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I really wasn't happy with the way the episode seemed to be trying to portray Nate as the victim when he's actually treated Sophie fairly badly.Sure, his staying with her out of guilt wasn't going to do her any good and he was right to walk away but it still left me a bit unsatisfied.Plus Hannah goes right back to hanging around Andy once things with Nate get too complicated.Is he actually going to do that course?Sigh.

Again, the John/Jett stuff which looked like it was going to be a comedy storyline about John not understanding sums actually turned out to be fairly heartwarming, thanks to John's commitment to helping Jett out however difficult it may be.Does he actually want to be a doctor, though, or is John just assuming?

I'm increasingly starting to think Phoebe should have stayed on tour.Since she's been back, she's gone from being the moral voice in the amoral Braxton world to just accepting what's happened and going back to being a bit self-absorbed, which has meant she's lost a lot of the respect I was developing for her and I was actually cheering Andy when he told her he'd never cared for her singing.It doesn't help that she's gone back to being a nymphomaniac as well: Her having sex with Kyle in a storeroom to cheer herself up was presumably meant to be sweet or hot or both, but mostly made me feel uncomfortable and doesn't really feel like a healthy relationship.As for Neive, she's obviously a tough cookie and used to being able to control people, and Kyle's right to be cautious, but Phoebe might consider it worth the risk...

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Hey again, Funny I saw it differently with Nate and Sophie. Should he have been treating her anyway? He was clearly at loss as to what to do and wasn't too proud to take advice from Ricky who has no personal interest other than that he's a friend. If walking away the last time was the only way to get her to get straight, it's going to have to be the case this time round. Wonder how long Hannah will be 'taking a step back'? Btw was Nate a rebound from Andy in the first place? I think he, Andy, may surprise us and actually do the course, for one thing he'd be getting paid more which means he can help out Josh. On the point how come he's got this far before anyone has noticed (or he has admitted) his reading and writing isn't that good, there a good few high powered businessmen who have that exact problem, one is a top football manager.

John is/may be leaping to conclusions about Jett being a doctor, he may change courses and do something else entirely different! Did love how john wanted to get his head round the way maths is taught nowadays so he could help him. It had my head in a spin, but then maths was never my strong subject at school, still isn't.

I didn't think Phoebe was all that bad, her music has always been very important to her and Kyle knows that and it's great he is so supportive of her. Neive did come across as very hard nosed, won't go into all that it's because she's a woman in a man's world and had to prove herself rubbish, but Phoebe can be just as tough though a little naïve as to what she is letting herself in for. Never mind when/how did Kyle learn how to read contracts it's a good job he can, Phoebe wouldn't have much or no say about what she sang/wrote/wore. Mind you management having a say about what the people in their stable could wear is nothing new, it's what they think bands/singers 'image' should be. As for her getting all passionate :wub: with Kyle, at least she sticks with one guy, I was more concerned about them having it away in the storeroom where there was food, is that healthy? :unsure:

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Alf's episode count this week:Four. Roo was only in one, although she was credited on Wednesday for no appearance.

John's storyline just seemed to fizzle out with the usual platitudes: I wish he'd get something more concrete.I liked Phoebe better in this episode, and actually found Kyle a bit dogmatic with his "Don't be a sell-out" advice, although she does want fair terms and conditions.I had to pity the poor extra playing that girl whose milkshake Phoebe dunked the contract in, she's given no opportunity to react to it at all and just sits there placidly.Phoebe was a bit of a drama queen in acting like her life was over if she didn't get the job: Neive surely isn't the only record producer and if her music's that good she could have found someone else.As it turns out, she didn't need to.

While Chris was going the wrong way in helping Spencer, I did like their repartee, especially Spencer's "Remember how we talked about not saying weird things out loud?"Spencer did seem to be getting on with that girl so I'm not sure why he deemed her not his type.Part of me thinks Chris should give her his number anyway, although I guess he should respect his wishes.

Oscar's reaction to Evelyn's latest bugbear was amusing (pride of place goes to his "Nice comeback" after she trades barbs with Matt).I'm slightly bewildered by the "Evelyn always does the sensible thing" claim: In the last year, she's been off the rails at least as much as she's been on them and Matt even alludes to the fact that she was making out with him just to take her mind off things not too long ago.(And handing out exam answers, anyone?)Matt and Evelyn do seem to spark off each other better than they do their designated love interests, even though the episode is at pains to state they're not going there.The ending was just weird though.I get that Sasha could jump to the wrong conclusion but what's with Matt and Evelyn acting as though she's right instead of just explaining?

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Loved the interaction with Kyle and Phoebe today, even if you didn't Red. Great advice Kyle gave her and she puilled it off - it worked! I love to see their spontaneous hugging and celebrating. The whole show comes alive with them. What's the betting that Phoebe takes off now to the city for rehearsals and the rest and Kyle doesn't get to see her so much. I hope that she doesn't leave the show completely now, as that was great singing on her part..

Lovely moment at the end when Sasha turns up at the door and sees Evie in one of Matt's shirts. Talk your way out of that one then.

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Hey again, Funny I saw it differently with Nate and Sophie. Should he have been treating her anyway? He was clearly at loss as to what to do and wasn't too proud to take advice from Ricky who has no personal interest other than that he's a friend. If walking away the last time was the only way to get her to get straight, it's going to have to be the case this time round. Wonder how long Hannah will be 'taking a step back'? Btw was Nate a rebound from Andy in the first place? I think he, Andy, may surprise us and actually do the course, for one thing he'd be getting paid more which means he can help out Josh. On the point how come he's got this far before anyone has noticed (or he has admitted) his reading and writing isn't that good, there a good few high powered businessmen who have that exact problem, one is a top football manager.

That's an interesting thought about Nate being Hannah's rebound from Andy. It's funny I never really considered that prospect, mainly because I always saw Andy as Hannah's project rather a serious love interest. Even though, Nate has not handled the whole Sophie well, I can still sympathise with how difficult position he is. He care for her but is not in love with her; he wants to help her but knows that it is a bad idea to let her depend on him. And it makes more sense why Nate has had such difficulty trying to break things off with her.

Surely, they are going to have to find another principal now - not that Sophie ever seems to be doing any work (I think someone referred to her as Bianca part 2 lol).

I like Phoebe and Kyle in the last episode and the fact that they balanced each other well with Phoebe being fiery and impulsive, and Kyle trying to keep her grounded.

Matt/Evie bounced well off each other although I find Evie seemed a bit manic in comparison to her normal reserved self. It did remind me of what Matt/Sasha were like right at the beginning. I presume they are using this to accelerate Sasha/Matt's break up?

While Chris was going the wrong way in helping Spencer, I did like their repartee, especially Spencer's "Remember how we talked about not saying weird things out loud?"Spencer did seem to be getting on with that girl so I'm not sure why he deemed her not his type.Part of me thinks Chris should give her his number anyway, although I guess he should respect his wishes.

I loved Chris and Spencer and how they bounce off each other. I think Spencer's comment about her not being his type was not a reflection of his opinion of the girl, but rather a reflection of the fact that Spencer is too afraid to make himself vulnerable again.

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That would be me Angelica with the Bianca Mark II remark!

I liked the Evie/Matt scenes, to me they were just friends having a laugh, he was a bit miffed Sasha had stayed in the city and not told him. That was a good come back from Evie. Am I right in remembering Matt comforted Evie after her dad died, but Oscar told him to back off? For once, it really wasn't what it looked like, I know we didn't see them, but Leah, Zac, VCJ and Jett were all there, though, yes, that wouldn't have stopped them, if they had been so inclined, but Matt was the total gentleman.

If Kyle hadn't given Phoebe the advice he did and she had gone ahead and signed the contract, she would have ended up blaming him in the end anyway. It seems Neive liked her fire and passion enough to amend it to Phoebe's liking. True there are other record producers, but Neive approached her, whereas Phoebe would have to persuade others to listen to her music. I wondered that about the poor girl and her milkshake. :rolleyes:

Chris and Spencer are so good when they are together, as Angelica said they balance each other so well, Chris was going so well, or so he thought, then said something that upset one of them and they all walked off! Spencer looked a bit lost until one of them joined him and then rang Chris the next day for Spencer's no.!

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Nice to see so many young people enjoying themselves at the party, including some extras. Poor Irene. giving in to Chris and all so Spencer could make love to his admirer. In the bedrrom as well while the party was going on!!!! Josh looked really smart for a change, jacket and hair brushed back - was he on the lookout for a new girlfriend? Andy must be giving him a good allowance.

Glad Sasha and Matt made it up - it doesn't take them long. Must be true love. Will it survive Sasha going to uni???? Matt could get a job in the restaurant there.

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I thought Sasha was being a massive prima donna here.She repeatedly overreacts to Matt spending time with Evelyn, then at the end she turns it round on him and tries to make out it's his fault for being so quick to break up with her.Ironically, she seemed to relate better to Spencer, surprising given that they were a bit rubbish as a couple.Maybe she gets on better with people she's not sleeping with.

Evelyn seemed to be heading back into brat mode here."Why would she think I would do that?"she asks at one point.Hmm, maybe because you copped off with Josh when he was with Maddy?It was nice to see her have a little scene with Zac, who hasn't had much to do with his family since he started playing parent to VJ.I'm not sure what Denny meant about her and Josh doing well at being friends when they broke up:They only managed about half a day at a time without arguing or kissing.I was glad Josh walked away from her when she had her tantrum at the party: She can't have it both ways, she walked away from Josh because she couldn't handle the situation, she can't expect him to carry on hanging out with her but only talk about the subjects she's given permission for.I've heard complaints about Josh looking too old and I've never felt that, but putting him in adult clothes like today and his date with Evelyn the other week is a bad idea, it makes him look like an adult rather than a teenager.

Chris was well-intentioned, although he probably should have listened more to Spencer rather than thinking he knew what was best for him.I loved the way that he mentioned the party within Irene's earshot, then when she called him away for a chat he casually asks "Can we have a party tonight?"So, Maddy's pregnancy isn't common knowledge, but may be soon the amount of people Evelyn's telling.I'm not sure about Spencer's reaction, I don't think it's jealousy or anything, maybe just a realisation that they're not as close as they used to be, much as it hit her when they first broke up. Sleeping with a random was probably not the best response.The bedroom seems a bit sparser than it was when Chris cleared it up prior to Denny staying over.

Introducing the new VJ by having him act like he's five while looking like he's twenty-five really wasn't a good idea and, as people said in the Australian thread, makes me long for the days when he was always in the next room.Leah behaving like an overbearing mother has never been more ridiculous as well, and I really hope they're not going to have VJ drop out of school and spend all his time wandering around shirtless, that'd be faintly disturbing.I feel sorry for Zac, who's caught in the middle and still seems afraid to contradict Leah.He was obviously bewildered that what was meant to be a discussion about VJ's future turned into Leah berating him for being rude.

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I have to say I didn't like Josh's party look, to me it made him look like a vampire! I didn't think it was that big an ask for Evie to say 'let's have an baby free night', it's not even born yet and Maddy's not even showing! I can understand Spencer being upset Maddy hadn't told him, they've known each other a long time, ran away from home together and she couldn't confide in him about the one of the biggest things that's likely to happen in her life. Is it because she'd think he'd be disappointed in her? Is he going to confront her saying Evelyn thought he'd knew or just wait for her to tell him? His reaction to sleep with Monique was OTT though, one moment he was practically ignoring her, the next he was ripping her clothes off.

Sasha was blowing hot and cold all day, threw a strop for finding Evelyn and Matt in the same house and her wearing his shirt 'forgave' Matt for not doing anything, threw another strop when she saw him playing Twister with Evelyn and Chris, then decided they should break up! :rolleyes: Matt, I noticed never mentioned the fact she had stayed away an extra night but never bothered to let him know, so full credit to him. On the subject of Evie sleeping over, seems Zac wasn't there as he seemed surprised when he walked in at the tail end of the row between Sash and Matt.

If VJ had been the VJ we knew and loved Leah grounding him wouldn't have seemed so weird, he's only 15, but 'VJ' is such a strapping bloke it just came across as very odd. Apart from locking him in his room how else could she stop him sneaking out? She was being totally unreasonable about his idea to do an apprenticeship at TAFE in a practical profession rather than academic. It's not as if he wouldn't get any qualifications at the end of it. Is she forgetting Vinnie wasn't the academic sort or is that what she is worried about?

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