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I felt desperately sorry for Maddy in that episode.I wished that Josh and Oscar had been in for the ultrasound so they'd know what really happened and, while Nate was right to let Maddy tell them rather than have Hannah steam in, I wish he'd gone with her to explain the situation properly.Fair play to Hannah though for making sure Josh and Oscar knew the score.Evelyn showed what a selfish and unpleasant person she can be: Frankly, she's only got herself to blame for the fact her relationship went up the spout, she chose to abandon Josh as soon as things got difficult instead of supporting him, and all Maddy had done wrong to that point, in my opinion, was assume Josh was the father without checking.(I don't think she was actively deceiving anyone until later.)I know Maddy can be manipulative but really Evelyn's the one that has the potential to be truly controlling, acting as if people have to ask her permission to be friends or in a relationship, but Josh will probably go from the frying pan to the fire again.Maddy's so broken and worried by all this that Evelyn's tantrum felt like water off a duck's back, she's got bigger things to worry about than teenage jealousy and this has turned her world upside down even more than the presumed pregnancy.I really hope we don't have to wait until next week to catch up with this storyline, it really is my favourite part of the show at the moment and Maddy's one of the few characters I passionately care about, but the Brax-heavy promo that followed didn't give me much hope.

Sasha also came across as very childish with her pestering Matt, and I wish Spencer had pulled out when he realised what was going on instead of sitting with her for hours to wind up Matt.I'm glad Matt gave Sasha that serve, shame that he then backed down and told her everything.

The Sophie storyline was pretty ridiculous.A psychiatrist deems her a danger to herself and others, she tries to attack a member of staff and she makes it pretty clear she wants to get out of there.At the very least she should have been under regular observation, probably she should have security on her.Instead, unless we get a better explanation next episode, it seems the same nurse she tried to attack was sent to give her a sedation on her own, then no-one noticed for probably hours that she hadn't come back.And once again, Nate should not be on the case in a professional capacity.

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Does the hospital have security? I've never seen it, people can just walk into patients rooms any time they want, same as they can the school.

I think Josh and Evie will get together soon, they both want to and there's nothing stopping them now.

Wish the guys in H&A weren't so hen pecked, I felt sorry for Matt having to tell Sasha about his uni application, I got the impression he was waiting until (or if) he get's in to surprise her. Sometimes Sasha comes across as being a bit spoilt.

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No I don't find it a slog at all. A really good episode today, with the teenagers acting very well and more or less what i would have expected from each of them. Josh has got a really kind heart and only wants the best for Maddy, even though he's in love with Evie.

Poor Oscar is completely out of his depth and Maddy is trying to come to terms with the upheavel in her life. sasha will never shut up of course. Be good to see how it all plays out in the next few days, before it's back to the Braxtons!

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Sasha was really getting on my nerves. I think someone mentioned in the thread a while back that she is like a dog with a bone and I tend to agree with that. And I so wanted Matt to keep quiet and let her sweat it out a while longer...oh well.

I was disappointed that Evelyn didn't tell Josh herself last week that Maddy kept that fact Oscar could be the father from him so I was glad she gave Maddy a serve. Objectively with regards to actually being telling people she was pregnant I accept Maddy wasn't at fault because she was only going on what Nate told her but I can see why Evelyn would think she made this up as Maddy clearly has form. And her tirade was obviously anger and frustration of having to finish with Josh because with a baby on the way he wouldn't be able to commit to a relationship. I was a bit disappointed that Maddy just sat back and took it though. I'd rather see her put up some sort of fight rather than the self-pity. It was really annoying that she became the focal point again. This was something I was hoping would be ending with the end of the pregnancy that wasn't actually a pregnancy.

I was actually quite excited when Sophie went for Hannah and disappointed that Nate stopped her. When I saw a brown haired lady lying in Sophie's bed there was no doubt in my mind that it was Hannah and I'm glad Sophie managed to somehow get the needle of her and inject Hannah instead. I don't imagine she would have been too happy that the person who copped off with her old man would be the one to try and put her to sleep. It's ironic that Nate accused Sophie of taking drugs when he realised she started the fire and drugs have been a big problem for her but it looks like that may be the only solution for her certainly in the short term. In a way I'm sad because I really like Sophie but her whole existence is about Nate and this storyline has definitely run it's course and I fear now we're not going to see much more of her. Well, I'm glad she's escaped and is reaching her full potential. And I'm hoping that she goes absolutely crazy and wreaks havoc on Summer Bay...

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Well Brax and ash are on a mission! Very lucky they happened to see his sisters car and I suspect it won't be long until they track them down. Looks like a nice town, reflecting similar characteristics to Summer Bay. Small town, nothing is secret etc. I'm intrigued as to what this Dean will be like actually. Which I never thought I would be.

Another random cous cous from Maz today with Ricky responding emotionally. I didn't understand the significance of the scene but it was nice to see the neighbours interacting with each other over the garden fence so to speak. Very happy for John and Maz with the arrival of Jett's birth certificate :)

I did notice when Nate and Ricky had a brew in the garden he said something along the lines of "look at us two, we dont know what both our partners are doing" which I found both strange and sloppy as he's spent ages telling Sophie it's over! Ricky having second thoughts about Brax and his commitment is very understandable and the realisation seems to be kicking in that things could go sour quite quickly!

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Wow, I was fully expecting Sophie to be found by the end of the episode if not the ad break, so kudos to her for pulling a regular houdini.Shame the whole thing turned into a feeble excuse to give Andy and Hannah a scene together.Has Ricky appointed herself the town sheriff in Brax's absence, because I can't see any other reason why she'd suddenly be following security guards around looking for trouble?I could feel my hackles rising at Andy thinking he has the right to make moral judgements about who should be locked up.Denny obviously feels the same and she doesn't even know what we know.I did like John and Marilyn looking out for Ricky, it helped add a touch of community feeling.Nate and Ricky's bonding moment was a bit weird, this surely isn't going anywhere?

I did laugh out loud when Brax and Ash walked into the bar and everyone went quiet.Otherwise, it was mostly set-up and I think I'm more interested in meeting Billie than Dean, unless he turns out to be more than the two-dimensional villain that his reputation suggests.Brax seems to have well and truly taken charge of things and feels in his element, which would probably make Ricky even more worried.I did query Ash recognising Billie's car but then it turned out to have personal significance so okay.

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