything except let it play out and hope she comes to her senses.Even Oscar looks bored at her self-indulgence.I think she probably did intend to pay the money back, although I'm not sure she had any firm plans as to how to do it.I'm not sure if she was lying to Josh or herself when she said she doesn't like him anymore:Probably the former, so he's right to keep his distance. Mind you, he and Evelyn have obviously decided to settle for hanging around each other until they inevitably fall back into each other's arms.Sigh.Evelyn was more pleasant to Maddy's face than she has been recently but two thirds of the things that she said were still badmouthing her.And then Denny joins in: I'm sorry, Oscar I'll accept but when has Evelyn been "burned" by Maddy?It was the other way round.Evelyn saying Maddy's being getting away with murder just makes me think firstly that Evelyn has pretty much got away with every single thing she's done wrong and secondly that there is someone in town who's getting away with murder and no-one seems in a hurry to turn him in.Oscar's eventual solution, getting Roo her credit card back but not letting her know Maddy had been using it, was an awkward halfway house.Do you need a PIN for a credit card, incidentally?I've never had one.

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It was nice seeing Sasha and Matt taking centre stage in today's episode. They work well together - a firmly established ccouple, but not too luivvy-duvvy. Surprised to see Matt's dad turn up - the last new character that i would have expected. Hope he doesn't try to drag Matt back to Mangrove River.

Josh and Evie friends??? That will never work out

The Maddy storyline is getting more interesting and she's playing it well. What other bizzare acts could she do next? I'd love to see her pregnant - then will it be Josh or Oscar? How could they find out???

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