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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Well, at least Josh seemed somewhat freaked out by Evelyn suddenly acting like a sex-crazed desperate, although the moment is only deferred for 15 minutes of screen time, long enough for him to dig deeper into the Landmark Sex 101 handbook, made harder by the fact this is the second girl he's devirginised.(Maddy got fairy lights, Evelyn gets flashing balloons.)Actually, the storyline wasn't as bad as it could have been, thanks to being written with a sense of humour and a believable sense of awkwardness.The only thing that didn't work was Evelyn whining to Sasha: Do they even know each other?(I guess Denny's out of town, Hannah would slap a chastity belt on her and Oscar is still in post-break-up mode, so she was out of options.)Matt's involvement was great, from his initial putting his foot in it to his winding them both up, although Josh got the biggest laugh when he's momentarily more interested in Matt's economics ideas.

Some more humour in Chris' brief quest to sign up sponsors and the boxing stuff: While it feels like Jett is again doing something he doesn't really want to to please VJ, their banter and the reactions of John and Zac were great.Meanwhile, Matt and Sasha are hitting further stumbling blocks, although the timescale of the show is really messed up: Just how long are they meant to have been gone for, because it seems like more than the one day implied?Spencer's reaction to Chris giving Sasha relationship advice was another funny moment, but Chris actually shows rare intelligence by being effectively straight-talking.

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Didn't get any "good to see you back", you rotten lot!

Where can I get hold of "Landmark Sex101 handbook", please Red? I'm amazed that Josh could get all those lighted balloons ready in such a short space of time and cook dinner!. Overdid it a bit, didn't he? But it obviously paid off. I think that his recent painted mural on the wall of the surf club was much a better gesture and I am surprised that that didn't melt Evie's heart enough for the next stage. Josh has obviously taken over from Casey as the local lothario now. Who will be his no.3?

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VJ talking about the boxing helping him bulk up would've made more sense if it had happened before the recast.

There are some brilliant scenes they're doing at Angelo's that flick between the real balcony and the interior set. They're clearly a lot of work to do but it makes it look so real.

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The only thing that didn't work was Evelyn whining to Sasha: Do they even know each other?(I guess Denny's out of town, Hannah would slap a chastity belt on her and Oscar is still in post-break-up mode, so she was out of options.)

Although they haven't hung out lately, Sasha - becasue of Spencer wanting to be in the cult - spoke to Evie when she was there. i remember Evie giving Sash a letter for Oscar etc ....one with a drwaing of the tree that seemed to bind the twins together.

LOOOVED the chastity belt line.

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I'm really not a boxing fan and so I thought John and Zac were totally right not to allow VJ and Jett to participate in it. But at the same time it was great to have some lighter-hearted material for VJ which didn't result in him either marching out of a room or punching someone, and it's good to see that his friendship with Jett has survived the recast successfully.

I was sure Matt was going to write off Irene's car, so pleasantly surprised that he brought it back in one piece!

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Just caught up on all the comments due to being out of action the past few days, seems you're not alone Brian no-one missed me either. :( My take on Oscar and Maddy and his decision to break up despite of being in love with her for ages is neither of them declared their love until after her diagnosis which in Oscar's eyes at least now seems bad timing. if they had been properly involved before it would have seemed more 'normal' if any of that makes sense. As I think someone has suggested maybe after all her treatment has been completed and hopefully she gets the all clear, they can start again. Btw I did notice she is back to that bloody bouncing up and down, PLEASE STOP IT!

Kat is one bright cop, spotting the Wfi (so that is what it was) plug in and casually getting Ash and Kyle out of the room even if she didn't know Ryan couldn't hear them. So was it that motel, is so at least it wasn't the usual room. Was Phoebe singing badly to get Ryan close so she could knee him where it hurts? Handy how Ash, Kyle and Kat the Kop turned up just as Phoebe escaped. I was wondering about her changing so calmly into that dress. Phoebe probably felt safer at home, strange as it might sound. Still seems no-one has got the knack of locking their doors.

Denny is out of town with Ricky on Ash's advice because of Phoebe being kidnapped, he didn't want her involved and having something else to worry about. Denny used the excuse she was visiting her mum in the city so Ricky could go and see Heath and Bianca on the way. Evelyn did kind of plunge in on there with Sasha which seemed more odd than the fact she was talking to Sasha about it. Josh showed a lot of sense and a strangely romantic touch to Evies' idea she wanted to lose her virginity in the back of a car. Ruby had already lost hers before the car romp. Matt's suggestion 'to make it special' was just right. Have to say Josh's bedroom looked just like a typical teenage boys should look like a right mess, btw did I spot a teddy bear in it? :unsure:

They are making Hannah slowly getting feeling back in her legs more realistic than they usually do, she still has a way to go. I liked her talk with Nate and him being all coy about who his possible new lady in his life might be. It proved they are now over each other.

Loved John saying he was going to 'hid behind' Marilyn on the suggestion that VJ and Jett take the boxing to the next stage, by what Jett said they were going to Marilyn to get her view on it.

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Didn't get any "good to see you back", you rotten lot!

I think this is the point where we’re required to say “Oh, have you been somewhere?” Seriously though, your thoughts are always welcome.

Alf’s episode count this week: Four. Roo was also in four, Brax only appeared in one, briefly and with no dialogue.

Marilyn’s scatterbrained reaction to VJ and Jett wanting to hit each other was quite amusing, but not enough to put them off. I’m not convinced John and Zac’s scheme will work either, they seem pretty determined.

So, Ricky’s comment about it being better to have an early clean break in a relationship than a long drawn out demise seems to have struck a chord with Matt: He likely doesn’t mean what he said to Sasha but thinks it’s better this way. Chris’ input was fun and he continues to make a very unlikely authority figure.

Seems like they still haven’t filled Ricky in on what happened with Phoebe, which is surprising. I’m glad she recognises that Brax made his own choices and it’s not Ash’s fault, even if she’s still a bit cold. Liked the chat between John and Denny and cheered Denny kissing Ash, vaguely reminiscent of Casey just walking up to her and kissing her “to see what it felt like”. Except here they’re both single. I think Ash does like her, maybe he’s not convinced of her feelings?

(Incidentally, while Ruby lost her virginity about a year and a half before the back seat incident, Casey hadn’t…)

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Well, Matt told Sasha he loved her on Wednesday but has changed his mind by Friday -sounds like a Craig David song! I like Sasha but she can be little miss intensity at times. She should do the course she originally wanted otherwise she'll hold it over Matt forever, and if they break up she'll regret not doing it.

Regarding Josh and Evie, I couldn't make out what the things with the candles were, but I'll take Brians opinion that they're balloons with candles in! They looked a little small though. I'm sure I saw a copy of Landmark Sex101 on the desk too ;-)

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