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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Apologises to Nate the error with Maddy's 'pregnancy' wasn't down to him. It's to do with the cyst on her ovary which not only gives a false reading as in the blood test but also gives the appearance of a baby bump. Plus Maddy did say she had been sick. Until Josh and Oscar knew the facts they couldn't really be blamed for thinking Maddy had made it up, ditto Evie. For once it is not Maddy's fault. If Evie and Josh do get back together it's not going to be a walk in the park.

Why do the only doctors we ever see (mainly one of the main characters) have to become involved in their families care, which goes against all medical protocol. We don't need to see them if paying for another actor is too expensive just hear them talking about Dr. Brown attending them? Furthermore after seeing Sophie's outburst how come it ended up being Hannah that was going to give her her sedative? Mind you that's not to say Sophie wouldn't have attacked any nurse that came to do it, she was that desperate to get out. It's odds on she hasn't gone that far, she wouldn't want to be that distant from Nat, I was fully expecting to see her spying on Nate and Ricky and getting the wrong idea. Ricky may have told Nate she was Sophie's friend which was why she wanted to help, but seeing as she and Nate were once an item, albeit briefly, in Sophie's present state of mind she's more likely to focus on the latter rather than the former.

May have been a while ago but I did say Hannah only had a thing for Nate as she was on the rebound from Andy which seeing their behaviour together seems to be the case. He obviously still has a thing about her. Denny, love, you can warn her off Andy all you like, but she is an adult and therefore old enough to make her own mind up. Never thought her and Nate were right anyway, even if he hadn't been married.

Nate does still care for Sophie even if being together is bad for both of them. Don't know who is in the worse position really, Sophie can be helped, she has before, but Brax will always be Brax and go off and help someone, sort out someone's problem. Though he had always there for Casey since he was a baby and more or less brought him up, so fingers crossed once the baby is born he will stay home more and he did call to wish her well with the doctors appointment, even if she didn't actually attend it. Handy that Andy, sorry, was there when they found out about Hannah so he could drive her home. Nice touch by Marilyn to offer Ricky the meal of vegetable and cous and cous, so like her.

Those locals acted typically of any little isolated town anywhere in the world, be it Australia, US, even here in jolly old England, a stranger or in this case two walk into the bar/pub and everyone stops talking for a few moments, gives them a look, then carry on. Brax had his normal sensible head on by not asking questions right away, just wanting to get the feel of the place before arising suspicion.

I was half expecting the barman to go inside and ring Dean to warn him two guys were coming to see him and I do feel there is more to the story.

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Yes, I thought it was funny Brax and Ash running out of the bar and wheel spinning away after Brax saying they should keep a low profile about it all :huh: Somehow I'm not sure Ash is telling the full story about his sister.

Erica is getting plenty of exercise she spent a lot of time striding along the beach in last nights episode, she should take it easy with the baby, don't want any premature Braxtons.

I wonder where Sophie is, will she be found on the cliff top, no that's been done.

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Feel kind of bad about my earlier rant about "Maddy should be left to stew in her own juices" following this cancer diagnosis, Nobody deserves THAT. Probably would have been a little LESS sympathetic had there been an actual baby and she was jerking Oscar and Josh (take that out of context, if you MUST >_>).

Brax's storylines just get more and more repetitive.

Hopefully his exit will be something true to the character without having to see him shot/stabbed/kicked down a mountain/etc.

There's been a massive red flag waving about Ash the minute he he rolled in.

All in all, I could seriously go for more Palmer family 2.0 scenes to lighten the mood.

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I think I may have been expecting too much by suggesting Dean would be a two-dimensional villain.He wasn't even that, basically a combination of Basil Exposition and a convenient target for Brax to beat up.Ash putting his foot in it when he remembered Brax didn't have any visitors either was mildly amusing but otherwise the storyline didn't particularly go anywhere.I do still trust Ash though; if he is bringing trouble for Brax then I don't think it's on purpose.

Denny was surprisingly polite towards Andy and I don't think all of it was an act.I winced at the reappearance of "her" engagement ring and was glad she put it away, hopefully that's it for good.I briefly thought Neive was Hannah in the promo at the end of the previous episode: Her hooking up with Andy was rather random but I suppose that's the point.I thought at first that Andy had got the wrong end of the stick when he told Phoebe about an overseas tour but the promo suggests not.

Jett being a year older than he thought is a bit "So what?":Okay, it'll be a bit of a shock to him but it won't make any practical difference.Unless the show's planning to give him a sex storyline as soon as possible?(Let's not even go there, okay?)On the subject of ages, I notice Maddy was explicitly said to be 17 just week, which just about ties in with her age when she first appeared but she shouldn't be that far off 18.

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A crisis of faith, Captain Hulk? Pray to your guardian angel.

Great to see Phoebe all happy, singing and dancing today and proud Kyle just looks on. Still no house for them??????

Didn't understand why John was so diasppointed about Jett's birth certificate. Can someone explain please?

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I think John is thinking more about how Jett will feel about having a year of his life just disappear, doesn't matter a jot to John or Maz, but to a 15 year boy (or girl for that matter) to find out they are actually 16, it would matter a lot, they're at a funny enough age anyway. John made a good call not to present Jett with his certificate in the diner, good job he looked at it first, though his alternative reason for celebrating was naff to say the least. Maz is right they do need to tell Jett as soon as possible and much better in the privacy of their own home.

Denny, however polite she was, was definitely putting Andy off getting back with Hannah, though she did get a twinge of conscience when talking to Ricky. You're not alone Red I thought it was Hannah with Andy in that motel room.

Yes dropping Dean down a mine shaft will get him to talk, :rolleyes: there's certainly a lot more to come regards him. Why would Billie leave her car which she is supposed to love so much, more like he abandoned her somewhere.

Lovely scenes with Phoebe celebrating her song being played on the radio and Kyle was so pleased for her. Loved her telling Neive to come to her! Gong by the trailer all doesn't seem to be going well. Neive's remark to Phoebe about her owning Phoebe.

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Andy annoyed me when he said Sophie should have been locked up. But then I got even more annoyed with Denny's attitude towards Andy. To me it was obvious from Hannah's text message that there is still some level of interest. There must be else why would she ask him for coffee after what happened before. I didn't even like Hannah and Andy together the first time and think Andy deserves better but part of me is hoping they get it on just to rub Denny up the wrong way. Neive's "You weren't joking when you mentioned the talent" line had me smiling even though I don't particularly like her as a person, especially the way she disregarded Andy after she slept with him. Still he didn't seem to mind and in a way he could probably count himself lucky the opportunity presented itself.

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Alf's episode count this week: Two(and he was credited on Friday for no appearance).

Well, at least Brax acknowledged what a second rate adversary Dean was.I don't know what to make of how this ended.I mean, really, another murder, when we've already got one murderer on the show who's a long way away from being brought to justice?And when it's one guy we don't know bumping off another guy we don't know miles away from Summer Bay...how does that effect anyone, unless Brax or Ash is going to get blamed?Sam's motivation seems a bit thin but I guess he blamed Dean for ruining his life, unless there's more going on.I'm guessing he overheard Brax and Ash's conversation.

Kyle and Phoebe both came over quite well here, both willing to give up what they wanted to give the other what they wanted.It's a shame that the central plot device is made farcical by the show's apparent rule that "You can't get a passport when you're on parole, unless the show's been offered a shoot in London and they want the Braxtons there, four of whom have criminal records and two of whom are on parole."It was nice the way John got brought into it.Didn't they sort out the contract so Neive can't dictate where Phoebe performs?

The John/Marilyn/Jett storyline felt like there was a scene missing:One minute John wants to keep it from Jett and Marilyn's saying they'll discuss it later, the next they're telling him.I'm glad that, after the initial shock was over, Jett decided it wasn't a big deal, and was more worried about his memories of Liz being further tarnished than adding an extra one onto his age.And I'm glad he made the point about now being at the age of consent.I notice he's now listed as Jett Palmer in the credits, which is a nice touch.

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