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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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We did see scenes of Matt, Gray and Elllie on the beach, when Matt tackled Gray about drinking, then they went back to Angelo's. Ellie obviously wasn't afraid of Gray if she came away with him so willingly, he must have spun her some story about her 'aunt'(?) being OK with him taking her. Gray must have been top of the list of people to suspect of taking Ellie and Emerson did try and do it quietly, all Gray did was upset Ellie. It was nice to see Matt singing and Ellie was dead chuffed. Gray wasn't kept in custody for long as we see him back outside his caravan.

I thought it was a nice goodbye between Kyle and Phoebe and I'm glad they got one more chance to sing together, before they were rudely interrupted. If Kyle keeps saving while she's away, she'll have somewhere else to come back to, who knows maybe she'll miss him too much to go on tour.

Good for you Chris, your instincts were right about 'Amy' not being who she said she was, though as Red said how did he and Alf know which room to go to at that well used motel? Just how hard did Spencer hit him, was his injury incurred when he hit the floor? Could have been lateral thinking on Chris' part by keying in Amy on Google. I'm guessing Keith, if that is his name had his phone on silent at the Surf Club the evening before, another thing how come Spencer didn't recognise him? It still goes on with predators trying it on, usually it's men preying on young girls so a different twist it being man on boy. He did seem to have a good insight in how girls think to fool Spencer who's not an idiot.

They were lovely scenes with Marilyn, John and Jett, I'm guessing Marilyn didn't know about Xavier's gift. I suppose we all make promises, but Jett is wise enough to know although John does mean what he says at the time, things get in the way and is still wiling to take the risk.

Have a Merry Christmas And A Happy new Year everyone and see you on the 5th/6th January 2015.

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We did see scenes of Matt, Gray and Elllie on the beach, when Matt tackled Gray about drinking, then they went back to Angelo's.

Yes, we did, but before that the episode opens with Matt and Ellie arriving back at the surf club and him sending her upstairs to get a pizza while he chats to Kyle, then he finds Sasha helping Ellie with the menu and apologises to her, then they go back to the beach with the pizza and rejoin Gray.

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Still can't do the quote thingy. You're right, Gray brought Ellie into Angelo's when Matt and the others were celebrating, they left, supposedly for the beach, then we did see them again, either they didn't leave right away or it was bad continuity.

Can't a find a character profile for Matt, but didn't he tell Ellie his nan looked after him and Ellie. Can't remember but did Matt & Ellie's mum leave Gray which would explain why he is so bitter and anti women.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaaaand we're back.And from the tweet on the home page, it seems it's not returning in Australia until February, so we'll only be a month behind when we get to the 2015 season.But still 40 episodes to go until then.First off, some good stuff from Chris, playing the supportive big brother, and some welcome stuff between Alf and Spencer: I've always felt it was a shame that Spencer went and moved in with Irene after all the groundwork of building the bond between him and Alf.He's really not doing himself any favours at the moment, it seems to be less a case of shock and more a case of guilt at feeling he overreacted and shame/embarrassment at being taken in by Keith.

I was expecting the John/Jett stuff to be a repeat of Marilyn's storyline, with Jett thinking John wants him to call him "Dad" and trying to force it when he's actually fine carrying on as they are.So it was a pleasant surprise to find that Jett actually wants to call John Dad and was trying to work up to it.It'll take a bit of getting used to though.No mention of him calling Marilyn "Mum", which is a bit strange.

The Stranger Turns Up Looking For Brax thing didn't really raise any tension, beyond the vague possibility of some friend or relative of Jake's turning up to avenge his murder.Brax throwing Ricky over his shoulder leaves me wondering if he and everyone else has somehow forgotten she's pregnant.So, after the dramatic cliffhanger of his life hanging in the balance, Nate casually turns up back in Summer Bay, right as almost rain.Hannah really should have told Sophie where to go when she stopped her going in to see Nate, she's got her job to do regardless of the personal difficulties.But in the end it's Nate himself who decides to act like a plonker:He knows he's bleeding and has just had a tree branch in his gut and he thinks getting out of bed is a good idea?Too dumb to live.

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I don't like Hannah at all but Sophie was completely out of line the way she spoke to her and I felt it made for slightly uncomfortable viewing. I can see where Sophie is coming from, with Nate and Hannah kissing especially if Hannah had to bathe him but she was trying to do her job so Sophie is just going to have to suck it up for now. At least until Nate is better.

I actually really liked Brax yesterday and quite enjoyed the scenes with Nate.

Even though understandably Spencer doesn't want to tell the police about everything that happened with Keith, I feel he has a duty because if he doesn't Keith will only go and do this to someone else and that person might not be able to handle themselves like Spencer did.

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Chris was a great big brother in those scenes with Spencer. I agree with you Slade he should put his embarrassment behind him, it'll be nothing the police haven't heard before and as you said a future victim of Keith's may be more vulnerable and not be as strong as Spencer to be able to fight back. He wasn't the only one to be taken in, Chris just thought 'she' sounded too good to be true, not a male predator. I reckon that is what Keith could be depending on to keep Spencer quiet. Alf in his own sensitive way tried to help.

I did like the scene with Jett struggling to call John Dad, I'm glad he felt able to tell Marilyn about it and her advice was good, don't force it, just let it happen naturally which it did after a few false starts. Ah Maz I do love you, thinking Pulp Fiction was a film about books! :lol:

The English soaps have hospitals that perform miracles too, though I suppose the one is the city is more qualified to do them! Nate suspected he had ruptured his spleen do we know if that was the case? Sophie was a tad over the top with her thanking Brax for saving Nate's life. It's a well. known fact doctors (and nurses) make the worst patients. Sophie was extremely rude to Hannah, whatever she suspects is going on between them there was no need for her attitude. If she really felt that strongly she could have asked if someone else could have bathed him. So now Ricky knows Hannah has a 'crush' on Nate.

Mysterious strangers, where would we be without them eh?

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I quite liked the way Spencer's storyline played out, I just wish Chris hadn't been sidelined so much.Every time Alf ushered him away I was left thinking "Why?", especially when Chris seemed to be saying all the right things.I guess Spencer needed to face up to Keith, as unlikely as it seemed (Does the hospital have as bad security as the high school?Oh, yeah, Jake...), in order to burst his bubble about "Amy".As others have said, he needed to speak out for the sake of others.It was good to see Alf doing what he should do, it's just a shame that I'm left with the nasty feeling he's going to be back to shouting at Maddy next episode.

Talking of...I am absolutely furious that Maddy has been sacked.I really hope that it's temporary, and that Andy does what he said he would and pleads her case to Brax, because I absolutely hated Brax, who has absolutely no right to take the moral high ground and look down on her in such a smug way, in that scene.If it is permanent, then it's another example of the massive double standard on this show whereby good-looking young men literally get away with murder while troubled teenaged girls are repeatedly kicked when they're down.Saint Casey stole from the gym after Indi gave him a chance and apparently that was fine and dandy and nothing happened to him as a result.(Well, I suppose karma hit him hard in the end but still.)Andy treated that place like a joke and was given chance after chance and is now Brax's BFF (or at least his latest henchman).This is the first time Maddy has done anything wrong at the gym, she's stuck at it, even when Casey was giving her all the rubbish jobs, and she gets sacked for one, albeit massive, mistake.It felt like we were meant to see this as the latest in a long line of sins but it's not really:Fair enough, she stole Roo's credit card, but otherwise, I get that a lot of people see her as selfish, but aside from maybe sleeping with two guys she shouldn't have, what has she really done wrong?It's a good sign that she stopped at stealing from the Diner and confessed to Roo, I just hope the show doesn't have her do something just as bad next week.And it was annoying that we were apparently meant to think "What a guy!" when Andy tried to cover for her (in a ridiculously inept fashion: he says he'll return the money but waits until the next day to do it?), when given that he should be in jail twice over for what he's done to her and she was the one that gave him a chance and convinced Saint Casey to give him a job, I'd say it would have just been evening the score if he'd actually succeeded.Sorry for the rant, it just feels like it's one rule for some characters and one rule for others.

Nate is back to losing all my sympathy again, I was actually cheering Hannah when she told him where to go after his latest attempt at using her to escape the marriage he was supposedly really really committed to a couple of weeks ago.Sophie might have a few screws loose but she really deserves better than a rat like Nate, and I really wish she'd let him go rather than begging for another chance.

I was slightly uncomfortable with Irene and Roo casually covering for Brax: They'd probably do it for anyone if a stranger turned up looking for them, but them automatically feeling they need to take the side of the "nice" dodgy family doesn't quite sit right with me.Andy immediately attacking...well, he's called Martin Ashford in the credits so we'll go with that, when he hadn't actually done anything to provoke it sat even less right with me, so I was cheering when Martin owned him.Mind you, judging by the ending he's more old friend than old enemy.Not that that's always a good sign, Brax was pleased to see Adam too, although since Martin's listed as a regular he's presumably, um, no worse than Brax and Andy...

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It is hard to sympathise with anyone in the Hannah/Nate/Sophie love triangle,although, I gained a little respect for Hannah when she told Nate off for using her to escape his marriage. I am relieved that Nate has finally done the thing he should have done weeks ago, which is end things with Sophie.

I loved the Jett/John storyline. I liked that Marilyn was perceptive enough to realise that something was wrong with Jett, and gave him pretty sensible advice.

I found Andy especially annoying - between him immediately attacking a stranger looking for Brax, and his interaction with Maddy (after all, Andy is hardly the paragon of virtue).

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