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H&alover I was also taken a back with Josh.s 12 hour turnaround on that one. I guess it's because he found out about Maddy's illness inbetween which only indicates that he and Evie should give it up. He's messed with her here though because he told her he loved her earlier on. Which he seems to say quite lightly.

Is anybody else finding Leah annoying when she's talking to VJ? Usually I can cope with it but she was driving me mad today. That whole burnt toast thing and she was like shouting at him but was happy that he wasn't wasteful. Odd. I'm glad the report cards were good for VJ he could do with a break from her. Unless this means she thinks he will definitely stick at school now when in fact he really doesn't want to...? I thought Maz's reaction to Jett's lack of focus was just reading too much into it.

Hannah and Andy. Not again. Please. This will obviously go down like a lead balloon with Denny.

H&alover I was also taken a back from Josh and his 12 hour turnaround with Evie. I guess it is because he had found out about Maddy's illness inbetween but he's led Evie along there. He told her he loved her which he seems to say quite lightly.

Is anyone else finding Leah really annoying when she's talking to VJ? That toast scene she's sounding like she was shouting at him but was having a joke and saying she has a good son. I think I'm just struggling with VJ2.0 and her having a good bond I think, whereas she literally raised the old VJ and you could see that come across onscreen. I'm glad he got a good report card though because at least he can have a break from LeAh unless this just builds her hopes up for staying in school...? I thought Maz's reaction to Jett's lack of focus was an over reaction and I thought she read too much into it.

Hannah and Andy again?! No thanks! Can see that going down like a lead ballon with Denny.

I had been wondering where the promo's got to (was downloading on sky's demand 5) but I watched today's broadcast at 1:15 and it turned out there's another competition. I'll second previous posters views the promos are a mess, all the wrong episodes and some days they're there some days they're not, they'll show you something on Mondays that aren't shown until Thursday its a bit silly. I've stopped watching them now as they give away too much anyway.

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I think Leah wanted to fill the spare room up ASAP after Matt wanting Sasha to have it. Nate will pay board but Leah should have run it past Zak I think. Surprised Leah didn't want another female in the male dominated household, but I guess it could have led to teenage sex taking place which is not on in Australia it seems.

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It's a bit abrupt but I rather liked the stuff between Denny and Ash and there was a definite spark between them.And I liked Ash's "Oh god, Brax is going to kill me..." look afterwards.But then that wretched engagement ring from the engagement that never happened rears its ugly head and I'm banging my head against the wall as Denny puts the silly thing on as if she's declaring herself off limits and deciding to spend however much more time wallowing over Casey.Give me a break.

And then we have Andy and Hannah.Denny points out in no uncertain terms why getting back with Andy is a terrible idea.Hannah put her family in danger before because she couldn't keep her knickers on, had Andy stashing drugs at the farm and dragging them into his world, and frankly he's got worse since then and I'm far from convinced he's "changed".But he turns up at the hospital and she gets it on with him just like that.In a hospital room, while she's meant to be working.The sort of thing that the show presents as irresponsible and wrong, except when it's not.It felt like we were supposed to be going "Wow, that's hot!" when we should have been going "Wow, that's sleazy!"(Mind you, while I don't put Ash in Andy's league, Denny seems to be on the verge of getting another boyfriend with a shady background.)

Okay, I was wrong about Josh and Evelyn being unaffected by Maddy's cancer.But in a way I wasn't, because their storyline's still basically playing out in isolation.Maddy isn't in the episode so we don't get the scene between her and Josh that we need to make the storyline work, although the phone message was a decent attempt.And instead of giving Evelyn a chance to react to the fact Maddy's got cancer, we get a scene of Josh breaking up with her and not telling her why, meaning it's all about her when it shouldn't be.It makes sense in plot terms, since Josh has been told not to tell her, but the emotional emphasis is all wrong.And I'm not even sure why Josh broke up with her.Is it because he doesn't want to rub Maddy's face in it when she's in a bad place?(I would hope Maddy would have more to worry about but...yeah, I can see her getting upset about it.)Is it because he still needs to support Maddy and Evelyn wasn't willing to put up with that before?I really hope we get the necessary scenes at some point because at the moment it just feels incomplete.(And yes, H&Alover, Oscar did send Josh to see Maddy without telling him why, but I don't think he was as hostile towards him as Spencer was towards Oscar.)

I actually quite liked Leah and VJ's banter over the kitchen table, and I hope the fact that VJ got good results means an end to him dropping out of school.Marilyn was irritating though.John is actually quite right, even though the writing suggests otherwise:An employer's only going to look at Jett's marks, they're not going to study the comments.And then, abruptly, it seems to switch from Marilyn thinking Jett should pay attention to the comments and do something about them to Marilyn thinking her little darling couldn't possibly be at fault and wanting an explanation from Zac as to how he could possibly write such things.Sigh.

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At the risk of bringing down the wrath of everyone on my head I think Andy and Hannah make a good couple. Curious it took Ash to make both Andy and Josh to make the decision as what to do about the ladies in their lives. Andy and Hannah using one of the usual rooms of choice, storeroom, laundry room, empty office in a hospital to get it on, same thing happens all the time in Holby City and it wasn't that long ago it was Hannah and Nate. I'll repeat what I've already said Hannah is an adult.

There is a definite spark between Ash and Denny, could the fact she's decided to start wearing the engagement ring is to protect herself from getting into deep with Ash? Despite his reputation with women I don't think Ash would take unfair advantage of Denny.

At least, for once, someone, in this case Josh, didn't walk into the Diner and overhear something they shouldn't, it was at the caravan park house and he just happened to walk in when Alf mentioned the word cancer. He wouldn't have even turned up there if John hadn't, innocently, said she'd been in hospital. He did give Roo and Alf his word he wouldn't tell anyone and could he for some strange reason feel guilty Maddy's got cancer? Be interesting to see how their conversation goes if we ever see it. I think Spencer was annoyed with Oscar because when he thought he may be the dad he couldn't keep away from Maddy but after he seemed just to drop her.

I liked the glimpse of ordinary life scene of VJ scrapping off the burnt bits off the toast and like most parents Leah fretting about his report card. Good that both he (much to his surprise) and Jett could good marks, though I disagree about employers not taking any notice about remarks made by teachers, good marks are important of course but so is the attitude of the pupil, their future employee, will they listen to instructions etc.

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I actually laughed at the Hannah/Andy stuff. I still think Andy deserves better but objectively he doesn't have any other options at the moment so he might as well go out with her for now anyway. Denny was so self-righteous yesterday, I'm looking forward to seeing her reaction when she realises it's back on. Hannah seems to like getting it on at work doesn't she? Strictly speaking she should be up on a disciplinary.

Disappointed with Josh and Evelyn but it was expected. They are both going to be miserable for nothing. Josh should not let Maddy's cancer guilt trip him into being not being happy. It will be interesting to see Evelyn's reaction when this comes out.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four (and he was credited on Wednesday for no appearance).Roo was also in four.

The thing that irritates me about Hannah's conduct is that back when Dexter was getting up to that sort of thing with someone who wasn't April it was treated as evidence that she was a wrong 'un and bad for him, and he got dragged through a load of disciplinaries as "punishment", but if it's two regulars doing it then apparently that's okay and we should be cheering them on.It's hard not to read an ulterior motive into Andy's "taking it slowly":I think he's playing hard to get and Hannah definitely looked like she was contemplating more when he left her.I did smile though at his pulling a chair out for her and completely failing to twig that Kyle was already doing that.

Maybe it's because I've never been entirely convinced by the bond between them but the fact that the show seems incapable of showing Kyle and Phoebe in a good place without making a big deal about them getting on grates somewhat and comes across as a bit shallow.Well, as suspected, we hadn't seen the last of Neive.At least she brought the money back.Marilyn's behaviour towards Zac was cringe-inducing and it did seem to come partly out of jealousy that Leah had better bragging rights than her, but at least John and Jett appreciated it.

I cringed when Maddy lost it with Oscar, burying her head in the sand and refusing to do anything about her cancer treatment.But as the episode went on it was clear that she only did it because if she doesn't get angry or ignore it, then it terrifies her.I'm not sure if she's been convinced by the end of the episode or not but if she has, I think maybe it took both her mother and her best friend to do it.The last scene between Maddy and Oscar was so sweet I wanted to hug them both.Oscar's "I love you, don't freak out" suggests to me that this really has moved on from him hanging around in the hope she notices him: It's almost quixotic, he cares enough to be there for her whether she feels the same way or not.(It was almost a reversal of her kissing him and telling him not to take it the wrong way.)I know Kassandra's acting has had a bit of criticism but personally I think she's one of the best young actors on the show, she manages to put so much into one reaction shot.

Promo watch: That one seemed to be a typical Friday promo for the whole of next week, since for the first time in ages our weeks match one of the Australian broadcast weeks.

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You know, I had it in the back of mind the recollection that Oscar and Evie's mum died of cancer which certainly explains his concern about Maddy not having chemo. I can also see why Hannah would be worried that Oscar is getting too involved because of that. Roo was right she can't be forced, but now she has decided, lets hope she goes into it with the right frame of mind. It may not work, but at least she will have given it chance to.

Had to smile at Andy and Hannah's dinner, there he was all dressed up and she was all casual, have to applaud his effort though. She certainly looked stunned when he said goodnight and walked off, they had both agreed to take it slowly hadn't they?

Oh Maz, I felt quite sorry for John and Jett, Zac certainly got grilled. Maz seemed to forget there are other pupils in Zac's class and it's only VJ's report she knows about. Was that a bluff by Zac that he put what he did to encourage Jett to do better next time or the truth?

Ah the reappearance of Neive and what looked like to be a 'new' contract. From what we 'saw' though would part of this 'new' contract have a clause about Phoeb's not getting drunk/ taking drugs in which case the contract is terminated instantly and she has no come back at all? I guess no-one, but no-one crosses Neive. :devil: We did see, I guess a minion of Neive, dropping a suspicious powder into her drink. I did love that song Kyle did for Phoebe, so poignant and so like him. :wub: Plus of course we have the drama of the bus crash caused by Sophie. At least we won't have to wait x amount of weeks to find out what happens!

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I am still not feeling Andy/Hannah. I think her hooking up with Andy at work was especially cringeworthy given how she had done the same with Nate not too long ago. With this, and leaving keys for controlled drugs lying around so people like Sophie can steal drugs makes me wonder how that girl still has a job. It seems unbelievable that Denny is meant to be about 7-8 years younger than Hannah, and just a million times more mature.

Marilyn was a bit zealous but I think Zac gave a fair explanation for the comments on his report card.

I thought Oscar and Maddy's last scene was sweet, even if I don't necessarily think that Maddy has done anything to deserve such unconditional support from Oscar.

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I'm with Angelica on the Handy situation. Complete bag of cringe. Especially "I've changed" swiftly followed by a cheesy walk off down the peer.

I'm glad Oscar got through to Maddy's I'm really enjoying their scenes together at the moment. I think he's a very impressionable character and I do fear his feelings may get hurt again following the "I love you" speech however it made for a very cute scene at the time.

Neive's back and it looks like she's honoring a refund!! We all said it didn't look final when she handed that money over. Let's hope they can work it out so Kyle's situation doesn't hamper her dream!

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