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So Maddy isn't pregnant, what kind of a hospital is that?! Can't wait to hear the explanation. Surprised to see Nate doing the scan, he does everything in that place poor guy it's a wonder he has any energy to paddle his canoe. Glad Josh has been left of the hook now though, hope he doesn't get involved in another controlling female (although that's mighty hard in Summer Bay). I guess he's feeling down because he thinks he's lost Evelyn now.

Sad to see Sophie has gone bananas, just need to keep her away from firearms.

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She actually referred to Oscar as her best friend. I think 'only' friend would be more accurate. Also given how she's used him multiple times (just last week wanting him to lie about being the father with little regard for how it affected him or Josh) is that really how you treat your "best friend". Although maybe he's a best friend in the sense that up until Friday's episode where he told Josh the truth he was quite weak and submissive. So of course he's going to be a best friend because he did what she wanted. Only challenging her when she was using the pregnancy to get closer to Josh because he wanted to be closer to her. With friends like Maddy who needs enemies. I do believe that Oscar told Josh mainly because he wanted to do the right thing but I do wonder whether subconsciously there was an element of self interest. Again because if he couldn't have Maddy he didn't want her and Josh together. Admittedly in today's episode he appeared to accept that Maddy doesn't love him and probably never will but when he paved the way for Josh to go for her it still felt like he wanted reassurance that Josh wasn't actually after her because it was the smallest glimmer of hope. Oscar annoyed me when he had a go at Evelyn though. Not because he was wrong (because I don't think he was) because he was exactly the same with Maddy previously. If Nate is right and there is no baby, well that really is a result as far as I'm concerned. It's better than I could have hoped. Not only has that let Josh of the hook and created an opening for a possible reunion with Evelyn but perhaps Oscar scenes will amount to more than just trying to keep Maddy onside. And we might actually see some more dedicated screentime with some of the other younger characters. Today's episode was an example of what he missed out on. Surprisingly, I really liked the stuff with Sasha, Spencer, Matt and Josh. Although objectively I do think they were all portrayed quite sympathetically to Josh.

Sophie seriously, seriously needs help. She's clearly not well. Assuming she did start the fire deliberately how is the insurance company going to pay Alf for the van without him reporting the matter to the police? Regardless I've got mixed feelings about the situation. In one hand I think she needs to resolve her issues but on the other hand part of me is enjoying her stalking Nate, refusing to give up and generally making life unpleasant because I don't like the guy. In a funny sort of way, I actually admire Sophie for her devotion and determination.

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Sasha was a bit annoying here, I really wanted Spencer to tell her to get knotted and was disappointed that Irene waded in.Also, Matt and Spencer's bickering seemed fairly good-natured, the way boys talk when they're bonding, so there was no need for Sasha to get involved.I also didn't really get why Josh's situation put things in perspective when they apparently already knew he thought he'd got Maddy pregnant.I mean, I get that it would be confusing to be in limbo like that, having only just having got used to having his life turned upside down and looking at potentially having it turned over again, but surely the outcomes are that either things are the same as before or he's off the hook, so why act as though things were worse for him now?Unless he wanted to be the father?Not sure either why Matt is continuing to keep his uni application from Sasha, unless he's waiting to see if he gets in or not.I did like Spencer's reaction to Matt putting his arm round him though.

I think Matt/Spencer have good frenemy chemistry (reminiscent of Aden/Geoff). I did think their bickering was fairly good natured - like they were bickering because they are in the habit of doing so rather than real animosity. I think I get Matt not telling Sasha - he has a defeatist attitude generally. He probably assumes he will fail to get into uni and wants to avoid Sasha's excitement.

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So Maddy isn't pregnant, what kind of a hospital is that?! Can't wait to hear the explanation. Surprised to see Nate doing the scan, he does everything in that place poor guy it's a wonder he has any energy to paddle his canoe. Glad Josh has been left of the hook now though, hope he doesn't get involved in another controlling female (although that's mighty hard in Summer Bay). I guess he's feeling down because he thinks he's lost Evelyn now.

Sad to see Sophie has gone bananas, just need to keep her away from firearms.

You could say that the hosptail is either a very dangerous place what with people escaping or breaking into people's rooms Or a very magical place where people are healed within days Nate is a very skilled doctor :lol:

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To echo Psychic how did Nate get it so wrong about Maddy? Maybe he is overworked seeing as he's the only doctor in the hospital. She's certainly not having a phantom pregnancy, unless of course there is something else......... :wink: From the trailer we saw Evie accusing Maddy of making it up, not with that bump she hasn't and Roo was there when Nate said the test results said she was pregnant so for once no blame can be laid at her door. Might of known Alf would ring Roo to come back and be there for Maddy at the ultrasound, did I hear Maddy say her favourite phrase 'I'm sorry'? Only right both Josh and Oscar were there, they do have an invested interest after all. Quiet mature of Oscar to tell Josh he hopes he is the dad as Maddy loves him, only problem of course he doesn't love her. Going off on a tangent Josh did seem taller, but at least it is the same guy and not a transplant so not such a shock.

Apart from bringing Sophie into the hospital there is no way Nate should have been treating her, and did I see another nurse!, it goes against all medical ethics, but he always seems to be treating her when he ought to hand her over to another doctor, if they could find one. No assuming it Slade she set the fire alright, very lucky there wasn't further damage and all she got was smoke inhalation, still only one night in Miracle Hospital and she's OK to leave. Did Nate already have his suspicions when he asked Alf if the fire brigade had discovered how the fire started? I see her 'devotion' as obsession. The oven hadn't been on, the gas pipes were OK so not much left. Would it be down to him for call for a psych assessment?

After Spencer's initial reluctance I liked the grouping of Sash, Spence, Matt and Josh. I was just as astonished as Sash when Matt and Spence agreed on something, twice in as many minutes. Good to see them all united behind Josh when he revealed the news about Oscar maybe being the father, this was, of course, the night before she had the scan. Matt being all huggy with Leah has definitely got her antenna twitching and she is not going to let it go until she does worm it out of him. He did look happy at the news he had a good chance of getting into uni. His escaping to be chummy with Spence was funny and the moment she'd gone he took his hand off Spence's shoulder. :D

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There's no baby!!

Evie was quick to assume Maddy made it up, as predicted, but doesn't question the bump! Which I think is strange...

Glad Roo came back. All will be ok now haha.

I enjoyed Sophie's scene when she flipped out at the hospital. She really is going crazy, together with the fire i thought she was becoming quite dangerous and then we saw Hannah in the bed instead and it was confirmed.

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There's no baby!!

Evie was quick to assume Maddy made it up, as predicted, but doesn't question the bump! Which I think is strange...

Glad Roo came back. All will be ok now haha.

I enjoyed Sophie's scene when she flipped out at the hospital. She really is going crazy, together with the fire i thought she was becoming quite dangerous and then we saw Hannah in the bed instead and it was confirmed.

I thought that was a good final scene - although I think it is ridiculous that she wasn't being watched by security after the decision to transfer her to a mental institute, and especially, after she attacked Hannah. .

Evie was epecially unlikeable here - and again, she only seemed to care about how it affected her relationship with Josh. There was no thought to Oscar at all.

That fire was a bit a damp squib, cheap drama.

Is anyone else finding the product we're seeing in the UK right now a bit of a chore to watch outside of a few scenes?

Yeah, I am finding it hard work - I think part of the problem is that it is focussing on the less likeable characters or the storylines are just going around in circles.

Please don't use this whole Hannah thing to reunite Hannah and Andy. It was bad enough the first time.

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I agree it feels a bit of a slog at the moment. However, it's better than watching another River Boy going on a mission to the outback that could have potentially life changing repercussions. Oh wait.... That's tomorrow. I actually think it feels a bit more Home and Away at the moment.

Agree about Evie spinning it round to her and Hosh. She's slmost echoing Maddy now! If the fire in the caravan lasted a bit longer and filled more of the episode it may not have been so damp.

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