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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Just lost everything I put in. :angry2:

Bitter experience tells me that if you are planning to write a lengthy post you should try and get into the habit of using sort of document such as MS Word, Open Office etc.to write what you want first, save it then paste it into your reply. The underlying software this forum uses appears to have an autosave facility but TBH, I wouldn't rely on it, given some of the issues modern browsers are susceptible to and some of the connection problems that occasionally happen here from time to time.

Overall I was quite satisfied with Thursday's episode. I liked the fact that Hannah stuck up for Andy and after initially blaming Andy for taking Hannah out, Evelyn was fighting his corner too when Josh was blaming him. I also really liked the fact that Nate said Andy was good for Hannah. I enjoyed the banter with Evelyn and Josh firstly when Josh blamed Andy for Hannah not wearing a life jacket, and her "is that what you have a problem" remark. I also really liked their phone call and Josh's comment about the phone being hijacked when he couldn't believe Evelyn was sticking up for Andy.

Spencer was acting completely moronic about Oscar. His comment about chasing her for months was true but he ignored the fact that Maddy only decided to have a relationship with him because of the cancer and Oscar realising the whole thing was unhealthy at least did the decent thing a finished with her. He should be commended for his honesty. But this isn't about that. This is purely about the fact that Maddy chose Oscar and not him. Get over it Spencer - YOU LOST!!! I laughed at Oscar's comment about Spencer being Maddy's bodyguard. I don't normally condone Matt's attitude towards Spencer (and he annoyed me when he helped himself to Oscar's lunch and just wasted it) but this time he was right. Oscar and Maddy's 'relationship' is none of Spencer business. And I loved Matt adopting the philosophy of the enemy of my enemy is my friend re Spencer. What I liked most about that scene was that Spencer's plan to play the knight in shining armour backfired spectacularly and he only ended up humiliating Maddy. Even after that he couldn't handle the fact the Maddy rejected him so he starts another argument with Oscar and had the gall to tell Matt to not to get involved even though he decided to involve himself with Oscar and Maddy.

Found VJ and Jett attempting to play Zac and John off against each other mildly amusing but when Zac and John agreed to let them fight even though she was quite correct, Irene annoyed me the way she just stormed into Zac's office and gave him a serve. VJ was a complete tool for hitting Oscar and he deserved the suspension Zac gave him. I agree with CaptainHulk it would have been better if Spencer had been on the receiving end of that punch though given that he started the whole thing.

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I think my problem Slade was screen froze when I was trying to delete something then it decided to reverse itself to front page!!!

Spencer was way out of order, Maddy was nervous enough about going back to school as she thought everyone would be feeling sorry for her as Oscar had dumped her, seemed to me though no-one knew anyway. Zac certainly didn't, he was under the impression Oscar was still just Maddy's study buddy which was why he suggested they work together, then Spencer opened his big mouth and told the whole class Oscar had dumped her. I know he told Maddy he meant to humiliate Oscar but he also ended up humiliating her as well. I liked the fact she heard him out before telling him to clear off. Oscar seemed very bemused to have Matt as his BFF. They did have quite a meaningful talk about the time not being right to be with their particular girlfriend. Lovely chat between her and Alf and I'm glad she decided to brave it out and go back to school.

I know Irene believed she was acting on Leah's behalf, but as others have said she could and should have handled it a whole lot better, VJ is not a small kid which was Leah's concern last time, he's a strapping teenager. It would have been totally controlled, he and Jett would have been wearing gum shields, headgear and supervised by either John or Zac. VJ thought Zac had lied to him again, and that is what caused him to hit Oscar egged on by Matt who was only doing it because he saw Sasha about to come over to him. Was he hoping she'd dump him for stirring things up? Oscar was goading Spencer to hit him but VJ got in there first.

I did feel for Matt for telling Sasha eye to eye he didn't love her when we all know he very much does and is only doing it to give her the best chance to follow her dream.

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"VJ is not a small kid", as you say H&Alover. I still can't accept this "new" VJ, far too tall and just doesn't seem to be BFF with Jett, They don't just gel together like the other VJ did. A poor replacement.

Like all the analyses above of Matt/Sasha/Spencer/Maddy/Oscar - good storylines.

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Really felt for both Matt and Sasha today; I love both their characters. Glad the storyline has reached what appears to be a final conclusion though - it felt like high-time.

Zac delivered some nice advice to Denny about remembering Casey, although it seemed to have backfired by the end of the episode. For a while I was confused about why they were even having a scene together; then I remembered they were kind-of related (I think!)

The VJ/Zac stuff is becoming somewhat circular. If Leah's condition is permanent, they're going to need to find a more viable solution - and I think that will either involve VJ living with his gran full-time, or moving in with somebody else in the Bay. Irene would seem the obvious candidate, especially if we'll be seeing less of Sasha now.

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Do you know how many people confessed to the 911 bombings, the police and court won't take a confession seriously without other things like motive (none) and evidence (circumstantial).

Denny took the news about Ash being warned off her by Brax better than I thought she would, I loved his confession to her he hadn't had much experience on the proper girlfriend front. :wub:

The prison visit didn't go that well and just how is Brax going to ensure Ash keeps his promise to stay away from Denny? In answer to your question Psychic even though he didn't do it Brax confessed to murdering Dean.

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Do you know how many people confessed to the 911 bombings, the police and court won't take a confession seriously without other things like motive (none) and evidence (circumstantial).

In answer to your question Psychic even though he didn't do it Brax confessed to murdering Dean.

Well, the motive is the money and the evidence is his fingerprints and no-one else's on the murder weapon, placing him at the crime scene.

Anyway, today.It's about time Ricky stopped giving Ash a hard time, I was hoping seeing him and Denny happy together might have an impact on her but she was still grousing about Brax.Hopefully that's the end of it now.Shame it's not the end of Denny's hang-ups about Casey.Seriously, they'd probably have broken up by now if he'd lived.(And the supposedly nostalgic moment of her waxing lyrical about spending the night with Casey on the beach is slightly spoiled by the fact Sasha's probably having to resist the urge to say "Yeah, me too.")It was good to see Zac and Denny get some interaction:No sort-of about it, he's her uncle, Hannah's the one that isn't really anything to do with her(like Ricky and the Braxtons...).

Nate was surprisingly effective here, giving decent advice to both Ricky and VJ.It does seem like Zac and VJ are going round in circles so hopefully there's some sort of resolution coming.(We're not told which gran VJ's staying with:Are we meant to assume Helen rather than Stella?Then again, would he really just mention his gran if Theo and whatever boys are living at home these days are there too?)

Slightly frustrating, if not surprising, that the fact Matt spent the whole of last episode stirring up trouble for Spencer, Oscar and VJ is dismissed with a sarcastic "I'll get him some flowers", in favour of turning Matt into a tragic romantic lead.His lie to Sasha didn't hold for that long but I did actually find their last scene quite sad.Again, I'm not sure Irene needed to get involved but she was nicer to Sasha than she was to Zac.Bit ironic though that just as Matt agrees to keep trying Sasha is convinced to give up.Also hard to shake the feeling that someone suddenly noticed Sasha has no friends, except maybe Chris, hence her suddenly having heart-to-hearts with Evelyn and Denny who she's had hardly any interaction with previously.

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At last Sasha saw sense, wasn't sure she was taking in what Irene was saying but apparently she was. Matt is one wise lad, when he's not being a jerk that is, he was just agreeing to what she was suggesting to keep her happy. Sad that they have to break up, but better it end now while still loving each other than further down the line and she hates/resents him.

I think Ricky was coming round to the fact that Ash and Denny could be a couple, did like her remark to him about if he hurt her, it would be his funeral, knowing that would be literally! Now all he's got to do is convince Brax, good luck with that. Is it just because he's an ex crim or would that apply to any lad/man that took an interest in Denny? I still think she ought to speak up and tell Ricky she's ready to move on and quite capable of making her own choices/decisions. I find it good in a way she still has memories of Casey and he's not been forgotten, as far as she is concerned they would still be together.

Good for you Nate telling VJ to stop blaming others for his failings, Leah would have been right behind Zac suspending him. I'm in the VJ staying with Helen camp. Zac and VJ do need some breathing space, Nate did say to Zac he didn't sign up for what he has been thrown into, he's not even a step dad to Vj just happened to be Leah's boyfriend for a couple of months. do have to admire him though other blokes would have walked.

Matt owned up to his part in VJ punching Oscar which was down to his own frustration about Sasha.

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