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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I do feel like they involve Alf & the SES in these bush storylines just to tick boxes these days, if they have to have Brax be the hero why not have him join the SES rather than carrying on with his vigilante missions. The diner will probably be making sandwiches again to tick the old school fans boxes, but none of it feels like a community anymore as none of the regulars are in the SES apart from Alf and we never actually see the SES searching. We also have no WaGs worrying about their men who are out there searching.

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No-one made Andy King of the castle, not yet anyway, and Brax's answer to Andy turning down the managers job because he wouldn't be able to do the exams was exactly what I was thinking, 'That's what Heath thought'. is Spencer qualified to run the gym and he can't be there full time. Red, are you suggesting if Andy turns enough corners he'll disappear up his own b**! :wink: I thought Maddy was supposed to be the clever one yet she does something really dumb by adding $500 dollars on to just the one laundry invoice instead of spreading it out over several of them. :rolleyes: Not exactly creative accounting is it? Funny how it is Andy who spots it, but it would kind of leap out at you I did wonder since when did he become such a accounts wizard but then he did triple Cody's/Jake's money. Plus with all the dodgy deals he's probably pulled he'd the one to spot if someone else doing the same thing. Her spending is an addiction, makes the spender feel high for a short while then they come down so then they have to spend again and again.

I got the impression they had sold a few of the CD's but it seemed it had been just Roo, Alf and Chris, they just managed to grab back the one sold to the customers. I bet if Chris had had the chance to hear it he would have found it hilarious. :lol: I reckon Roo didn't believe Marilyn when she said it wasn't her and John getting jiggy either.

Jett felt so guilty, when there was no need to, about not meeting VJ, Tyson would have found another way. It's not until you are in that position you can appreciate how your loved ones feel. Tyson had guilt written all over him when questioned by Leah but it wasn't until Brax tackled him, though we didn't see it, he fessed up proving the point all bullies are cowards when confronted by someone bigger than them, though Brax being Brax may have more to do with it. Guessing Tyson didn't know VJ was friends with the head Braxton!!! The look on Emerson's face indeed did suggest he'd heard it before. Of course it has to be Brax, VJ was a friend of Casey as well. Naughty Nate he didn't let Sophie know where he was going, she'll be imaging all sorts.

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I have to admit, I don't think there was one moment in that episode when I was worried about VJ.Maybe it's because the storyline was given so little attention, with too much screen time taken up with lesser matters, maybe it's because we've seen Leah get hysterical like that multiple times before and it was ridiculous when she was talking about Felix Dean, never mind Matt Little.There's only really that one shot of him lying in the gully to suggest he's even in any danger.Alf and John take an age to get search parties organised and Brax and Nate seem more interested in competing to see who the alpha male is than finding him.Then Nate falls off a cliff and maybe it's seeing it twice already in promos but I didn't really care about that either.And we could have done without the constant flitting back to childish spats between Josh and Evelyn, who I care even less about.The attempt to tie it all together with Sophie saying that the class are worried about VJ just made me roll my eyes:Why would they care about some random student in another year going missing?I'm not even sure if Josh, Evelyn and Oscar know him that well, mainly because he's been off screen most of the time they've been on the show.

I quite liked the scene of Maddy in deep denial to Oscar about her problem and him not really buying it, it seemed like a reversal of her probing him about his eating disorder and it's a shame it got abandoned in favour of Oscar worrying about his sister's love life.I think Maddy just added that money to the laundry bill in a panic rather than it being a carefully thought out plan.I rolled my eyes at Hannah turning up:I'm not sure what's worse, her hanging around Andy or her hanging around Nate.And I'm really not keen on Andy making moral judgements on anyone:Given everything he's done to Maddy and everything she's done for him (not to mention that Casey stole from the gym to bail him out), keeping quiet is the least he owes her.Maddy does seem to be realising she's got a problem but she's digging herself in deeper and deeper, in debt to Roo (did she takes the dresses back and if so how much did she get for them?) and now the gym.It's reached the point where she really needs to see a counsellor.Unfortunately, I've got this feeling that with her having been in two episodes this week we won't see her again until after Christmas.

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I think if Brax found out about Maddy stealing from the gym he'd boot her out there and then as he'd see it as stealing off Casey. Silly girl.

Luckily Brax has his hands full rescuing kidnap victims, uncanny how he knew where to find Veege, like a blood hound! Now he has to rescue Nate too, hopefully Alf and his SES aren't far behind.

Not sure about Josh and Evie anymore, I don't think they're that suited, Josh is too laid back for her.

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Ah, that was better.The only thing dragging it down was my continued inability to care about Josh and Evelyn.She whines about him to a near stranger, decides she doesn't want to spend time with him anymore, then is apparently won over because he draws a picture of her.Yawn.The only decent thing in those scenes was Oscar, I liked the chats between him and Sophie and the way he took over getting everyone on the bus.Might it be a bit premature to suggest he'd make a good school captain next year?

I did find myself caring about Brax, Nate and VJ stuck in a quarry, the banter between them was good with the exchange of the episode being "I've been to London, everyone there wants to move here"/ "That's because you tricked them into thinking it never rains."I guess it's possible Felix Dean would have had a growth spurt but I can't help feeling that if it had been that VJ rather than someone nearly as big as Brax then carrying Nate out of there would have been a bit more difficult.The scenes of everyone back at the surf club worrying worked better here than last episode as well, possibly because it felt like there really was a danger.It seemed to take a while for Sophie to be put in the loop:She was informed as soon as Nate was officially missing but I'm not sure if she knew he was in the bush until then.Brax realising he has Nate's blood on his hand, just as he had Casey's not long ago, was a nice subtle moment.

I wish we'd seen more of Zac supporting Denny but I guess the point was that she was trying not to think about it.For most of the episode, I was left wondering what could possibly be reminding her of Casey, since it was hardly the same situation, but when she talked about Leah waiting for news like she was it made sense.I wonder what she'd have done if she hadn't seen Brax at the grave, might she have actually buried the ring there?Giving it back and moving on seems a fairly sensible thing to do on paper, but it was portrayed as an act of desperation and, given those clips of Ricky and Denny surfing we keep seeing in the promo, I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up taking it back.I'm really not sure what should happen:It'd be a bit odd for Denny to hold onto a ring that was never really hers for 70 years while she marries someone else, similarly it'd be a bit odd for Brax to lug a ring his dead brother bought around.I actually wonder if they should give it to Josh, given that he was Casey's little brother.I might not be a fan of the pairing, but if he ever does get engaged to Evelyn there'd be a kind of meaningful echo if they used that ring.

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I have to agree with Red Ranger about not feeling worried about VJ, they weren't exactly going to recast to kill him off, which I suppose is why Nate was injured as well, but if it'd shut Sophie up I'd quite happily see him croak. I do like Nate though, but I never felt he was in danger. It's not like other times like the Mirigini disaster or the plane crash, I genuinely felt concerned that someone might die.

Out of interest has any regular actually died during one of these lost in the bush stories? I think Michael is probably the only one to die during an SES related story.

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Could Oscar have been anymore transparent? Desperately trying to get Evelyn and Josh back together to ensure Josh never poses a problem for his chances for a relationship with Maddy. Have to admit I did find it quite funny when Josh got all jealous. But a portrait to turn the tables, really?

I was hoping Andy wouldn't have covered for Maddy. He should have just told Brax, especially after what he did for him. And from his perspective not saying anything could seem kind of disloyal. Maddy definitely has some sort of problem so objectively Andy not dobbing her in is actually doing her a disservice. Didn't really like the way Hannah was hanging around him though. Kinda of feels she remaining on friendly terms to keep him around as a fallback option because things haven't worked out with Nate.

Quite liked the scenes with Nate, Brax and VJ. Surely Tyson can't be allowed to get away with this. I suspect though if Nate recovers, Sophie will keep him under lock and key.

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