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Can't believe I'm saying this but I really enjoyed the Andy/Hannah scenes and couldn't stop smiling through them. Although it was more Andy I was smiling at. I've found him most likeable when he's been dating her although I'm not a particular fan of the couple.

Found the stuff with Oscar and Maddy quite mundane. He clearly cares about her but he's certainly using the situation to his advantage. And of course he needs her to get better. He was smart telling her that he loved her. He knew due to her present state of mind there's no way she would have rejected him that time. His previous methods of hanging around her hoping that she will fall in love with him haven't really worked. But this differs because if he plays his cards right there's a chance Maddy could become dependent which could open up certain possibilities.

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I both did and didn't enjoy the Maddy and Oscar stuff.I smiled when he turned up at the house and felt sorry for him when he was left out in the corridor but...I don't think either of them's behaving entirely fairly here.It does seem like Maddy's making up the rules about when she wants to see Oscar and when she doesn't, while Oscar making a big deal about his declaration of love (which was fairly evident and which is hardly the most important thing in Maddy's life at the moment) felt a bit selfish.Their hug at the end simultaneously brought tears to my eyes and left me wondering if it was really a good idea, given the effect it's likely to have on Oscar.But then he's got a lot of self-doubt about whether he can be strong for Maddy and maybe it showed him that she has faith in him.It's reached the point where Maddy's staring into the abyss and Roo and Oscar telling her she's wonderful and patting her on the arm aren't enough to get her out of it, especially with the double whammy that even if she survives she might be infertile, mere weeks after she was looking forward to motherhood.I thought Alf's "girls night" had backfired at first but he got it spot on: Irene and Marilyn surviving the cancer cluster gave her hope for the future.

I really wasn't keen on Brax chucking money at Ash as if that's going to solve everything.Money can't buy you happiness, much less a family, and he probably took pleasure from thinking it was helping someone he likes.Andy trying to usher Hannah away before she could find out he'd slept with Neive was a bit cowardly, so I'm glad it blew up on him even though Hannah's reason for getting angry was a bit thin: She accepts him sleeping with other people while they're apart, but not that he did it because he thought he didn't have a chance with her?

You know I actually found myself liking Neive here, especially with the way she gave short shrift to Brax without even looking round.The promo at the end of last week did leave open the suggestion that whatever happens she isn't a part of it, despite her enigmatic phone call here.But once again Phoebe and Kyle fail to get through an episode without her using him for comfort/celebratory sex.

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I also warned to Neive in today's episode. I liked that she was slightly more accommodating but still kept her swagger with Brax. The phone call sounded like she had something to do with the impending crash and potentially hurting Kyle or at the very least keeping him at bay (excuse the pun) which makes me nervous and leaves a bad taste of it turns out to be true. I'm glad things are back on track for Pheobe though.

I can't elaborate on Handy. They're off again now. Seen it before. Yawn.

I'm growing increasingly concerned for Oscar. The poor mite was left out of the room and I think Hannah having time free really helped him. If he gets in too deep it may very well result in Oscar losing somebody else he love to cancer, remember his mum lost her battle, and his kind nature will get him hurt. Glad Maddy eventually went to see him as that may be the reassurance Oscar needs. And I agree it was a very teary hug!

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When I saw the promo where Hannah was questioning Andy if they should be getting back together, I wondered what had happened then when I saw Neive at the Angelo's the same time Andy and Hannah were due to have lunch, I knew it would have something to do with that. What is Hannah's problem exactly? So Andy slept with Neive because he thought Hannah wasn't interested. It's not as if they were together so I don't think it was that childish. And at least Neive isn't married. Apart from that, I quite liked how Andy's gone back to having the Chesire cat smile across his face.

I couldn't believe Neive was being so...reasonable and making so many concessions. So when she got the phonecall at the end that explained the change in attitude I guess.

I'm still not feeling this cancer storyline at all and to make matters worse, she's not going to be losing her hair once she starts kemo. That would have at least made it more believable for me. The summer bay cancer survivor rate is actually quite high so I guess it bodes well for Maddy. Apart from Belle, out of all the people who have had it I can't think of anybody else who has died. It seems like Oscar is literally at her beck and call, almost waiting for the phone to ring to see how he can serve her next. I've actually changed my mind from my last post. Whilst I do think Oscar ultimately wants a relationship with Maddy I don't think he's smart enough or emotionally equipped to have a well thought out plan with regards to winning her over. I think he's just trying to hang in there and support her and hope for the best. His reaction when he thought Roo was serious about not wanting him around and the way he didn't want to rock the boat with Maddy suggest treading on eggshells which in his case as I mentioned before ultimately means desperation. Having thought more about the situation and watching the scenes from today, I actually think this relationship (obviously not in the romantic sense) is quite unhealthy. It's a bit early on but I think Maddy will become dependant on Oscar even though she appears to be pulling the strings. Although Oscar is letting her do this. But also, Oscar will be reliving the situation with his mother, all this just to have a shot at romance. Not good for either of them.

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Oh Alf, you were inspired!!! Of course Roo wants to help, but only someone who has been through it can really understand. That's when he had his light bulb moment and by the way I read his change in posture meant he had thought of something. Maz saying "We're not just here as friends, we're (meaning her and Irene) survivors". Although we didn't hear the conversation Maddy did seem to be more relaxed and that must have made her go and see Oscar.

Being left infertile isn't something a 17 year old would need to think about but seeing as she had just thought she was pregnant it would mean more to her. Certainly a different kind of treatment scraping cells of the ovary and replacing it at a later date, even though Nate made no promises, but at least there is a chance. I think it was right it was just Roo and Maddy with Nate, pretty intimate details being talked about. Fairly normal thing for a woman, whatever their age, to worry about losing their hair due to chemo.

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New character alert!!! Pink Teddy. And she might just steal the show!!

So Maddy has had the procedure done and chris is back. Can't help but notice another complete overreaction from Spencer, I don't know what it is about him but over the last few months I've really gone off him. Although I understand his bi-polar could be a real problem for him whilst worrying about Maddy and if we read between the lines that's why chris shot back to the bay. Had to smile at Irene's updates. You can imagine her emails and how they'd sound can't you...

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Spencer does seem to have found himself superseded by Oscar in terms of being Maddy's go-to person, as does Josh.The issue of Maddy's parents was given as much attention as it deserved and can now be dropped: She doesn't want them coming back to her out of pity any more than she wants Josh.Oscar's reaction to overhearing the details of her operation put her at ease perfectly and his offer of Pink Ted (who I thought of as male, guess we'll have to wait and see) just made me want to hug and both.After a quick look at BTTB's deaths list, Slade, Flynn died of cancer, so did Romeo (albeit off screen) and a rather large number of guest characters.I'm not expecting Maddy to (I'm certainly hoping she doesn't) but the possibility is there.

Chris is back and he's a regular, although you need to squint to see.First time in a long while they've promoted someone I actually liked, despite John's lukewarm reception to him.His "typhoon" excuse reminded me just why I've missed him and it's a shame he got turned away at the hospital.Is Maddy's cancer a secret or not though? Josh didn't tell Evelyn, Hannah didn't tell Andy, but Spencer tells Chris just like that? It is a shame Spencer reacted like that at the end, hopefully he'll calm down quickly.

Ricky's planning embarrassing baby photos already.I dunno, Brax made me a bit uncomfortable with the way he tried to bin the outfit and the way he was already planning his son to be "the boss of men": I'd have hoped he'd want something better than that, although maybe he was talking in general terms.Nate's surprise...so does that mean Sophie's still hanging around stalking him?

Promo watch: That looked like a promo for the rest of the week, leading up to the finale.And it looked like Neive was more involved in...something than I suggested yesterday.Guess we'll have to wait and see.

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Promo watch: That looked like a promo for the rest of the week, leading up to the finale.And it looked like Neive was more involved in...something than I suggested yesterday.Guess we'll have to wait and see.

As previously mentioned ive been skipping the promos to reduce the onset of confusion however after reading Red's post I've gone back and watched today's. OH EM GEE moment of the week thus far from Neive there. Looks like a set up!

P.S I like the idea of Pink Ted being male.

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Completely forgot about Romeo and Flynn.

Anyway, yesterday's episode was just dreadful as far as I'm concerned. My reaction was the same as John's when Chris turned up. I really, really thought he had gone for good. And no surprise he was immediately being a pain in the backside. Idiot.

The vast majority of that episode was Maddy centric much to my dismay and as I predicted unfortunately. I seriously wanted to strangle Oscar. He's was so annoying and completely pathetic around Maddy. He seemed to get quite protective when Josh wanted to simply check if she was OK. Which was ironic given that he was even worse than that before. I actually wanted Josh to ignore him and go to see Maddy anyway just to wind him up. However I do understand her not wanting anything to do with him at the moment. And I think Josh should just forget about Maddy until she wants to see him again and perhaps focus on Evelyn. I'll be very disappointed if Roo doesn't contact Maddy's parents. Maddy's their daughter and they have a right to know that she could be dying. Just like Roo had a right to know about Martha. It shouldn't be about what Maddy wants, it should be about what is right. Spencer surprised me but I found it quite funny.

Best part of that episode was the scene with Nate, Ricky and Brax in the hospital. The way Nate announced that another male Braxton was on the way was brilliant.

Looking at the promo hopefully Sophie will be back in today's episode.

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I thought John's and Irene's reactions to Chris's return were hilarious. Favourite party of the episode.

I was glad that Maddy told Josh that she didn't want his pity. I was relieved that she wasn't using the cancer thing just to get close to Josh. However, I do find myself feeling a little uncomfortable about Oscar/Maddy interactions. They just seem to be developing quite a dependent relationship which does not seem entirely healthy. Slade, I don't remember Oscar being especially protective about Maddy around Josh - Maddy was with Spencer when Josh was trying to talk to Maddy. I thought Oscar was quite reasonable in his reassurance to Josh - i.e that Maddy will come to him when she was ready but that he didn't have to worry as Maddy was not alone. Talking about Flynn (I can't believe you for got about his death!), I really wish Sally was still in the show - after all if anyone understands about having ovarian cancer and dealing with infertility it would have, it would have been her.

I am not sure what the best solution is for Maddy's parents. I am glad that the topic was raised as I thought that they would gloss over that fact. We don't really know how involved Maddy's parents are - do they send Roo money? Do they ever inquire to how Maddy is doing? Technically, Maddy is old enough so that even if she was at home, she does not need her parents to consent on her behalf for any medical interventions. So the question is only whether morally they should know.

I think the best bit about the Maddy storyline has been the Roo/Alf scenes and how helpless they both feel because they want to fix it for her.

Spencer did overreact but I think this is all about how Spencer feels he has so little control on the stuff going on in his life.

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