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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Re Sasha and Matt I know we've had a fair share of first time pregnancies but I sometimes wonder if the age of consent in Australia has been raised to 21!

And why couldn't Sasha email the presentation to the Uni and get them to print it out if they needed a hard copy? BTW I notice Irene doesn't have the yellow Mustang any more, never mind Matt :-)

Vinnie Junior is getting to be a bit tiresome, Jet was right to say what he said in the diner, it's like he's the only person in the world that bad stuff is happening to - man up VJ! I hope he gets smothered by Marilyn and her kaftan.

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As Red said, Was great to see Leah and the storyline started tuggin on the olde heart strings again, not too much as we had to fly back to VJ. I disagree with Atrus regarding the actor who plays VJ. I'm not knocking himas an actor but I think he is too old to play VJ. And all the kiddy angry stuff about his mum isnt believable because someone who looks is age or IS his age would be more mature about it. Just how i feel tbh.

Sasha and Matt hav long been one of my favourite couples but i fear the writing is on the wall. it was a silly idea to sleep at the diner and actually Sasha's first suggestion of sleeping on the beach wouldve been much more romantic. Also, Irene flipped the first time they did it. Good of Irene to lend them her car though so she could get the presentation in. I know someone mentioned earlier that she couldve just emailed it but I was willing to overlook this. Matt driving got a few giggles out of me. "put your seatbelt on....idiot" LOL.

Its quite scary how this Ryan is just walking into a locked house unexplained. We saw him climb though the kitchen window last time - Assume he did the same? Nobody else dare go near the Braxton for fear of losing a limb at best but this guy is just waltzing into their house bold as brass. Fair play to him, however odd. The OTT incedental music was doing its job and sending the heart rate up. Everytime hes on screen the scary piano chords come out. There'll probably be lots of it in mondays ep.

All in all a great week I thought.

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Irene, Matt and the car was the most 'Irene' that Irene has been written in a long time, unfortunately I felt something was lost in the delivery. Lynne would have reeled those threats about the car off without a breath a while back, it really did seem like she was either wasn't trying or wasn't well. I can understand her maybe lacking enthusiasm though.

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So it was Jett's turn to bear the brunt of VJ's wrath today - about time, I suppose, as he's got off relatively lightly so far! I wasn't sure about the conclusion of today's tantrum-in-a-teacup though, which seemed to suggest that the only effective outlet for emotional pain is to hit something repeatedly. Still, I wonder if VJ would be better off staying with the Palmers rather than remaining with Zac - neither of them seem to know how to cope with one another at the moment, and at least that way VJ would have a friend all the time, and not be reminded of Leah constantly as he must be at home.

I'm not knocking himas an actor but I think he is too old to play VJ. And all the kiddy angry stuff about his mum isnt believable because someone who looks is age or IS his age would be more mature about it.

Yeah, I probably wouldn't disagree that he's too old compared to the previous actor. But he can't help that, after all, and I do think he's making the best of the job within the believability confines that his age has created, and the repetitiveness of the writing that's being served up for him.

VJ's reaction to Hannah getting feelings in her legs was similar to mine. And I wasn't much more excited by the return of Summer Bay Stalker #9,384. Irene was on top form, though, as others have said, and I enjoyed her banter with Chris as ever.

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It is ironic that after all the things that Brax has done or been involved in, he is now going to jail for something he didn't do.

It's funny you should say that because although slightly different it actually reminded me of Kane. An accessory to kidnapping Shauna, raped Dani etc. but got found guilty of the armed robbery Gus committed.

I'm disappointed that Hannah has regained the feeling back in her legs so quickly as I was looking forward to seeing how this storyline would have progressed. And I was especially enjoying the scenes with Andy and Denny. I even liked the scenes with Andy and Hannah. Now she'll probably go back to being utterly unlikeable.

I'm still enjoying Ryan's handiwork. And he's actually gone as far as using the chloroform on Phoebe now. Can't wait to see what he does next.

It's funny how Sasha was prepared to meet Matt every week. Understandably because she missed her bus and would have failed the assignment for sure if Matt had not talked Irene into lending him her car she now wants to meet every two weeks. Once she starts meeting new people at her uni, that will be once every three weeks, then once a month and then never.

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Have to agree with you Slade regarding Hannah they could have made more of a storyline about it, someone in a wheelchair for a while would have been more realistic.

Not sure where Denny fits in now without Casey, will they give her a storyline or will she go to 'Perth' with 24 hours notice like people do on H&A? :-)

I think Matt needs to get more of a life apart from Sasha, it always seems a bit intense to me.

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I think once Sasha has slowly faded out of the bay and is away at uni Matt be one of the strongest of the youngest cast. He has a sister that can be brought back etc and I quite like his back story, abusive drunk father etc. Hes come a long way already so I think Matt will get more of a life once Sasha has gone.

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Nothing to do with the age of consent Psychic, more of what someone, in this case Irene, allows under their roof, don't forget Leah didn't allow Sasha to stay over at her place.

I guess we missed Matt passing his driving his test. Unfair of Sasha to blame Matt when it was her idea, besides if they had slept on the beach it may have been even later when they woke up. Not a good start for her to be late for her first presentation. I can understand Irene getting annoyed about them sleeping at the Diner, but when did Chris get all Puritanical? It does seem the writing is on the wall, every week, now every two weeks. I agree 630si Matt has come a long way since that annoying yob we first encountered when Mango River High and Summer Bay High were first combined.

Jett has lost his mum yes, but VJ hasn't exactly 'lost' Leah, she's more in a kind of limbo which is worse in a way. Zac's idea, to me, was a good one, VJ will get all of that pent up aggression out of his system, Heath, Andy, Casey have all used that punching bag to get rid of their pent up anger, though I'm not sure him going on to actual boxing would. If I remember last time someone suggested it when 'old' VJ was being bullied Leah flipped out as she didn't want him fighting.

As 630si said last time Ryan came in through the window as I guess we are all meant to assume that's how he got in this time. No sound on the hidden camera so I imagine he was just enjoying the view. Better late than never for Kyle to tell Heath & Bianca and I like he decided to do it face than face, that wouldn't have been easy. Ryan would have been watching the place and even Angelo's from a safe distance this time and worked out Kyle was away, he may be deranged, but he's not stupid. If he hadn't had the chloroform he would have had a fight on his hands.

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