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Found it hard to give a stuff this ep (22/04/2015). Glad the stalker thing seems to have some sort resolution, though

Why is that every scene Andy is in is a total wall banger? (the kind that you all like "Why, Jesus, Why?").

If Andy met with Davy Jones and his locker, it'd be no big loss.

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Denny took the news about Ash being warned off her by Brax better than I thought she would, I loved his confession to her he hadn't had much experience on the proper girlfriend front. :wub:

The prison visit didn't go that well and just how is Brax going to ensure Ash keeps his promise to stay away from Denny? In answer to your question Psychic even though he didn't do it Brax confessed to murdering Dean.

So Ricky hadn't been informed about Phoebe and Ryan and I can understand her blowing up at Kyle for wanting to 'protect' her, she had enough of that with Brax. Talking of which although not nice it was interesting to see such a different side to Phoebe, she was trying to come across all 'I'm OK', but a bit too much. I was relieved to see her admit to Kyle how terrified she was and her fears could have been justified, it was likely he could have got off on a mentally unstable plea. We now know he confessed but even so the trial seemed to have happened very quickly. Did Kat go above and beyond the call of duty by revealing what had happened or was it something Phoebe was entitled to know? I can see why she associates her singing drawing Ryan to her, but like Matt's reluctance to sing and play due to his sister getting hurt he managed to overcome it so maybe in time Phoebe will too.

Let's not be sexist here, even when a new guy comes to town they have to pair him off with someone. I liked Kat's initial idea her and Nate should be casual, he is still getting over Sophie don't forget and not the right time to get into a heavy relationship. Chris did have it spot on about them though, although I was surprised Marilyn didn't twig, she's normally the one to spot these things. Is it just because she's new in town and wants to establish herself before she gets 'paired up' or is there something in her history that is making her wary? Loved Chris back tracking like mad and telling Marilyn he had it all wrong! I wondered where everyone was, I suppose VJ could have been at Jett's but where was Zac and Matt?

Hannah can certainly be very stubborn when she likes and although someone in her position does need more than hospital visits, a happy patient is going to do better than one stuck in doors all the time after all. Andy I thought was being very sensible, very unlike him, until that it is he and her went out on that dinghy and without life jackets. How come Alf didn't ask about them, he quizzed Andy if he knew how to handle a boat? The dinghy was already tilting portside even before the motor launch made it's appearance and once we saw that we knew something was going to happen. He'll get all of the blame of course.

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Caught up again - can't seem to stay awake long enough to watch most nights these days!

I can see why Ricky would be feeling sore towards Ash, but it's really none of her or Brax's business who he's dating, and the whole clan's mafia-esque obsession with loyalty is wearing just a little bit thin now. If she herself doesn't want to be smothered by the Braxton Circle of Protection, as she keeps telling everyone, why does she think Denny would want to be? There seems to be this rather sexist idea (which Ricky's now hypocritically buying into on one hand, and rejecting on the other) that once you've been designated a 'Braxton WAG' at any point in life, you then have to obey their rules forever. In fact, Ricky seemed more concerned about enforcing those rules as far as Denny was concerned than Brax did.

I cringed when Hannah said she wanted to go out in a boat. Nobody ever goes out in a boat in H&A unless something terrible's about to happen.

The VJ/Jett story was funny with them turning John and Zac against each other. But I still hope this doesn't result in them being allowed to box after all. There are other ways to deal with pent-up emotions than flinging punches at someone.

Did Kat go above and beyond the call of duty by revealing what had happened or was it something Phoebe was entitled to know?

I was wondering about this too. She seemed a bit reluctant to reveal the full details, but I would've thought it would be standard procedure to tell the victim of a crime if the perpetrator has pleaded guilty, and what sentence they've been given? Indeed, it's usually publicly available information - so I don't know why Kat was being so coy at first?

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Given that she can't really move her legs, would Hannah really be able to just resurface like that?Oh well, that's not the point, the point is ANDY'S NICE NOW, OKAY, STOP TALKING ABOUT THE MURDER! Seriously, we get hit over our head with this message at least three times, possibly four, over the course of one episode, and I didn't find it any more believable the last time than the first. Any more than I find the idea of Hannah, who blew her top at Josh and Evelyn sharing a bed and was giving them suspicious looks when he slept on the couch a few weeks ago, being "cool" with them having The Sex.

Well, John and Zac's plan backfired: How long did they think they were going to be able to get Jett and VJ to do skipping before it became obvious?So they end up being exposed like a couple of naughty schoolboys.What's their next move?

I liked the moment when Maddy gives Roo a sharp retort, then checks herself and responds politely: It sums up the way she's trying to be better.I actually found Spencer's assessment of Oscar pretty accurate: He did spend months chasing Maddy only to dump her as soon as she reciprocated, the only thing he doesn't know is that Oscar offered to be there for a friend and it's Maddy trying to do it without him.I liked their interaction and I also like Maddy knuckling down and trying to do some hard work despite being upset.But the ending with her panic attack disappointed me, I wanted her to stay strong (and given that the promo shows her at school, I'm guessing it's another bit of contrived drama for the sake of a cliffhanger).Logic alert:It's played as if Maddy's going back to school for the first time since going home ill, yet she's wearing school uniform the previous day.Did she put it on because she was doing school work, even though she wasn't going to school?!

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I wish they'd stop putting these competitions in the middle of the episodes, there's been a couple of times now where I've seen the competition and thought the episode was over, before realising the next day what I'd done as nothing made sense.

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Just lost everything I put in. :angry2:

I guess if Hannah hadn't panicked under water she would have floated to the surface naturally. As expected Andy did get the blame from all quarters, though no-one mentioned the motor launch that caused the dinghy to tip over. As for her being OK with Evelyn and Josh being a 'proper' couple it's not as if Evelyn rushed into having sex with Josh, she waited until she was sure and she must be 17 by now. Josh seemed more upset by Eve revealing all to Hannah, she's got to tell Denny and Zac yet.

Talking of whom (Zac that is) his and John's plan did indeed backfire, Jett isn't stupid, he is more savvy that VJ after all. Liked his plan of him & VJ telling John & Zac respectively that the other thought they were ready to box. Irene voiced what I mentioned earlier what would Leah think about VJ boxing, even if it was under controlled conditions, she flipped out last time it was suggested, but VJ was only a kid then. I'm all for a lad (or girl) learning self defence lessons to protect yourself but not just for violence's sake. Didn't Leah take self defence lessons from Elijah which fizzled out once he left?

It did seem odd Maddy wearing her uniform when she wasn't going to school, maybe it helped put her in a studying frame of mind. Liked Alf's line about him not being that flaming old when she asked him about the Roman Empire. It was good seeing Spencer and Maddy studying together until he brought up the Oscar dumping her thing. He doesn't know what went on between them so he should drop it, but as we saw he doesn't.

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Some great comedy moments today, which reminded me how much I like H&A when it's not Braxton-dominated. Matt and Oscar becoming BFFs; Matt randomly sticking the sandwich to the wall; Alf calling bull-dust on John and Zac.

But the best moment by far was Irene storming into school and laying down the law about VJ fighting! And quite right too - Leah would have gone absolutely berserk. I love Irene when she's in no-nonsense mode. I love her anyway, but especially then.

And that was all interspersed with some genuinely engaging serious stuff surrounding Maddy and Oscar. Once again they're really hitting the right notes with Maddy - they're not having her throw tantrums or stamp her feet, just calmly struggling to deal with a very tricky time in her life. Loved her chat with Alf.

Unfortunately, they had to go and ruin a really good episode by ending it with VJ punching someone yet again, for literally no reason at all.

And then to top it off, Matt broke Cardinal Rule No 1 of Home & Away - he looked someone in the eye when challenged, and successfully told an absolute whopper. Which as far as I can remember is totally unprecedented.

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I wish they'd stop putting these competitions in the middle of the episodes, there's been a couple of times now where I've seen the competition and thought the episode was over, before realising the next day what I'd done as nothing made sense.

You know, I actually prefer it there, where my brain’s already in “Oh, adverts, don’t need to watch this” mode, rather than getting to the end of the episode expecting a promo and instead getting a grinning Bonnie Sveen trying to convince me I could win a trip to Sydney while I sit there drumming my fingers and going “Oh get off, I want to see the cast list.”

Alf’s episode count this week: Four.

Three interlinked plotlines which, unfortunately, result in a lot of people being very unlikable. There are times when I seriously dislike Matt and this was one of them. He was the main agent of chaos in this episode, deliberately exacerbating the row between Spencer and Oscar because he was in a bad mood and wanted to take it out on Spencer as per usual, and then doing it again to make a point to Sasha. And he’s the one who doesn’t get punched, punished or even particularly told off. Spencer should have wound his head in but I hate that 9 times out of 10 Matt instigates things yet if Spencer reacts he gets made to look like the bad guy. As for Oscar, no matter how many times he or Evelyn says “It was the right thing to do” I don’t believe that, but I’m glad that he seemed to acknowledge that it was down to timing rather than them not loving each other and again I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a happy outcome.

Irene was another one that annoyed me greatly here, she was very self-righteous and this was one occasion when she really did cross a line and interfere where she shouldn’t. I get that she wants to respect Leah’s wishes but she had no right laying into Zac like that when a friendly word would have probably produced the same result. She’s another one who played a large role in things kicking off and I bet it doesn’t get acknowledged: If VJ had had a safe outlet for his anger, then he wouldn’t have used Oscar instead. Jett being fine with the boxing not happening seems in character, it did feel like he was only going along with it for VJ’s sake.

And Alf and Maddy’s chat about just putting one foot in front of the other was great, obviously.

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I wish they'd stop putting these competitions in the middle of the episodes, there's been a couple of times now where I've seen the competition and thought the episode was over, before realising the next day what I'd done as nothing made sense.

You know, I actually prefer it there, where my brains already in Oh, adverts, dont need to watch this mode, rather than getting to the end of the episode expecting a promo and instead getting a grinning Bonnie Sveen trying to convince me I could win a trip to Sydney while I sit there drumming my fingers and going Oh get off, I want to see the cast list.

She does seem to struggle with the word "pounds" but at least she's not as bad as Kyle Pryor and his clearly directed eye close and head move at "laid back Aussie lifestyle" except rather than doing it at "laid back" he did it at "Aussie lifestyle" which just seemed odd.

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Spencer's white knighting was annoying but then again so was Matt stirring the s*** pot. If anyone should been punched, it should have been Spencer first (GET OVER IT! MADDY ISN'T YOUR GF!), Matt second (He's already been twatted one by Spence, but won't learn his goddamn lesson so no sympathy if Spencer did lose it!) and VJ third, especially hard (A, I don't like the actor B VJ's been asking for a beating for a while).

Vinnie'd be spinning in his grave, I Tell you!

Ooh and I listed Hannah twice in my list of people who can ship out, must have forgot to put someone else in place. lol.

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