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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Much as I rolled my eyes, I think the Andy illiteracy thing was handled better than Corrie's example, where you had a character who'd previously been shown and mentioned as reading suddenly being illiterate and a load of half-baked retcons to try and explain it away.There was a feeling among fans of that show that the new producer was just recycling a plot he'd used on Emmerdale and ignoring history.Which...isn't particularly relevant.Sorry.

So, Spencer is not so over what happened with Keith as we might have suspected.It's a shame it manifests as him being a bit grumpy and unlikable.Chris was obviously annoying him and should have backed off although he didn't deserve to be manhandled like that.I loved the exchange between Chris and Irene about "gramping".It again feels like Zac's usurping the place of the school counsellor (in this case Leah) by coming up with plans to help out the troubled kids, although I guess Leah's got the wrong anatomy for male bonding.Here she's required to say VJ's "not my little boy anymore" with a straight face.And also that she's spent most of VJ's life bringing him up on her own.Apart from when she was with Dan.And Jesse.And Elijah.And Miles.Matt's attitude towards Spencer has been grating for a long time and really goes overboard here.

Maddy was 16 when we first met her, so should be at least 17 if not 18 by now.Of course, she should be in Year 12 as well, so who knows how it works.I wish she was in this episode because instead we're just stuck with the annoying characters from this storyline.I thought Roo was a bit hard on Josh:I get that she's worried about Josh letting Maddy down again and he probably hasn't fully grasped what's coming up, but saying "I'll support her" is pretty much the best he can do at the moment, providing he sticks to it.He's not going to be able to produce a 10 Step plan.Meanwhile, Evelyn makes it all about her as usual.I was surprised at Denny and perhaps a little disappointed:Evelyn doesn't usually need any encouragement to be selfish, but Denny gave her some anyway, which seemed a bit odd for someone who's usually Team Josh+Evie4Eva.(Would she have walked away from Casey if Linda had turned up pregnant?)In the end, despite the episode trying to sell it as a great tragic moment, it came down to Evelyn not being willing to share Josh with two other people and realise that being a family with Maddy and the baby was something they could have done together, not something for Josh to do on his own and then spend time with her when he's done.She'll probably go after Spencer again now.

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Another good episode today. Plenty going on without the Braxtons..

3 annoying people : Chris who won't leave Spencer alone, Ross shouting at Josh and Leah not letting her son be a teenager

2 breakups : Matt and Sasha, Josh and Evie. I hope that Matt and Sasha can work something out, but Sasha will have to let Matt lead his own way of life. I thought that Josh and Evie would be good together, but I've changed my mind and want to see Josh back with Maddy, if not romantically, then at least supportive friends. My estimation of Josh has gone up again, being there for Maddy. Very much out of his depth, but willing to try. I know he went behind her back with Evie, but she will forgive him that, if he supports her. I hope he gets a job real soon : cafe, restaurant, bait shop, surf club, gym? Surely Alf, John or Andy can find him something.. .

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I quite liked Roo having a go at Josh. It was harsh, but at the same time, I can see that Roo felt that Josh was making an empty promise and would end up letting down Maddy again. Especially with her own experience of being a teenage mum.

Maddy was 16 when we first met her, so should be at least 17 if not 18 by now.Of course, she should be in Year 12 as well, so who knows how it works.I wish she was in this episode because instead we're just stuck with the annoying characters from this storyline.I thought Roo was a bit hard on Josh:I get that she's worried about Josh letting Maddy down again and he probably hasn't fully grasped what's coming up, but saying "I'll support her" is pretty much the best he can do at the moment, providing he sticks to it.He's not going to be able to produce a 10 Step plan.Meanwhile, Evelyn makes it all about her as usual.I was surprised at Denny and perhaps a little disappointed:Evelyn doesn't usually need any encouragement to be selfish, but Denny gave her some anyway, which seemed a bit odd for someone who's usually Team Josh+Evie4Eva.(Would she have walked away from Casey if Linda had turned up pregnant?)In the end, despite the episode trying to sell it as a great tragic moment, it came down to Evelyn not being willing to share Josh with two other people and realise that being a family with Maddy and the baby was something they could have done together, not something for Josh to do on his own and then spend time with her when he's done.She'll probably go after Spencer again now.

To be fair to Evie, I think it would be unfair and unrealistic to expect her to be completely supportive in this situation. It would be slightly different if Josh had gotten Maddy pregnant prior to them being together, but this happened as a result of Josh cheating on her. And I think it is a lot harder to get over the cheating thing when you are going to have to live with a constant reminder of the infidelity. I don't think Denny was giving Evie bad advice - they are all teenagers, nd no mater what, it isn't going to be easy

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Strangely enough Red I thought the opposite of Evie letting Josh go, despite his earlier protest to her about him being able to manage with a job, school, looking after Maddy and seeing her she realised no way could he do all that and keep sane. If she stayed with him, he'd feel guilty about not being with Maddy when he was with her and guilty about not being with her when he was with Maddy and all this before the baby is even born! I know he might be naïve about what is store for him but Roo was out of order having a go at him, at least he is sticking by Maddy unlike Martha's father did with her. So now Denny knows about the baby, how long before the rest of the Bay? Alf doesn't know yet neither does Andy.

Spencer isn't coping well after his encounter and without belittling his experience he did get off lightly, I can see Chris wants to help him, but he does to need to step back a bit and leave him alone fro a bit, there are plenty of other people around to keep an eye out for him, btw I wasn't aware Irene knew what went down, was she informed off screen? Matt and Spencer have never got on so this boat trip will be interesting and Matt got what he deserved. Has anyone suggested counselling to Spencer?

Sasha is being pushy again, let Matt decide in his own time what he wants to do with his future, and haven't we be here before with Matty and Ric or I am thinking of another couple?

Talking of soaps mirroring one another, even ones the other side of the world, VJ has got a tattoo, just like Lachlan in Emmerdale who is also underage, and though I know his size makes him look older than 15, isn't it down to the shop to confirm his age? In Emmerdale Lachlan's mum blames David, In H&A Leah blames Zac! Don't most mums call their son/daughter, especially if an only child, their 'little boy/girl' whatever his/her age? :D Dan was the only permanent father figure in VJ's life, the others drifted in and out, btw you forgot Roman! :wink:

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Alf's episode count this week:Four. Irene was only in one.Incidentally, I believe this marks the point where the show temporarily went six episodes a week in Australia which probably explains why we're getting Coming Soon trailers covering two episodes most of the time.And may also explain why people seem to be getting confused and thinking stuff in the promo has already happened.As it stands, Matt and Sasha are still together, Leah doesn't know about VJ's tattoo and Spencer has only just punched Matt.

(I did think of Roman but didn't include him because he never lived with Leah and VJ, which I believe all the others did.)

I continue to really like Ash, he's a far more worthy successor to Heath than Andy, which makes it frustrating to see Andy continuing to get aggro with him for no reason.I'm liking the banter between him and Phoebe, and the fact that he refuses to take Brax's word as law and constantly challenges him.To correct something I said last post, Andy's not illiterate, he just has difficult reading, which is more realistic than the British soaps portraying characters as still having trouble with "The cat sat on the mat" and suddenly panicking when they're repeatedly asked to read after successfully covering for decades.

I can't say I have any sympathy for Evelyn, so seeing her portrayed as a victim was a bit frustrating.My point is that it shouldn't be about Josh dividing his time between Evelyn and the baby; if Josh and Evelyn were serious then they'd be spending time with the baby together, as a couple.And I don't really care if Josh cheated: If Evelyn's still hung up on that, she should never have got back with him (and it can't be easy for Maddy to see Josh and Evelyn together as a reminder that they cheated on her).It was hard for Bianca dealing with Heath's child but she tried and ultimately managed. Despite hollow "You still love each other" platitudes, Evelyn didn't even care enough to try.Still...Some more good stuff for Chris, it was nice to see him have a bit of screen time with Sasha and Denny and the fact that everyone just accepted him as "one of the girls".And he even wore the onesie again.Hard not to roll my eyes at Denny suddenly feeling guilty about moving on from Casey, Evelyn actually gave her some pretty good advice.

Well, VJ's tattoo was completely left field.I've seen speculation that it was meant to explain Matt Little having a tattoo in real life, but if so then that's another black mark against the casting and they really should have written it better, rather than giving no explanation whatsoever as to how and why a 15-year-old one day decided to go out and get a triangle tattooed on his back.Matt wasn't quite as bad as the trailer suggested: He was pretty obnoxious towards Spencer but Alf's talk did seem to have some sort of effect on him and he tried to apologise, he just happened to push all the wrong buttons.I can't say I felt sorry for him with that punch though.It looks like Spencer's household have been filled in on what happened; Sasha also seems to have found out off screen, given her and Spencer's brief conversation in the previous episode.Don't think you're thinking of Ric and Matilda, H&Alover: They did hit a rough patch around exam time but Ric had dropped out of school long before that and I don't recall her trying to push him into anything.Actually, you might be thinking of Ric and Cassie, I seem to remember her trying to push him into staying in school.

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Really not liking Nate or Hannah however I feel I cannot completely blame them because Sophie is being so delusional it's partly her fault for refusing to accept what's right in front of her. And I'm not keen on her talking Nate into staying again as she stands absolutely nothing to gain by doing this except for more heartache and pain although I do accept her behaviour at times has been quite entertaining.

Even though Matt was trying to apologise I was still glad Spencer decked him, given all the stuff he said to Spencer before. He had it coming and I thought Spencer actually showed remarkable restraint not doing it sooner.

I'm really starting to like Evelyn now and was quite interested to see how her relationship with Josh would have progressed. I can't really blame her for finishing with him. It must have been hard especially considering that she loves him. Felt quite sorry for her when she was confiding in Denny. Once again this is all about princess Maddy and I dislike her more than ever! Josh is now going to be tied to her permanently and instead of enjoying his youth and rebuilding his relationship with Evelyn he's going to be at Maddy's beck and call. Perhaps she should do them all a favour, spare any future problems and just abort the baby.

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I'm really starting to like Evelyn now and was quite interested to see how her relationship with Josh would have progressed. I can't really blame her for finishing with him. It must have been hard especially considering that she loves him. Felt quite sorry for her when she was confiding in Denny. Once again this is all about princess Maddy and I dislike her more than ever! Josh is now going to be tied to her permanently and instead of enjoying his youth and rebuilding his relationship with Evelyn he's going to be at Maddy's beck and call. Perhaps she should do them all a favour, spare any future problems and just abort the baby.

I seriously disagree with this. (Sorry, Slade, I know it must seem like I'm picking on you, it's just we seem to disagree on a lot these days.) Josh slept with Maddy, despite supposedly being "in love" with Evelyn, so the consequences are at least as much his fault as hers.She doesn't have the advantage of being able to walk away from the situation so I don't see why he should be allowed to escape responsibility or why Maddy should abort the baby just because it's convenient for him or because Evelyn's too selfish and immature to deal with it.(Yes, I really don't like Evelyn and frankly think she's everything that people accuse Maddy of being, it's just no-one ever seems to call her out on it.)

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