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I'm at the stage where I rolled my eyes on seeing the episode started with Josh and Evelyn.So I really can't be bothered by what Josh is doing with a bunch of aerosols at the end.I am glad though that Zac was finally clued in on what's going on with Hannah, hopefully it'll open the floodgates for him to interact more with the other MacGuires although he's kind of been usurped by Andy (who, perhaps significantly, Evelyn didn't tell him about) and has his hands full with VJ.I'm glad VJ's gone back to school, although he didn't make any promises to Leah, just said he'd think about it, and, although the two of them together still jars at times, it was good that Jett talked him into it.(The ironic thing is Felix Dean might well have had a growth spurt and look older since we last saw him, Will McDonald and Matt Little are almost the same height, but it's hard to get that image out of your head.)And I'm glad VJ apologised to Matt, which I didn't think he would at first.While I can see where Zac was coming from, and getting out the chequebook seemed a bit patronising (Unless it was meant to be Leah's share of the Diner profits, in which case why didn't Irene say so?), I think Irene just wants to do something to help and this is the only option open to her.Zac yelling at Spencer and Matt in the Diner seemed unnecessary, it was just blokey banter, but Matt banging Spencer's head against a locker was bullying, plain and simple, and not as funny as he and the writers seem to think: It's moments like this that stop Matt being truly likable.

Sasha was a bit screechy and said "you and I" when she should have said "you and me".I can kind of see her point and I do think Matt should have told her earlier but their plans were on the verge of going up in smoke anyway.(So this uni that was her first choice is in the city?)Chris being at a loose end without Spencer was good character work and John going all Mr Miyagi on him is an interesting development, I hope Chris being with the surf lifesavers gets carried through.(What happened to Maddy's training, by the way?Did the "pregnancy" and cancer put paid to it?)

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I've had to do a marathon today due to work. Welcome to the thread Atrus! Interesting views on new VJ, I'm struggling to invest in him.

finally Zac knows about Hannah!!! You can imagine my delight when I was watching!


Irene, I felt, is goin all mothery worth he chequebook and food because not only does she want to help but it's her way of coping too.and I just felt so very sorry for her whe Zac had a go.

Yeah, it is good that Zac now knows about Hannah (although it annoys me that Hannah hasn't really told anyone other than Andy herself - she left Denny to break the news to the twins, and Evie to break the news to Zac). About time! It was a good scene with Evie/Zac, and I like the fact that Evie keeps mentioning things like how are they going to pay rent or bill. It seems that the younger ones are more pragmatic and sensible than the actual grownups.

While Irene was obviously just trying to help, I felt that offering Zac a cheque was perhaps not the best approach. I think, however, that Zac was projecting his own insecurities about his ability to look after VJ (it must be extra difficult because he isn't actually VJ's step-dad or guardian)

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Welcome to the thread Atrus!

Thanks! :)

Great to have some of the lighter characters taking a front seat today. I especially like the hilarious - and in my view blatantly quasi-sexual - chemistry between Matt and Spencer.

Matt banging Spencer's head against a locker was bullying, plain and simple, and not as funny as he and the writers seem to think: It's moments like this that stop Matt being truly likable.

I'm going to disagree on this one; I'm not sure that their being rough with one another at times can particularly be classed as bullying - it's too familiar a relationship for that. I actually think they've got a proper love/hate thing going, and if they're not a couple by the time the year's through it will be a crying shame.

Chris is also a very cleverly written character - combining almost unfeasible levels of emotional intelligence with what are in many ways very conventionally blokey characteristics. His dynamic with Irene in particular is great. I'm glad he finally seems to be on the permanent roll call (although not sure why he wasn't for so long, given that he seems to have been around for ages now).

The VJ stuff was nice as well. I'm not surprised he was upset at the photo of Leah - it did seem like a bit of a shrine - but he showed maturity in putting that to one side and at least acting as if he liked it; whether or not he did, I'm not sure. Although it seems it was Zac's turn to throw on the cape of Captain Unreasonable instead. I know he's having a tough time, and shouting at Spatt is excusable - but he's old enough to know better than to fling Irene's kindness back in her face, even though the cheque was clearly a bit of a step too far.

The ironic thing is Felix Dean might well have had a growth spurt and look older since we last saw him, Will McDonald and Matt Little are almost the same height, but it's hard to get that image out of your head.

The interesting thing about this is that they recently upped Jett's age by a year, too. You have to ask why that decision was made - given that VJ and Jett are supposed to be best friends, you would think they'd do the opposite and knock Jett down a year if anything, so that the discrepancy between the actor ages looks more believable. I can only assume they have an imminent plot reason for making Jett older than he was; this is pure speculation, but perhaps he's about to embark on a particular storyline that requires it?

Speaking of which, I'm confused about the ages of the other teen characters too now. I thought Spatt were classmates last year - so if Matt is repeating because he didn't get into uni, is Spencer repeating too? I also thought Spencer, Maddy, Sasha and Matt were supposed to be the year above the twins (and maybe Josh)? Or have I got it all horribly wrong? I probably have, haven't I.

I'm at the stage where I rolled my eyes on seeing the episode started with Josh and Evelyn.

Hmm, yes. Josh and Evie don't excite me as characters, I must say. Josh in particular needs a lot more definition, and Evie appears to have been designated whinger-in-chief for most of her run so far. But hopefully Evie can at least draw Josh away from his Braxtons-Plus membership a bit, as Hannah is doing a little with Andy.

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Agree with you Atrus on a few points there. Chris is by far my favourite of the younger cast and his relationship / double act with Irene is fantastic and privies much needed comic relief sometimes. As Red said, I hope this life saving thing is followed through I think it's a great idea. He'd be the new Vinne!

A few of us here thought Jett's ages changing was because new VJ looked so old? I guess we'll have to wait and see if it's for a plot line or not.

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In a way Zac knowing about Hannah is just going to add to his problems, as Evie said he's got enough on his plate. He's not planning on trying to help out at the farmhouse is he, he'll be cracking up at that rate and the board will be looking for another acting principal. Angelica brought up a good point, Evie does seem the only one worried about money and how they are going to manage. There must be some sort of system in place to cover some expenses at least. Andy, I'm guessing isn't working at the moment, Denny can't earn that much, Hannah would be entitled to sick pay for a few months at least, but great to know she's thinking ahead of that. I'm not sure what Irene was thinking of offering Zac a cheque, unless as Red said it was Leah's share of the profits, but why not just say so. I guess to Zac it did seem he was being treated as if he wasn't capable of cooking for VJ and Matt on his own, though I hope he does accept he will need it at certain times. VJ could stay over at Jett's more to give Zac some time on his own. I thought VJ told Leah he'd go back to school for the next/this term and then see how he felt about staying at school after that. Glad that Jett got through to VJ and he is going back to school, will stop him brooding at home.

The look on Spencer's face when he saw Matt was resitting Year 12 was a picture! Join the club atrus about how old the kids are supposed to be! :unsure: The way I saw it Spencer, Evie, Oscar and Josh are now in Year 12. I think if Spencer and Matt were left alone long enough they could find common ground and be best buddies. Matt enjoys baiting Spence and he just needs to ignore them. I do hate the joining of names, makes me shudder. Shame Sasha had to find out about Matt from Irene, but that was just chance on her walking into Leah's house when she did. I think this time round Sash is being unrealistic, as Matt pointed out and which she took the wrong way, Sid is paying for her uni fees whereas he'd probably need to get a job to help pay his way, he wouldn't sponge of Sash. Also by resitting Year 12 he'll be doing it to get good marks to get into uni and not be a 'special case'.

I do hope Chris takes his life guards duties seriously and isn't just using it to get the girls, mind you when he was busy waxing down the buggy a couple passed by him and he didn't bat an eyelid, so maybe there is hope for him after all! I loved John's impromptu 'initiation' ceremony then telling Chris there were forms he could just fill in in the Surf Club. :lol: You're right Red, Maddy being pregnant then finding out about the cancer put paid to her training.

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I do hate the joining of names, makes me shudder.

Sorry! If it's any consolation, it was at least 55% ironic. :wink:

A few of us here thought Jett's ages changing was because new VJ looked so old? I guess we'll have to wait and see if it's for a plot line or not.

i guess it depends if they've messed with VJ's own birthday in the canon or not. (I don't know if they have, or at least if they have recently - I guess they've messed with it at some point in the past because otherwise he'd only be turning 14 this year?). If they wanted to explain why VJ looked so much older than Jett, then it seems to me they could get some of the way there by making Jett a year younger than he thought he was, not bumping him a year ahead - because if Jett's now supposed to be a year older than VJ, the contrast is surely even more jarring. On the other hand, if they're artificially ageing VJ by a year too, then I suppose they might want to keep Jett at a similar age, so decided to bump him a year. But I'm not entirely sure why it'd be necessary - or why one would have an on-screen reason for being older, and the other just suddenly is. Anyhow, time will tell.

So it seems this Katarina character isn't as squeaky-clean as she's been making out. No surprise there. I'm surprised she hasn't fallen in love with him yet. But I've no idea why she'd take Nate's word for what a great guy Brax is, rather than going by his presumably hefty file on the police computer. I'm enjoying the way they're lampooning the Braxtons a bit through John's eyes, as at least it shows they recognise there's a tonal mismatch going on - although they must also realise how many viewers feel the same way as John does about having to put up with them all the time!

Evie seemed way too delighted with that mural, which I personally thought was lacking in soul. Still, John and Chris were funny in the way they reacted. I hope it's not one of those soap murals that's still there in ten years' time, when nobody knows who Josh or Evie are.

I hope Oscar's got a good (and not just a contractual) reason for not making it to Maddy's chemo in time. I'm not sure I approve of the little hints we're getting that the contest might be on, and that Spencer might be making a bit of a play for Maddy again. We've been there, done that, after all - and besides which, Matt would be heartbroken. :wink:

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Speaking of which, I'm confused about the ages of the other teen characters too now. I thought Spatt were classmates last year - so if Matt is repeating because he didn't get into uni, is Spencer repeating too? I also thought Spencer, Maddy, Sasha and Matt were supposed to be the year above the twins (and maybe Josh)? Or have I got it all horribly wrong? I probably have, haven't I.

We'll all confused about that one but the simple version is: Spencer and Maddy were in Year 11 with Sasha when they first appeared, but somehow last year they were still in Year 11, along with Josh and the twins, while Sasha and Matt were in Year 12.

Alf's episode count this week:Three.

I can kind of understand why Maddy's storyline took a backseat, since we've basically seen these scenes before at the end of last year.I kind of like the way Spencer and Oscar seem to be tag-teaming on supporting her but I agree with atrus, there'd better be a good reason Oscar didn't show up.And not only does Evelyn find out about Maddy cancer's off screen, missing what should have been an important dramatic moment, but she doesn't apologise for the way she treated her at the end of last year, despite having a golden opportunity.Fair enough, she wished her luck but it needed more than that.The way that Evelyn never apologises when she should yet apologises when she shouldn't is getting frustrating.

Also frustrating is that other than Maddy and her support group, and John and Chris I suppose, I found it very hard to find someone I liked.I'm not really sympathising with Brax, partly because it feels like we've been here lots of times before.But the one I really disliked was Kyle, with his rhetorical rant at the end.Because he seems to be ignoring the fact that Brax is guilty.Not of killing Sam, but of breaking his bail, and Kat should do her job and report it, not let Kyle give her a guilt trip or take Nate's advice on whether Brax is a decent person or not.(What he bases that assessment on, I don't know.) "There'll be blood on your hands!"he declares, as if she's sending Brax to the gallows rather than remand.Suddenly I'm missing the constant sex scenes with Phoebe...

And then we have self-absorbed pair Josh and Evelyn.Josh wants to paint a mural for Evelyn, so she'll have something to cheer her up when she feels down. Does he paint it on the side of a barn at the farm, somewhere private and special where she can go to easily?No, he defaces a public building a bus ride away from her house.And then, when John rightly tries to clean the graffiti off, Jett decides to stick his oar in, and it's hard not to shake the feeling it was simply his way of getting back at John for putting the house up for sale, and drag Josh and Evelyn down there to stamp their feet and whine a lot.I found myself wishing for John and Chris to turn the power hoses on them and wash off enough of the graffiti that it wasn't worth sticking around.I really hope they don't get their own way and we get stuck with something which means nothing to the rest of the Bay on the side of the surf club.

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So she weaves her web and Spencer is now completely sucked in too. If she plays her cards right she can get them to face off each other and the winner gets to claim her as their prize. Had to laugh at Oscar apparently standing her up. Looking forward to finding out why he missed the big one.

Some really funny moments in most of that episode, especially with Brax. The scene where Kyle reversed Brax's car into the driveway, Brax ran out in his bare chest, jumped into the car, speed down the road, John, Marilyn and Jett stood there in bemusement and Ricky casually said 'morning' to them was brilliant and had me in stitches. I also really liked Brax's reaction when Kat showed him the photo of him and Ash at the filling station. I bet that made him lose his appetite.

I laughed when Kat asked Nate's opinion on Brax and Nate (of all people) said he was a decent guy then Kat just took his word like that. I also loved the way Kyle was able to get some dirt on Kat and so quickly as well. And her sudden change in attitude was most amusing (I always enjoy when soap characters gain some sort of leverage over someone somehow and use it as potential blackmail material). Now she believes Brax is innocent although I suspected she initially thought that when she realised he was prepared to risk everything to go after Sam. I really liked the scene when Kat and Brax faced off at the police station earlier on in the episode.

Didn't like Josh spraying graffiti on surfclub wall but I did like the way it cheered Evelyn up.

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Pairing John with Chris was absolute comic genius - there are quite a few similarities between the two characters. I admit to being on their side about the graffiti - I think there were loads of things Josh could have done to cheer up Evie without defacing public property.

It definitely looks like they are gearing up to a Spencer/Maddy/Oscar love triangle. It looks like Maddy is quite dependent on Oscar now and potentially reciprocates Oscar's feeling.

I laughed so much when Kat suddenly changes her views on Brax because Nate tells her he is a good guy. Firstly, because she has know Nate for 2 seconds, and secondly, because up until that point, I had no idea Nate was such a Brax fan.

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