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I am sorry to see Sophie go. She was one of the few characters that I genuinely really liked. Nate hasn't been a good husband and I don't particularly like him but I do feel he was in an unfortunate situation. Firstly being unaware of the full extent of her mental illness then actually being in the situation himself unable to view or act on things rationally (I'm sure if that had been someone else he would have spotted all the mistakes he made). As I mentioned in my previous post I still don't understand what the police are going to charge her with but I'm glad she's acknowledged now that she has a problem. I just hope she gets the help she needs although I wonder with Nate out of the picture who will be there to support her but as she said she's not his problem anymore.

Didn't like Wednesday's episode at all. Centred around two of my least favourite characters - Hannah and Maddy (although Oscar and Chris are giving them a run for their money). Thought Spencer was quite unpleasant to Oscar but at least he recognised that afterwards. Well I suppose it was good of Oscar to care about his actually family if only for a short period of time before focusing all his efforts to go after the princess. Who cares whether his aunt might never walk again. Had to laugh when he said he could follow Maddy around like a stalker. As if he hasn't been doing that anyway.

I mentioned that the Maddy/Oscar relationship is going in quite an unhealthy direction but I'm starting to think the same thing about Andy and Hannah, especially given her current situation. Didn't like the way Andy was towards Nate or the way he was about Sophie. But Hannah's in quite a vulnerable position as well so I suppose Andy thought it was a good time to declare his love towards her. Not sure if he means it though.

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That frontage makes the place look a lot larger than you think it is.

I spotted that Red about VJ suddenly being 16!!! :rolleyes: (still got a way to go, haven't they?) He was just lashing out at Zac and that speeding about on the beach in the buggy also helped him get rid of a lot of pent up emotion. One thing, how come he seemed to be able to drive it OK but Jett couldn't, he's been in it with John enough times to get some idea of how to handle it. Jett, being Jett, he'll keep quiet about VJ's involvement. John would be the best person to give Zac advice on how to handle VJ, he and Jett went through the same thing after Gina died, he was trying to be the adult and keep things' normal' when they weren't and he finally acknowledged that and he and Jett could move on. Slightly different with VJ and Zac he has only just moved in and there isn't the foundation there that John, Jett and Gina had. Good idea of Zac for him and VJ to go to the city to be nearer Leah, hope they have let Nate and Matt know. I felt for VJ when he turned up at the hospital and found she had already been moved, Irene having to reach up to put her hand on his shoulder did rather jar with what should have been a poignant moment.

Hannah did say she didn't want, Oscar, Evelyn or Denny to know the full extent of her injuries just yet, so maybe that is why Andy said they should stay away, so she wouldn't have to lie to them.

Clever old Oscar tracking down Maddy like that, it did look like a lovely location, very peaceful, which I suppose is what she was looking for. I think it must have been the violin Alf bought her Red. Spencer did seem sorry about what he had done after his ticking off by Roo. I was disappointed Maddy didn't react more about how bad some of the victims were. Roo really must be itching to get to the city, but is doing the right thing. Just how much money does Maddy have, I thought she owed Roo for the money she stole from her, even a motel room must be expensive in a city like Sydney, then there's food.

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To be fair to Oscar, Hannah did deliberately hide the fact she might not be able to walk from him and his sisters, and Andy told him not to visit, so in a way it makes sense for him to be helping Maddy. And to be fair to Maddy, when she asked how everyone was, Oscar said they were all going to be fine.Maybe Maddy's busking for money: I don't know want happened to her paying Roo back, it seemed to get forgotten about when she decided to go back to school (not that she actually did go back), possibly she worked it off at the caravan park.And it did occur to me that if VJ's still got the same birthday despite his age changing, he would have had one about three weeks back from our perspective, going by the Oz transmission dates.

Alf's episode count this week: Five! Leah was in three but was comatose throughout.

Neive's plan really doesn't make much sense.It maybe, just about does if you accept that she wasn't expecting Andy and Ash and ended up improvising desperately, springing the trap on Phoebe early rather than waiting until after the launch and coming up with a cover story which could be pulled apart in seconds (sending Andy and Ash on an obvious wild goose chase, saying she was going to phone an ambulance and then not doing so).But she comes across as a pretty poor businesswoman if she has to rely on cheap stunts like that and that's not the impression we got of her before. Did Phoebe and co call the police on her or is she just never going to be mentioned again?Still, it was a very satisfying moment when they turned the tables on her.Laugh of the episode was the expression on Brax's face as the cogs whirr and he decides maybe Ricky should talk to Phoebe instead.

Some great camaraderie between Ash and Brax as he tells him about "Brown Eyes".Their reaction to finding out she was a policewoman was brilliantly funny, with the added subtext that Brax was probably remembering Charlie.Then Kyle comes round and they all note it's been a good day...before the fickle hand of fate comes crashing down on them.

Jett could have saved himself a lot of trouble if he'd just told the truth in the first place, John would have understood.And indeed did, once he did tell the truth.John's own encounter with "Brown Eyes" was great as well.

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The new copper is certainly an arresting sight! I guess she's Charleys replacement straight from the same police modelling college lol.

So attention seeking Maddy has run away despite having lots of friends that care about her and a loving home, get the violins out, oh, wait no need she has brought her own. It's only a matter of time before she returns to the bay, sorry, I just can't get into another cancer storyline.

I feel sorry for Jet, I think John takes things too far with the punishment, it's not like Jet is a total tearaway. Some of the scenes can get a bit sugar coated between the three of them too.

I hope Neive stays in it a while longer, I like her character devious as she is.

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Hannah did say she didn't want, Oscar, Evelyn or Denny to know the full extent of her injuries just yet, so maybe that is why Andy said they should stay away, so she wouldn't have to lie to them.

Point taken but I don't think Oscar has sufficiently made an effort re Hannah. Andy is not even going out with her so as much as I like him, he was in no position to tell Oscar to stay away like that and Oscar should have put up more resistance but he didn't. And that's because he is so obsessed with Maddy atm. And we can't have Maddy dying on us can we. Because that will mean Oscar will never get to court her.

Another thing about Hannah is the fact that we haven't seen much of Zak's reaction to her being hospitalised. I know he's been focussed on Leah but for consistency we should have had something. Considering at one point Zak wanted to be with her and they both share Evelyn and Oscar through blood ties.

The new copper is certainly an arresting sight! I guess she's Charleys replacement straight from the same police modelling college lol.

The new copper is definitely eye candy and she did remind me a bit of Charlie. I quite enjoyed the scenes with her in that episode i.e. Ash/Brax, John/Jett. I really liked Ash's "How do I let her down gently line?" when he realised she was a cop. With one cute brunette gone, I'm glad they've quickly introduced another.

So attention seeking Maddy has run away despite having lots of friends that care about her and a loving home, get the violins out, oh, wait no need she has brought her own. It's only a matter of time before she returns to the bay, sorry, I just can't get into another cancer storyline.

This is something that did occur to me when she shot through initially. I do think she can be attention seeking but I just don't think she could be arsed to run away just for a bit of attention so I don't think that was the aim initially. But I do think she was absolutely loving it when Oscar was asking her to come back. And I agree with the rest of that part of your post. Pathetic isn't it. She's probably going to have a hero's reception when she gets back and mollycoddling courtesy of Roo.

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Apparently she's Kat the Kop!!! Ash soon got over his crush on Denny, so Brax was right to warn him off her in the first place. Loved the look on his face when she came out of her caravan dressed in her uniform!! Brax certainly knew what he was talking about telling Ash to steer well clear. That occurred to me too Red Brax remembering Charlie.

Alf didn't give Jett much chance to explain why he was driving the buggy, plus of course I suppose he didn't want to drop VJ in it, who's got enough to worry about. Good that he did tell Joh and Ma the truth.

John acting like a teenager was funny!

We haven't seen much, if any, reaction from Zac regards Hannah's condition, though I suppose Leah's is more serious, Hannah could improve and she is in the hospital that performs miracles.

Neive has certainly got a lot of bottle, turning up like nothing has happened and that Phoebe's experience can only be for the good. She reckoned without Ash, Brax and Ricky though, the look on her face when they all turned up for her meeting with Phoebe! Will Phoebe call the police, Grant will take the blame, Neive will make sure of that and of course will 'look after' him. I'm glad Phoebe told Kyle about the video the moment he came round rather than waiting until he was stronger, that is never a good idea, because then she would have had to explain why she didn't tell him before.

They wasted no time in getting Kat the Kop involved in the storyline, arresting Brax on suspicion of murdering Dean.

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I cringed most the way through this one! Mainly because of John! I liked tee look on his face though when Kat asked him if he often hides behind trees watching boys LOL.

Ash has certainly got over Denny and who would blame him. Kat even got the hot girl incidental music as she strutted up the beach. Please don't mirror Brax and Charlie though. That's my only worry. Deans death has finally caught upto Brax and he's been arrested. It's about time being a though the prints would've been take n weeks ago when we were shown the police finding Deans body and I'm almost certain Brax and his fingerprints will be in the police database somewhere.

Is it just me or did Pheobe seem very calm with Neive. I'd want to rip her face off but I guess she's got Brax ricky and ash for support. I think Beive needs to realise the jig is up. I do wonder where this leaves phoebes contract though. She's supposed to be on a nationwide promo tour right now. Nice to see Kyle has come around.

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I feel the cancer storyline - instead of making her potentially sympathetic, has once again made me roll my eyes at Maddy all week. While I get that she is scared, it is harder to understand her leaving when we keep getting told that she has a good chance if she received early treatment. And I get frustrated by how much responsibility everyone is putting on Oscar's shoulders in regards to Maddy's health.

I agree with everyone who has remarked that Zac has been completely uninvolved with Hannah or the twins since the accident. They should all be supporting each other. Apart from Roo making a quick comment in her initial rant to Spencer that Oscar would need to be there for Zac as well as Hannah, it would be easy to forget that Zac was related to the twins. In addition, who is meant to be looking after them while Hannah is in hospital? I get that they are pretty much adults, but Oscar is hopping on buses to the city with no one in his family seemingly noticing.

Kat the cop definitely reminds me of Charlie, but I am hoping we don't need anymore good girl/bad boy storylines for a while.

Brax getting arrested again - getting a bit redundant now.

I never got Neive's plan anyway, and it was executed in such a sloppy matter. Of course, people were going to realise that she was involved.

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There were very few likable characters in that episode.Brax snapped into being a cocky criminal at the first sight of an interview room, while Ricky played the criminal's girlfriend role to perfection, standing in reception stamping her foot and shouting "He hasn't done anything!" And then she slaps Ash and my sympathy for her goes completely, even if she did end up apologising.So it got to the point where I was cheering to see Brax come unstuck, even though we know he's innocent.And I almost don't care if he does go to jail.I certainly don't want Ash to go.I was thinking Kat was more Georgina Watson than Charlie Buckton and handled Brax well...so I'm really not happy to see the credits come up and learn she's a regular, because no doubt she'll soon be sleeping with bad boys and compromising herself.

And I actually didn't like Maddy in this episode.We got a little moment where she drops the act and we see the don't-care attitude is just a front, but otherwise she came across as deluded and in deep denial.The runner was a bit laughable: Was the waiter even trying to catch them?Despite Maddy having done this sort of thing before, she's obviously down on her luck and this is far from being a great adventure, so she needs to face up to things.

Is this seriously what they're going to do with the Neive storyline?She basically sets Phoebe up to be raped and the consequences for her are...what? Brax glaring at her a bit?This should be a criminal matter but instead Phoebe's taking a leaf out of Maddy's book and burying her head in the sand.I was disappointed that Chris was so quick to think the worst of her and his stealing all the newspapers, rather than making up for it as the script seemed to imply, just seemed like a second wrong, which is a shame because he did have a few good moments, notably when he doesn't let Spencer watch the video.

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Ricky stamping her foot and shouting, she just said he hadn't done anything wrong I am sure she could have said it a lot louder - and nobody stamps their foot more than Maddy but of course that is different and excuses are always made for her.

Ricky was naturally upset about the arrest and Ash was the reason that Brax went after Dean, the slap came in the heat of the moment and Ash realised that. Ricky knew what she had done was wrong and apologised for it, I am sure a lot of women would be upset if their partners were suddenly arrested and possibly do the same. Brax knows he has done nothing wrong, he just defended himself when Dean attacked him with the shovel. Kats attitude towards him and the fact that she didn't even know the connection between Ash and Dean was always going to cause a problem.

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