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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Great idea Josh telling Andy he should leave that won't make the police suspicious at all. :rolleyes: All this time I've been thinking Josh was an intelligent lad, I understand he wants to protect his elder brother as much as Kyle would over Brax, but a false alibi and what was the meeting with Emerson and cohort on the beach at night all about? Emerson did say the investigation was suspended not closed so I'm still hoping Andy will do the right thing and 'fess up, though of course now he'll land Josh in it.

Phoebe made the right choice by deciding not to go back to the Braxton house, even though it is hurting Kyle, it's still not over and won't be until the culprit is inside. I did like that 'talk' Brax had with Casey after Emerson told them the case was suspended and asking him what he should do now.

No idea how Alf managed to spring to the conclusion that Maddy was behind the 'disappearance' of Roo's credit card, maybe to get the reaction, 'she wouldn't do that to me' from Roo which, of course, Maddy overheard. Maddy can lie so easily and she might have got away with it if she hadn't asked Oscar not to say anything about her using Roo's card if he ran into her as it was still a touchy subject, even though they had 'talked' it through. Of course Oscar does then see Roo at the Diner and she makes him feel guilty by letting him the muffin on the house, seems he is getting his appetite back, and he didn't actually dob Maddy in it, just asked Roo to speak to Maddy about the 'lost' card. She must have got a online printout of her latest statement to know exactly what Maddy had been up to. It's going to take Roo a god long while to forgive Maddy for this, it was a complete betrayal of her trust and all she has done for her, would Maddy have 'robbed' her own mother like that? Wonder if Phoebe's idea is to take some of the clobber back to the shops?

Wouldn't Marilyn have to have some sort of background check before she can adopt Jett, she's not even his official foster parent. I'm puzzled about Marilyn not wanting to be Mrs. Palmer as you said Red she is a traditionalist and her reason makes no sense at all. Is it because Gina died rather than being divorced from John and she feels it would be unlucky or disrespectful? Chambers-Palmer sounds too much of a mouthful.

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Summer Bay Police are as bad as South African lawyers! Dropping the case so soon is strange, I'm sure new evidence will come to light or Andy will have an epiphany and give himself up.

What surprised me was all Josh did was provide an alibi and the matter was closed. All Josh said Andy was sleeping on the couch. Didn't the police ask Andy what he was doing that night, I'm sure if the police pushed hard enough they would've have found holes in the story. Most likely Andy story would probably not have been that he was sleeping on the couch.

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The more you think about the "investigation" the more absurd it gets.Why has Emerson been left to investigate two murders all on his own?Why hasn't someone sent a homicide detective, or whatever they're called in Australia?If there was someone like Robertson there, they'd be bringing the suspects in for questioning multiple times, questioning their stories, putting pressure on Josh to admit he's lying, putting pressure on Andy to confess in exchange for Josh being let off the hook...Instead, the local boys talk to Brax and everyone that lives with him, learn they're all vouching for each other and don't bother doing anything else.

Which brings us onto this episode.If you view it out of context, the Braxtons are sympathetic.But the show can't spend weeks showing us how twisted they really are and then expect us to accept them as a normal grieving family the next minute.Especially when they're just swapping one cold-hearted killer for another.(Let's not forget, Andy tried to murder Casey and Maddy when he first appeared and would have murdered Brax if Debbie hadn't had a go first.Murdering someone they don't like doesn't make him a nice guy.)Brax's tantrum about the gym being put up for sale (a perfectly logical move since Indi only kept it on in the first place because Heath and Casey offered to run it) just comes across as another piece of selfishness and when John talks to him about the hardest part of grieving being when there's nothing left to do and the world's carrying on without you, it's hard not to remember that what Brax "had to do" wasn't organising the funeral and contacting relatives but killing someone.I'm glad Phoebe's still keeping her distance from Murder HQ, when Kyle turned up I thought she'd crumble.Leaving all that aside, I thought Josh and Ricky were wrong to carry on clearing out Casey's room when Brax couldn't go through with it: They did acknowledge that it felt wrong eventually but they shouldn't have gone on as long as they did.

On a similar note, I'm kind of wishing that they did what they usually do and just had Marilyn carry on using her maiden name without comment, instead of making a feeble attempt to justify it.When Irene says that a few squiggles on a bit of paper doesn't make them any more of a family, she seems to be writing off the marriage and the adoption instead of just the name change that logically goes with them, yet somehow this is enough to make John do a complete 180.It's a bit daft to act as though the Chambers name is a vital part of Marilyn's character when half the audience still want to call her Marilyn Fisher.As with Bianca's similar sentiments last year, I'm baffled.Is this a cultural thing that's lost on us Brits?Or are Lucy Addario and Louise Crane militant feminists using the show to protest against male oppression?(Incidentally, I keep forgetting to mention that even though Leah's still credited as Patterson-Baker, everyone at school just calls her "Mrs Patterson".Has she changed it again and not told us or the person that writes the cast list?)

Ironically, Maddy is everything the Braxtons are meant to be, someone I sympathise with without agreeing with what she's doing.I agree that she keeps apologising and promising to change then carrying on as before, and I also agree that she can be an amazing person and I want that person back.I wish she hadn't thrown herself at Oscar again and I wish too that he hadn't been so obviously hurt by her calling it a mistake:She was obviously mortified, she was never going to be up for trying again.As ever, what excuses her, or rather makes me sympathise with her, is the fact that she obviously isn't enjoying any of it, it's just empty gestures to try and make herself feel better, caught up in an endless cycle.I'd like to think she took that money to pay back Roo, but it looks more likely it's another attempt at a temporary fix of an extravagant purchase, unless she really was resisting temptation when she turned off that site.

EDIT: On the subject of employees giving out stuff on the house, this seems to happen in television a lot.I always kind of assume that it means they put the money in the till themselves, except when it's obvious they're meant to be taking advantage.

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Sigh,the police were on the ball in the days when constable Watson was on the case :-) Anyway, the police don't close cases until they're solved, it will just be put on the back burner until more information comes to light.

They're always giving out freebies at the diner, you only have to go in there with a sad face to get a wedge of cake on the house, wish it was my local cafe!

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Not much chance of catching up to Aus airings by a significant amount this year I'm afraid, Channel 5 will indeed be taking another break for Christmas.

Will perhaps catch up by 3 weeks or so but that will still leave the UK 5 weeks behind. Can't be certain on the gap until we find out when H&A returns in Oz in the New Year.


Just to say that Channel 5 have changed the return date of H&A and it will now return on Monday 5th January instead of 12th January.

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I actually felt really sorry for Roo. She looked genuinely hurt that Maddy used her credit card. So how low can Maddy go? She hits on Oscar again (despite trying her luck with Josh just a few days ago) and steals money from the gym just in order to buy some dress. I'm so sick and tired of the empty, poxy apologies and the self pitying act. Oscar's been a bit better over the last couple of episodes. It finally seems as though he's grown some backbone and put Maddy in her place although the way he was with her at the gym made me think that he will go weak at the knees again. I just wish he would just stay away from her for the time being.

Hopefully this storyline with Jake is now over. Unless of course another relative comes to Summer Bay at some point in the future to get revenge...

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Not much chance of catching up to Aus airings by a significant amount this year I'm afraid, Channel 5 will indeed be taking another break for Christmas.

Will perhaps catch up by 3 weeks or so but that will still leave the UK 5 weeks behind. Can't be certain on the gap until we find out when H&A returns in Oz in the New Year.


Just to say that Channel 5 have changed the return date of H&A and it will now return on Monday 5th January instead of 12th January.

Thanks for the update, Dan! And I had a "Why can't we come back at the same time as Neighbours?" rant prepared as well.Mind you, Channel 5 may have noticed the same thing that I have:That somewhere along the way, probably with all these double bills they've been having lately, Australia has managed to fit in an extra week's worth of episodes.If the finale's 6120 and Channel 5's ending with 6080, that means we're still going to be 40 episodes behind despite carrying on a week longer.

I was kind of hoping that that ring we saw would never be mentioned again (and it's amusing to note that no-one ever actually says it was an engagement ring).To be fair, the moment was actually nicely underplayed...well, until that montage and that was completely unnecessary and full of shots where no-one seemed to know what to do or what emotion to convey.And I actually found myself glad that Brax made it to the ultrasound: I think I'm ready to forgive him, since his behaviour is pretty normal by current standards.Andy is another matter and I really didn't like the way that Denny just forgave him out of nowhere and said he didn't mean for it to happen.(Are we meant to forget the thing he did intend to happen?)Brax buying the gym is kind of logical if it's up for sale but the chances of Andy being made managed just rocketed and that really would be a joke.But unless Brax leaves Angelo's to Kyle and manages the gym himself, I can't see what else could happen.Interesting that the doom-laden dialogue ("There'll be plenty more appointments like this") is still continuing.Maybe some friend or relative of Jake's really is going to turn up seeking revenge in turn.

Maybe it's just me but Denny suddenly became 200% more innocent and likable when they stuck her in scenes with Chris again.I thought he handled her well, although I can't shake the feeling that she was just being kind to him with her reassurance: His humour and caring nature might have drawn her in but it wasn't enough to make her stick around.I'm surprised they've gone as far as they have with Spencer's internet dating.His final selfie didn't seem any better than the others but it's always good to see him and Chris together.

Oh, this Nate/Hannah/Sophie thing really is getting dreary and it's not showing Nate in a good light, having him lead on both women.At least Hannah had the decency to make herself scarce when he kissed her, although I don't know what she was thinking of, going kayaking with him.

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I know what you mean, but Hannah has been sniffing around Nate for ages despite knowing he's trying to get his marriage back on track, I used to like Nate but quickly going off him, he's pretty weak. They're behaving like a couple of mongrels as Mr Stewart would no doubt say. Sophie is flogging a dead horse, maybe she could try fighting fire with fire and have an admirer apart from Matt that is.

I don't think Chris and Denise will be an item again, not after Casey, it would be like going out with a school kid. I'm guessing Shandy has gone back to wherever she came from, I must have been in the kitchen when that happened?

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