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Feeling a little sorry for Sophie, she obviously needs help and Nate just turns his back on her without even as much as a hello, not what you expect from the caring profession. Then in the cafe Leah answers her mobile with 'Hi Nate' - why do they always do that on soaps, do they think we're dumb and can't work out from the acting who's on the line lol. Sophie needs to get back to work and stop stalking about the Bay and hanging around the hospital - idle hands and all that.

Princess Maddy continues to behave like the world revolves around her, never mind that it could wreck Josh's prospects and is impacting on Oscars. She's using the baby like a weapon.

I like Phoebe but why is she dressing like she's about to go to a night club any second? Liking the scenes with Neive in them, I'm sure she sees Phoebe as a younger version of herself.

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I too am feeling sorry for Sophie at this point. She's lost everything and seems just be wondering to te diner and back with hardly any contact with other people. Although when we do see her, she's with someone who has contact to Nate. Firstly Ricki received that text message from him whilst at her hoise, now leah with the phone call. It would appear she can't get away from him and judging by the caravan lurk at the door and her knowing which room he's been staying in at the hotel she doesn't want to!

Kyle finally signed the contract which was both relieving and infuriating at the same time. His gf, in his opinion, is selling out and brig completely controlled but he lets it happen so she can have her dream. What will Kyle do withit he money I wonder? Maybe buy that house he mentions wanting to get every so often? Shame phoebe will be out of town all the time.

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Yes 630si, Kyle should do just that. I have great admiration for the Kyle character and the way he conducts himself (and Nic who plays him), but why, oh why, did he never go ahead and rent that other place, with a recording studio, that he promised Phoebe the last time she went away? He usually does what he says he is going to do. If he hasn't kept that promiose, or even told Phoebe that he is going to, how can he expect her to listen to what he wants now? But he can now buy a place with that money he has got. I hope they stay together as a couple - they are so great together.

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Feeling a little sorry for Sophie, she obviously needs help and Nate just turns his back on her without even as much as a hello, not what you expect from the caring profession. Then in the cafe Leah answers her mobile with 'Hi Nate' - why do they always do that on soaps, do they think we're dumb and can't work out from the acting who's on the line lol. Sophie needs to get back to work and stop stalking about the Bay and hanging around the hospital - idle hands and all that.

Princess Maddy continues to behave like the world revolves around her, never mind that it could wreck Josh's prospects and is impacting on Oscars. She's using the baby like a weapon.

I like Phoebe but why is she dressing like she's about to go to a night club any second? Liking the scenes with Neive in them, I'm sure she sees Phoebe as a younger version of herself.

Yeah, I think it shows how isolated Sophie is, and how she really lacks any support system outside of Nate. I don't get why people such as Ricky and Leah keep calling Nate rather than deal with Sophie themselves. After all, both of them are aware of why Nate broke up with Sophie in the first place. I am not sure where they are going with Sophie - it looks like she might become the new Sam Holden.

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That was the whole point of Nate breaking up with Sophie, it's not good for her, or him, to be in contact with each other, that was the mistake he was making before, it gives her false hope. Obviously in such a small town they can't avoid bumping into each other accidentally, but other than that he knows from the last time it happened it was the best thing to do. Her reading the fact he had moved into the motel room, surely THE only one motel room everyone uses, where they first stayed was a sign he wanted to get back with her is not good, then she follows him to the caravan park, how did she know he was there? He certainly didn't tell her and the motel wouldn't, even if they knew would they? Maybe she's got him tagged. Really dumb of Leah of taking that call, saying 'Hi Nate' in Sophie's hearing, then keeping turning round to look at her, subtle not! Ricky wasn't doing much better either, but she did warn Nate about Sophie getting the wrong message about him moving into the motel. She, Sophie, keeps saying 'I'm fine' with that too bright smile on her face which isn't fooling anyone. Not sure she's fit enough to go back to being a principal of a high school.

Is Ash specifically asking Brax to help him look for his sister or is he depending on the fact the debt Brax feels he owes him to will make him help? I'm glad Ricky put her foot down, Brax's loyalty should be to her and the baby. I get he wants to return the favour, but hasn't Brax's mantra always been about family?

Neive did and didn't get her way, she got Kyle to sign over the rights of his song, but failed to break him and Phoebe up due to the fact they talked about the whole thing and what Neive was trying to do to them separately. I believe Phoebe when she said she'd really ditch Neive and the whole singing career thing rather than break up with Kyle. I hope she means what she said about keeping an eye out for his song and making sure Neive doesn't mess with it too much. t may get tweaked with, but he'll always know it was his. I'm with you Physic and 630si about her 'new' look, she does look like a clone of Neive, she was an individual before with her own style, plus what's with the, hopefully faux, fur coat in the middle of summer? :unsure:

Matt really considering going to uni, well done that guy, can understand him wanting to keep it quite from Sash for now until he knows if he'll get in, he knows how OTT Sash can get. Talking of which, how long before they get their results?

As for Maddy/Oscar/Josh/baby it looked from the trailer it was Hannah putting the pressure on Oscar to tell Josh.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo didn't appear at all, although at least we know where she is: I was expecting her to be back as quickly as Ash.A pretty sparse week for everyone in fact, with only Irene, Leah, Brax and Oscar on three.

Brax is increasingly torn between the different sides of his life; Andy gave him an alternative, Ash seemed willing to accept it but he still felt the need to go himself.While her mood kept abruptly changing, Ricky seemed pretty resigned to it by the end, as if she realises this is going to be her life, constantly sat at home worrying while Brax heads off on one of his missions.I don't think Ash is manipulating the situation, he never once suggested Brax come with him.

I'm not sure what to make of Hannah's behaviour towards Oscar here:She seemed to start off copping out as badly as him, acting as though it was his responsibility to tell Josh in much the same way that he was leaving it to Maddy, and then, when he queried the tension between her and Sophie, instead of admitting to copping off with a married man she delivered a somewhat manipulative soundbite about secrets that seemed to have little relevance to his situation.A big part of me thinks Oscar should have spoken to Maddy instead of Josh, but either way Josh did need to be told quickly: He was getting heavily invested in the baby emotionally, financially and practically and it wasn't fair.So it has really turned out for the best and hopefully Maddy will now stop burying her head in the sand and get this sorted.

Talking of people with their head in the sand, I simultaneously sympathise with Sophie and worry about her mental state.We've seen her deliberately injure herself to get Nate's attention, here she puts her life in danger and his too.It's hard to see how she can get away with it either;a cursory investigation of the fire would show arson.Oscar doesn't know their history but Hannah really was the last person suited to talk to her, and was Oscar really close enough to hear what they were saying?The sequence of events seem a bit confused:Nate seemed to have only just moved in last episode, so was Sophie hiding in that caravan before booking it?

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At least Brax gets to go off on his latest escapade with Ricky's blessing, kind of. Although Ash seemed happy enough for Andy to take Brax's place I got the feeling he was more than relieved when Brax decided to go after all.

Know what you mean Red, Hannah did seem to be pushing Oscar to tell Josh the truth, but I'm glad he resisted, he is old enough to make up his own mind whether he should or shouldn't. Must have ben tough for him sitting there hearing Josh and Maddy making baby plans, on that note Midnight, really! :rolleyes: You're right as well about Oscar not knowing anything about what went on between Sophie, Nate and Hannah, but he did make the right call about calling her when Sophie seemed so distracted about what day it was, where she was staying. I think he may have caught snippets of what they were talking about, and I think it was her talking about secrets coming back to haunt you that decided him to tell Josh about who is 'the daddy'. He has tried to talk to Maddy and we know how that went. It's not just Maddy whose life is going to change it could be Josh's or Oscar's, they deserve to know which of them needs to make huge live changes. I'm not discounting the baby, he/she hasn't arrived yet. Josh's ultimatum looks to have succeeded where all the persuading/ brow beating has failed. Btw wasn't Oscar supposed to be on his way to see Maddy, before he got waylaid?

Didn't Alf say Sophie moved in after Nate? Unless she stole a key, don't see how she could have been hiding in it. As well as herself and Nate there is the rest of the caravan park she's putting in danger. But I guess in her state of mind she's not thinking of anyone else.

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Well, Nate and Sophie are okay and presumably the fire didn't spread.Nate's status as the only doctor in town is getting a bit ridiculous now.No way should he have been allowed to treat his wife when he wasn't even on duty and he definitely shouldn't be ordering a psych evaluation as a doctor when he's got a vested interest.Mind you, Sophie has definitely lost the plot now.I liked that, once again, Maddy forgot her own issues and went straight into helping out as soon as she saw someone in genuine trouble.

Sasha was a bit annoying here, I really wanted Spencer to tell her to get knotted and was disappointed that Irene waded in.Also, Matt and Spencer's bickering seemed fairly good-natured, the way boys talk when they're bonding, so there was no need for Sasha to get involved.I also didn't really get why Josh's situation put things in perspective when they apparently already knew he thought he'd got Maddy pregnant.I mean, I get that it would be confusing to be in limbo like that, having only just having got used to having his life turned upside down and looking at potentially having it turned over again, but surely the outcomes are that either things are the same as before or he's off the hook, so why act as though things were worse for him now?Unless he wanted to be the father?Not sure either why Matt is continuing to keep his uni application from Sasha, unless he's waiting to see if he gets in or not.I did like Spencer's reaction to Matt putting his arm round him though.

I continue to like seeing Alf supporting Maddy and was even glad to see Roo back.I was also glad to see Zac supporting Oscar.Josh didn't seem to have anyone, although I don't think there's anyone I'd want to be with him.Evelyn annoyed me again and I winced at Josh saying he still loves her because I don't know why:She's too selfish to stand by him if he's got a baby, so it'll be a bit rich if she gets to pick things up where she left off now he hasn't.Incidentally, has Josh grown, because I really don't remember him towering over Oscar like that before?I've heard people saying Jackson Gallagher looks too old to play a teenager and I haven't agreed but the last couple of weeks or so...yeah, he does.I don't know if it's his posture or wardrobe errors or what but...he and Oscar did not look the same age there.

And that ending.I am very disappointed, I was looking forward to Maddy being a mother: She hasn't always been at her best during this "pregnancy" but I like to think she has the potential to be good at it, and it also offered potential character growth for Josh or Oscar.And I'm also very worried.I've seen a lot of people on Australian pace or Spoiler threads suggesting Maddy faked the pregnancy, but that clearly wasn't a fake baby bump and I don't see how she could have faked the blood test Nate gave her, so I'm thinking of similar stories on other soaps and the fact that this tends to mean they've got something wrong with them that has caused a false positive result...

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I don't think Jackson is too old to play a teenager. i think he does it rather well. He is too tall for Evie and has to stoop down to kiss her, unless they're on the settee of course.

So Josh and Oscar are both off the hook now. What a cow Maddy has been and now Roo comes back to tell her it's alright. She deserves to have no friends left Be interesting to see if Josh goes back to Evie now. They both say they love each other, but can they put the past behind them and start up again?

Nice to see Sasha and Matt still going strong and then going to uni together??

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