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You know, when I saw it in the promo and even when I saw it in context, I thought Ricky was telling Brax that he got Casey killed by charging in playing the hero and cheered that someone finally said it. Silly of me to credit the show with that much bravery, as from later scenes it seems she actually meant that Casey got himself killed by charging in playing the hero, ignoring the role Brax played in that mess-up.Couldn't find much else to interest me in that storyline, it's the same conversations we've seen before (and same feeble excuses to show Stephen Peacocke with most of his clothes missing), and even the stinger with the police didn't tell us anything that wasn't obvious.

It always frustrates me when Irene and Leah randomly decide to stop teenagers spending the night together (even in this case, where I think Matt and Sasha are both 18) even though they let other couples do it under their house and even though they'll just do it when they're alone anyway.The whole thing didn't show anyone in a good light.Matt seemed to be assuming a lot by rushing ahead with plans to move in without checking it was what Sasha wanted, whereas Sasha came across as a bit snobby in places with lines like "When did we talk about moving in?" (as if that's not what they're doing) and then saying she's too busy to talk about it.And more of the very tired motif of Matt poking Spencer's cage for no good reason.

The cynic in me wants to point out that Maddy's yet another victim of the caravan park cancer cluster: Did anyone ever do anything after all that fuss Belle made?Kind of makes her urgency seem even more farcical.Continuity issues aside, while Maddy is written a bit too young at times I did really like the scene of her and Roo on the bed, it reinforced the bond that's there between them for all the arguing.I did think Spencer was out of line having a go at Oscar for not checking on her, but similarly I felt Oscar was a bit naïve thinking that just because she isn't pregnant there's nothing wrong, which didn't seem to be the case last week.I wasn't keen on Alf and to a lesser extent Roo acting like Maddy's bodyguards and trying to keep Oscar away without asking her what she wanted, and I'm glad he stood his ground and insisted on staying until she was asked.Maddy and Oscar...I'm reluctant to use the phrase but they're increasingly starting to seem like soul mates.I'm not saying she's interested in him romantically but there's a special closeness there.He's the first person she actually told herself about her cancer, just as he was the first person she told about her "pregnancy" and about both presumed paternities, and while those three might have been simply because he was the person least likely to have a go at her, that doesn't seem to be the case here.She only goes to the hospital once she's got him by her side.I'm just worried that we only got this storyline Monday and Tuesday last week, so we'll have to wait until next week to catch up with most of these characters.I accept that two episodes focusing on Maddy a week is two too many for some viewers, but for me it feels like I'm just getting into the storyline when I have to sit through three episodes without it.

As for Josh and Evelyn, given the way the promos seem to be all about "will they get back together" I'm not expecting them to be affected at all: I'm definitely not expecting an apology from Evelyn for the way she treated Maddy and we might not even get a throwaway line from her about it.Evelyn never seems to apologise except when I think she doesn't need to (whereas Maddy always apologises but then does something else anyway).

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So Maddie has cancer, wow we've never had that storyline before, oh well, hope its a happier outcome than Belle. Getting a bit fed up with Maddies storyline when there's more interesting stuff going on.

Unfortunately I think Matt's heading for a fall since they're building his hopes up so much, whenever anyone in a soap starts planning for a happy future disaster is sure to strike!

Haven't seen much of Zak lately.

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Red, I agree. The conversation between Ricky and Brax was the same conversation we keep hearing and it doesn't get anymore interesting. What's worse is that when Casey died and Brax found out about Ricky, he promised he would start putting his family first after the whole Jake Pirovic mess. And yet since then, Brax seems to be repeatedly putting himself in harms way. Brax is turning into new Maddy - apologising, promising to change, only to repeat the same thing a second later. It's frustrating because I feel his character is digressing so much. I also feel they have featured Ash too much in the start - I don't think he has been around long enough for me to be invested in his elusive sister. And I hope the promos are misleading and Ash won't start chasing Denny.

I thought Spencer was out of line with his outburst at Oscar (although I partly think this may be Spencer's guilt at his own lack of support). Although, I agree that Oscar was naive to think that nothing else might be going on, and given how upset Maddy was when she found out she wasn't pregnant, it seemed strange that he wasn't around. I agree, Red, Maddy seems to confide easily to Oscar in a way she doesn't confide in anyone else. I think it's because she knows he will be therefore her no matter what. I am not sure I would call them soulmates though, only because I don't think the converse is true (e.g during Oscar's eating disorder)

I am suspicious of anyone who starts happily planning for the future. Look how well that worked for Denny and Casey. Only makes me suspect that something bad will happen to Matt/Sasha. Last week, Sasha was excessively enthusiastic and Matt was cautious. Now the roles have reversed in a very short period of time.

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So Maddy is Madeline as said by Nate and the name that came up on his screen.

Wasn't it revealed some time ago that she was Madeline when Roo was trying to find out about her on the internet or have I missed something about your comment?

I see the stance has turned from some posters here from critical to sympathetic however the same cannot be said for me. It's not as if I want anything bad to happen to her. I just feel indifferent. Nothing. Not sure why I feel empty because there have been other characters in the past I haven't liked where the circumstances have been right which have allowed me to feel sorry for them but not in this case. I think it's probably a combination of the fact I can't feel anything from the acting (me being honest here) and also the cancer storylines have been done so many times (kind of like the kidnappings and rapes). The writers could have least been a little more creative and given her a different illness. I thought that Spencer was very hypocritical regarding Oscar but part of me felt he was projecting his own frustrations that he hadn't made any effort to see Maddy because he was wrapped up in other things. So I agree his little outburst was part guilt.

One thing that bothers me about the promos, is (and I know they did this a while back with Denny and Casey but it seems to be happening more frequently now) and that is some scenes aren't for the episode right afterwards so you look forward to seeing it and it doesn't happen. Quite frustrating and you're left wondering which episode it's actually going to appear in.

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So Maddy is Madeline as said by Nate and the name that came up on his screen.

Wasn't it revealed some time ago that she was Madeline when Roo was trying to find out about her on the internet or have I missed something about your comment?

One thing that bothers me about the promos, is (and I know they did this a while back with Denny and Casey but it seems to be happening more frequently now) and that is some scenes aren't for the episode right afterwards so you look forward to seeing it and it doesn't happen. Quite frustrating and you're left wondering which episode it's actually going to appear in.

Yes, it was mentioned her name was Madeleine (or however it's spelt) when she first came in.There was a comment on one thread, I'm not sure if it was this one or not, about Nate using her shortened name in a similar phone conversation last week, which didn't seem noteworthy to me but some people found it odd.

The promos seem to have been messed up by the erratic Australian scheduling, with the result that sometimes we get a promo for the next two episodes and sometimes just for the next one.And given that the scheduling's about to get even more confusing I'm not even going to try and predict beyond the end of the week because I'd probably be wrong, but I think we'll get one for the next two episodes today and one for just the next episode tomorrow.

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Roo's real name is Ruth BTW ;-)

I don't know about you but if someone handed me out of the blue $30,000 in used notes I'd be very suspicious and would assume they'd want it back at some point. So how come Phoebe doesn't bat an eyelid taking it off an ex con to give to Nieve? She doesn't even get a receipt or witness for the transaction!

Yes, Josh and Evelyn are an item as predicted by the psychic wombat lol.

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Brax really does seem to want Denny to die wearing a black dress and holding a photo of Casey.Even if he's only worried about Denny ending up as another one of Ash's one night stands when she's vulnerable, his whole "She's off-limits" attitude was pretty dogmatic.Ironically, it seems to have resulted in Denny and Ash hanging out when she didn't seem that interested before (although I guess she did ask Josh about him).It's a shame that Brax has had his three episodes so we probably won't see Denny giving him a piece of her mind next time.

Why would Josh want Evelyn back? The way I see it, she basically abandoned him when he could have used her support, and only wants him back because she doesn't have to deal with a baby.I get that him cheating on her is a reason to be upset but I really didn't like that all the focus seemed to be on how badly he's treated her and how wonderful she is for giving him another chance.At least we briefly had Zac and Evelyn in the same room.

Sasha really should have found out just what Matt was trying to get Leah to agree to before encouraging him.It's hard to shake the feeling that Leah asked Nate to move in mainly so Sasha couldn't, so it's a shame we didn't get a moment when she tried to spring her coup only to find Sasha wasn't moving in anyway, and the boys had already come up with an alternate use for the room.So...was the plan for Sasha and Matt to be in separate rooms, in which case I'm not sure what Leah's problem was?Or were both Sasha and Matt going to move into the (bigger?) spare room.

And after my tutorial...we didn't get a promo.I guess that's one solution.

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Yeah I thought it was a bit random to be all sasha can't have the room but Nate can. Very strange.

The minute I saw Ash and Denny's scene at the stat of the episode I went" uh ohhhhh, Brax will squash that" so I've grown to accept that from him. I can imagine it being quite awkward your cell mate with your dead brothers girlfriend. Remember Casey worshipped her. I guess he's just trying to keep Casey's memory going. Brax is still struggling what with visiting the grave often etc.

I hope they find Sophie soon (not that many appear to be looking since she sedated a nurse and did a bunk) she's been gone for ages!!

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I was the same as you Red, I thought Ricky meant Brax charging in got Casey killed when she meant Casey got himself killed by playing the hero. He was after all trying to keep Brax out of it. So Brax promises, again, to be more open with Ricky and they have a heart to heart on their bed, and that everything is going to be fine from now on, don't you just know that's the kiss of death!

Didn't Oscar play the 'you need to go and see Maddy' card on Spencer when she thought she was pregnant without actually revealing what was up with her? It could be Oscar was still smarting from not being a dad after all. If he can get over his feelings for her, he and her could be good friends, he did persuade her to go back to the hospital to hear what the options were. I guess it happens to most people they tune out once they hear the word cancer. Touching scene of Alf standing outside of Maddy's room (haven't seen those for a while) while her and Roo were talking inside, he does kind of look on Maddy as a surrogate granddaughter. Still no mention of Mrs. Osbourne being told. It's up to her of course but will Maddy be telling Josh at any time, it's not as if it will remain a secret for long. I'm no fan of Maddy, but I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy. I hope this doesn't sound callous but I hope she doesn't milk it for all it's worth.

I know it was only a throw away scene but the police have found Dean's body, but how, did they get a tip off? It's not as if he was a well liked member of the community so would be missed if he hadn't shown up for a few days.

Well psychic Phoebe was dubious about accepting the money from Ash, that's why she ran it by Ricky who seemed OK with it. But she should have got a receipt from Neive.

Like banning young couples from sleeping with each other in your house is really going to work, especially as in Leah's case she has Zac living with her and no it's not different!! As long as they are being careful and are over 16, Matt was referred to as being 18, if they are going to sleep together they will.

There were three blokes each making decisions about the women in their lives without thinking 'hey they've got minds of their own'. Brax, although knowing Ash's rep would be concerned about him making a move on Denny when her feelings are still raw over Casey, should credit her with some sense. Ash didn't have a clue who she was until Brax told him and that would have been enough but no he has to tell him to 'back off'. She certainly didn't seem impressed when Ash told he knew about Casey, she had asked who he was after all, so there is a flicker of interest there. I did like her 'I can look after myself' line when Ash when he told her Brax told him to stay away.

Then there was Matt 'deciding' he and Sasha were moving into Leah's spare room without asking her if it was what she wanted. I can see his reasoning, if he and Sash living at Leah's didn't work out then they could have put living together at uni on hold. Leah jumped the gun by asking Nate to move in to scupper his plan when by the time she got home, he changed hi mind and it was going to be a study/play room for him and VJ.

Lastly Josh 'deciding' he wouldn't get back with Evelyn as he had hurt her enough in the past, when as when we saw them together it was what they both wanted. Will Maddy's news, once it's revealed throw another spanner in the works? Brax advised him to actually talk to her, as did Denny advising Evelyn to talk to Josh, but in Brax's case it was a tad pot, kettle, black.

Hasn't Nate made the 'we're over' speech to Sophie before?

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