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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Re the graffiti/artwork, Josh did it at night, so was there any outside lighting at the surf club, if not he did a bloody job doing it in the dark. Loved John and Chris being dressed up like the Ghostbusters. :lol: Plus Chris getting all community spirited and making a citizens arrest. I thought it looked pretty good and from the trailer we saw most of the school kids (and Marilyn) defending it. Does brighten up a otherwise dull wall and hey Jett mentioned our Banksy!!!!

Where did that photo of Brax and Ash in the service station come from, all it had on it was Kat's name, no address, did Sam send it? I loved that casual 'morning' from Ricky as well Slade. :P Kat has a 'past' there's a surprise and what made Kyle decide to check up on her, she must have only been a rookie cop so low down on the food chain. She has to prove herself to the cops at Yabby Creek. Nate has seen another side to Brax that the cops hasn't, like when they were out in the bush and at the crash site. I was wondering if Brax had to report at a certain time at the cop shop rather than just any old time of day.

Unlike Oscar not to show up when he had texted to say he was on his way, hope we get to find out what stopped him. I'm pleased to see Nate explain all the bad things Maddy could experience, instead of sugar coating it and say everything will be OK. I suppose you could argue Evie wasn't being hypocritical when she wished Maddy luck but didn't apologise for her previous behaviour.

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I'm still firmly on John and Chris' side here.I mean, seriously, do the rent-a-mob even know what they're protesting about? They're camping out and skipping school to defend a self-absorbed couple's right to plaster their names over the side of a public building.And then we get Marilyn throwing away any maturity she's gained by turning into an aggravating child woman carping on about how romantic it all is.(She wasn't saying that when she first saw Josh and Evelyn making out when he already had a girlfriend but I guess that's too far back for her to remember.)She has the audacity to call John a bully: Thirty against one seems more like bullying to me. And I didn't like Spencer stabbing Chris in the back because he was upset he wouldn't spend time with him.I've got a bad feeling that the protesters are going to win and I really hope they don't.(And why, well over a year after Mangrove River High ceased to exist, have we still got extras wearing the uniform?Isn't it about time they changed into the proper SBH uniform?)

It's hard to feel sorry for Brax when he's doing way too much of that himself.I actually found myself feeling sorry for Ricky, having to deal with yet more broken promises.I wasn't too impressed with Kyle acting like he'd solved everything just because Kat thinks they're telling the truth.And I'm not sure who's the worst police officer: Kat keeping a guilty man out of jail by covering up his crime or the murder team going after the guy with the record instead of the guy with a motive.(And where were they when Jake was murdered?Okay, sorry, letting it go...)I do think that Brax should stand a good chance in court given the case against him is pretty flimsy.

I was going to say I didn't think Spencer was jealous of Oscar anymore but then this episode suggested he is.I can't tell if Maddy's feelings towards Oscar are romantic or not but she is becoming way too dependent on him and asking a lot of him.I almost wish he hadn't turned up so she'd have to cope without him, and his reason for being late was pretty much "I was late."I liked Alf's part in things. And I didn't actually recognise the outside of the caravan park house.And Pink Teddy is still around! I was worried he wouldn't be seen again after Maddy abandoned him.

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I'm disappointed Brax is giving up so easily like this. Surely it's not over till it's over and he should be doing everything in his power to prove his innocence. He shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and Kat basically offered him a lifeline. Even though what she did was absolutely laughable.

I didn't mind them doing the graffiti thing for one episode but they should put this to bed now. It was extremely boring. And I don't think it really serves any purpose to carry on protesting it. Josh made his point and his feelings clear by doing it in the first place. Evelyn loved the gesture, end of. He should actually be made to clear it off, since he created it in the first place. John annoyed me the way he was hassling Kat when she finished her shift and just wanted to go home and have something to eat.

Oscar is absolutely right to have reservations about Maddy. And good to see he's actually thinking things through this time. There's no way she would be like this with him if it wasn't for the cancer. It's a lot easier to bond with someone when you think you're at death's door. If he still wants to chance a relationship then the best (the only) hope is the dependency thing. Although assuming she recovers it wouldn't surprise me when she becomes less dependent if her feelings change. Especially if something better comes along. Have to admit I was slightly amused at Spencer's jealousy resurfacing.

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So they've given the new cop in town five minutes and she's already a card-carrying member of Team Braxton, just because someone she barely knows, and who barely knows Brax, attests at random to his being a thoroughly nice chap? I suppose that is the default position of anyone who's been in the Bay more than five minutes, regardless of the fact that Brax has seldom done anything to earn said respect, other than be borderline-charming-in-a-mildly-bolshy-kind-of-way when someone orders a pizza (assuming he hasn't turfed them out or pinned them up against a wall halfway through the meal). Regardless of Katarina's 'hunch', what she did there was totally corrupt. I can only assume she's shortly to become a love interest for one of the Braxtons or Braxtons-Plus and end up moving in with them, but if that's the case I wish they'd take it a little slower.

Poor Oscar. I fully empathise with him over the situation with Maddy, since she spent most of the episode giving him her ominous 'I like you right now because I need you' look. I'm not saying she's doing it deliberately - but she does lack a certain emotional maturity, and I feel as if that could lead to her using Oscar rather badly in this situation, even though she probably doesn't realise that that's what she's doing. It does seem convenient that Josh, who she was ostensibly in love with up until very recently, has been swiftly forgotten, and that Maddy's now making eyes at the one person who'd do anything for her. I hope I'm proved wrong and that it turns out to be a genuinely mutual attraction, though - because they'd make a much nicer couple than Maddy and Josh. I really liked the scene with Oscar and Alf - very reminiscent of old-school H&A.

And I didn't actually recognise the outside of the caravan park house.

It looked sort of familiar, but definitely different somehow. Can anyone fill me in on what happened here? I know it burned down in real life (years and years ago) and that there was talk shortly afterwards of it being rebuilt. But then for many years, nothing seemed to happen with that - and I think this is the first time I've noticed it being used as an exterior location again outside stock footage? (Although that could be because I haven't been watching very closely up until quite recently.)

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Atrus the outside of the house being used again after being rebuilt is new to this years season. They have used it a couple of times now.

How funny was Ricky's flippant 'morning' after all the drama of getting Brax to the police station?! Haha. Speaking of which, if I was her, I'd've been down that motel ages ago. She begged him time and time again not to go on that road trip and to choose her and the kid. He doesn't deserve her support. Although I was glad towards the end of the episode when he apologised to her. Seemed genuine.

The Mural is a bit extreme and I can't help but think in the real world no one in their right mind would do that for the embarrassment alone. Chris in the diner had a amiaong throw away line "what do teenagers know about love anyway" which has a glint of irony being as the show mostly revolves around teens love angst most the time. It was absolute comedy gold with chris and John in their jump suits. Kudos to whoever came up with the idea to pair them up. Oh and the slow mo added to the effect.

Poor Oscar, was he entirely late or procrastinating going to Maddys chemo? I can't quite decide. He was getting strange looks from Spencer though which I just find odd because he's had nothing to do Maddy for about 12 months . I guess in struggling with him because he doesn't really do anything. Is he meant to be jealous of Oscar?? Maddy, likes he does, is asking a lot of Oscar and i particularly enjoyed his scene with Alf on the beach voicing his worries over Maddy responding to his feelings. He's right to be concerned too as Slade says, given her history.

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I'm of the same mind as you Red, Maddy does get dependent on all the boyfriends she has had. She was very miffed that he wasn't there when she woke up and had had the nerve to go to school. At least Oscar seems aware that could be the case, and he does have enough on his plate at the moment, and Alf gave good advice about him taking a step back. At the least it will determine if her feelings for him are genuine and not just a side effect of the cancer and the treatment. Maybe Spencer isn't jealous of Oscar but knowing Maddy the way he does is worried he is getting in too deep and will get hurt.

So were all the kids taking an impromptu day off school or was Jett the only one that went? OK during the night they could do shifts, but not during school time, not a good start for Zac being acting Principal. Btw why was Chris blaming himself, the graffiti/artwork was outside the surf club, wasn't like Josh broke in and did it, was he supposed to keep guard all night just in case? The more John kicks off the more the kids will stick it out and involving Kat didn't do his case any good. He should just walk away with his dignity intact.

Brax is getting annoying now and I'm glad Ash called him on it, he 'promised' Ricky he'd be more open with her but what does he do, shuts her and by extension Kyle, out again and keeps going off on his own again. :rolleyes: Might have known he'd be at Casey's grave. All this 'I've lost them' no you haven't, the only way that is going to happen is if you keep pushing them away like you did last time. The only reason I can think of is because he's done it ever since he was a kid and he was in charge, he helped Heath and others when they were in trouble, but if he was he looked after himself. It's now so ingrained in him he can't break the habit, but he needs to and quick or he will lose Ricky and the baby.

Maybe it's because Kat is new in town is the reason she's not influenced either way by the Braxton reputation and is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. She is taking a big risk by handing over that CCTV photo, though we have no idea where it came from or who sent it, that would only come to light if they, whoever they are, questioned what happened to it at a later date in which case she can say 'what photo?' There is nothing she can do, being a lowly constable, about what happens in Sam's home town and how they handle the investigation or not in this case. At last though someone, namely Kat, didn't want to discuss a private matter in a public place!

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It's hard to feel sorry for Brax when he's doing way too much of that himself.I actually found myself feeling sorry for Ricky, having to deal with yet more broken promises.I wasn't too impressed with Kyle acting like he'd solved everything just because Kat thinks they're telling the truth.And I'm not sure who's the worst police officer: Kat keeping a guilty man out of jail by covering up his crime or the murder team going after the guy with the record instead of the guy with a motive.(And where were they when Jake was murdered?Okay, sorry, letting it go...)I do think that Brax should stand a good chance in court given the case against him is pretty flimsy.

I have to disagree. I don't think it's fair to state the murder team are only going after Brax because he has a record, or to suggest the case against him is flimsy. The reason the police are going after Brax are because his finger prints are on the murder weapon. In addition, even with Ash suddenly changing his statement re: alibi, Brax still doesn't have a watertight alibi. So currently, Brax has motive, means and opportunity. What reason would they have for going after Sam at this point? Unless new evidence puts him near the crime scene. I was surprised that Kyle thought that he could solve everything once Kat admitted that she thought Brax was telling the truth - it is of no use without new evidence. And she is taking a huge risk by handing over the CCTV photo.

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I agree there's too much that stacks up against Brax on this one. Which is just more infuriating that we kniw he didn't do it. The lawyer today advising to plead guilty has clearly infuriated him but I must admit he's got a point. If he gets out early he can see his kid as a kid. Also why wasn't the lawyer meeting in their flat?

Urgh the protest is annoying now. And the whole town has condoned this vandalism. Irene has even supplied food and coffee! I found it strange about Sashas thirst to get involved 'just cause' regardless. Alf soon sorted them all out!

Matt has gone back to a pillock just when I was starting to like him. Now he's going to miss the meal with Sasha on her last night in the bay. His character has gone full circle which is such a shame in my view.

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I suppose you could argue Evie wasn't being hypocritical when she wished Maddy luck but didn't apologise for her previous behaviour.

Sorry to respond to this one two days late but I don't think it's hypocritical to admit you're wrong.Evelyn had a go at Maddy because she thought she had simply been lying about being pregnant and there was nothing wrong with her.Now that she knows Maddy really is ill, in my opinion she owes her an apology.

The only good thing about the protest was that the damn mural got washed off.Otherwise, everyone except Alf, John and Chris was left looking thoroughly unlikable.Irene and Sasha were massively out of line with the way they spoke to Chris, Marilyn even more so for the way she treated John."Are you trying to make out you're the victim?"she demands.Well, he's the one that got bullied and belittled by his family for spurious reasons, so yeah.I mean, what is this great triumph of love that so many idiots were willing to waste their time over?"It shows everything we've been through to be together,"declares Evelyn.That would be cheating with each other and then cheating on each other, right, followed by her refusing to stand by him when he thought he was going to be a dad?The resolution was risible, with Alf telling them exactly what John's been saying and pointing out that the graffiti has to come off and they're wasting their time, only for no real reason they listen to him.Maybe John isn't the most convincing of speakers but there's a good chance that it's because when he did try to do the same thing Marilyn snatched the megaphone off him and hurled childish comments in his direction, thus thoroughly undermining his standing as an authority figure.Bad Marilyn.Bad bad Marilyn.(And frankly Kat's casual attitude didn't help.)And the pay-off?Josh whips out his camera, shows Evelyn a photo he took and says they've got the mural forever anyway.So...why didn't he show her and Jett that two episodes ago instead of going through this selfish self-aggrandising farce?What an unlikable pair.

Sorry, I'm still not convinced by Brax's storyline.Given the amount of stuff he's got away with in the past four years, when there's been plenty of eye witnesses willing to finger him and plenty of equally damning evidence (this is more damning than trying to kill Jake in front of police officers?), it takes a bit more than a few fingerprints to convince me his position is unassailable. His lawyer fails to realise that the best way to create doubt is to spread the guilt rather than focus it: Pointing out that both Sam and Ash have as much motive and opportunity as Brax would create a pretty solid defence, especially when Brax's motive is still pretty flimsy.Given that he was all set to give up last episode, Brax's opposition to cutting a deal and doing five years seems a bit of an abrupt turnaround.Nice continuity getting back the lawyer who represented Casey two and a half years ago, by the way.

It's hard to know what to make of Spatt's latest spat.My main thought is that they were pushing each other's buttons all day and Spencer turned out to be better at it.Even though it was six of one and half a dozen of the other, Matt's attitude towards Zac was out of line so he thoroughly deserved that detention.

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Atrus the outside of the house being used again after being rebuilt is new to this years season. They have used it a couple of times now.

Ah okay, thanks - I feel slightly better for knowing it hasn't been on-screen for five years and I just haven't noticed!

The resolution was risible, with Alf telling them exactly what John's been saying and pointing out that the graffiti has to come off and they're wasting their time, only for no real reason they listen to him.

Yes, it struck me too that Alf didn't really provide any more persuasive an argument than Chris or John. It's simply 'Surf Club policy' that there's no artwork on the building, which is apparently enough to dissolve a days-long protest within thirty seconds.

It's hard to know what to make of Spatt's latest spat.My main thought is that they were pushing each other's buttons all day and Spencer turned out to be better at it.

Spencer really turned the aggressive flirtation up a notch today, I felt. He was being quite hurtful, but it was clearly only because he wished he was the one making out with Matt up against the lockers, instead of Sasha. And right at the end, he came very close to getting his wish. They were genuinely nose-to-nose - until the random teacher who inexplicably wasn't Zac turned up to douse their lust and break them apart.

And as for Matt, he was protesting way too much.

MATT: Spencer, if this is you trying to crack onto me - sorry, but you're not my type.

Sorry, but I just don't buy it.

The Brax story just got on my nerves as usual, as Brax got unreasonably angry with his lawyer for... erm... being a lawyer, just so he could fulfil today's 'get out of my sight' quota. Speaking of which, where do I recognise Brax's hotshot lawyer from? He's been in a fairly prominent role before, I feel, either in H&A or Neighbours or somewhere else.

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