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You haven't answered my question yet Red. My education is sadly lacking.

Loved the very nervous serve Oscar gave Josh about Evie. He's right though, he did have to clear up Josh's mess when he broke up with Maddy. Did anyone notice that when Evie came to Josh's house, she had her school uniform on, but when he took her back home the next morning, she had a dress on!!!

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Did anyone notice that when Evie came to Josh's house, she had her school uniform on, but when he took her back home the next morning, she had a dress on!!!

As I alluded to in my last post, it wasn't the next morning, it was the morning after that.She must have gone home, either immediately after the balloon encounter the next day, got changed, then gone back for more.

Heads up, there'll be no H&A airings for the month of May

Excuse me while I go and compose an angry e-mail...okay, done.I was hoping the early break last year was just an aberration but seems it's one more thing for Channel 5 to torture us with...There were people hitting the panic button (or possibly the celebration button) last year, seeing it as evidence the show was in crisis and Channel 5 were giving up on it:Doesn't seem to be the case but it'd be nice to know if there actually is a reason.

Anyway, onto happier topics:Today's episode.And it really is a happier topic, aside from Ricky who was just as unlikable as in the previous episode and still had everyone tiptoeing around her, I was hoping Kyle might get through to her but he just became someone else for her to shout at.Even Brax came across better than her, refusing to join her in playing the blame game and trying to use Ash as a scapegoat for all their problems.It'll be interesting to know how he does react when he finds out about Denny and Ash.

I could do with some more information about Ryan:Has he confessed, because otherwise why wouldn't Phoebe need to give evidence?(Kat's comments seem to rule out him having been sectioned, unless it's somewhere secure.)But the important thing is the impact on Phoebe, and the fact we're getting to see a side of her that we've possibly never done before, without the relentless snark, and it's bringing out a new side to her and Kyle's relationship.

And cheers Phoebe too for banging Ash and Denny's heads together.I'm glad Denny was understanding of Ash's torn loyalties (and thinking about it, she was pretty reasonable towards him about Brax warning him off last time), and his moment of honesty that he's no idea what to do in a relationship was quite sweet.I'm glad they're giving this a go and hope it works out.

Whilst I'm not doing cartwheels about Nate and Kat, two relationships starting without any lies or cheating is rarer than it should be, so for that reason I'm kind of pleased for them.Not that they really seem willing to admit they're in a relationship, and Kat seems a bit odd in places.Wonder if VJ will have a go at him for having a girl stay over while Leah's not there?(And where were Zac, Matt and VJ when they came home?)

Re: Matt, I don't think it's entirely self-sacrificing, I think he just think they're doomed either way.Either Sasha leaves him behind to pursue her career or she sacrifices her career for him and comes to resent him for it, and he'd rather the clean break of the former than the slow torture of the latter.

Trivia:The guy playing the prison guard in the last two episodes played the young Alf in flashbacks (with his face obscured) during the Penn storyline in 2010!

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Trivia:The guy playing the prison guard in the flashbacks played the young Alf in flashbacks (with his face obscured) during the Penn storyline in 2010!

I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that, he also had a small role in 2004.

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I thought the writing with Oscar was pretty inconsistent again. He was a strong proponent of Evelyn and Josh getting back together previously. Even after Josh cheated on her telling him to go for it. Then they sleep together like he and Maddy did and he decides to get all protective. I know it was probably a reaction but it still didn't ring true for me.

Ricky was utterly unlikeable yesterday biting both Denny's and Ash's heads off just because of her own problems.

Finding it hard to get my head around the Matt storyline. Would a teenage boy like Matt be so selfless he would give up the love of his life just to do the right thing by her?

I don't think it is all self-sacrifice on Matt's part. We have often seen with Matt that he is quite afraid of getting hurt and he already tried before to break up with Sasha because he felt that they were going to break up anyway. I think he is probably more insightful than Sasha, and probably realise that as much as he loves Sasha, they are moving in 2 separate worlds.

I was torn when it came to Oscar's confrontation. On the one hand, I found it quite funny, and I think it is realistic for any brother not to be OK with their sister having sex with anyone (even if he approves of Josh). On the other hand, like others have mentioned, it was reminiscent of Dex, and I don't think Oscar has the charisma of Dex unfortunately.

I think it is a mistake to pair Kat up with someone so quickly, before really developping her character. It seems it is impossible to introduct a new female character in H&A without immediately pairing her up with a boy (and losing any opportunity for the audience to invest in the character in themselves rather than as part of a couple). Look how well that worked for example, Hannah.

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I agree with you Angelica, it would have been good to see Kat develop as an individual character for a while, maybe some back story too. H&A seem to have the attitude that a woman is incomplete without a man on her arm. Lucky Nate though, he gets all the eye candy!

Can't believe no one is doing anything about Brax being innocent and in gaol, no appeal, nothing.

I sympathise with Phoebe, being stalked and kidnapped maybe a common occurrence in Summer Bay but when it happens to you it must be terrifying. As there seems to be an Australian aversion to counselling I expect she'll go through a hard time with PTSD symptoms.

Re Ash and Denny, I guess they're both single (can't have that) and Denny is feeling frisky again so... I guess we now have another couple storyline to follow it's ups and downs as if we don't have enough to be following now.

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I think you are underestimating Matt Slade, just because he is a teenager doesn't mean he can't be selfless, there are plenty of grown men who could learn a lot from him.

Which goes back to my previous point. Is he doing that purely for Sasha or because he feels the relationship has run its course so no point in her throwing everything away for nothing? In terms of learning from him not sure Spencer would agree with that.

I don't think it is all self-sacrifice on Matt's part. We have often seen with Matt that he is quite afraid of getting hurt and he already tried before to break up with Sasha because he felt that they were going to break up anyway. I think he is probably more insightful than Sasha, and probably realise that as much as he loves Sasha, they are moving in 2 separate worlds.

Oh absolutely. I guess my question was more rhetorical following on from yours and H&lover's comments when I questioned if he was still into her. Perhaps he's thought about the previous problems, the arguments etc so whilst he might still love her he thinks it's best just to cut his losses.

I'm actually glad they're taking Phoebe down this route as it makes a change from the feisty headstrong, self-righteous person who stood up to Brax on numerous occasions.

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Trivia:The guy playing the prison guard in the flashbacks played the young Alf in flashbacks (with his face obscured) during the Penn storyline in 2010!

I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that, he also had a small role in 2004.

He did indeed: He was the guy that basically started the Summer Bay Stalker storyline by giving Dani information about Felix!


Kat seems to be being modelled on Early Charlie, in the days when she was dating Roman and had an obsessive desire to stop anyone knowing about her personal life, rather than the later one who had good reason for keeping her relationship with Brax quiet.She's coming across as equally obsessive, and if she's trying to get the locals on her side then threatening Chris with arrest on trumped up charges isn't going to endear her to anyone.(Defamation is a civil matter, not a criminal offence, surely?)A shame about that, because I actually rather liked Chris once again showing his idiot savant credentials by being spot on about Nate and Kat while Irene and Marilyn remained oblivious.Shame too that Kat does something morally awkward after, with a bit of prompting from Kyle, doing everything to reassure Phoebe.Nice to get the full story on what's happened to Ryan and confirmation of one of my theories from yesterday.

Hannah seems to be the latest bland and annoying character to have her quirkometer turned up.Andy was actually being fairly responsible in getting Hannah to her appointment, shame he lost it all on the boat.Why wasn't Hannah wearing a life jacket?Why were they sitting on the same side and unbalancing the boat (Hannah leaning over the side didn't help but if she'd been sat on the opposite site to Andy the boat wouldn't have been leaning as much)?Mind you, Andy and Hannah aren't alone in the irresponsible stakes: Why did the other boat go so close to them and then just carry on going after capsizing them?(Am I alone in hoping the boat actually contained some old mates of Jake out for revenge or something and they did it deliberately, rather than it just being a contrived accident?)

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Someone help me out here please? Landmark Sex 101. Nothing in Google or you tube. I've replayed the scenes in Josh's room slowly, but nothing stands out.. What am I supposed to be looking for? A picture on the wall, a book, something laying around???

Stupid Andy trying to help Hannah. He just can't help himself trying to be nice. His younger brother has a lot more sense than him.

I expect Sasha and Matt will stay together. They're good as a couple and this is a new situation for them to work through.

Pity about Kat and Nate - they could be good, but I can understand Kat wanting to establish herself first. I am sure that Nate can be patient. Then there is Ash and Debbie - another wait there. Nice change in today's episode - elder pairings and no teenagers.

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