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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Evie annoys me to no end. I am so tired of her self-righteous diatribes. Maddy is no innocent in the whole thing, but Evie tends to forget that until Cassie's death, when Maddy slept with Josh - she actually hadn't done anything to Evie, and the thing she did to Evie was the exact same thing Evie had already done to Maddy. I accept that Maddy burned Oscar repeatedly (although it is hard to feel sorry for Oscar when he is following her like a love-sick puppy), but I am tired of Evie acting like she has been victimised too even before Josh slept with Maddy. And I felt it was a bit much for her to say that Maddy was getting away with murder, when there are actually people getting away with murder.

On a similar note, I don't understand how Evie can be so self-righteous about Maddy (or about Oscar trying to be friends with Maddy), when she is trying so hard to be friends with someone who has cheated on 2 different girlfriends.

I still feel for Phoebe - it has always been a struggle for her to deal with their past, but at least, while she has been with the Braxtons, it has always been about them trying to turn their life around. I think it is a bit much to expect her to be OK with the fact that someone has killed Jake in cold-blood, and that they are all being so cavalier about it, and covering it up.I don't think this is something that her and Kyle can recover from.

I knew I recognised Matt's dad - didn't realise why until you pointed out that he played Nathan (Irene's son) previously.

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Sophie went above and beyond just to keep Nate away from Hannah (even though she was the one who invited her to the party in the first place). I was a bit surprised that she was willing to hurt herself but given that she was prepared to move to Summer Bay just to be near Nate and the way she dealt with Leah before when she saw her as a threat, I guess it's hardly unexpected given that she showed when she refused to take the pain killers just how hight her tolerance for pain is.

I can understand Evelyn warning Oscar about hanging out with Maddy (even Denny had reservations) but I agree about her going on about Maddy and Josh. Although this is not a case that she should stop because it is over. Maddy is still after him. Her suggestion to Josh about being friends on the beach is one of the oldest tricks in the book. If she was really seriously over him she want to distance herself like Sasha did when things didn't work out with Casey and she told Casey to stay away from her. Not that I blame her of course but her attempts are futile and she should be focusing her efforts in moving on.

With regards to Maddy and Oscar with friends like Maddy who needs enemies is my first thought. But as I mentioned previously and as Angelica has mentioned above it's hard to feel any sympathy for him when he acts like this. It's actually reaching the point where I feel he deserves everything he gets now. He's been warned about hanging around with her on numerous occasions. Maddy only contacts him when she's bored not because she wants to spend time with him as a friend. And he acts like he's at her beck and call. Not sure about him grassing her up about having Roo's credit card. It's a difficult one. I think there's a general rule about grassing people up, especially when it comes to kids but I'm glad he did something. Maddy actually reminds me of one of my brothers when he was younger. Used to make lots of mistakes and it didn't matter how much you argued, shouted or tried to reason with him it didn't make any difference. Some people have to learn the hard way.

It was mentioned before the similarities between Josh and the storyline with Romeo/Indy/Ruby. Objectively I can understand the frustration i.e. Josh cheated on his girlfriend with very little repercussions. But I wish I was as good with girls as Josh. He doesn't strike me as being particularly confident but he bags a hot blonde, gets her to fall in love with him, cheats on her with a cute brunette, cheats on the brunette with the blonde, gets the brunette to blame herself for not sleeping with him. So not only have there been no consequences but the brunette obviously wants him back and even the brunette's sister wants her to give him another go.

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It was mentioned before the similarities between Josh and the storyline with Romeo/Indy/Ruby. Objectively I can understand the frustration i.e. Josh cheated on his girlfriend with very little repercussions. But I wish I was as good with girls as Josh. He doesn't strike me as being particularly confident but he bags a hot blonde, gets her to fall in love with him, cheats on her with a cute brunette, cheats on the brunette with the blonde, gets the brunette to blame herself for not sleeping with him. So not only have there been no consequences but the brunette obviously wants him back and even the brunette's sister wants her to give him another go.

You do get the impression that some of the storyline's are being recycled from the past. As Casey has died, I do get the feeling that the writers are trying to make Josh into a younger version of Casey.

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So Maddy 'found' Roo's credit card so when Roo gets her statement and finds all that money spent on clothes, shoes and bags who is suspicion going to fall on? Maddy is using Oscar and I think he has finally seen that, at least I hope so. Trouble is friends and family can tell someone until they are blue in the face that someone is bad for them but it doesn't do any good, they have to find that out for themselves, all you can do is be there for them. Oscar did the right thing, in 'grassing' up Maddy. She can't earn that much at the gym and is she paying Roo for room and board?

I didn't buy her 'I'm over you' speech to Josh either.

Gray has absolutely no right in blaming Matt for not looking after Ellie (nice to hear about her) and keeping the house! :angry2: What is he 16/17, he tried his best and hung out for so long, he wasn't earning so he had no choice but to let Ellie go, she's only fostered so when/if Gray gets his act together he can ask for her back, but I'm not holding my breath. As for him just having got out of rehab yeh right! Gray certainly doesn't think much of Matt trying to improve himself and because he feels guilty for no reason whatsoever he's going to let him browbeat him into letting things slide. I know Sasha wants to help Matt but her nagging him is just going to make him shut down, give the lad some space and he'll confide on you when he's ready. Sasha was right in telling Irene, she shouldn't have to worry about it and now Alf is also looking out for Matt. Speaking of Irene, Spencer wasn't the only one sitting by himself at the wedding, I noticed Irene was by herself, I did think Alf might have asked her to dance but he didn't.

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Yes, it looks like Oscar is seeing through Maddy at last and realising there is only one person in her life - Maddy!

I think Josh knows he needs to take some time out of teen romance while he gets his head around Casey's murder. Also, Evie needs to know what she wants to happen with Josh, Denise nailed it when she asked her this. I guess she's not ready for a grown up relationship the same way Josh is, maybe because of the time spent in the commune.

Don't understand why John and Marilyn are too poor to go on honeymoon. I'm sure Johns house is mortgage free after Gina's death(?) John has his coach business, work at the surf club and tour business with Marilyn. Marilyn works at the diner, cuts hair and does tarot/astrology readings - they both work hard.

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Well, that was horrible, akin to watching the dregs of humanity and being unable to do anything about anything.I said a while back that in terms of the law, Josh has only been guilty of misplaced family loyalty.I guess that's still the case but there's a limit and he's passed it.Helping Andy get away with drugging Maddy was bad enough, but now he's covered up a murder and that makes him as big a scumbag as his brother.Andy seems to think he's Brax, acting as though he wanted to keep Josh out of things: If he was really righteous, he'd have confessed and not made Josh into a criminal. "The police and the courts, they won't understand,"whines Josh towards the end.Personally, I'd say they understand perfectly, just as they understand why Jake did what he did.Having a motive doesn't make it all right, something the show has been getting wrong for years.But no, case is closed and the Braxtons and Barretts get away with everything.Well, that's lovely.I've always been kind of proud of the fact that Home and Away is one of the few soaps where no-one ever gets away with murder...and now it appears that's no longer the case.Maybe justice will catch up with Andy eventually (and ideally Josh too, although I'll settle for just Andy), but if it doesn't and in two years time this remorseless killer walks out of town a free man with a beautiful blonde on his arm, then this really won't be the same show anymore.No doubt Evelyn will forget everything she heard Josh say and I expect Phoebe will go back to living with a murderer sooner or later as well.Brax admitting that Jake being dead hasn't made him feel any better isn't really the pay off we needed.

Maddy was 16 when she first appeared, which is getting on for two years now, so if she isn't 18 yet she will be some time early next year.I must admit I was a bit disappointed that Alf suspected her of stealing the credit card so readily: Okay, he was right, but she hadn't really done anything to make him think that and I'd have preferred for him to give her the benefit of the doubt.I don't blame Roo and Oscar for their attitude towards her, they've every right to feel hurt and betrayed.I like to think Maddy's guilt is real: The fact that she lied to Oscar doesn't help, but her tears on seeing how much she's turned Roo away from her seemed real and the fact she was honest with Phoebe is potentially promising.(Phoebe is nice to Maddy! She's definitely in my plus column.)She does seem to know what she's doing and that she's hurting everyone, I just hope it's enough to make her stop.

I don't know if this law change is real world true or not but I guess it's good to get the adoption out of the way.A shame it gets overshadowed by yet another song and dance about a woman refusing to use her married name for no good reason.(And what's all that stuff about "change of name" forms?Is it really that rare that they can't just do it automatically anymore?)It's massively out of character for Marilyn, she's always been a traditionalist and she's used her married name in the past.Her reason for not wanting to do it is ridiculous."Gina was Mrs Palmer!"Well, yeah, that's because she was John's wife.And now you're John's wife, so that makes you Mrs Palmer.That's the way it works.

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