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I think Kat was pushing her luck going to the Braxton house it could be classed as police harassment, just because she saw Ash leaving the caravan site doesn't give her the right to question Ricky on what was happening - so pleased Brax appeared and took the wind out of her sails. Think she is trying to be too clever and it might not pay off in the long run.

I think her and Nate would suit each other they both seem manufactured, Ash is too good for her.

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I thought the same thing 630si about there being a spark between Nate and Kat, but it is too early. Before I forget do they have any actual wards in the hospital or does everyone have a private room? :unsure:

Andy wasn't ducking out of his promise to Hannah like she thought, once Nate had explained the full extent of what help Hannah will need, he was sensible enough to realise he wouldn't be able to cope on his own. All of them, Denny, Evelyn and Oscar (and Zac) will all need to pitch in. Hannah is unlikely to feel comfortable having Andy helping her to have a bath, go to the loo. The farmhouse, luckily, is a bungalow so no stairs to worry about, some changes will need to be made though, doors widening, ramp outside, hoists fitted. Denny seems to have come round to Andy being there for Hannah. Can't have been easy for Denny breaking the news to Evelyn, but she really needed to know rather than go on thinking everything would be fine. I'm assuming Oscar took his phone charger with him so guessing it's just a matter of finding somewhere to use it. At least now Josh knows, courtesy of Denny, he can be there for Evelyn.

Kat did jump to conclusions over Ash packing and assuming Brax would be involved, Ash can do what he likes. Ricky was quite right to get annoyed with Brax keep wanting to 'protect' her, it's not knowing what happened that's driving her mad, but at least he did finally tell her everything, it may have been a big jump for Ash to suspect Sam, but he knew more about him and his past with Dean than Brax did. Kat said Sam didn't have any record of violence, so did his fight with Dean go unreported seeing as it landed him in hospital? Should we put Kat's eagerness down to wanting to please her new bosses?

I agree with other on here about John's sudden decision to sell up, and Jett had a point who would buy the place once they knew about the next door neighbours. Back when they first moved in the Braxtons were a wild bunch, parties, fights but they have been a lot quieter of late apart from the drive by shooting which was engineered by Phoebe's dad. I can see why Jett doesn't want to move, it is the only proper home he has known and how is moving into the SBH house going to help? John certainly can't order Jett to keep away from Brax when he himself talks to Brax then comforts Ricky on the beach.

Kyle would have found out about Brax being arrested sooner or later so best he heard it from Phoebe.

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Well what shocking news that was regarding Leah. I could see the horror on Irene's face and judging by the promo she doesn't cope very well. Nice dose of air time from Irene today really!

John is strangely now looking for somewhere to rent without thinking of the costs involved in running two properties. I'm sure that's be sidelined and Alf did tell him that they are more than welcome.

The DVD at the beach house with the young cast was enjoyable actually. Sasha giving her advice to Evie calmed her down and it was nice to be reminded of Sasha back story a little. Very happy she got into the Uni she wanted but with Matt hiding the fact that he hasn't got it, it's just sealed the fate of their relationship. Only a matter of time now before hey go their seperate ways. Which is a shame as I really like these together. :(

Zac is back in town and still hasn't seen Hannah. #frustrated. I wonder if they will be back off to the city now as Leah's fate doesn't look good, they may prepare goodbyes.

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Sasha was pretty self-absorbed, sitting in front of the computer and snapping at everyone who tried to talk to her, but redeemed herself by taking Evelyn for a chat and it was nice to hear the references to Dexter since it's been easy to forget that she had a family once.I loved Chris, Matt and Josh sitting around watching a chick flick and Chris cementing his aficionado status.I'm still not sure about him vandalising newspapers, good cause or not.Matt keeping things from Sasha is not a good route to go down.

I thought for a bit that John, Marilyn and Jett might be moving out of the caravan park house in record time so I'm glad that Alf seems to have convinced John otherwise.Although at this rate they could end up sleeping in a caravan.

I felt seriously sorry for Zac who just looked broken here.It was slightly ridiculous that VJ didn't even touch the massive meal Irene set down in front of him.But that ending was a shocker: Did they seriously just kill Leah?Nate seemed to move from "It's looking unlikely she'll ever wake up" to "She'll never wake up" very quickly and I'm wondering if it's slightly premature since they presumably haven't done brain stem tests yet.If that really is the end of Leah, wow, that's a surprising way to do it.

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What a good episode! I was not expecting the ending - I felt it was well executed, and I was admittedly a little teary-eyed. So glad that that the Brax and Maddy stuff was there to detract from the episode. It was heartbreaking to see Zac and Irene looking so lost.

It was nice to see the younger characters interact together. It was sweet of Matt to try to cheer up Evie. While Sasha was initially a brat while checking her uni offers, I did like the scene with Evie. It was nice to remember that she does have a family, and be reminded of Dex and his accident.

While I don't approve of Matt lying to Sasha, I think it was nice of him to feign enthusiasm about her getting her first choice uni offer even while he felt disappointed about his own situation, Unlike when a similar thing happened with Josh and Maddy.

Talking of Maddy, looking at the promo, looks like Oscar may start telling Maddy a few home truths.

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Completely agree Angelica. It was a great episode. With a really great ending that we didn't see coming. It has such a big impact on us because it's Leah. I was talking about it in work today (there's quite a few who watch the show) and nobody could believe it when they heard it.

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Does all this Leah being in a coma and may not come out of it mean Ada is leaving or going on extended leave? Zac didn't get to see Hannah or Evelyn and I think it was Nate who said they shouldn't mention Hannah's condition to Zac as he had enough to worry about. It was good, if that is the right word, they didn't treat VJ like he was a child and Nate included him in the update on Leah. Good advice from Irene to VJ that Zac needed support as well. Once the news gets round everyone is going to be devastated as Leah was such a huge part of Bay life. I suppose the 'what if's' will start now, 'what if' we had found her sooner, 'what if' she hadn't gone, 'what if' she hadn't been sitting where she was sitting.

Sasha was being Sasha, once she gets fixated on something little more than a bomb going off deters her. Good for Matt finally tearing her away and that was a lovely little scene of her and Evie on the beach when she told her what they had gone through with Dex and there is still hope for Hannah. I was wondering if there would be help available for when Hannah goes home, as in adapting the farmhouse to accommodate Hannah's wheelchair, but Evie did raise a good point about what they would do for money as Hannah wouldn't be earning. Maybe getting way ahead of herself but at least she was thinking about the future which is quite adult thinking for a teenager.

Matt's panic about John getting hold of last weeks paper brought a bit of well needed light relief and his snatching all the papers to take out the offending page. It was also funny that the boys arranged a romantic film for Evie and Sasha and then they left the boys to it for their walk. Chris getting all weepy over it brought out his soft side again. Matt's disappointment about not getting a uni place was so real yet he didn't let that him stop celebrating Sash's news she'd got into the uni she wanted and as Angelica said so unlike Maddy and Josh and that was only her failing an exam. As we saw from the promo Matt does confess he didn't get any places.

John realising he, Maz and Jett were imposing on Alf and Roo at a bad time for them then the argument with Alf that they should find somewhere else and Alf telling him they could stay was just so John and Alf. I suppose as Red said there is always a caravan they could use if push comes to shove.

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I expect Leah will be coming back. I think this was her story was planned awhile Ada was away having her baby. But given what happened there, she could be away longer now. It's a strange one because if Leah is being kept alive by just the machines helping her to breathe and there isn't a chance of her waking up. Wouldn't that class her as brain dead? As Charlie was.

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I think it depends on the type of brain injury pembie, though if Leah does come out of it, will there be any long lasting after effects?

Naaaa I don't think so nothing is ever lasting on this show. Once Leah is back I expect she will be back to normal after a short time.

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