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Have they mDe Jett older to try and help us get over how old VJ looks? At first I thought it was all a bit silly but then I came round to it as it does add a certain dimension to Jett's childhood story. Also i had to laugh about the age of consent thing and the look on Maz and Johns faces.

I'm happy for phoebe and her song being played on the radio. Although I was cringing for the first 5 mins of the episode when everyone was dancing in Angelo's. Strangely, I enjoyed the scene between Kyle and John over the fence. Again another occasion when the community feel felt like it was alive and well. I feel sorry for Jyle not being able to get a passport and go with Phoebe, but on the other hand the blokes s criminal and it's his own fault he's missing out I guess.

So Brax and Ash. And Dean in a cave, and what would appear to be a very dangerous bar man. Agree with posts above there is more to this story. I hope Ash hadn't led Brax a merry dance. It felt a bit rushed and I wasn't really made to invest in Dean as a villain however it was quite exciting to get out of the bay and now Dean may possibly be dead the story will probably unravel from here. Nice cheap thrills to end the week on.

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If Phoebe doesn't go on tour and start earning some real money then she's going to living at Braxton Manor for a while yet! I thought she was short sighted trying to bale out of it for what? Kyle will still be there when she gets back and it could be their ticket to their own place. Unfortunately H&A would have to build a new set though.

I thought the same as 630si about Jets age going up a year, a ploy to get him to look the same age as VJ (or maybe VS now).

I guess Brax and Ash will cop the blame for Dean being bludgeoned to death :-(

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The barman, I thought his name was Ray, really did blame Dean for being stuck in that town didn't he? One question, how did he know where to find him, Brax never said to Ash where'd he been, for one thing he wouldn't know, being new to the area. It looked quite a distance from Dean's place. Guess Brax will be in the frame, his fingerprints being on the shovel that Brax hit Dean with, though didn't Ray(?) dump the gloves he wore nearby? It may have just been me, but Ray did remind me of Kyle.

I was thinking the same about Kyle not being able to go abroad because he was on parole when Heath and Casey could pop off to London with no problem. Is it because Asia is tougher on ex crims than the Brits are. As Kyle is on parole I guess he needs to report to his parole officer/police station every week, fortnight, month and his passport, if he had one, is being held by the authorities. I thought it great he still wanted Phoebe to go and I think she would have if she hadn't heard John and Kyle talking. That was a lovely moment between John and Kyle. Is there small print in her contract that demands she go?

Of course John had to tell Jett the truth, supposing Jett had needed his birth certificate at a later date, to apply for a passport say, it would have been more shocking to find out then and discover John and Maz had known all along. He was mature enough in the end to realise that in the great scheme of things it doesn't matter. I had to smile at his 'I'm now the age of consent;' :D

Denny and Ricky's talk was interesting with Denny asking Ricky how she copes with living with Brax and his way of life. She was obviously thinking of Hannah and her maybe getting back with Andy, but as I said before she is an adult not a teenager.

Interesting little snippet of what I surmise is the end of season finale in Australia, bus crash, caused by Sophie going by her reaction, and the usual cliff hanger of who dies, is badly injured etc.

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So poor Maddy has just found out she has cancer. I hope she is written more sympathetically now as I really do want to like her!

I thought it was a bit strange Ash coming back for the road trip saying if she wanted to know him she's have found him by now. That just made that whole trip pointless. Very lucky for Pheobe that he had the cash to get her out of her contract. I have a feeling it's not going to be quite as easy as that though...

Nate is still very concerned about Sophie too. Texting her and calling yo asking where she is. I wonder where she has got to?!

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I do find Ricky to be a very inconsistent character.She was introduced as someone from the same side of the tracks as Brax, who was used to the sort of life he lives, but now seems to have replaced Phoebe as the one questioning things that he just accepts without question.Her speech to him near the end was the sort of thing he should be asked, is there anything he wouldn't do if he justified it as protecting his friends and family, but I'm not sure Ricky was the right person to deliver it.As we saw in the recap, H&Alover, Sam (it's what he's called in the credits and I'm fairly sure Brax called him by name at one point) overheard Brax saying he'd left Dean in an abandoned mine: Maybe there's only one in the area?

I loved the moment when Kyle and Phoebe have had a lengthy conversation and then Ash calls out from the couch where he's trying to sleep.It's a sign of the repartee between him and Phoebe, and also of how much he wants rid of it, that he was willing to give her the money, but I think Phoebe's being optimistic in thinking that's it, Neive didn't agree to anything and she can still drag her off on tour even if she pretends she can't sing.(And hey, doctors?)I think Ash's comments on Billie were just despair at having exhausted every lead he can think of.

Oh, Maddy.And for once that's not because she's done something stupid but total sympathy over something she has no control over.I just wish we hadn't missed so much:There was a throwaway line about a biopsy last week but her having the surgery off screen feels like a missed opportunity.I'm glad to see Spencer getting some interaction with her, it was a bit silly that he made such a big deal about her being pregnant and then they didn't have a single scene together during the assumed pregnancy, and their history does get badly neglected at times, but I had to query him saying she should know she can rely on him, have they spoken since he snapped at her for asking about Josh the night Casey was killed?I'm glad to see Alf and Roo in a supporting role too.I was hoping the pregnancy would show us a different side of Maddy and make her sympathetic again, and now I'm hoping this cancer storyline does the same.It has a lot of potential and I hope it's not wasted.

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I do find Ricky to be a very inconsistent character.She was introduced as someone from the same side of the tracks as Brax, who was used to the sort of life he lives, but now seems to have replaced Phoebe as the one questioning things that he just accepts without question.Her speech to him near the end was the sort of thing he should be asked, is there anything he wouldn't do if he justified it as protecting his friends and family, but I'm not sure Ricky was the right person to deliver it.As we saw in the recap, H&Alover, Sam (it's what he's called in the credits and I'm fairly sure Brax called him by name at one point) overheard Brax saying he'd left Dean in an abandoned mine: Maybe there's only one in the area?

I loved the moment when Kyle and Phoebe have had a lengthy conversation and then Ash calls out from the couch where he's trying to sleep.It's a sign of the repartee between him and Phoebe, and also of how much he wants rid of it, that he was willing to give her the money, but I think Phoebe's being optimistic in thinking that's it, Neive didn't agree to anything and she can still drag her off on tour even if she pretends she can't sing.(And hey, doctors?)I think Ash's comments on Billie were just despair at having exhausted every lead he can think of.

Yeah I think Ricky can be really inconsistent, and I think it is because the writers originally introduced her as someone who understood Brax because they came from the same background, but now seem keen to make Ricky the woman who makes Brax a better person . One minute, she seems quite complacent/laissez-faire about his crime doing, then suddenly, she will be on her high horse giving Brax a lecture. I think the dichotomy works a lot better with Kyle/Phoebe because Phoebe never has and never will understand that side of the Braxtons, so her enrage always seems more believable.

I thought the whole Ash/Brax adventure was so dull, and I am not looking forward to another person's death being linked to the Braxtons (hasn't this be done to death now? Pun intended).

Phoebe annoyed me in this episode. Firstly, there are so many couples who do long distance for a little while - I just don't see why it has to be all of nothing. She was only going to be touring Asia for a few months, and then she could come back to Kyle. I just think if this was as much of her dream as she made out, that she could just give it up so easily. I guess Neive was right that Kyle would ultimately hold her back (as an aside, it never made sense for the Braxtons to be jaunting around London with their criminal records but if they could do it, surely Kyle could go to Asia). I also thought her dealing with Neive was incredibly naive and optimistic especially because Phoebe knew the terms of the contract

Oh, Maddy.And for once that's not because she's done something stupid but total sympathy over something she has no control over.I just wish we hadn't missed so much:There was a throwaway line about a biopsy last week but her having the surgery off screen feels like a missed opportunity.I'm glad to see Spencer getting some interaction with her, it was a bit silly that he made such a big deal about her being pregnant and then they didn't have a single scene together during the assumed pregnancy, and their history does get badly neglected at times, but I had to query him saying she should know she can rely on him, have they spoken since he snapped at her for asking about Josh the night Casey was killed?I'm glad to see Alf and Roo in a supporting role too.I was hoping the pregnancy would show us a different side of Maddy and make her sympathetic again, and now I'm hoping this cancer storyline does the same.It has a lot of potential and I hope it's not wasted.

For once, I actually enjoyed Maddy in an episode, and felt that her interaction with Alf, Roo and Spencer was quite heartwarming. I feel sorry for Maddy and hope that this is chance to develop and mature her character. I always find Maddy seems more likeable in her interactions with Spencer. I think because she always more natural around him than say Josh or Oscar. And I think it made more sense for Spencer to be there (rather than Oscar) given his history with Roo (and Harvey) - I felt like Roo still kind of saw him as part of the family.

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I hear em what you both say about Ricky. Has she not started changing though because she's with child? She's starting to see things differently now and I think she's struggling/torn between understanding brax and letting him do his thing and doing the right thing for the baby. Either way I don't think it will end well and I wouldn't be surprised if brax doesn't get on board she'll bring the kid up on her own

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Firstly again, she wasn't pleasant at all but I did kind of like the way Neive told Pheobe that she owned her. Although she apparently doesn't now but we'll see.

I normally find Ricky quite annoying, especially when she gets all self-righteous but I actually found it quite amusing when she found out about the money Brax had and the way he was backed into a corner.

After watching the scenes from yesterday's episode, I'm really not happy about this cancer storyline re Maddy. I was hoping with the pregnancy over that we wouldn't see some of the other characters rally around her but I'm guessing now we will probably have episodes where most of them will be bending over backwards to tell her how wonderful and brave she is. And she will be the main focal point particularly around Oscar, Josh and Evelyn. Evelyn is not going to be happy about this, especially as I imagine she will probably want to get back with Josh now but Maddy's cancer will be an obstacle because Josh will have to give Maddy sympathy and Evelyn will have to bite her tongue for fear of being labelled as heartless and will be forced to give Maddy sympathy herself.

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You weren't wrong Red, Brax did mention an abandoned mine, must have missed that the first time, obviously not that many around as Sam was able to go straight to it. I'm guessing Dean had walked outside, as Brax said he'd only broken his nose.

I agree with 630si, Ricky may be from the same background as Brax and when she only had herself to worry about, but she's never been an expectant mum before. Brax really couldn't have expected her to just shrug her shoulders when she saw that bag of money, but as usual he's compartmentalising his life again. She got more out of Ash than she did Brax and that wasn't a lot. Brax may think he's protecting her, but she's an adult and can handle the truth rather than just wondering. Mind all that is academic now Ash has handed the majority of the money over to Phoebe, wasn't that just convenient, she estimated she needed $35,000 and Ash had it with $5,000 to spare!. Interesting the hypothetical talk Phoebe had with Ricky about paying someone with money you thought might well be dodgy, only to find Ricky knew all about it anyway. :wink:

To follow on from that, Neive may have taken the money but nothing has been settled for sure, nothing has been signed to release her from the contract and what about Phoebe's songs Neive already has, does she get to hold onto them and take the royalties?

So Maddy is Madeline as said by Nate and the name that came up on his screen. I'm glad Spencer was there with her Alf and Roo, she did ask him to go with them. Alf seemed pleased to see him. I know they haven't had much to do with each other lately but they do have an history and I'm with Angelica, she does seem more the old Maddy when with Spencer. Learning you have cancer is a big enough thing to hear when you are an adult but must be even tougher for a 17 year old. Good, if that is even the right word for it, to show a young person, aside from Belle a few years ago, can also contract cancer, hope they do the storyline justice. Is Roo going to let Maddy's actual mum know, she definitely ought to. I think even Evie would be sympathetic towards Maddy without seeming false.

Good to know Sophie's disappearance hasn't been forgotten.

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A very enjoyable scene in today's episode with Roo and Maddy on the bed talking about new year with Alf listening in. I thought it caught the moment very well and as I imagine most people in her boots would be thinking about all the hings they are yet to do in life, suddenly she finds she may not have a lot of time to do it. Quite heartbreaking really.

I thought it was quite odd Spencer having a go at Oscar for not going up to see Maddy a bit hypocritical as it appeared he only went yesterday because Irene dragged him there with her soup. AND, he's not really had much to do with her on the whole of late. I'm willing to forget though...

Matt has a done a 360 hasn't he!! Just wants to deliver pizzas, no real aspirations to going to uni and moving in Sasha. No wonder she's spooked.

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