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Thanks for clearing that up Dan!

Or one quite like the promo not being there as it sometimes ruined the next episodes anyway.

Also, it sounds as though the opening titles are readily available to edit in. Why they don't just do that when for years now we've all been asking channel 5 if it's possible to have them back is beyond me.

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Seems I was wrong about Ash, he was just making up for lost time and is now off to find his sister which is what he was going to do when he first came out of prison. Big thing for Brax to loan him his Yute, he's normally so protective of it. It was a bit of a nerve of him 'borrowing' Andy's room, true it's no more Andy's house than it is Ash's but Andy has been there longer. His feeling left out of things at the barbecue reminded me of Josh and how he felt.

I loved the expression in Brax's face when he watched the DVD and had to smile at his assumption it would be a boy! At least he and Ricky are back on track.

I shared Kyle's disappointment about Phoebe's new look and that song was so unlike her usual style, and Brax a Spice Girls fan!!! :o All we seemed to hear from Phoebe was Neive this and Neive that. It may be difficult to revert to her own style if she becomes successful with this poppy sound to use Kyle's words, fans get used to hearing their idols singing/performing a certain way.

I do wish the Palmers would actually say what is bothering them rather than playing games. Jett took himself off and 'forgot' he had a lesson with Oscar rather than tell John he was worried about the money John was spending for the tutoring.

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Another good episode today.

I feel very sorry for Kyle. He wants the girl he loves to be happy and famous and persue her dream, but he realises that he is going to lose the girl he knows. At least he's not trying to stop her.

No sympathy for Maddy. What a cow! Why can't she accept Roo's help? What position will this put Josh in?

Well done Jett telling Marilyn to back off. She has got no idea of how annoying she's being.

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Thanks for clearing that up Dan!

Or one quite like the promo not being there as it sometimes ruined the next episodes anyway.

Also, it sounds as though the opening titles are readily available to edit in. Why they don't just do that when for years now we've all been asking channel 5 if it's possible to have them back is beyond me.

It would no doubt be the 15 second opening theme so there would be little point, especially over such a plain sequence.

I like the comparisons with Roo and Maddy.

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Just to note that's it up to Channel 5 as to whether they edit in the promos or not. The tapes sent out to international broadcasters have various things included on them so that they can mix and match to suit their own needs. Seven's in-house closing credits are included, as well as clean versions of the promos (no audio apart from the isolated dialogue so their own music can be added), the international closing credits, and clean versions of the ends of the scenes going into the ad-breaks. In fact last time I saw them they also included an option for opening titles, which just consisted of a clean version of the helicopter shot used for the closing credits with the opening theme laid over it.

Thanks for the info, Dan! And what do you know, suddenly the promos are back.I suspect it's a case of the current Oz schedule meaning Channel 5 were getting some strange and random promos and decided to drop them until they got sensible again:Today's seemed to be the usual Friday "Next week" trailer.They have been ridiculously spoilery lately though, showing us Nate finding Sophie unconscious and Sasha walking in on Matt and Evelyn when that's the cliffhanger.

Alf's episode count this week:Three. Denny was only in one, although she was credited on Tuesday for no appearance.

Marilyn was beyond irritating here and deserved every word that Jett said to her, she was told enough times to back off and didn't take the hint.I'm really not sure about her reaction to John telling her Jett probably sees her as a mum:Isn't that what she is?I mean, I know she acts like she's still 21 but if Byron was alive, he'd be Jett's age, she must know she's old enough.Her wanting Jett to be her "little friend" actually seemed a bit creepy.With this hot on the heels of her refusing to change her name for spurious and out of character reasons, I have to wonder how serious she is about being a family.

That aside though, this episode felt like it was trying to retrieve the mistakes of the last two.Kyle and Phoebe came off better here, Kyle is doing his best to be supportive and pleasingly didn't crack despite Neive, one way or another and apparently unintentionally, blocking every attempt to spend time with her.And Phoebe does at least seem to be thinking about this rather than just going "I want to be famous!"

The episode attempted to address what happened to Maddy's ultrasound appointment but it's two episodes late and still leaves lots of unanswered question, like what does Josh think about this.Roo acting like a dog with a bone was never going to work, she still doesn't know how to handle Maddy and then resorted to trying to hurt her into agreeing with her.Alf's right, she needs to back off and hope Maddy does the right thing rather than having the same conversation.I don't know how I feel about this:I didn't want Josh to be the father at first but he impressed me with the way he's stepped up and been there for Maddy and the baby, so it'll be disappointing if it's all for nothing and he goes back to being pointless.On the other hand, seeing Oscar here and seeing how much he already cares about Maddy and the baby does make me like the idea of the two of them being parents together.It's telling that, once again, Oscar is the first person Maddy opens up to, tacitly admitting that he could be the father.I do still think this idea's come out of nowhere though:Maddy seemed genuinely convinced Josh was the father last week, yet suddenly she's acting all cagey about it.Did the suddenly appearing baby bump give her pause?

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The Coming Up Promo only really should air on Fridays (Thursdays if you watch at 5*) or unless it's a REALLY, REALLY big storyline and it's a CHANNEL 5 self-made promo.

Marilyn probably figures she's been Chambers most of her life so she's probably thinking why change now? (Though she has been Fisher and Bryant before). The Jett thing was kind of uncomfortable, He's 15 not 6 FFS!

Who's-the-Daddy storylines are only impressive when they're done not so often and every other show isn't doing them at the same time.

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I thought Phoebe looked remarkably like Neive on Thursday's episode, almost like Neive was trying to model Phoebe in her own image. I understand Phoebe's desperation to get into the record industry but in a way it's disappointing that someone who doesn't take crap of anybody is apparently rolling over like this. Kyle's been very supportive. Clearly doesn't like what's happening but has bitten his tongue because it's a real chance at a career but at what cost? Phoebe losing her identity.

The more I think about the possibility of Oscar being the father of Maddy's baby the more I like it. Not only does it get Josh of the hook, but in a funny sort of way it's poetic justice for Maddy using him purely to get back at Evelyn as that will mean that she will be tied to the person permanently who was simply a pawn in her whole revenge thing. It is reaching the point though were I'm starting to find Oscar just as annoying as Maddy. Initially I felt sorry for him but I don't have much sympathy for him now. I think he's an idiot constantly hanging around her like a bad smell doing the same thing he berated her for doing regarding Josh last week, hoping that she will fall in love with him. And even if the baby is his and in the unlikely event she wants some sort of relationship it won't be because she 'likes' him, it will be for security and because he's reliable and will always be there, pure and simple! Oscar's one of those good/nice guys who will always be a friend to girls like Maddy (who are out of his league) but not really much more.

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Just to note that's it up to Channel 5 as to whether they edit in the promos or not. The tapes sent out to international broadcasters have various things included on them so that they can mix and match to suit their own needs. Seven's in-house closing credits are included, as well as clean versions of the promos (no audio apart from the isolated dialogue so their own music can be added), the international closing credits, and clean versions of the ends of the scenes going into the ad-breaks. In fact last time I saw them they also included an option for opening titles, which just consisted of a clean version of the helicopter shot used for the closing credits with the opening theme laid over it.

Thanks for the info, Dan! And what do you know, suddenly the promos are back.I suspect it's a case of the current Oz schedule meaning Channel 5 were getting some strange and random promos and decided to drop them until they got sensible again:Today's seemed to be the usual Friday "Next week" trailer.They have been ridiculously spoilery lately though, showing us Nate finding Sophie unconscious and Sasha walking in on Matt and Evelyn when that's the cliffhanger.

Alf's episode count this week:Three. Denny was only in one, although she was credited on Tuesday for no appearance.

Marilyn was beyond irritating here and deserved every word that Jett said to her, she was told enough times to back off and didn't take the hint.I'm really not sure about her reaction to John telling her Jett probably sees her as a mum:Isn't that what she is?I mean, I know she acts like she's still 21 but if Byron was alive, he'd be Jett's age, she must know she's old enough.Her wanting Jett to be her "little friend" actually seemed a bit creepy.With this hot on the heels of her refusing to change her name for spurious and out of character reasons, I have to wonder how serious she is about being a family.

Marilyn was excessively irritating around Jett and could not take a hint. But I don't think her wanting to be Jett's friend showed that she was is not serious about being family. I think she is struggling through the same transition that Roo struggles with Maddy, Zac with VJ or Hannah with Evie/Oscar. It is hard when you start of your relationship as the cool adult whom the teenagers sees as an ally but also looks up to for guidance (almost like a big brother/sister relationship). And yet, the relationship has to chance once you start having to discipline the teenager and suddenly become the enemy.

I thought Phoebe looked remarkably like Neive on Thursday's episode, almost like Neive was trying to model Phoebe in her own image. I understand Phoebe's desperation to get into the record industry but in a way it's disappointing that someone who doesn't take crap of anybody is apparently rolling over like this. Kyle's been very supportive. Clearly doesn't like what's happening but has bitten his tongue because it's a real chance at a career but at what cost? Phoebe losing her identity.

The more I think about the possibility of Oscar being the father of Maddy's baby the more I like it. Not only does it get Josh of the hook, but in a funny sort of way it's poetic justice for Maddy using him purely to get back at Evelyn as that will mean that she will be tied to the person permanently who was simply a pawn in her whole revenge thing. It is reaching the point though were I'm starting to find Oscar just as annoying as Maddy. Initially I felt sorry for him but I don't have much sympathy for him now. I think he's an idiot constantly hanging around her like a bad smell doing the same thing he berated her for doing regarding Josh last week, hoping that she will fall in love with him. And even if the baby is his and in the unlikely event she wants some sort of relationship it won't be because she 'likes' him, it will be for security and because he's reliable and will always be there, pure and simple! Oscar's one of those good/nice guys who will always be a friend to girls like Maddy (who are out of his league) but not really much more.

I would rather Maddy turned out not to be pregnant, but I don't want Josh to be the father. I always thought it was ridiculous that Maddy could be so sure who the father was when she only found out she was pregnant by accident. I know what you mean about Oscar - I cringe a lot when I see him around Maddy. Especially when Maddy spends her whole time talking about getting back together with Josh, so it is not like Oscar does not know where he stands. Their interactions are always so awkward

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I thought Maddy was being quite persistent with it being Josh because she saw an opportunity to trap him and be part of his life. That's why she's not going to the scan because she knows deep down that it's probably not Josh's.

She best be quick though because Josh is about to leave school and throw his future away for nothing if it turns out he's not the father.

Typical selfish Maddy.

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I spotted that Red about the trailers being back!!

Maddy surely shouldn't be showing a bump already should she, she's only supposed to be eight weeks gone!! If Oscar is the father just as well he has got that tutoring gig so he is earning. To be fair to him we don't know how he'll react, but Oscar being Oscar would also step up to the mark. Roo as had been said certainly hasn't learnt to back off, she ought to have learnt by now that keep pushing Maddy only makes her dig her heels in even more. Good suggestion by Alf to go to the city (and a nice mention of Morag).

Oh Marilyn, why, I get you want to be supportive to Jett and I'm surprised he kept his cool as long as he did, but she really didn't get his massive hints to leave him and Oscar to get on with his tutoring. I know it's supposed to be a 'modern' thing for parents (mostly mums) to be their children's (most daughters) BFF, but they're not they are their mums!!! I guess Marilyn is finding it hard to adjust from being Jett's friend to being his mum, at least John had his sensible head on for once. I hope Marilyn can get over and realise it's not that a personal attack and he now sees her as a parent rather than a friend.

Kyle came through with flying colours, although not happy with the way Phoebe seems to be going is wiling to support her and be there for her, which I have a feeling she is going to need him to be. Are all the songs Phoebe going to be singing covers or will she get a chance to use some of her own songs? I liked she asked Brax's advice, as he's pretty neutral about it all, would have been good if she could have put her own spin on the cover song she's been asked to sing.

Who was it said Ash would be back after it seems he'd only just gone, well he is and wanting Brax's help again!

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