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I agree with KIMIF1, if it had been Brax in front of her Ricky would have had a go at him, but he wasn't Ash was and it was because of him Brax went charging off. He couldn't have gone after Brax because he didn't know where he had gone! Once she had clamed down she did apologise and he accepted why she had done it, we saw from the trailer she's asking Brax what happened and he, as usual, is being all evasive, wanting to 'protect' her.

So Yabby Creek nick has had a makeover then, new front doors instead of prisoners/suspects/others going in or out by the little door at the back, the interview room is also being done up. The sergeants office used to be where the doors are if I remember right. Isn't a little too soon after the last time Brax was done for murder (which wasn't as it turned out)? As 630si said Brax's prints would be on a police database and why has it take so long for the news to reach Yabby Creek cops? It was Brax Kat was more interested in, they made the connection between him and Ash, but they wouldn't know about Ash's connection to Dean via Billie.

I was initially surprised at Chris' reaction to seeing the footage of Phoebe, but I was pleased he believed her when she said her drink was spiked then went on a mission to recover all the papers to try and save her embarrassment and placed them all on her doorstep. Knew it was a good idea for Phoebe to tell Kyle as soon as she did, because now he's read about it. Phoebe just wants to forget about it, but suppose Neive tries it on with someone else who hasn't got Phoebe's back up?

Although not a big fan of Maddy I can kind of see why she's doing what she's doing, a little bit of fun before the gruelling chemo and radiography she'll have to go through, which is going to sap her energy and leave her fit for nothing for months She was used to sleeping rough when her and Spencer were on the run, but a whole new experience for Oscar and they were in a park not out in the bush. They are going to have to be very thrifty to make what Maddy got for her violin last, they are going to have avoid the area that café was in.

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I know it's been said but why hasn't Zac been to see Hannah?!?! I understand Leah is in a serious condition in the city but it isn't that far away to pop back and check in on his sister in law. Great scenes in the hospital with her coming to terms with not feeling her legs. Glad she had told Denny and it was a moving scene. I think Andy might bolt on her eventually though. This was hinted at today.

The Nick has indeed had a makeover and Brax "likes what they've done to the place".

John's plans on loving are too little too late! It's all a bit strange he wants out now after everything that's gone on in the last 4 years! How many times has next door been shot at and John didn't sell up. I wonder if they can no longer use the house to film or something and are having to move them?

Brax is becoming infuriating when it comes to lying/keeping things from Ricki. She grew up with them, she knows him. If he's got to be in magistrates in a matter of days there's nothing he can hide from her. It's all just a bit silly. The amount of things Brax has done and got away with and then he gets sent down for something he didn't do. If he really meant what he said when he told Ricki he'd be there for Daryl JR. and her then he would just shut up and do what Ash says and let him take they rap for the murder. I was physically shouting at the screen today.

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At the risk of letting Maddy dominate the thread as much as she does some episodes, I don't actually think she's being as sensible as having fun before the chemo, it felt more like she's trying to distract herself instead of facing up to what's going on.

I agree with the sense of "Why now?", after last year when the house was shot at and everyone in town was turning a blind eye to the fact there was probably a murderer living there, but I can see John's concerns.I think this episode showed that having the Braxtons and their associates as part of the community has changed people, arguably for the worst: They're determined to fit them into their definition of "good" to the point that that definition is bursting at the seams.I doubt that Alf or Marilyn would have been extolling their virtues four years ago, Jett adopting Brax's attitude of police as the enemy isn't really to be encouraged, Denny fell for someone from a different world and lost him to crime and can't quite get away from his family, Hannah is leaning on a man who hid drugs at her home and got her niece kidnapped instead of her family at a time of crisis...Is it good that they've accepted them, warts and all, or are they all getting involved in something dangerous?Yet moving house won't stop Jett running into Brax down the beach, so in a sense John's fighting a losing battle.

It can be hard to tell the difference between guilty Brax and innocent Brax: He was just as smug and contemptuous when questioned over the drug cultivation.Again there's a feeling of "Why now?": As Brax himself says, there was just as much evidence and a far bigger motive linking him to Jake's murder.And while he might not have killed Dean, he's not exactly an innocent bystander either: It was his choice to initiate a confrontation with Dean and take the money, and as Ricky said he should have put his family above his little adventures.And now it might be too late.Not that I'd advocate him throwing Ash to the wolves, especially with a flimsy confession that'd be picked apart in moments.Ash identifying Sam as the killer, while correct, feels a bit of a leap.

I love that we got some interaction between Denny and Ash, who once more show the chemistry that she and Casey desperately lacked.I'm not too keen on Andy once more acting like Hannah's bodyguard, indulging in ignorant pep talks and stopping Nate making valid points, although at least he's stopped keeping her family away.I should probably feel sorry for Hannah but she behaved like a brat here and she's meant to be the adult: No wonder the twins are a bit messed up.

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I think Red hit the nail on the head regarding Maddy. It seems more delay the inevitable than living life to the fullest. She's also looking back a lot to the past- happier times whilst on the run with Spencer living care free. Deep down I believe she knows she has to go back, and eventually she will.

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To be honest I wondered if John's sudden decision to sell up was an outcome of Ray Meagher's rant to the producers, as it was said before on the show, the Braxtons often do things for the right reasons, but go the wrong way about it with their vigilante justice which keeps biting them on the bum. All of a sudden though John is against them and his not wanting their world of misdemeanours to encroach on sleepy Summee Bay seems to me like the voice of Ray Meagher.

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Well it would seem today John was looking like he could be persuaded to reconsider however his eavesdropping over the fence, in typical John fashion sent him right back to were off out of here. Will be nice to have SBH full again though. The look on Jett's face says he's not happy about being back there. Will he be on the sofa again?????!

Kat dropping in on the Braxton's after seeing Ash leave the caravan park with a bag was a bit presumptuous. I imagine though she's heard a lot about the Braxton's in and around the bay and thought it best to heck he's not doing a runner. She seems to be wanting to make a name for herself - I hope she sticks as good cop. Potential love interest alert as there seems to be something with her and Nate which I feel is a bit too soon after Sophie. He's damaged goods at the moment and I would hope he's hinking I'll just stay single for a while.

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I am so over Brax. I was actually rooting for Kat to find Brax was breeching his parole. Brax may be innocent of murder, but he is certainly guilty of dealing badly with the whole Dean situation. After all, they would not have been able to pin the murder on him if he hadn't followed Dean. His and Ash's plan to confront Sam is just ridiculous - Sam was clever enough to cover his tracks, and if they intimidate him then any confession he makes could be considered invalid. Just glad that Kat wasn't bending over backwards to follow Ash's allegations re: Sam - it makes not sense to chase another perpetrator when they have found someone already with motive, opportunity and fingerprints on the murder weapon.

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Forgot to say yesterday that I was glad to get an update on Sophie.Not clear whether she's facing charges or not but at least she's getting treatment.

Good point, 630si, about Jett sleeping on the couch: If Maddy comes back, that'll be the same people that were there last time there wasn't room enough for them.As you say though, good to have more people at the caravan park.Jett's tantrum didn't impress me but I do get his point that it's his first home.Mind you, John's only doing what he think is best, and it might actually be best.I might be wrong but I had a niggling suspicion he was the one who tipped the police off to Brax planning to skip bail.And I wish he'd been caught too.Ash did the right thing telling the police about Sam, shame it seemed to get shot down so quickly.But what's he supposed to achieve going out there himself?Okay, looking for evidence but confronting him's not going to achieve anything.They'd be better off playing the long game and using this in court: All they need to do to get Brax off is prove reasonable doubt by pointing to other suspects with motive and opportunity.Whereas running off like this will count against him if he's found out.Phoebe again proves incapable of keeping a secret, then Kyle risks his health just so he can hang around the house doing nothing.

I was rather worried about Oscar's phone going dead on Monday and it's beginning to look like he's incommunicado.(As an aside, do Evelyn and Denny know why he's with Maddy?)Again, Denny seems like she's the adult of the family despite Hannah being the oldest, taking it upon herself to tell Evelyn and Josh what's going on.

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Up till today's episode one thing that struck me about Kat was that she seems devoid of emotion. Even when she did manage to smile with Nate it didn't seem natural. Funny that I mentioned with Sophie gone (i.e. a brown haired/brown eyed lady) we've got another one where it appears to indicate something could happen but I really hope not. I would rather she got with Ash than got with Nate.

Sadly don't have one bit of sympathy for Hannah although I am interested to see where this storyline with Andy goes i.e. him trying to support her. It was mentioned previously in the thread about dependency but I will say the same thing I did about Oscar and Maddy and that I can actually see a codependency i.e. Andy needs to look after Hannah just as much as she needs him to look after her. He was actually a lot better today and didn't seem as protective of her around her own family.

I'm not sure how long it's going to be before Oscar finds out about Hannah but I'm now hoping that Maddy is cured ASAP as this cancer storyline, purposely forcing scenes with them, whether it's some bonding I don't know (and don't particularly care) has made me so fed up with the impact this is having on other characters being dragged in. Even watching the date interaction was like watching paint dry. I didn't even care that she and Oscar ran off without paying for their bill at the restaurant. I just wanted their interaction to be over.

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