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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Neither Kyle, Josh, Andy or Phoebe (though she has been away) seem aware they have another house guest, love to see how that goes down! I know it's Brax's house but he ought to have least run the fact an old friend is moving in. It looks like Phoebe didn't go on tour with The Jezebels and she gave Josh good advice as did Denny to Evelyn and at least it was the same advice, that they should talk to each other. So what happened to taking it slowly Evie? You're probably right Slade about Oscar getting Josh and Evelyn back together to leave the way open for him and Maddy, though he's only going to get hurt again.

Andy is at least now making a real effort to change and in that respect can see what path Maddy could go down if not stopped now, Ok he's not the perfect role model, but he does know what he is talking about.

Both Gray and Sasha are being manipulative in their own way over Matt. Gray has the pull of being his father and Sash because she has been the one backing him all the way and encouraging him to prove to himself he can do better. Gray is in denial about him being able to control his drinking as long as he has Matt to help him, that is so wrong to put a burden like that on a young lad's shoulders. Sasha did get it right about Gray needing professional help and good to hear Irene's point of view from the other side. Her family did walk away which gave her the motivation to get sober.

Denny is probably right about John not getting the OK to show the film, he's likely not to have given it a thought, must admit I wouldn't have thought about it. Maybe not a problem if he wasn't charging people to watch it. Like to see how tonight goes with the open (can't stand the new mic spelling) mike night upstairs and the film night downstairs! John picked on the wrong person to challenge.

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Weird how there is no mention of her parents being told of her stealing ways I wasn't aware relations were that fraught she is from decent family.

I can't actually think of any reason why Maddy’s parents would have been told:I get the impression that she wants nothing to do with them after they tricked her into going back home last time and I can’t think of anyone who would have called them.Roo went behind Maddy’s back to contact them once before and it backfired, Maddy wouldn’t call them and Brax wouldn’t bother.

With regards to Andy the role model and the murder thing, I can't refute that but as I said before I don't really care that he killed Pirovic. Pirovic killed Casey and Charlie so I'm glad he's dead. I think someone made a point about the similarities to Sam killing Johnny Cooper. Characters like Pirovic and Cooper remind me of some of the bad guys like Dr Octopus, Green Goblin etc. in the Spiderman comics I used to read when I was a kid (digressing I know). Every time he defeated them and locked them up, they would simply escape and kill more people. So whilst it's not desirable to kill, I do wonder from time to time whether it's the best solution, especially if it stops more people from dying. The reason why I don't have as much of an issue with it with characters I actually like now is probably from watching other soaps. Do you watch Hollyoaks by any chance Angelica? Because that's what I'm talking about. The show explores very real issues but at the same time week in week out a significant number of characters seem to get away with very serious crimes with very little repercussions.

I made the point about Sam and Johnny to say how it should have been dealt with:Johnny may have been evil, but what Sam did was still portrayed as wrong and there were consequences.I get that there are shows out there that treat murder like it’s just something that happens, but I don’t want Home and Away to be one of them.I don’t watch Hollyoaks but I see comments from people who do, angry and frustrated that remorseless cold-blooded killers are treated like they haven’t done anything wrong.I’ve always felt that the fact Home and Away doesn’t let people get away with murder is something to be proud of.I don’t want it to send out the message that some lives don’t matter, that a system that believes in fair trials and basic human rights for all and did away with capital punishment years ago is naïve and dangerous.Andy wanted to kill Brax for his part in Johnny’s death and failed, and Brax got out of jail, indirectly caused Casey’s death and played a part in another murder.By that philosophy, where an equation of past deeds and likely future deeds calculates whether someone deserves to live or not, Andy should have killed him to.Every murderer thinks their victim deserves to die, and that’s why, legally and morally, all murder has to be regarded as wrong: It can’t be that Jake murders people and so his life doesn’t matter, while Andy murders people and that’s okay.As a character on Gotham said, “Either everyone matters or no-one matters.”And as Tom Baker said, “Enough of that little sermon, let’s have a look at another one.”

Re Oscar, putting bad writing aside, I honestly believe this isn't so much about getting Josh and Evie together but nullifying Josh as a future obstacle for Maddy. I believe Oscar is in love with Maddy and he probably thinks she's still hung up over Josh. So if Josh and Evie are together he has a clear path and more of a chance of a possible relationship so there is an element of self-interest there.

I really wish that were the case, and it might be to a point, but given Maddy’s resigned observation that Josh and Evelyn are bounds to find their way back to each other and the way Denny, Phoebe and Kyle were all queuing up to help get them back together, I think we’re supposed to see them as “soul mates” who everyone can see are meant to be together.For some reason.

Alf’s episode count this week:Three (and he was listed on Wednesday and Thursday for no appearance).Roo was in four.

Well, fair play to Sasha for apologising.Kyle handled Gray’s appearance at Angelo’s pretty well, shutting him down without causing a fuss.Matt’s done the right thing walking away from him, he wasn’t going to cope.Jett and Phoebe’s dirty tricks war perhaps went a bit far with Phoebe sabotaging the equipment, although at least she gave it back in the end.Has Denny dyed her hair?I see John paid the price for being economical with the truth, having to give up his profits.

Zac and VJ’s chat was okay but once again the writers seem to be concentrating too hard on writing VJ as young and not enough on writing him as VJ: He would not call Nate “Doctor Cooper” when they used to live together.

I’m glad that they seem to be getting rid of the “Maddy has to repeat Year 11” thing, with a way found for her to get into Year 12.I’m guessing that the gardening is her way of paying her debt to Roo, since she hasn’t got a job?And we’re thankfully spared Alf shouting at her.Maybe it was filmed and cut (see above).I’m not sure what to make of Maddy’s interaction with Oscar.I like their friendship and I’m open to it being more, but if Maddy does only see Oscar as a friend, and he wants more, then her giving out confusing signals doesn’t help.And then we get her collapse at the end.Just can’t catch a break, can she?

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Can't agree with you Slade about trying to justify Andy's murder of Jake. Murder is always wrong and sinful - taking of someone's life by another. Individuals cannot be their own judge and jury, however bad the crime. We have a criminal system for that. And it can't be justified by saying that the person cannot then commit another murder - that's what we have police forces for, to prevent that. I know it doesn't always work out like that. . The UK and Australia are civilised countries with these systems in place and we expect soap writers

to accept that. Otherwise we would be back to bandits and outlaws.

However what about when Kyle took Casey out into the desert. Was he really going to watch him die there?

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I don't think Andy has somehow turned into Maddies guru, he just her some advice from his own rocky life, they did work together so know each other. As for Andy murdering Jake and getting away with it I'm sure that will come back to bite him eventually maybe as a vehicle for him to leave the show when the time comes.

Can't say I noticed much else in this weeks episodes, the Josh/Evie thing is getting old, the Matt and Graham situation had potential but looks like it's fizzling out, I was looking forward to more background on Matts past. Beginning to feel sorry for Sophie if Nate is her everything especially with Hannah waiting to pounce. Good to see Phoebe back she's the only character who doesn't have some sort of angst going on!

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Can't agree with you Slade about trying to justify Andy's murder of Jake. Murder is always wrong and sinful - taking of someone's life by another. Individuals cannot be their own judge and jury, however bad the crime. We have a criminal system for that. And it can't be justified by saying that the person cannot then commit another murder - that's what we have police forces for, to prevent that. I know it doesn't always work out like that. . The UK and Australia are civilised countries with these systems in place and we expect soap writers

to accept that. Otherwise we would be back to bandits and outlaws.

OK Brian, I take your point. I guess I was debating whether in some extreme cases if killing is justified in the context of the fictional programme. Even if you do follow that logic you could still argue that Andy killing Jake is not an extreme case but I think Pirovic would have dedicated his life to getting revenge on Brax, simply tried to escape again who knows next time it could have been Ricky or Brax's child, Heath, Darcy, Harley. As I mentioned in my previous post if you watch Hollyoaks you will realise that it's not so much that some soap writers don't accept murder is wrong. It's that they don't accept that it's wrong right away. In the case of Hollyoaks, it takes months before the perpetrator is actually caught and in quite a few of the cases even then it seems to be a slap on the wrist or the writers find some way to bring them back on a technicality even though the person was blatantly guilty. It's happened so many times including other crimes such as kidnapping, attempted murder, GBH, robbery etc. that I find I don't even bat an eyelid now. When you see it all the time you start to become desensitised to what the character does and I find sometimes I like the character based on how likeable they are or how entertaining I find them and am prepared to put aside certain misgivings in some cases. So for me that has been extended to other programmes. In the context of Home and Away take Maddy. I find very little likeable about her but in terms of criminal activity what's the worst she's done? Stealing, but due to the nature of her personality and other things that have happened which aren't regarded as criminal, I find her to be a bitch. But if you look at Andy, Casey, Brax, they have all been mid-level criminals at some point and their actions have all led to someone's death (in Andy's case obviously pre-meditated murder) but their personalities are/were nowhere near as annoying as Maddy's as far as I'm concerned. So I like/liked all three of them a lot more. Just to reiterate the point I touched on above, this is all in the context of the show and I obviously wouldn't advocate or support what Andy did in real life. I think it's important to make this point because the implication here (and I've seen this mentioned in other threads in particular a well known one) seems to be that it's the responsibility of the writers to highlight morality and whilst I take this point, I think some people need to accept this isn't necessarily the case with some viewers. I watch Home and Away primarily because I want to be entertained not because I need some fictional programme to teach me right and wrong.

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I don't think Andy's murder of Jake has completely gone away so let's not get ahead of ourselves and assume he's got away with it.

Good for Sasha for telling Matt she was wrong, but I think he had already started to see what she was saying. That must have been so hard for him to walk away from Gray, but it is the only way to get Gray to get the help he needs. Matt can't do it, he's only a lad and he's too close.

Jett and Phoebe trying to outdo each other was funny and naturally John's big plan came unstuck - again.

I agree about the mixed messages Maddy is giving Oscar, I don't think she is doing deliberately, she has told him before she likes him just as a friend, but perhaps he is choosing not to hear it. Handy this solution Leah has come up with isn't it?

At least we know now the reason behind VJ's stroppy behaviour, blames himself for Nate being in hospital, but he didn't ask to be kidnapped, that's all down to Tyson, who I'm glad to hear has been expelled. Has VJ been to hospital see Nate yet?

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