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I think Nate is equally to blame if not more than Sophie for the accident, he had been knocked out - not sure how long before - he then drives one handed whilst wrestling with his passenger and doesn't even attempt to reduce speed. Through his stupidity, he has caused one death and three people to be seriously injured and I bet he gets away with it all.

You never know, Nate may go through a moment once everything has calmed down whereby he blames himself partially. Ultimately he drove Sophie back towards the bay.

Agree with Red about Roo's moment on the stairs being the most touching scene today. This is similar to the finale actually where she left the hospital room and broke down in Alf's arms.

NB: Did you notice the new shot of SBH right before that?

Now I hear you say it Red, about Maddy that is, I can warm to the idea of it being her trying to do what's best. In her own Maddy way. Perhaps I jumped to conclusions. I'll see where this goes.

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Just realised with my last post, I mentioned that Matt was in the crash when he was actually performing - duh!

Anyway, I actually quite enjoyed that episode. So much better not having Oscar and Maddy around. Didn't particularly like the stuff with Alf and Roo but accept that they had to have some follow-up with regards to Maddy leaving. Wherever she's gone, I hope she stays gone although I suspect she'll probably do a Chris, just turn up and everyone will be over the moon to see her (well almost everyone).

I knew the writers were going to do this but I still quite liked Brax playing the hero. I actually thought Demi Harman's acting was very convincing at the beginning of that episode when that guy died. I didn't think I would but I did feel a little bit sorry for Hannah. My reckoning is if they are going to kill these characters off it's best to do it quickly. So if it's a character I don't like I'd rather they just iced them than making them suffer but I'm sure Hannah will be OK.

I do think the way it's going Sophie is going to get all the blame but even if she does what can the police charge her with? She wasn't driving, she was trying to get out of the car and even then if they do find something her mental state will mitigate her from any responsibility.

So Neive was actually doing this to boost Phoebe's career. I wonder if if she was trying to kill two birds with one stone i.e. make her famous but at the same time get rid of Kyle who was proving such a nuisance to her. The idea being when he sees the tape he will want to break up with her then Neive will have Phoebe all to herself.

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Considering we only had to wait for two days where in OZ they had to wait four weeks, I wonder if they thought it was worth the wait? Unknown/unnamed bus driver dies in Sasha's lap and (so far) he is the only fatality. Actually most of them all got off pretty lightly, apart from Leah who got flung clear, how did that happen btw, :unsure: seeing as none of them were wearing seatbelts or didn't appear to be. As far as anyone is concerned Hannah and Kyle are the only ones with life threatening injuries, the others of course will be suffering from shock and are bound to have flashbacks a la the Corrie bus crash. Great scenes between Brax and Kyle and Brax refusing Kyle's request to look after Phoebe as he'll be there to do it himself. Must certainly have brought back recent bad memories and this time they had Nate and the emergency services there to help. Brax is going to have mixed feelings about Nate once the truth comes out, he partly caused the crash but on the other hand without his help Kyle must certainly could have died.Thanks to the fact Josh and Brax were wearing seat belts all they got was a bump on the bonce and I dare say Nate is running on adrenaline, his injuries will catch up with him later. I don't think Sophie was going anywhere and there were more urgent cases to tend to so Nate did right putting them first. As an aside, just how long did it take to get the emergency services there, I'm sure it was daylight when Alf set off and Nate alerted them, next time we went back it was dark, is it because it looks more dramatic at night? At the moment no-one is even thinking about what caused it but once the police get involved the truth about who caused it will come out, plus of course Brax and Josh are witnesses. Nate is going to have to take some of the blame due the speed he was going and not doing more to prevent Sophie doing what she did. I wonder how Ricky is going to feel once she finds out Sophie, who she was comforting, caused the crash.

Meanwhile back in the city and Neive's dastardly plan come unstuck thanks to Batman and Robin, we'll skip over their escape and that they knew where to find Phoebe. Still not sure exactly what Neive is planning, apart from destroying Kyle and Phoebe's relationship by letting the video go viral, because it could be made to look like she was up for that session with Grant. It's been suggested on the Aus thread Neive isn't who she says she is, but Phoebe knew who she was and that's why she so over the moon to be chosen by her. I'm guessing Ash & Andy grabbed Matt off screen, he did look a little confused. At least they have some idea of what has happened back in the bay.

It was a relief that Maddy disappearing took a back seat, Oscar did the right thing letting Roo and Alf know right away, so one mystery solved she did go back home where I guess she picked up some money and change of clothes. Sorry to diss your heroine Red, but she is causing people, namely Roo (her breakdown on the stairs was so sad), Alf & Oscar a lot of worry for nothing. She is young, healthy and has a good chance of beating this, unlike Romeo who knew his was incurable. Attitude has a lot to do with how you deal with cancer and hers isn't exactly positive even after her talk with Irene and Marilyn.

What the blue blazes is that new promo ad thing all about!!! :excl:

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Oh, don't worry, H&Alover, I might like Maddy but I recognise she's done the wrong thing.I think she's handled it better than Romeo (she left a better farewell note and didn't leave someone to tell people about the cancer that she should have told herself), but ultimately she's made the same mistake: She thinks she's saving people pain by not letting them see her die, but in practise not only do they lose her sooner but they're left in limbo worrying about what's happening to her.And with her, there's the added fact that while she's convinced she's dying, they haven't give up and are desperate to get her back so they can try and save her.

Anyway...Once again, I'm sorry to say, I didn't really enjoy that episode.I should have cared about Leah and Kyle, but they're unconscious and mostly off screen, so I was left watching a bunch of characters I don't like fretting over them and thinking they're better off unconscious.And I kept wanting to hit people.I wanted to hit VJ for what he said to Zac.I wanted to hit Brax for the way he treated Sophie.I really wanted to hit Nate for the way he treated Sophie.I wanted to hit Josh for being in scenes that should be about the MacGuires canoodling with Evelyn, which is unfair because he's Evelyn's boyfriend and logically he should be there but I just can't accept him as part of the family.I wanted to hit Andy just...because, and then the promo gave me a reason so I'll wait until next episode.(Although his "Good job you weren't on the bus, look at the people who were" as Evelyn and Ricky wander around right as rain a few feet away was a moment to laugh at.) I'm surprised to say that I actually felt the episode would have been better without the Maddy references: I can understand why they were there but they were just distracting and I'd have accepted Alf and Oscar focusing on the immediate crisis and leaving until things have died down to try and find her.I'm understanding how other people feel about Maddy, because I can't bring myself to care about Hannah at all, especially with the murderer hanging around trying to act like a swell guy, and I can't help thinking that given the role she played in pushing Sophie over the edge there's a bit of karma in her being one of the more seriously injured.Didn't Sasha get sent to the hospital last episode?Because suddenly she's back at the surf club.The few good points like Oscar dumping his snacks on Andy and the genuine empathy shown by Ricky and Ash (Ricky is the only person to treat Sophie like a human being) weren't enough to rescue it.

Because you know the person I felt most sorry for in all this? Sophie. Maybe she's brought some of it on herself but it seems like she was constantly mistreated by the supposed "good guys" right up to the end.She gets blanked at the hospital before people even know what she did.Then Nate pushes her under the bus, so to speak, to exonerate himself, making out to Brax that he swerved because she tried to jump out of the car when that was ages before the accident and he had plenty of time to pull over and stop.(Yes, we really are in full 2008 finale mode:Don't go by what you saw, go by what you're told happened next season.)And then this poor woman, who should be under medical supervision, is just left on her own and wanders off down the beach. "I told you not to go anywhere,"snaps Nate, as if that's enough.And then Nate gets a call from Sophie saying she needs to see him and to come to an isolated spot on his own...and he goes. Seriously?! One man's dead, two other people might die and one might be crippled for life because he did exactly that and he goes and does it again?! Oh, except Sophie's suddenly all right again and gets led away from him by the police as I'm left thinking they've taken the wrong one.What on earth can she be charged with?It's not manslaughter, it's not dangerous driving, all she did with regards the accident (I think we're meant to forget the murder/suicide pact) was distract a driver, which would probably get her a fine at most.She's a medical case, not a criminal one.And the poor woman doesn't even get the last scene because they insist on cutting back to Hannah and Andy...

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I'm kind of hoping, but it'll probably be futile, that Maddy (who looks like she is in the city) will hear or read about the accident and realise that there are people who didn't ask for what has happened to them, Hannah*, maybe paralysed, Kyle in a coma and who knows what injuries Leah has and think 'I've got a good chance of beating this if I return now'. * Of course this is H&A and ND Hospital which performs miracles, so give it a couple of weeks and she'll be back on her feet.

Actually I thought Brax did absolutely the right thing by walking away when Sophie admitted her part in the accident, Ricky was just kneeling by her looking stunned. I can understand VJ lashing out at Zac, no-one else around he could have a go at. He's not a little kid anymore, certainly not size wise, he can take bad news. I can see with all the confusion people would think Leah had been taken to another hospital and of course to had to be Nate that found her.

I can see why she did, but no way should Phoebe blame herself, it was Kyle's idea to go and surprise her and she knows what happened to her thanks to Ash and Andy. I guess we've still got the fallout of that to come.

Sophie may have been very unstable, but she did bring it on herself, trying to kill herself and Nate is one thing but involving others is not on. At long last she has faced up to the truth, her and Nate are over and handed in, all depends now what the police will charge her with. I thought John handed out some good advice to Nate, that he can't be held responsible for another's actions, when did he start getting all wise? Btw I had to laugh and had a panto moment when Hannah told Nate he wasn't the only doctor in the hospital - "Oh yes he is". :D

Is there an ulterior motive for Spencer sending Oscar off to look for Maddy? Does he have his own idea about where she is despite his saying he didn't know and is jealous of Oscar's closeness.

I was wondering where Roo and later Oscar and Spencer were when I saw those pillars and veranda, was that really the front of the caravan park house and where did that drive come from? All we've seen all these years is the two back doors, the front is rarely, if ever, used, it looked very palatial.

I think Sasha did go to the hospital briefly then Matt took her home, I liked their little scene when he described his performance as OK, well awesome!

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Thank the Lord they eventually realised Leah was missingb and found her. However I didn't feel very sad about it as she, and kyle actually have mostly not been seen. It was only when Irene came to the hospital that the scale of this accident on Leah's future hit home. I actually, for the very first time, enjoyed VJ today. Especially when he and Jett let off steam in the buggy thing. Glad he and Zac managed to overcome their differences and now are on the Same page. They need to be united for Leah.

Right, Maddy in the city playing her violin. Random but I'm glad Oscar has found her. Can't help feel Spencer was just a spare part in this storyline. Suddenly he's jealous of Oscar and Maddy yet it appears Maddy and Spencer have little to do with each other these days. Oscar could've thought about the scrap book of his own accord and surely it would make more sense that she answered his phone calls rather than Spencer's?! Especially after her announcing she loved him in her letter. Maybe that's just me? Nice of Roo to mention to Alf how she used to put him through this same thing. A very brief homage to the history of the show. Very.

I've felt sorry for Sophie for weeks now. She's not well reading Reds post I can only buy agree. She stood still whilst the chaos was all going on and not one person stopped by her. She handed herself in but what for exactly? Maybe the damage to the motel room? At the end of the day Nates dangerous driving caused it, he should've put the foot on the break the minute she started screaming! Brax and Josh haven't been interviewed yet either, I wonder at all if we ever will...

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Yes, H&Alover, we finally saw what everyone in The Locations Thread has been raving about for weeks, our first new look at an original location in over a decade. When we saw Alf drawing up in that ute, I thought he was at the crash site, then it reverses to show Roo standing outside the house and I went “Oh!” Welcome back. And watching the 90s episodes that are being shown on 7Two at the moment, it looks exactly like it did back then.

As I suspected it would, Nate’s token remorse is mainly an excuse for John and Hannah to pat him on the head, tell him what a great bloke he is and absolve him of all responsibility, cheerily overlooking the fact that if he’d notified the authorities about the police in the first place this would never have happened. He should be answering to the police for his dangerous driving, not his friend Hannah. Even Andy seems to blame Nate because Sophie was his wife rather than because of anything he did and as ever anything that involves Andy judging people is intensely annoying: Sophie indirectly and accidentally contributes to someone’s death and immediately turns herself in, Andy murdered a man in cold blood and feels no guilt whatsoever. I really didn’t like Andy in that episode, he seemed very controlling, ushering Oscar out of Hannah’s room, then telling him to stay away from her and get his sisters to do the same which he had absolutely no right to do. Maybe he’s trying to protect Hannah but it feels like he’s using the situation to isolate her and make her dependent on him.

So, with the crash basically over, time to revisit Maddy. I guess she was right about feeling better with the tumour gone because her look in yesterday’s episode was the most stylish we’ve ever seen from her, although she was dressed down a bit today. Spencer’s really not come over well in recent episodes, berating Oscar for not visiting Maddy, warning Josh off her and now blaming Oscar for her running away. I’m glad he admitted he’s jealous; I get the feeling there’s not a lot in his life these days and, even though Maddy’s worse off, he’s very aware that she’s got new people around her and he isn’t an important part of her life anymore. Which makes her answering his phone call a bit puzzling but I suspect, having had last moments with Alf, Roo, Oscar and Josh, she wanted to say goodbye. Still, he got a taste of his own medicine when Roo unfairly blasted him. I’m not sure his about turn to expecting Oscar to do everything was entirely wise: It might have made more sense for them both to go and their brief camaraderie while decoying Alf shows it could have been quite fun. Still, then we’d have been denied the cuteness of Maddy and Oscar’s scenes together. I loved her pained expressions when she realises she’s stuck with him but I suspect she enjoys having him there more than she’d admit; as Oscar pointed out, she could easily have given him the slip if she wanted. I don't think her declaration of love in the letter was in a romantic sense though, I think she just meant that he's her best friend. I’m glad he filled her in on the crash, although it seemed like he downplayed how bad some people are so she wouldn’t be so forceful about him going back to them. (Then again, he doesn’t know how bad Hannah is himself.) I’m curious as to when Maddy lost the violin she supposdly took on the run with Spencer and played at the rotunda, because she didn’t have it when she rocked up in Summer Bay: She used one of the school violins when they slept there and Alf bought her her current one later. Whether or not Alf understands Maddy depends on the plot but his advice to Roo was spot on here.

I found it hard to have sympathy for VJ again a lot of the time here. I liked his scene with Irene at the hospital and, surprisingly since I wasn’t convinced by John’s advice, he did seem to react well to Zac at the end. But first we’re treated to his bratty rejection of Zac as an authority figure: Contrary to appearances and what John said, he is the child and Zac’s the adult…and when did he turn 16?! Are they trying to sneak his age up to match what he looks like?! Anyway, I thought he was a pretty poor friend to Jett, just leaving him with the buggy: Admittedly he told Jett to just leave it there and Jett said he would, but was anyone convinced? And now Jett’s the one being yelled at by Alf. I’m guessing that’s the last we’re going to see of Leah for a bit.

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I feel a corner being turned with H&A already, SBH back and this caravan park again. Alf Stewart doing his Max Ramsay impression yelling at Jett and saying "You are in more flamin strife than Flash Gordon". Things have calmed down after the crazy finale last week.

I feel a corner being turned with H&A already, SBH back and this caravan park again. Alf Stewart doing his Max Ramsay impression yelling at Jett and saying "You are in more flamin strife than Flash Gordon". Things have calmed down after the crazy finale last week.

I'll second that. I feel this year has started off much better and SBH is helping that. Good feelings about 2015

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