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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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It did seem to vary a bit as to which one out of Spencer and Maddy most wanted to sleep together, and in the end neither of them could go through with it.And he did sleep with Sasha.A lot.

Maddy being pregnant isn’t the smartest thing they could have done but it’s better than just sending her back to school and I’m interested to see where they take it:It might be what she needs to grow up. It is slightly amusing to see Roo in “Do as I say not as I did” mode though:She took months to get her head straight and took an age to tell her family.And even then she lied about who the father was.Maddy is apparently clear on that one, although to be honest I’d have preferred Oscar to have been the father rather than her being dragged back into Josh and Evelyn’s mess.I really wasn’t keen on the way everyone kept sending Oscar away, especially Nate who seemed to assume he was the father and still got rid of him.I’m glad he was the first person she told, with Roo and Nate finding out by other means.

John’s schemes were bonkers but Marilyn was somewhat harsh in her assessment of him and she’s going to have to make an apology at some point.

So, Phoebe moves back in with the murderer, the attempted murderer and their cover up squad, making a mockery of her moral stance and again suggesting we’re meant to forget about it all.I bet she and Kyle never get their own place.And her complaining’s gone back to being annoying, with Kyle getting put in the firing line.Brax once again shows what a thoroughly unlikable person he is with his contemptuous attitude towards Kyle, who’s been keeping his business afloat for ages, before using him as a punchbag.I’m not sure why we’re meant to see this as evidence that there’s something wrong with Brax, it’s how he’s been treating his brothers as long as we’ve known him.While Ricky’s right to be unhappy about Brax keeping secrets, she’s chosen completely the wrong target for her paranoia: Ash is the least objectionable person in the household.

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How does Kyle put up with Brax? Quite right, he should be a partner in Angelos, all the work he;s done reliably. And why does Phoebe put up with it? I would have thought when she came back, that the first question she would ask Kyle was "have you got our place sorted?" And I don't agree with Ash being the least objectionable one - why is he hanging around in the house AND the restaurant? he must know he's not wanted by the others.

Interesting one with Maddy. How's she going to tell Josh? Will Evie stand by him or will he go back to Maddy? Might be the best for him.

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Yes, why does Kyle put up with it, Brax was way out of line but I think he's going to get it in the neck from everyone now. If Ash has some hold why doesn't he just pay him off like he usually does. I really hope Kyle and Phoebe get their own place soon, they certainly deserve it after living in the Braxton cave for so long.

Another teen pregnancy, yawn, oh well. I wonder how H&A will handle it this time, Maddie can't look after herself never mind a baby.

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Yes, but she wanted them to sleep together, I can't think of many teenage guys who in that position who would say 'sorry not right now' lol.

Well two of them didn't which is why we've ended up with the storyline today.

Oscar really annoyed me the way he was back to acting like some lost puppy again, almost hounding Nate about what was up with Maddy when she was hospitalised then turning up at hers with three different gifts (desperate or what). See how disappointed he was when Maddy told him, not that she was pregnant of course but disappointed that he wasn't the father. So that puts a spanner in the works and his plan was working so well and a missed opportunity to be cemented with her permanently. I knew it would be Josh's. So now we're going to end up with four miserable teenagers (instead of maybe just Maddy had it been Oscar's). Josh fathering Maddy's child will obviously affect him and Evelyn. Oscar won't truly be with Maddy because she will be tied to Josh and Maddy will be stuck with a kid instead of going back to school and being one herself.

I was actually pretty disgusted with Brax today. His treatment of Kyle was terrible and I really disliked him for a lot of that episode.

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First thing, another hospital that works miracles and not just Weathy and Hotten General that do them! Last week Nate was in a bed hardly able to move, this week he's up and about and working with seemingly no convalescence involved! :rolleyes:

Didn't matter a fig if Oscar was Maddy's boyfriend or not Nate still couldn't tell him what was wrong with her, even if he did think, wrongly, he was the father. I don't think Nate told Maddy how far gone she was did he, so how can she be sure, unless of course she had had a period in between her sleeping with Oscar and Josh. As she said she was usually careful unless in the heat of the moment they forgot. Roo has probably learnt from experience she's older and wiser now. As for school that's no barrier nowadays, she won't be showing for weeks yet and she can cross that bridge when it comes to it, she won't be the first and certainly won't be the last. I could be wrong but wasn't she wearing a dress when she went out because when she came back she was wearing shorts. :unsure: I'm glad she had the courage to tell Oscar, next will be the big one, telling Josh. Them getting back together just for the sake of the baby is a no-no, but he will still need to support her in someway, if not yet financially yet.

If I remember correctly Kyle only said he was saving up for a place not how much he had and if he is thinking of a place big enough to include a studio that is going to cost. Can't really blame Phoebe for having a go at Ash, though it's not his fault, he was moved in by Brax who didn't check with anyone if it was OK with them. Brian, Brax offered Ash the job at Anglelo's so at least he will be earning and contributing to the rent and food and stuff. She did have the grace to apologise to him. It's not him that is the problem, it's Brax, Ash wants him to tell the others what happened to him inside but he won't, he's cutting everyone, but especially Ricky out again. Ash echoed what I said on here, he compartmentalises things. Hence his violent reaction to Kyle when he wouldn't let it go, if I was him I'd quit, but of course Kyle isn't like that, and I think he does deserve a share in Angelo's, he's the one who has kept it going when Brax isn't off surfing, off up the coast, popping over to London.

I think Marilyn having a go at John was the only way to get through to him however harsh it sounded, her just going along with him each time and commiserating every time it goes wrong would get tiring in time.

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I forgot to mention that, H&Alover, about Nate's sudden recovery.I didn't have a problem with him not telling Oscar everything, he was quite right to do so.What I didn't like was the way he told Oscar to leave the hospital, seemingly without checking whether Maddy wanted him there or not (it was Roo who told him to wait, Maddy was still fairly out of it at the time): If he had been her boyfriend, she might have wanted him there for support when they found out they were having a baby.As it is, Nate pretty much broke patient confidentiality anyway by announcing she was pregnant in front of Roo without checking if that was okay.

Anyway, today.Well, Brax apologised and gave Kyle the partnership but pretty much demonstrated that he's not going to trust him with his secrets.I continue to find Ash likable and I rather like the repartee between him and Phoebe, which seems to have prompted Ricky to give him a chance.

I thought Marilyn was doing okay with her special dinner, right up until the point where she suggested they have another look at John's amphibious bus idea: That was a bit patronising and just made it seem like she doesn't respect him.Alf seemed unnecessarily grumpy at Marilyn not taking his advice.Jett did his best but was fighting an uphill battle.

Andy's got reading problems?Seriously?What's the idea, "It's okay for him to kill someone because he can't read"?Hannah spends the episode flitting back and forth between two of the most unsuitable men in the Bay:Why doesn't she go for the trifecta and make a play for Brax as well?Again, I'm torn between having a fair amount of sympathy for Sophie and thinking she needs to get some self respect and stop trying so hard to hang on to a love rat like Nate.I'm not sure if the fact that Nate stopped short of having sex with Hannah, while Sophie gave in to temptation and took the pills, is meant to give Nate the moral high ground.It doesn't really, since the one led to the other.

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I was seriously cheering when Sophie had a go at Hannah and disappointed when Leah tried her "Can't we all be friends?" thing: Leah really should have stayed out of it, she only succeeded in alienating Sophie.Nate's rather pathetic and desperate attempts to get out of his marriage by any means necessary, now resorting to kissing Hannah and telling Sophie about it (and she still won't let him leave!), is actually starting to get quite amusing.

What was Marilyn thinking?If you want to make John thinks he's good at something, don't get him to do DIY, it always ends in disaster.I get she needed to remove that part so the dishwasher broke down but how was he meant to fix it if she was hiding it?

Maddy got pretty stressed out over her pregnancy but I liked the heart-to-heart she had with Roo and how honest Roo was about her own attempt at motherhood.Maddy cringing with awkwardness on seeing Josh and Evelyn together was great.Her contemplating going away so as not to rock the apple cart was well-intentioned but somewhat foolish: She needs to be where she is, where she's got Roo, Alf, Oscar, Josh and Josh's extended family...okay, maybe she's better off without that last one...to support her, she's not going to be able to do this on her own.I was worried that Oscar was going to tell Josh, which would have been overstepping the mark, but pointing him in Maddy's direction was an okay move (if one that's probably not going to please Evelyn...) and seems to have worked out for the best.

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It looks like Hannah was right Nate is just using her to get out of his marriage, seeing as he confessed to Sophie he's not in love with Hannah. As an aside hospital storerooms od seem to be the place for secret snogs. Is Sophie starting on the pain killers again to dumb the pain of what is happening to her marriage, because as soon as Nate finds out, which he will, that will be the end of it anyway. In his defence he did tell her as soon as he was able to pin her down for long enough. Sophie is doing herself no favours hanging on. She seemed more upset that Leah knew what was going on, understandably really, hoping the fewer people knew about it the more she could kid herself everything was OK.

Maddy didn't know she was pregnant so maybe Nate wasn't breaking confidentially, though as she is 16 he ought to have had asked if she wanted Roo to leave the room while he told her. She did go up in my estimation by telling Nate and Roo to stop advising her on her options and to let her decide, it is down to her how she wants to proceed. Is her mum going to be told she is going to be a granny? Good to hear Roo's view on how she felt when she was pregnant with Martha, she didn't have a mum or mother figure to turn to so was a different scenario. Now she has decided to keep the baby Josh did need to know, OK he can't support her money wise but he can be there for her even though they aren't together. She looked ready to tell him when she saw him outside the surf club but then Evelyn came up. Oscar dealt with very maturely I thought and he was right her moving away would not have been the solution, his getting Josh to go and see Maddy was subtly done. As we saw from the trailer Josh tells Evelyn so at least he's not hiding anything from her.

Brax apologising, that's not something that happens often and Phoebe was the voice of reason arguing for Ash to stay because as she pointed out he is the only one at the moment Brax is talking to. he is trying his hardest to get Brax to admit to his family what happened to him inside. Does he think the fact he got himself into a lot of fights would make them think he was just like Danny who seemed to make a career out of it?

Funnily enough there is a character in Corrie who skipped a lot of school and ended up all but illiterate. Andy seems OK with figures though and if he swallows his pride and lets Hannah help him he'll be passing those exams with flying colours.

Didn't Marilyn know John was hopeless with anything electrical, Jett kept trying to warn her, but she so fired up and didn't listen. If he had really known what he was doing he'd have realised something was missing.

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