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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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It's hard to know what the state of play is between Maddy and her parents: From what we've seen, they appear to have abdicated all responsibility for her, with Alf and Roo in the role of guardians. Maybe they're owed something for looking after her for 15/16 years but in the circumstances I think abiding by Maddy's wishes is the right thing to do.Roo went behind her back and contacted them once before because she thought it was "right" and it just caused more upheaval and upset for everyone.

Today! I rolled my eyes at Denny wearing the ring Casey "gave" her...because actually it was Brax and Ricky that gave it to her, Casey just bought it.It's a pretty random and vaguely unhealthy thing to be doing, so I'm glad Brax was concerned and isn't going to expect her to live like a nun for the next seventy years.I actually think Ash could be quite good for her if she was open to it.Andy and Hannah just bored me: There are a hundred reasons why she shouldn't let him touch her with a barge pole, but she's being so self-righteous about it that I can't bring myself to have any sympathy for either of them.Some good moments of Kyle learning about his nephew (and good that Heath was remembered) and decent comedy with everyone bar Brax planning to go to the launch.Good that Matt's taking a chance;I don't think Sasha meant to put him off, she's always encouraged his music in the past.

I mostly just rolled my eyes at the Nate/Sophie stuff.Given how long she's been hidden, you'd have thought she'd have been somewhere well out of the way.Instead it turns out she hasn't gone any further than the pier, then she hangs around near the Diner just to make it absolutely ridiculous that she hasn't been seen, before decamping to the town's only motel room.Where exactly have they been looking?! And then, after everything he's said about calling the police if they see Sophie, Nate goes straight round to her room just because she rang him up and went "I'm so sorry, I want help, come and take me to the hospital." I'm really hoping he's told the police where she is and they're on their way, otherwise he really is too dumb to live.

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I was naughty and watched 5* today too so I'm not going to say much for fear of spoiling anything. Looks like Brax and Ricky are in a really good place at the moment and although unlikely to last long I like the current situation. It also looks as though Brax might not be so against Denny moving on and she looked like she could really do with that pep talk. Good on Brax.

I agree with Red I found it strange Bate just going round to the motel like that when he made a fuss about calling the police when she's seen. What is evident though is that Sophie really needs help and her constantly starting to call him and posting the strange photo is very concerning.

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I agree, Hannah has been annoying self-righteous about the whole thing. And it seems weird for her to lecture him on behaving like a two year old, and then subsequently do the childish thing of trying to ignore him.

Nate is ridiculously stupid. He should have called the police the minute he knew where she was and he certainly should not have gone there on his own especially after all of Zac's warnings about how crazy Sophie has been behaving.

Brax/Ricky have been quite sweet, which doesn't bode well in terms of the lead up to the finale.

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Don't you just know all of Ricky and Brax's happiness has 'disaster just waiting to happen' written all over it, remember Casey and Denny. And has Ricky been on the laughing gas?

I had to log off on Tuesday before saying more. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who wasn't surprised by Neive's phone call, she would never give in so easily to Phoebe's demands, she's a new signing and it's far too early for her to expect Neive (or any new boss) to comply so to everything she wants. She was still very dismissive of Kyle who apologised for the way he had acted towards her.

Did Chris really come back because of the hints Irene may have dropped about Spencer not coping? He certainly wasn't too pleased when he worked out why Chris was back.

Oscar does seem to have become Maddy's confidante, does she know how his mum died? I may be totally wrong, but could her feelings be changing towards him or is it just because of what is happening at the moment? I'm glad someone, namely Roo, finally mentioned Maddy's parents, fair enough Maddy is old enough to say she doesn't want them to know, because they would come charging down to the bay and want to take over, thinking they know what is best for her. But she is still their daughter, though I hope Roo respects her wishes, if the worse should happen and the chemo doesn't work then will be the time to talk about it again.

Brax was pretty sharp to work out why Denny had started wearing Casey's ring, but he can't decide for her when to move on, it's got to be when it's right for her. She may feel an attraction for Ash but probably feels guilty it's too soon. Everyone moves on from a loss like that at their own pace, there are no hard and fast rules.

As for Hannah and Andy, so it was OK for him to play away as he and Hannah weren't together, but the moment she discovered he did it because he thought she didn't want to get back together with him it wasn't? Confused dot.com. :unsure::rolleyes:

Loved Nate's remark along the lines of Oh no another male Braxton. :D Eugene sounds a pretty good masculine name, any bets against the second name being Casey? I liked Heath got included and Kyle was well chuffed.

Back to Phoebe - I liked how she asked for Matt to be her support act and good advice from VJ for ,him to go for it. Sasha was talking in general about people taking a shot at pop fame and how many don't make it. Matt should definitely go for it, so nothing may come of it and he doesn't get signed up, but at least he would have given it a shot, had fun at the same time, better than not going and always wondering 'what if'.

Back to Nate - not all Brits are that thick, honest, plus he's supposed to be a doctor, you know clever and all that. Seems he can no more keep away from Sophie than she can keep away from him. On the subject of her being at that motel, how has she managed to pay for the room, food and the meal she has prepared for her and Nate? She can't have had that much money on her when she left the hospital and I know I'm being whimsical here, wouldn't the police have been alerted if her credit cards were used?

Just why was Brax so annoyed about Ash giving 'his' money to help Phoebe, he told him to do what he liked with it. Good idea btw stowing it in the food store at Angelo's.

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You can tell it's nearly the finale because the episodes start to be brimming full of characters.A nice moment between Spencer and Josh, Maddy's two ex-boyfriends who still care about her but aren't part of her immediate circle anymore and are left waiting for news.I loved Chris trying to joke Spencer out of his depression, and loved even more when he realised the situation was too serious for that and just supported him.VJ and Zac's male bonding was great as well, especially the way VJ tells Leah they won't get pizza while handing one to Zac.Again, the rules about who's allowed to know about Maddy's cancer and who isn't seem spurious.Hannah rightly doesn't say anything to Evelyn and Josh says he can't tell her...but it's all right to tell Brax?I'm trying to make allowances for Evelyn not knowing the full story but she was annoying again with her attempt to act like she'd been a paragon of virtue throughout her relationship, ignoring the cheating at the beginning and the fact she broke up with Josh for arguably selfish reasons.(Incidentally...I've no idea if Maddy knows how Oscar's mother died, possibly not, despite her being one of the ones who befriended him when he first came to Summer Bay.)

I really couldn't bring myself to care about the Nate and Sophie stuff.It's official, Nate's an idiot and pretty much solely to blame for everything that happened here and everything that may happen in the future given Sophie's diminished responsibility.He knows she's dangerous, he knows where she is, and he just wanders in with no back-up and no-one knowing where he is. Idiot. I was left hoping she'd torch them both but no, apparently he has to, ahem, prove he loves her.I did smile at her having a rock handy to bash him with though.

I am getting more and more intrigued about Neive, who seems to be in full-on supervillain mode, and her plans for Phoebe.It was nice to see a different side to Phoebe with her encouraging Matt but it's hard to tell what Neive's hoping to achieve.She obviously doesn't care about the launch so what, is she going to discredit Phoebe and make sure no other label will ever want to sign her in a "If I can't have her, no-one can" kind of way?

Promo watch: Looked like it was just for tomorrow's finale.

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I don't remember Oscar being especially protective about Maddy around Josh - Maddy was with Spencer when Josh was trying to talk to Maddy. I thought Oscar was quite reasonable in his reassurance to Josh - i.e that Maddy will come to him when she was ready but that he didn't have to worry as Maddy was not alone. Talking about Flynn (I can't believe you for got about his death!), I really wish Sally was still in the show - after all if anyone understands about having ovarian cancer and dealing with infertility it would have, it would have been her.

I think you have a point about Oscar. Thinking it about it again he was a lot better than Spencer was towards him last week. I'm finding Oscar so unbearable at the moment that I guess it reflected in my comment. I'm actually starting to dislike him because of Maddy tbh which is a shame. Re Flynn, that's embarrassing. Romeo too.

I think Andy should keep his distance from Hannah now. Maybe perhaps try and look for someone else. She gave a pretty weak argument for not wanting to be with him last week anyway. I willing to put money on the fact this won't last for long.

Quite frustrated that even though Maddy wasn't in yesterday's episode re Spencer and Josh in particular it was all about her. I'm hoping that Evelyn finds out about Maddy soon just to see how she reacts although Maddy won't want any of her pity either.

I'm loving crazy Sophie now. Really enjoyed her taking Nate out and seeing the look of fear in his face when he realised she was prepared to burn them both alive. And the way he desperately tried to convince her that he loved her (not). I agree with all the posters that said Nate was incredibly stupid for going to the hotel room on his own. He's obviously an intelligent person in one sense i.e. a doctor but being intelligent doesn't necessarily equate to having common sense.

Looking forward to today's episode.

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My thinking exactly Red, Sophie hits Nate with a brick she just happened to have hidden as you do! :rolleyes: Nate had a perfect opportunity to delay Sophie burning them alive, by blowing out the candle, but did he, did he heck!!!

Hannah was definitely struggling as to whether to tell Evelyn about Maddy after they bumped into Josh, but I'm glad she didn't. Don't think when, as she will, finds out Evelyn will pity Maddy, sympathise maybe, they are more or less the same age. Brax is kind of family to Josh so can see why he told him and Brax isn't one to blab stuff like that. I liked Chris's attempt to cheer up Spencer, then just be there for him, which proves as I have said before he does have a sensitive side. VJ and Zac were good together, having a naughty pizza and playing on the play station. Brief mention if VJ had heard from Nate, but that was all.

Good idea Slade about Andy staying away from Hannah, she'll be back with him sooner or later, though I have a feeling it will be sooner rather than later. :wink:

I think maybe Neive is planning total humiliation for Phoebe, she gets to fire her and no recompense for Phoebe. She's arranged for Ash and Andy to be taken care of so she can put her evil plan in place. :devil: Loved the stunned look on Matt's face when he saw the set up and before his nerves took hold he was singing well, great pep talk from Phoebe. Keeping it secret from Sasha didn't last long, but the moment she asked VJ why he (Matt) didn't tell her she remembered what she had said to him the day before.

Right as we have seen Sophie grabs the steering wheel and steers into the path of the bus, which Kyle is driving, Brax is following, all been a bit of a blur so tonight should make it all clearer.

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I don't remember Oscar being especially protective about Maddy around Josh - Maddy was with Spencer when Josh was trying to talk to Maddy. I thought Oscar was quite reasonable in his reassurance to Josh - i.e that Maddy will come to him when she was ready but that he didn't have to worry as Maddy was not alone. Talking about Flynn (I can't believe you for got about his death!), I really wish Sally was still in the show - after all if anyone understands about having ovarian cancer and dealing with infertility it would have, it would have been her.

I think you have a point about Oscar. Thinking it about it again he was a lot better than Spencer was towards him last week. I'm finding Oscar so unbearable at the moment that I guess it reflected in my comment. I'm actually starting to dislike him because of Maddy tbh which is a shame. Re Flynn, that's embarrassing. Romeo too.

I know what you mean about Oscar. I don't think his interactions with Maddy tend to do him any favours as a character. I think for me, it is mainly the fact that I often feel uncomfortable watching him follow Maddy like a puppy dog. I do think everyone seems to expect a lot from him in terms of being there for Maddy (Roo and Alf often seem to step back and leave Oscar to support Maddy - not sure that is entirely fair).

I am glad that Hannah didn't tell Evie about Maddy - regardless of the loose rules on who is allowed to know about Maddy's cancer (I actually respected Hannah for not telling Evie - very few times I can say that about Hannah).

I did think we got lots of good scenes between characters: loved Chris and Spencer, loved Zac and VJ (especially the bit with VJ on the phone to Leah promising not to get pizza while holding a box of pizza), loved Josh's and Spencer's scene, loved Phoebe's peptalk to Matt, and loved Sasha's and VJ's scene (and Sasha's realisation that she had inadvertently discouraged Matt the day before).

The whole episode, my housemate and I were screaming at characters not to get onto the "party bus".

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Things go crazy in finale week: Brax and Nate appear in all five, Kyle, Ricky, Andy, Hannah and Ash were in four, while Leah and Jett are in only one each (although Leah was credited on Wednesday and Thursday for no appearance).

Wow.That was surprisingly dark in places.I mostly rolled my eyes at the Nate and Sophie stuff last episode but here...There was a frightening intensity about Sophie, a woman for whom the world has gone so wrong that she can't see anything to live for.While I didn't have much sympathy for Nate, I had a huge amount for her and she does feel like a person who's been very wronged and misused.

I've wanted Maddy to move on from Josh for a long time so I was cheering that scene at first where she draws a line under what they have.But then the way she said "Goodbye, Josh" as if it really was goodbye rang alarm bells.And as the episode went on, it was clear that she's planning to move on from everything.She's got so depressed that she's convinced she won't survive this and just wants to spare her loved ones the pain of watching her die.I really hope she's all right, I'm getting a very bad vibe from this storyline.My only hope is that all those other cancer deaths we've been told right from the start that they're dying.

I'm still confused by what's going on with Phoebe.I can't tell if we're meant to assume more than we saw or not:Is it just trying to make it look bad or are we meant to assume Grant's going to rape her?Because I really wasn't getting that vibe and only Ash's desperation at being locked up and unable to help really sold the apparent urgency of the situation.I did like Ash initially shrugging off Grant's attempt to decoy him.How long's Matt going to be working that crowd before they notice something wrong?

And, oh, that cliffhanger.Well, we've seen it multiple times in trailers, complete with clips showing that at least some of the characters are perfectly fine, so the shock value was about nill.And again it relied on utter stupidity from Nate:Did he really think Sophie would come quietly? Just how long was he planning to career around that road like an accident waiting to happen?It doesn't help that most of the characters on the bus and other vehicles I wouldn't really mind seeing wiped out, Leah and Kyle are probably the ones I like most, and it'd spare us yet another Josh and Evelyn getting together scene.I'm also worried that we'll get a repeat of the 2008 cliffhanger and lone gunman syndrome: Everyone will just blame Sophie for everything and ignore the other characters' role in it, notably Nate.(And despite clips trying to make out someone dies, if they do it'll probably be one of the random extras, or at best token non-regular Sophie.)

So, that was the 2014 season, and on Monday we begin 2015 only a month after Australia.A comfortable four week gap...except. We're now in the opposite situation to the end of last year, with Australia showing less episodes per week than us, meaning we're only 18 episodes behind them.If they don't pick up their schedule soon, we'll overtake them without dropping down to 4 episodes a week or having a long, early break.

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