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Nice to have a new and fresh opinion atrus.

Well Ricky's tale of woe to Kat the Kop didn't fool me so I doubt it fooled Kat. Emerson mentioned she'd came from the city and there is more to why she's in the bay. :wink: Her behaviour is/was bordering on harassment and she was doing it without Emerson's knowing about it or OK. Let's see if they pull it off.

Picking up on your remark, Angelica, about Hannah dumping Andy because she didn't think he was mature enough for a relationship it was more her having a hissy fit because it was OK for Andy to have a one night stand with Neive as they weren't together, and she'd snogged Nate anyway, but when he revealed he did it because Denny had told him he had no chance with her (Hannah), she got all huffy.

Anyway, going against the flow I'm with Andy and Hannah being together and him taking her home. He could see how unhappy she was in hospital and it's an old cliché but a true one, doctors and nurses do make the worse patients. She's been staring at the same four walls for weeks now and it will make her feel a a lot better being back in familiar surroundings and having her own things around her. Funny how Denny was OK with Hannah being back home, till she found out it was Andy's idea! Her putting him down is really going to help matters isn't it? Cut the guy some slack folks!!

Must be quite a trip from Sydney a.k.a. the city to the bay as it was dark when Oscar and Maddy returned home. I know it seems I get obsessed with the way time flies by in the bay, but it is kind of odd that is daylight one moment and dark the next. I really thought for one moment everyone was going to ignore Oscar, he was just left standing at the door feeling like a spare part. He did get thanked, in a off hand kind of way, a hug from Roo wouldn't have gone amiss. I guess Roo was too relieved to have Maddy home to give her a telling off and Alf was as wise as ever by letting her have a night at home before going back into hospital. Thoughtful of Maz to say her John and Jett would be moving back home, Roo and Alf don't want to be worrying about making sure they are being looked after. Oscar was really whacked out and then he started wondering if he should have talked Maddy into coming home earlier, the time you did it was the right time, she wouldn't have listened before.

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Welcome to the board, atrus, and I find myself agreeing with a lot of what you say! Except maybe new VJ...

Today's episode again felt like we're being beat about the head with the show's message: When Denny queries why everyone's forgotten what Andy's really like and what he's done, I felt like saying "Hear, hear." It seems we're all meant to just accept him and forget that his way of making up for things was murdering someone.I thought Denny was quite right to have a go at Nate: He refused to discuss worst case scenario with Evelyn last week, then he just decides to discharge Hannah without letting her family know or giving them any opportunity to make arrangements for her simply because Andy told him to.I really didn't like Oscar here, reducing the issue to a simplistic "It's what Hannah wants." Well, sometimes people don't know what's best for them: Maddy wanted to run away and die quietly, and he didn't meekly go along with that.Denny's perfectly valid point that Hannah should have stayed in hospital until they'd arranged proper care for her and got the house adjusted to suit a disabled person gets met with a bratty "Well, how long would that take?" I'm glad Denny didn't immediately decide Andy's all right because he bought a pizza but it still feels like it's being treated as her problem and that she's the one who should just suck it up and join the Andy Barrett Fan Club.

I'm glad that Kyle's "angry" period didn't last long but it's a shame if he isn't able to sing anymore: I've always thought him a better singer than Phoebe, although to be fair she wasn't bad here.At least it seems we'll be spared her yelling rock tunes for a while.And I'm glad that what seemed to be set up as a typical Kyle-and-Phoebe-have-sex-at-the-end-of-every-conversation moment got turned on its head and turned into a comedy moment.Oh, and Phoebe seems to have picked up a groupie.Or maybe "stalker" would be a better description, given his angry reaction to seeing her with Kyle and hiding in her bushes.

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Nice to have a new and fresh opinion atrus.

Welcome to the board, atrus

Thanks, it's good to be here!

It seems we're all meant to just accept him and forget that his way of making up for things was murdering someone.

And oddly enough, I had forgotten about that - even though it was only recently! I was trying to put my finger on why I didn't think it was credible that this guy was just hanging around. And yes, it's because he turned off someone's life-support, and everyone just sort of shrugged and forgot about it. (I can't even remember which characters actually know about it? Do Denny/Hannah?) And I think that's the nub of my problem with the show at the moment - when the Brax/Andy gang warfare stories kick off, I tend to half-tune out and concentrate on other things, because I don't really care about them. Those characters (Brax and his associates) seem to be held to a different moral standard to those in the rest of show, which really jars for me, and makes me uninterested in the consequences.

I too share Denny's feelings on the Andy Barrett Fan Club - more because I generally don't much see the point of him than anything else - but what I will say for him, is that I do slightly prefer him in scenes with the Wilson-MacGuire-Millers, than lingering around as a stand-in Braxton brother for no particular reason. At least with Hannah, he has something approaching a motivation to be there.

We've just had the 'never sing again' story over on Neighbours with Georgia - and H&A's Kyle handled it a little better than she did, I have to say! Proof, if needed, that one can be stoic about such things in soap, and possibly gain more viewer sympathy in the process. I do like the fact that they use Kyle and Phoebe in a slightly different way to the rest of the Braxton contingent with some 'normal' storylines for them - but it does tend either to be murder or music, and nothing in between, so perhaps this will allow Kyle to branch out into other interests. He's sort of replaced Casey as the relatively level-headed brother, which is ironic given how he was introduced to the show. But again, a different moral standard presides for Team Braxton, so I suppose that doesn't matter now.

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Whilst I don’t necessarily think it’s ideal for Hannah to be at home right now, I DO like that they are making this “I can’t move/feel my legs” storyline different to Casey’s about 2 years ago ….with the irony that Andy being so clsoe to Hannah – after putting Casey into the same sitch by running him and Maddie off the road.

Bonus for me with this Hannah thing is that I put Sasha PERMANENTLY in a wheelchair in my current fanfiction ….so it helps me further picture what I’ve done to Miss Bezmel [who’s still living at the farmhouse in my story].

Oh, and although I’ve not really been a fan of Maddie for a while, this cancer storyline is making me like her again.

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It seems we're all meant to just accept him and forget that his way of making up for things was murdering someone.

And oddly enough, I had forgotten about that - even though it was only recently! I was trying to put my finger on why I didn't think it was credible that this guy was just hanging around. And yes, it's because he turned off someone's life-support, and everyone just sort of shrugged and forgot about it. (I can't even remember which characters actually know about it? Do Denny/Hannah?)

Unless I've forgotten something, I think only Kyle and Josh know that Andy killed Jake.We got a scene of Hannah and Denny finding out and, as you say, they basically just shrugged and forgot about it;I seem to remember Denny said something along the lines of "I hope Brax didn't do it, Casey wouldn't have wanted him to get into trouble" so she may still think it might have been him.

Talking of Brax, by his standards he was actually quite calm and restrained while manhandling Sam so I'm not sure Ash needed to step in as quickly as he did:Probably remembering his promise to Ricky, as seen in the recap.It's hard to tell what they were playing at, did they really expect Sam to confess everything just because they threatened him?I mean, he's not going to commit to a twenty year stretch to avoid a few bruises and if they did any more than that Brax really would be sunk.Ash's approach, appealing to Sam's better nature and trying to come up with a plan that would leave them all in the clear, was at least workable.But it does feel like we're being told Brax is in deep trouble whereas all the police really have on him is the fingerprint evidence, he doesn't really have a real motive.If the police don't know about the money, all they're left with is the fact Dean was mean to Ash.That's the first mention of him being charged, in which case his bail conditions seem ridiculously lax.

I don't know if we're meant to assume that it was Ryan (as the credits call him) who left that tiara for Phoebe?I did wonder if her "boyfriend" line gave him the wrong idea for a moment but he seemed to realise she was talking about Kyle.John and Phoebe's first chat was good but the second was a bit frustrating: It might have helped if John had actually given Phoebe a description of Ryan so she might have realised he was the guy she ran into.I did like the scene between Phoebe and Matt;oddly, after a rocky start, they seem to bring out the best in each other.Some more kind moments from Sasha, not wanting to rub her success in Matt's face.I can't be bothered to get annoyed about Matt going back to school, it happens so many times and just shows a lack of imagination on the writers' part.

No surprise Zac's been made acting principal, I wonder if he'll get the job permanently or whether someone new will be brought in.Sasha's photo suggestion (no credit for Ada Nicodemou this time so I guess last week was an aberration) was well-intentioned but not very well thought out.VJ, VJ, VJ...I think the problem isn't that the new version is blatantly not 15/16 but that he's not VJ.If he'd turned up as a new character who was meant to be a teenager, it probably wouldn't be any more daft than Spencer, Josh and Matt playing schoolkids.And if he'd been gone for years like Roo, we might accept it.But when the sweet little boy from the beginning of last year disappears for six months or so and then comes back as a cranky thug...The shock of him punching Matt was dulled by it being shown in all the promos but it was completely unprovoked and is another point where it's impossible to sympathise with him.

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I feel I have lost so much sympathy for Brax that I was actually hoping for him to be caught. I did think that they were going with unrealistic expectations - from Sam's point of view, everything has worked out in his favour (and he was wise to try to pin the thing on someone who has been arrested on suspicion of murder so many times already).

While I still haven't warmed to new VJ per se, I do appreciate how changing the actors has allowed for some really good VJ/Zac scenes and Matt/VJ scenes. I love the fact that Zac has taken on the role of guardian of VJ - having previously been indifferent to Zac, I have really warmed to him in the last few weeks. And Matt trying in his misguided way to be supportive of VJ has really shown another side to Matt (I loved the scene last week where Matt walked in on VJ playing video games after finding out about Leah, and just trying to maintain normality by playing the game with him).

Talking of Matt, also loved how he still is encouraging Sasha to be excited about uni. And loved the Matt/Phoebe scene (once again, proving that Phoebe may have potential as a character if she only moved out of the Braxton sphere a bit more).

Also, loved Phoebe's and John's initial talk, and how Phoebe totally understood John's reticence about the Braxtons.

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Oh, Brax. I don't pretend to know what he's done this time, or why he's done it, or who this new stubbly bloke is that he's hanging out with, or why they're driving around together in the outback being unnecessarily shouty. But I just wish they'd give him a rest for a while. Can't they just have him direct the school play or something?

It's a shame because Steve Peacocke is obviously a very capable actor, but they just do the same things over and over with him.

VJ, VJ, VJ...

I'm quite divided about VJ. I think Matt Little has been a solid performer so far, but you're right of course that VJ is not the character we knew. Part of me doesn't mind that, because children have limited utility on soaps and they're obviously wanting to upgrade him into the angsty teen bracket. But on the other hand, the transformation (and not just the physical one) has been too fast. VJ was such a gentle personality and I think it would have been nice to retain some of that, at least for a while. Perhaps we'll see it come through again as he comes to terms with the situation with Leah.

More generally, I do sometimes wish that they'd take a different dramatic route than 'someone throws a punch'. There are more subtle ways of showing that sort of pain which would actually be much more effective. And poor Matt's really copped it of late, too, having had that smack from Spencer not so long ago. (Although that one was probably more deserving, in fairness.)

I also liked Phoebe's scenes with Matt and John - she's unique in being detached enough to be able to offer a commentary on the daftness of the Braxtons while somehow living with them. Not especially interested in the stalking-by-numbers storyline though.

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I've had to do a marathon today due to work. Welcome to the thread Atrus! Interesting views on new VJ, I'm struggling to invest in him.

finally Zac knows about Hannah!!! You can imagine my delight when I was watching!

I haven't warmed to kat at all! She's going behind her superiors back and seems to have it in for him without any real motive. That we know of. And she walks like she's on the set of a porn film. Hashtag swagger.

I felt sasha reaction to finding out that Matt is repeating year 12 (especially the way she did) was justified. They had planned it all out and then he rocks up in his uniform with skateboard in toe. I'd be furious too. I'm afraid this may be the writing on the wall for them though now. The city is a a long way and soon it will fizzle out. Leah's picture in the diner was a good thought of hers and you could see irene immediately was touched by it, of course VJ took more persuading and went into violent brat mode. I just don't get that. Glad he came round and of all people Jett talked him round. Shows how grown up he can be sometimes. Speaking of which, Matt has been so good with Sasha getting into uni, again reiterating how far he's come form Mangrove River days. He still has time to push Spencer into a locker though.

Irene, I felt, is goin all mothery worth he chequebook and food because not only does she want to help but it's her way of coping too.and I just felt so very sorry for her whe Zac had a go.

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Hannah wanted and needed to get home and is certainly a lot happier and surely a happy patient is going to want to get better quicker than being stuck in a hospital bed with just four walls to stare at? The only way Andy will bail is if everyone keeps telling him he will. There's going to be times when they will all need a break are they going to be slagged off as well?

Why did TPTB at the school board decide Zac should be acting principal aren't there other teachers at the school who have been there longer who could do it, not that we see any of them? Hasn't he got enough on his plate at the moment, how's he going to fit in teaching, principal duties, looking after VJ and visiting Leah?

I liked the chat between Matt and VJ when they were on the wharf, he really emphasised with VJ, shame VJ spoilt it later by hitting him, he would be letting Leah down if he didn't go back to school like he told her would. I can understand why he left The Diner so abruptly, it's where Leah worked and it must have stirred up a lot of emotions, that, I think, is why he got upset at Sasha's well meant , though misguided, gift of a photo of Leah and Irene in The Diner, he didn't need another reminder of the fact she isn't there anymore.

Definitely your second choice of phrase Red, Ryan, if that is him, stalker! He did look a bit crestfallen when Phoebe told him the gift was from Kyle. Her being friendly towards him is going to fuel his obsession. Typical Phoebe to agree with John and his wanting to move away from the Braxton's, as she said she actually lives in the house. I was surprised she didn't ask what the snooper looked like. Her chat with Matt was great, she certainly got him to open up and as we saw he decides to retake Year 12, good for him, though Sasha wasn't happy. I'm glad Kyle decided to tell Phoebe about him maybe not being able to sing anymore, unlike the usual Braxton thing of not telling anyone anything because it's not the Braxton way.

Just as well Ash did go with Brax and was able to stop him from doing something really stupid. Brax has never actually killed anyone, he thought he had killed Jonny Barrett, but it was Adam who really finished him off. He did seem resigned to the fact he could be going to jail, but as Red said all the evidence the police have is circumstantial, they have no previous history, unlike Ash who was alibied by Sam, didn't the fight between Sam and Dean get reported seeing as it landed Sam in hospital with serious, life changing injuries?

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